Доклад на тему река калмиус английском языке

English Speak
Calmius (Ukr. Kalmius) — river plain type. Belongs to the basin of the Azov sea. The source is located on the southern slope of the Donetsk ridge in the southern part of Yasinovataya. Flows through the territory of Ukraine within the biggest starobeshevskiy, telmanovskiy and Novoazovskiy district, Donetsk region. Flows into the sea of Azov in Mariupol. Length 209 km, water basin area 5070 km2, average water consumption in the village. Sartana of 8. 25 m3/s, slope of the river is 0. 91 m/km Freezes in December, opened in March. At the top of the Kalmius river flows in a South-easterly direction, changing it in the South-West within starobeshevskiy district
На русском
"Кальмиус" (Укр. Кальмиус) - река равнинного типа. Относится к бассейну Азовского моря. Источник расположен на Южном склоне Донецкого кряжа в южной части города Ясиноватая. Протекает по территории Украины в пределах крупнейшего старобешевского, тельмановского и Новоазовского районов Донецкой области. Впадает в Азовское море в Мариуполе. Длина 209 км, Площадь водосборного бассейна 5070 км2, средний расход воды в селе. Сартана 8,25 м3/с, склон реки 0,91 м / км замерзает в декабре, открыта в марте. На вершине реки Кальмиус протекает в юго-восточном направлении, меняя ее на юго-западе в пределах старобешевского района

Доклад на английском про любимые игрушки бабушек и дедушек

My grandmother had little toys. And those that were, she did herself. Favorite toy is a rag doll with the same dress as the grandmother herself. Grandma asked her mother, when she sewed her a new dress, to do the same for the doll from the remains of fabric. It was green in peas.
Grandpa also had homemade toys. Only it’s made of wood. In general, grandfather liked to play with friends on the street more. They found on the street various sticks that looked like weapons, and imagined themselves soldiers. Grandfather also had several tin soldiers, who were presented to him for his birthday.
Игрушек у моей бабушки было мало. А те, которые были, она делала сама. Любимая игрушка-это тряпичная кукла с таким же платьем как у самой бабушки. Бабушка попросила свою маму, когда она шила ей новое платье, сделать такое же и для куклы из остатков ткани. Оно было зеленым в горошек.
У дедушки тоже были самодельные игрушки. Только у него из дерева. А вообще дедушка больше любил играть с друзьями на улице. Они находили на улице различные палки, которые были похожи на оружие, и воображали себя солдатами. Также у дедушки было несколько оловянных солдатиков, которых ему подарили на день рождения.

доклад о себе по англиски и переводом для 4класс

Hello!My name is (имя). I am (сколько лет). I go to in (название школы) school. My hobby is (хобби). Also I like draw. I have mother and father (and sister/brother если есть). I love my family. My best friend is (имя друга). I like my friend!
Привет ! Меня зовут (имя). Мне(сколько лет). Я хожу в (название школы) школу. Моё хобби это (хобби). Также я люблю рисовать. Я имею маму и папу (брата. Сестру если есть). Я люблю мою семью. Мой лучшый друг (имя). Я лублю моего друг.

Доклад на английском языке про Кремль

Vor dem Glockenturm steht der Glockenturm - der größte Glockenturm der Welt. Er wird aus Bronze 1733-1735 von den Russischen Meister vom Vater und vom Sohn Motryny gegossen. Die Glocke wiegt etwa 200 Tonnen. Er hat nie gerufen, weil während des Feuers davon ein Stück von einem Gewicht von 11,5 Tonnen gebrochen wurde. Auf der Glocke sind die reliefporträts des Zaren Aleksej Michajlowitsch, die Zarin Anna Iwanowna dargestellt, und zwei Aufschriften stellen die Geschichte seiner Gussteile dar. Ein bisschen weiter - ein anderes Denkmal Gießerei Kunst - König-Kanone. Sie ist älter als die Glocke, Sie hat in 1586 der Meister Andrej tschochow gegossen. Das Gewicht der Kanone-40 Tonnen, Lafette und Kerne liegen neben Ihr, dekorativ. Zarkanone wurde für Schrot Schießen, aber von Ihr noch nie geschossen.
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составить доклад о Иллоне Маске

