Complete the phrases with the correct prepositions and then use them to complete the sentences.
look good ……….;
………. fashion;
………. a change;
appeal ……….;
pay attention ……….;
addicted …………. ;
popular ………….
This group are very ………… ……………. young people.
We always stay in. Why don’t we go out ………………………….
Bright colours are ………………………… this season.
On the one hand, I like this suit. But on the other, the colour ………….
……………………………. me.
You really …………………………………. this blue pullover. It matches your eyes.
Although I like playing football with my friends at weekends, I can’t say I ……………………………………. it.
He never ……………………………………… things which seem to be not so important.

! Все предложения перевести письменно.

This group are very popular with young people.
We always stay in. Why don’t we go out for a change?
Bright colours are in fashion this season.
On the one hand, I like this suit. But on the other, the colour appeals to me.
You really look good in this blue pullover. It matches your eyes.
Although I like playing football with my friends at weekends, I can’t say I am addicted to it.
He never pays attention to things which seem to be not so important.
Эта группа очень популярна среди молодежи.
Мы всегда остаемся дома. Почему бы нам не пойти куда-нибудь для разнообразия?
Яркие цвета в моде в этом сезоне.
С одной стороны, мне нравится этот костюм. Но с другой стороны, цвет  мне нравится.
Вы действительно хорошо выглядите в этом синем пуловере. Он идёт к вашим глазам.
Хотя я люблю играть в футбол с друзьями в выходные, я не могу сказать, что я помешан на нём.
Он никогда не обращает внимания на вещи, которые кажутся не очень важными.

1. Chose the approprivate words to complete the sentences.
a) Jane bouth the (latest/last) copy of today’s paper. There were no more in the shop.
b) I’ve just know that Kate’s (older/elder) sister is a teather.
c) His (last/latest) words before he died were:"Forgive me"
2. Report the following questions. ( Futur in the past)
a) Ken: What film will you see at the weekend?
b) Sue: I will go to cinema at night.
c) Johr: Kate, will you buy tickets for thr ballet.
3. Choose the right forms to complete the sentences.
1)-Does he know the name of his (nearest/next)-door nighbor?
2)- Excuse me, where is the (nearest/next) telephone box?
3)- What is your (nearest/next) question.
4)- Jane lives (nearest/next) to rhe school of all of us.

1. Choose the appropriate words to complete the sentences.

a) Jane bought the latest copy of today’s paper. There were no more in the shop.

b) I’ve just know that Kate’s elder sister is a teacher.

c) His last words before he died were: "Forgive me"

2. Report the following questions. (Future in the past)

a) Ken asked what film I would see at the weekend

b) Sue said that she would go to the cinema at night.

c) John asked Kate whether she would buy tickets for the ballet.

3. Choose the right forms to complete the sentences.

1)-Does he know the name of his next-door neighbour?

2)- Excuse me, where is the nearest telephone box?

3)- What is your next question.

4)- Jane lives nearest to the school of all of us.

The following sentences are direct speech. Complete each sentence below using reported speech.
1. She said, "How many hours a day do you watch TV?"
2. She said, "Don’t write a letter to Ann."
3) He asked, "What magazines do you prefer to read?"
She said, "Tom is leaving tomorrow night."
"Have you had your hair cut?", my mother asked me.
The chief ordered, "Go to the theatre and book the tickets."
She said, "Kent has visited many countries in western Europe."
I said, "Don’t drink coffee at night, you will not sleep."
He read, "The south of England is warmer than the North."
10."Are you going to pick up the phone?", Miranda asked him.

1. she asked how many hours a day I watched TV

2. She asked not to write a letter to Ann
3) He asked what magazines I prefered to read
She said that  Tom was leaving next night.
My mother asked me if I  had had my hair cut
The chief ordered to go to the theatre and book the tickets
She said, “Kent has visited many countries in western Europe.”
I said, “Don’t drink coffee at night, you will not sleep.”
He read, “The south of England is warmer than the North.”
10.“Are you going to pick up the phone?”, Miranda asked him.

The picture was taken at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon just before an earthquake happened. what was each person doing? Use these verbs/phrases eat a sandwich, sleep, talk on the phone, rain, play video games, read a magazine, cook to complete the sentences Jenny Steve Sue and Tony Max Mrs Smith Outside, it Mr Smith

Картина была сделана в 5 часов дня вчера днем, прежде чем произошло землетрясение. Что делал каждый? Используйте эти глаголы / фразы, которые едят сэндвич, спят, разговаривают по телефону, проводят дождь, играют в видеоигры, читают журнал, готовят для завершения приговоров Дженни Стив Сью и Тони Макс, миссис Смит Снайт, это мистер Сми

Используйте слова в подходящей форме.
New lands have always attracted people. Some. (geography) discoveries were made by chance or even due to mistakes. The travellers of the past did not have any. (rely) navigation devices. Maps were often inaccurate and incomplete which made mistakes. (avoidable). The dangers, however, didn’t stop the adventurers. They used every. (possible) for exploring the world. Lots of. (fortunate) travellers lost their lives, but those who survived kept searching for new lands, new goods, and new knowledge. The knowledge was, obviously, the most. (value) of these things.

