Нужен рассказ(8-12 предложений ) на английском языке на тему " Почему мы пользуемся компьютером? "

These days people cannot imagine their lives without modern technologies in particular without a computer. Сегодня люди не представляют свою жизнь без современных технологий, в частности, без компьютера. Computer has become a vital part of human life. It is an obligatory tool of human development. Every major and minor industry is computerized. Computers do their jobs efficiently, fast, and productively. No doubt they have made our lives much easier. Компьютер стал неотъемлемой частью жизни человека. Это обязательный инструмент развития человека. Каждая большая и малая промышленность компьютеризирована. Компьютеры выполнять свою работу эффективно, быстро и продуктивно. Без сомнений, они сделали нашу жизнь намного легче. But the problem is that together with the positive effects of the computers they also have negative impact on human beings. Но проблема в том, что вместе с положительным эффектом, компьютеры оказывают негативное влияние на человека. Many people whose jobs are connected with computers complain on health problems such as headaches, RSI, backache, poor vision. Moreover, spending a lot of time at the computer results in eating a lot of foods which in its turn leads to the obesity. Многие люди, работа которых связана с компьютерами жалуются на проблемы со здоровьем, такие как головная боль, заболевания кисти, боли в спине, плохое зрение. Кроме того, проводя много времени за компьютером, начинаем чрезмерно питаться, что в свою очередь приводит к ожирению. The group, which is most at risk, is young children. Nowadays they are often left unattended. So they spend a lot of time at the monitor of the computer playing virtual computer games, watching videos or just browsing the Internet. As a result children do not develop physically. They do not spend time outdoors playing sports or games. Later it is difficult for them to have live communication with other people because they lack necessary communicative and social skills. Маленькие дети больше всего подвержены риску. Сейчас они часто остаются без присмотра. Поэтому они много времени проводят за монитором компьютера, играют в компьютерные игры, смотрят видео или просто сидят в Интернете. В результате дети не развиваются физически. Они не проводят время на свежем воздухе, не занимаются спортом и не играют в игры. Позже им становится трудно общаться с другими людьми в живую, потому что они не имеют необходимых коммуникативных и социальных навыков. So we can summarize that modern technologies and computers in particular have both positive and negative effects on people’s life. And in order to live in a harmony people must find a proper balance. They should remember a computer was initially created to help people make their lives easier not to ruin them. Итак, мы можем подвести итог, что современные технологии, и компьютеры в частности, имеют как положительные, так и отрицательные последствия для жизни людей. А для того, чтобы жить в гармонии люди должны найти правильный баланс. Они должны помнить, что компьютер изначально был создан, чтобы помочь людям, сделать их жизнь легче, а не разрушить ее.

We can’t imagine our life without computers. Computers have opened up a new era in manufacturing and they have enhanced modern communication systems. They are essential tools in almost every field of research, from constructing models of the universe to producing tomorrow’s weather reports. Using of different databases and computer networks make available a great variety of information sources. They help us to communicate with people who live very far, for example,
in other country. Also we use computers to play games, to listen to music and etc. Many people find computers dangerous and time-consuming. On the other hand, computers are very fast and they seldom make mistakes. They save lots of time, and besides all the necessary information can be found on Internet. So, instead of going to the libraries or other institutions, we can simply surf the worldwide web. Another advantage is the instant possibility to send letters, whereas some time ago we had to wait for weeks and months to have them delivered. Moreover, with the help of computers and Internet, shopping has become much easier. Firstly, we can find what we exactly want, secondly we can choose the affordable price, and thirdly, we can have the chose items delivered. After all, computers have become the most useful tool in everyone’s homes nowadays and they have certainly changed our lives for the better.

написать рассказ на тему о любимом времени года, на английском, 8 предложений

I love summer! At this time of year everything blooms and nature becomes alive again! I like to Wake up with the first singing of the roosters. Watch the sun slowly rise in the sky. Like to bask in its rays. And in the evening, all the attention is attracted by the radiant sunset, filling any human heart with an irresistible sense of happiness. Every summer my brother and I go to the village to my grandmother for the whole vacation. We diligently help her in the household: caring for the vegetables in the garden and pour a huge garden with flowers. In the summer, this front garden reminds me of the eighth wonder of the world, because each flower reveals its Bud, filling the entire area between the house and the fence. Many times I have seen passers-by, passing by, couldn’t look away from the colorful plants. Often my brother and I could spend all day in this little garden, watching the flower lazily throws its petals and it immediately flock insects. I love summer! At this time of year everything blooms and nature becomes alive again! I like to Wake up with the first singing of the roosters. Watch the sun slowly rise in the sky. Like to bask in its rays. And in the evening, all the attention is attracted by the radiant sunset, filling any human heart with an irresistible sense of happiness. Every summer my brother and I go to the village to my grandmother for the whole vacation. We diligently help her in the household: caring for the vegetables in the garden and pour a huge garden with flowers. In the summer, this front garden reminds me of the eighth wonder of the world, because each flower reveals its Bud, filling the entire area between the house and the fence. Many times I have seen passers-by, passing by, couldn’t look away from the colorful plants. Often my brother and I could spend all day in this little garden, watching the flower lazily throws its petals and it immediately flock insects.
BingIn winter, spring and autumn, nature is not so beautiful fragrant. I even think that all the flora and fauna every year waiting for summer, when you can finally feel free, to shake off heavy snow and really warm from winds and frost.
Summer is a great time for new adventures! Only in the warm season Hiking delivers a great experience. In the forest, you can see many animals, swim in the river, try a real Hiking ration and at night, when the sky is covered with dark fog and the stars will sanctify the black canvas, you can take a guitar and sing inspirational songs by the fire. I very much love such campaigns because in them I feel as one whole with the nature.
And most importantly, summer is the period of the longest vacation. For three months I can have a good rest and with new forces to be accepted to school!In winter, spring and autumn, nature is not so beautiful fragrant. I even think that all the flora and fauna every year waiting for summer, when you can finally feel free, to shake off heavy snow and really warm from winds and frost.
Summer is a great time for new adventures! Only in the warm season Hiking delivers a great experience. In the forest, you can see many animals, swim in the river, try a real Hiking ration and at night, when the sky is covered with dark fog and the stars will sanctify the black canvas, you can take a guitar and sing inspirational songs by the fire. I very much love such campaigns because in them I feel as one whole with the nature.
And most importantly, summer is the period of the longest vacation. For three months I can have a good rest and with new forces to be accepted to school!