Задать вопрос с данным вопросительным словом на данный ответ.
What? You were talking about the movie you saw.
What? She is been helping her mother.
Where? He will be working at a restaurant.
Where? I have been working at a mall?
When? I’ll be leaving in a few minutes.
Why? He is been going to a doctor because he is sick.
How? The car wasn’t running very well this morning.
Who? I have been talking to my brother.

What were you talking about movie you saw?
What is she been doing?
Where will he be working?
When will you be leaving?
Why is he been going to a doctor?
How the car was running this morning?
Who have been talking to my brother?

What were you talking about?
What has she been doing?
Where will he be working?
Where have you been working?
When will you be leaving?
Why is he been going to a doctor?
How was the car running this morning?
Who have you been talking to?

Задать вопрос:
What? You were talking about the movie you saw.
What? She is been helping her mother.
Where? He will be working at a restaurant.
Where? I have been working at a mall?
When? I’ll be leaving in a few minutes.
Why? He is been going to a doctor because he is sick.
How? The car wasn’t running very well this morning.
Who? I have been talking to my brother.

Что?: Вы говорили о фильме, который вы видели? Что?: Она помогает своей матери? Где?: Он будет работать в ресторане? Где?: Я работал в торговом центре? Когда?: Я уйду через несколько минут. Причина?: Он идет к врачу, потому что он болен? Как?: Сегодня утром машина работала не очень хорошо. Который?: Я разговаривал со своим братом.

Задайте к этим предложениям разделительные вопросы :
1. Kate drinks tea every morning.
2. We don’t play football every day.
3. He is not a pupil.
4. My sister gets up at 7 o’clock.
5. They leave home at 8:30 every morning.
6. My mother is busy on Sunday.
7. We don’t arrive home late.
8. The children always do homework.
9. They don’t read the newspapers every evening.
10. We often drink tea together.
11. She doesn’t have a new dress.

1. Kate drinks tea every morning, doesn’t she?
2. We don’t play football every day, do we?
3. He is not a pupil, is he?
4. My sister gets up at 7 o’clock, doesn’t she?
5. They leave home at 8. 30 every morning, don’t they?
6. My mother is busy on Sunday, isn’t she?
7. We don’t arrive home late, do we?
8. The children always do homework, don’t they?
9. They don’t read newspapers every evening, do they?
10. We often drink tea together, don’t we?
11. She doesn’t have a new dress, does she,

Задайте пять вопросов к теме мастер класс.
1) location
2) if you have to book a place
3) number of classes
4) topics covered
5) price of handbook

Where is it located?
Do I have to book a place in advance or not?
How many classes do they offer?
What topics are they going to discuss?
How much does the handbook cost?

1 Where and when will the class take place?
2 Do I have to book the class in advance (beforehand)?
3 Could you tell me the number of classes, please?
4 What are the topics they are going to cover during the class?
5 How much do I have to pay for the handbook?
    (What’s the price of the handbook?)

ответить грамотно на вопрос задания((
Read the dialogue. Say what martin has done. Was his mother surprised? Why?
- Hello, dear !
- Hi, Mum
- How are you? What are you doing?
- Oh, I am doing the washing up.
- You are doing the washing up? Really? Super !
- I have already cleaned my room and watered the flowers.
- You have cleaned your room. What a surprise !
- Yes, I have. I have also gone shopping and bought some apples, oranges and bananas. I haven’t made an apple pie yet. But I am going to make one this evening.
-An apple pie? Goodness ! And what about your homework?
-I have just done it.
-I can not believe it ! Any bad marks at school today?
-No, I have got an «excellent » in Maths.
- What has happened to you, then? Are you OK?
- I am fine ! Take it easy. It is all just a joke. Today is the 1 st of April !
-Bingo ! You got me !

— дорогой! 
— мама! 
Как жизнь? Что ты делаешь? 
— О, я очень занят. Я привожу в порядок мытье.  
— Вы приводите в порядок мытье? Действительно? Супер! 
— Я уже убрал свою комнату и полил цветы.  
— Вы убрали свою комнату. Какая неожиданность! 
— Да, я имею. Я также пошел по магазинам и купил некоторые яблоки, апельсины и бананы. Я еще не сделал яблочный пирог. Но я собираюсь сделать тот этим вечером 
— Яблочный пирог? Совершенство! И что относительно Вашей домашней работы? 
— Я только что сделал его.  
— Я не могу верить ему! Какие-либо плохие оценки в школе сегодня? 
— Нет, у меня есть “превосходное” в Математике.  
— Что произошло с Вами, тогда? Вы в порядке? 
— Все хорошо! Не принимай близко к сердцу. Это - все просто шутка. Сегодня 1-го апреля! 
— Бинго! Вы получили меня!