New lands have always attracted people. Some geographical discoveries were made by chance or even due to mistakes. The travellers of the past did not have any reliable navigation devices. Maps were often inaccurate and incomplete which made mistakes unavoidable. The dangers, however, didn’t stop the adventurers. They used every possibility for exploring the world. Lots of unfortunate travellers lost their lives, but those who survived kept searching for new lands, new goods, and new knowledge. The knowledge was, obviously, the most valuable of these things.

Новые земли всегда привлекали людей. Некоторые географические открытия были сделаны случайно или даже из-за ошибок. В прошлом у путешественников не было никаких надежных навигационных устройств. Карты часто были неточными и неполными, что делало ошибки неизбежными. Опасности, однако, не останавливали авантюристов. Они использовали каждую возможность исследовать мир. Многие несчастные путешественники погибали, но те, кто выжил, продолжали искали новые земли, новые товары и новые знания. Знание было, очевидно, самым ценным из этих вещей.

Choose the correct words to complete the voice mails.
Danny? It’s Keira. You’re a star! Sounds perfect. Bill must earn a lot to put a (1) deposit/loan down on a house in Oldham Street! Tell him that i’d love to come round and see the room. Do you know how much he wants (2) for/per week? And i’d need to move (3) into/in by the end of next weekif that’s ok.

Hi! Glad to be able to help, Keira. Sorry, i don’t know what he’s (4) costing/charging, but it won’t be outside your (5) expenses/budget. And i imagine it includes electricity and gas, so you wouldn’t have to worry about (6) payments/bills like that. Bill doesn’t earn that much - he’s a(n) (7) house/estate agent and i guess that’s how he got the house cheap! Anyway, i’ll email you the details and tell him what a wonderful (8) tenant/sitter you would be. Of course, as long as i can come to the (9) housewarming/housewelcoming party!

Выберите правильные слова для завершения голосовой почты.
Дэнни? Это Кира. Ты звезда! Звучит превосходно. Билл должен заработать много, чтобы положить (1) депозит / ссуду на дом на Олдхэм-стрит! Скажите ему, что я хочу полюбоваться и увидеть комнату. Знаете ли вы, сколько он хочет (2) за неделю? И мне нужно будет переместить (3) в / в к концу следующей недели, это нормально.

Здравствуй! Рад помочь, Кейра. Извините, я не знаю, что он (4) стоит / платит, но он не будет за пределами ваших (5) расходов / бюджета. И я думаю, что это включает в себя электроэнергию и газ, поэтому вам не придется беспокоиться о (6) платежах / счетах, подобных этому. Билл не зарабатывает так много - он (n) (7) агент по недвижимости / недвижимости, и я думаю, именно так он и получил дом дешево! Во всяком случае, я напишу вам подробности и скажу ему, какой замечательный (8) арендатор / ситтера вы бы были. Конечно, до тех пор, пока я могу приехать на (9) новоселье / домашнюю вечеринку!

Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 1. Different illnesses will easily be cured …. 2. Today there is no need to send letters by mail, because. 3. I think, doctors will be able to cure diseases, which. 4. Autistic* people can use computers as well, because. 5. All schools are well equipped with computers today and ….

1. Different illnesses will easily be cured in the nearest future
2. Today there is no need to send letters by mail, because we can use the Internet to get and send letters
3. I think, doctors will be able to cure diseases, which can’t be cured nowdays
4. Autistic people can use computers as well, because computers help them to avoid communication problems.
5. All schools are well equipped with computers today and it’s a good opportunity for schoolchilden to get а decent education

Complete the following sentences. Give your reason for each statement.
Example: studying well is a students just can’t study better than they do
1) studying well is a student’s personal business because.
2) If teenagers are allowed to talk freely about their problems.
3) I wouldn’t like to learn the suspects that have nothing to do with real life because
4) it’s important that students are allowed to wear whatever they choose because
5) most students believe that the school rules should be neither strict nor too free because.

1) If teenagers were allowed to talk freely about their problems, they would receive more help to solve them.
2) I wouldn’t like to learn the subjects that have nothing to do with real life because it’s a waste of time that you could spend on studying something more interesting for you.
3) It’s more important that students are allowed to wear whatever they choose because it emphasizes out individuality and makes them more self-confident.
4) Most students believe that the school rules should be neither strict nor too free because then discipline will be observed and everyone will be satisfied.