Elon Reeve Musk was born in June the 28, 1971. He is a South African-born American businessman who founded x. com in 1999(which later was renamed to "PayPal"), SpaceX in 2002 and Tesla Motors in 2003.
Musk became a multimillionaire when he sold his start-up company, Zip2, to Compaq.
He made his first steps, while being 12 years old, he made a video game in BASIC, which then sold to a PC and Office technology magazine for approximately $500. Musk has also been bullied several time throughout his childhood and once hospitalised when a group of boys threw him down a fight of stairs.
At the age of 17, Musk was accepted into Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, for undergraduate study. In 1992, after spending two years at Queen’s University, Musk transferred to the University of Pennsylvania, where in May 1997 he received a Bachelor of Science degree in physics from its College of Arts and Sciences, and a Bachelor of Science degree in economics from its Wharton School of Business. Musk extended his studies for one year to finish the second bachelor’s degree. While at the University of Pennsylvania, Musk and fellow Penn student Adeo Ressi rented a 10-bedroom fraternity house, using it as an unofficial nightclub. In 1995, at the age of 24, Musk moved to California to begin a PhD in applied physics and materials science at Standford University, but left it two days to pursue his aspirations about internet, outer space and renewable energy.
Musk met his first wife, Canadian author Justine Wilson, while both were students at Ontario’s Queen’s University. They married in 2000 and separated in 2008. Their first son, Nevada Alexander Musk, died of sudden infant death syndrome at the age of 10 weeks. They later had five sons through in vitro fertilization – twins in 2004, followed by triplets in 2006. They share custody of all five sons. Then he met Talulah Riley, they have divorced several times and remarried. Musk also married a woman called Amber Heard, but their love didn’t last long.
All in all, I think that Elon Musk is a genius, because of his ideas and life bio. I also suppose, that he will make many more interesting projects in his lifetime.

Доклад о любой творческой личности художникмузыкант ученный котороя стала известный блогодоря интернету

Про джастина бибера, если конечно не стремно)
At the age of 12 Justin took part in the local vocal competition "Stratford Idol". Despite the fact that other participants were seriously engaged in music, and Justin sang only at home, he took second place.  The starting point in the biography of the singer Justin Bieber was 2007. He sang songs of famous singers on video and posted these videos on YouTube, and soon he had fans who in 2007 claimed that Justin will achieve a lot and become famous. Justin was discovered on YouTube by Scooter Braun, who contacted his family. He sent thirteen-year-old Justin to Atlanta to meet with usher. The famous singer wanted to contract him there, but Justin had a meeting with Justin Timberlake. In the end, the singer signed a contract with usher. "Asher’s deal was better," he says. Taking Justin under his wing, usher took him to audition for "Island Records". So in October 2008, Justin signed his first contract with the record company.  Justin is recognized as one of the most talented children in the United States. And all over the world it is called "Teen singing sensation"
In 2009 he released the first single in the biography of Justin Bieber – "One Time". The song immediately became a hit.

Доклад о Даниэле Дефо на английском языке 3-4 предложения (6 класс)

Daniel Defoe born Daniel Foe, was an English trader, writer, journalist, pamphleteer, and spy, now most famous for his novel Robinson Crusoe. Defoe is notable for being one of the earliest proponents of the novel, as he helped to popularise the form in Britain, and, along with others such as Samuel Richardson, is among the founders of the English novel. A prolific and versatile writer, he wrote more than 500 books, pamphlets and journals on various topics (including politics, crime, religion, marriage, psychology and the supernatural). He was also a pioneer of economic journalism.

Daniel Defoe, the great English writer of the 17th century, was born in London. He was energetic and practical and had an adventurous career-he made a lot of money, went bankrupt and was imprisoned on several on several occasions. Then he became journalist in England.
He was an old man of sixty when he wrote his first and best book-“Robinson Crusoe”

маленький доклад на англиском языко про войну в израиле 20 век

In 1947, the UN adopted a decision on the establishment on the previously mandated British territory of two independent states - Palestine and Israel. In response to this decision, several Arab countries - Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, began fighting against the Jews. The Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia not only immediately recognized the Jewish state (hoping to use it in the struggle against "reactionary Arab nationalism" and Britain), but also helped them with weapons.
The attack of the Arab armies occurred on the night of the formation of the State of Israel, on May 14, 1948. With considerable difficulty, having lost many people, the Israelis managed to defend their independence, while the territory of Palestine was occupied by them, on the one hand, Egypt and Jordan, on the other. The mass of refugees left the region. In turn, about 800 thousand Jews arrived in Israel, forced to leave the Arab countries.