Нужно задать 5 вопросов
1. Общий
2. Альтернативный
3. К подлежащему
4. С хвостиком(разделительный)
5. Специальный
1) Tom lives in a flat/
2) Her family lived in the mansijn 2 years ago/
3) We have just done our homework/
4) Kate always buys this magasine/

1) Does Tom live in a flat?
 Does Tom live in a flat or in a hotel?
Who lives in a flat?
Tom lives in a flat, doesn’t he?
Were does Tom live?
2) Did her family live in the mansijn 2 years ago?
Did her family live in the mansijn 2 years ago or 7 years ago?
Who lived in the mansijn 2 years ago?
Her family lived in the mansijn 2 years ago, didn’t they?
When did her family live in the mansijin?
3) Have we just done our homework?
Have we just done our homework or our project?
Who just done our homework?
We have just done our homework, havn’t we?
What have we done just now?
4) Does Kate always buy this magazine?
Does Kate always buy this magazine or this newspaper?
Who always buys this magazine?
Kate always buys this magazine, doen’t she?
What does Kate always buy?

. Задание speak about yourself
1) Did you watch a bird’s nest in your garden last summer?
2) If so, what did the birds do?
3) Do you ever watch birds through binoculars?
4) Do your teachers give you summer tasks? Why do they do it?
5) Would you like to build a nest? Why? Why not?
Дневник Ника и Пэт 9 глава 6 вопрос.

1) Наблюдали ли вы  прошлым летом за птичьим гнездом в вашем саду?
2) если да, то что делали птицы?
3) вы когда нибудь рассматривали птиц через биноколь?
4) Ваш учитель дал вам? Зачем они(учителя) это делают
5) Хотели бы вы свить гнездо? Почему? Почему нет?
1) Yes, i was watching a bird’s nest in my garden last summer  (Да, я смотрел на птичье гнездо в моем саду прошлым летом)
2) Birds were feeding their chicks (птицы кормили своих птенцов)
3) No, i didn’t (нет, я не смотрел)
4) Yes, they do. I think they do it so i can practice my english more. (Да они дают. Я думаю они делают это что бы я больше практиковался в английском
5) No i wouldn’t. Im lazy (Нет, я бы не сделал. Я ленивый)

Придумать 5-7 вопросов к ЭТОМУ тексту
The symbol of Paris
Being one of the most popular sites in the world, the Eiffel Tower attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. In fact, the structure, received its two hundredth millionth guest in 2002. Located on the Champs de Mars by the Seine River, visitors can make their way to the top and admire the breathtaking view of Paris.
The Tower was the inspiration of French engineer Gustave Eiffel. A very famous personality in his time, Eiffel had also done important work for the internal structure of another famous monument, the Statue of Liberty in the USA. Work on the Eiffel Tower began in 1887 and lasted until 1889, when the building was opened to the public during the Paris World Exposition. Until 1930 and the construction of the Chrysler Building in New York, the Tower remained the highest structure in the world.
Many people, especially artists, criticised the structure saying that this distasteful structure did not fit in with the beauty of Paris. One of these critics was the French writer Guy de Maupassant, who ate at one of the tower’s restaurants almost every day, because it was the only place in Paris from where the tower was not visible, and so he wouldn’t have to see it!
A lot of effort and money go into keeping the Tower in good condition. Every seven years, sixty metric tons of paint are used to repaint it. Different shades of the same colour are used on the top and darker ones on the bottom in order for the building to have an unvarying appearance.
В другом (таком же) задании 24 балла. Заходите

1. How much tourists do visit Paris every year?
2. Who did built The Eiffel Tower?
3. When did the Eiffel Tower start and end?
4. How did people criticize the Eiffel Tower?
5. What writer did eat at one of the tower’s restuarants?
6. What color are painted every 6 year the Eiffel Tower?

1) Where is the Eiffel Tower located?
2) How many tourists are attracted to the Eiffel Tower every year?
3) Who was inspired to build the Eiffel Tower?
4) When did the work on the Eiffel Tower start and end?
5) What was the name of the critic who ate every day at one of the tower restaurants?
6) How much paint do you need to fix the tower?

The children have seen a film
Задайте 5 типов вопросов

Have the children seen a film?
Who has seen a film?
What have the children seen?
Have the children seen a film or a cartoon?
The children have seen a film, haven’t they?

Have the children seen a film? Общий
The children have seen a film, haven’t they? Разделительный
Who has seen a film? Вопрос к подлежащему
What have the children seen? Специальный
Have the children seen a film or a documentary? Альтернативный

Задать к каждому предложению по 5типов вопросов дам 30баллов
1) Mary slept at home yesterday
2) Sile has bought a car
3) We have cleaned the room

Mary slept at home
Where did Mary sleep?
What did she do?
Who slept at home?
Sile has bought a car
Who has bought a car?
What did she do?
What did she buy?
We have cleaned the room
Who has clealned the room?
What did we do?
What did we have clean?

а) where did Mary slept?
b) who slept at home yesterday
c) when did Mary slept
d) what did Mary do at home
e) where was Mary yesterday?
a) Who has bought a car
b) what has Sali bought?
c) what has Sali done?
d) what has she done with car?
e) what was bought by Sali
3. who has cleaned the room?
Whad have we done
What have we cleaned
What was cleaned by us
What have we done with room