4. In England the weather is ______
A. sunny
B. snowy
C. rainy
5. Dover is _________
A. in France
B. in England
C. in Spain
6. It s often _________in England
A. wet
B. dry
C. very cold
7. Complete the expressions
. a________of toothpaste
. a________of milk
. a__________of oil
a_________of oinment
8. find good advice for each problem
a toothache-
a bad headache-
the flu-
a cough-
9. What shouldn t people do to protect environment. Write 2-3 tnings
10. What should people do to protect environment. Write 2-3 things

4. C
5. C
6. A
7. a tube of toothpaste
a box of milk
a packaging of oil
a instruction of oinment
8. a toothhache
9. Factories shouldn’t make dumps in forests and fields because a contamination of the soil leads to the fact that the plants which are grown in this soil can be poisoned and dangerous for people. Those dumps also kill many animals everyday.
10. Watch leaky faucets, which can cause a significant increase in the the water bill. An average of 120 liters of water can be wasted due to a dripping faucet. Think of recovering rainwater. This water can be used for different purposes.

Read, translate this text and give a title to each paragraph.
Ecological problems are becoming more and more important. 0)_______________. The most serious environmental problems are:
Pollution in its many forms (water pollution, air pollution, nuclear pollution)
Noise form cars, buses, planes etc.
Destruction of wildlife
Shortage of natural resources (metals, fuel)
The growth of population
Many countries use seas and oceans as dumps. Factories and plants produce a lot of waste and pour it into rivers, so they poison the water. Governments must stop it. Firstly, 1) ______________. Thirdly, if people drink this water, they will die too.
Air pollution is the biggest problem of large cities. Cars, buses and planes cause this form of pollution. Factories and plants also pollute air when they emit toxic fumes. 2)____________________.
In some parts of the world (Asia, South America) forests disappear because people cut down trees to produce building materials. People must understand that 3) __________________. Moreover, with more carbon dioxide in the air, the temperature on the planet will rise and this will cause global warming.
Another serious environmental problem is soil pollution. 4)________________. Fruit and vegetables become poisoned and we can’t eat them. However, people go on throwing litter on the ground instead of using bins.
Read the text again and complete it with these fragments.
As a result, we have polluted clouds, acid rains and this pollution lands on trees, houses, building and our clothes.
If we lose tropical forests, it will become difficult to breathe, because trees produce oxygen.
It poisons and kills fish and sea animals. Fish and reptiles can’t live in poisoned rivers or lakes because there isn’t enough oxygen in the water. Secondly, in such places, all the birds leave their habitats and many plant specious die.
People all over the world discuss this problem, but we go on polluting air, water and soil.
Plants can’t grow on poisoned soil.

Экологические проблемы становятся все более важными. 0)_______________. Наиболее серьезные экологические проблемы:
Загрязнение в его многочисленных формах (загрязнение воды, загрязнение воздуха, ядерное загрязнение)
Форма шума автомобили, автобусы, самолеты etc.
Уничтожение дикой природы
Нехватка природных ресурсов (металлы, топливо)
Рост населения
Многие страны используют моря и океаны в качестве свалок. Заводы и заводы производят много отходов и выливают их в реки, поэтому они отравляют воду. Правительства должны остановить это. Во-первых, 1) ______________. В-третьих, если люди будут пить эту воду, они тоже умрут.
Загрязнение воздуха является самой большой проблемой крупных городов. Автомобили, автобусы и самолеты вызывают эту форму загрязнения. Фабрики и заводы загрязняют воздух, когда они выделяют токсичные газы. 2)____________________.
В некоторых частях мира (Азия, Южная Америка) леса исчезают из-за того, что люди вырубают деревья для производства строительных материалов. Люди должны понимать, что 3) __________________. Кроме того, с большим количеством углекислого газа в воздухе, температура на планете будет расти, и это вызовет глобальное потепление.
Еще одной серьезной экологической проблемой является загрязнение почвы. 4)________________. Фрукты и овощи отравляются, и мы не можем их есть. Тем не менее, люди продолжают бросать мусор на землю вместо того, чтобы использовать бункеры.
Прочитайте текст еще раз и дополните его этими фрагментами.
В результате мы загрязнили облака, кислотные дожди и это загрязнение земли на деревьях, домах, зданиях и нашей одежде.
Если мы потеряем тропические леса, будет трудно дышать, потому что деревья производят кислород.
Он отравляет и убивает рыб и морских животных. Рыбы и рептилии не могут жить в отравленных реках или озерах, потому что в воде недостаточно кислорода. Во-вторых, в таких местах все птицы покидают свои места обитания и многие растения гибнут.
Люди во всем мире обсуждают эту проблему, но мы продолжаем загрязнять воздух, воду и почву.
Растения не могут расти на отравленной почве.