Доклад как Москва выглядела 100 лет назад по английскому языку.

This weekend in Moscow is celebrated City Day - the capital is 870 years old. During these centuries, the appearance of Moscow changed many times, buildings and entire districts appeared and disappeared, fortress walls were built and destroyed, the very rhythm of urban life changed - the capital went a long way from a small fortress to a modern metropolis. Of course, modern skyscrapers and business centers often do not recognize old Moscow, but some of the corners have been preserved, having absorbed the atmosphere of the past. The editorial office "Easy-Useful" offers a look at the pictures of Moscow made a hundred years ago: in many you can easily find out the places familiar to all Muscovites, while others, on the contrary, will surprise even the inveterate Muscovite. Happy holiday, Muscovites!

Hundred years ago, looked the main street of Moscow. Narrow, compact, if a toy! The building of the present City Hall before the revolution was the residence of the Governor General of Moscow. In the late 30’s, when the Tver expanded, it moved inland area of 13 meters. A powerful columns and two additional floors have built in the middle of the 40th h. Sadovoe ring. Where now on Smolensk Square noisy motors cars once clattered on the bridge crews and foremothers trams - konki. Arhitekturno this part Vozdvizhenka a hundred years has changed little. Around - the same building. Is that the only built in the late 18th century urban homestead Shakhovsky (house number - 18/9) now cleared of signage. In the 1910s it housed a bookstore, recruitment agency, and even a hairdresser.

Написать доклад о змее на англиском языке

Report on Snake-(Доклад о змее)  Snakes – a suborder of reptiles of group scaly. All known snakes – predators, among various variety of snakes meet harmless and very dangerous to the person and animals poisonous representatives. Now on Earth more than 3000 species of the snakes united in 14 families are. Venomous snakes make about a quarter of known types. Body extended without extremities, eyes are deprived of eyelids, external ears are absent, but snakes feel vibration from the earth. Snakes have no bladder. Snakes differ a huge number of vertebras (from 200 to 450). Length of a body is from 10 cm to 13,5 m. The thorax isn’t present, when swallowing food of an edge are moved apart. The right lung is usually developed only, left either is absent, or is rudimentary. At snakes poisonous tooth rotates on 90 °, it can develop to 4,5 cm. From legless lizards of a snake differ a mobile fastening of the left and right parts of jaws (that gives the chance to swallow production entirely), lack of mobile eyelids and an eardrum, lack of a humeral belt. Snakes mastered practically all vital spaces of Earth, except air (but, it магглы so consider). Snakes on all continents, except Antarctica meet. They are widespread from the Polar circle in the north to the southernmost tip of the American continent. Snakes in tropical areas of Asia, Africa, South America and in Australia are especially numerous. Prefer to live in territories with hot climate. Live in various ecological conditions — the woods, steppes, deserts, in the foothills and mountains. Snakes generally lead land existence, but some types live underground, in water, on trees. At approach of adverse conditions, for example as a result of a cold snap, snakes fall into hibernation. Snakes, as a rule, swallow production entirely. The mechanism of swallowing consists in alternate movement by the right and left half bottom jaws (the snake as though crawls over the production). Breed an otkladka of eggs. SNAKE – the most essential, difficult and universal, from all symbols embodied in animals, probably, most ancient of them. The Paleolithic images of a snake cut out from cervine horns or drawn on rocks, were first of all fertility and rain symbols. The sexual and agricultural symbolics remained a basic element and later cults of a snake. The snake was first of all a magic and religious symbol of forces which have generated life, sometimes it represented God Founder. Oroboro – a snake biting for a tail, – a symbol not only eternity, but also divine self-sufficiency.