Выпишите и переведите на русский язык предложения в Present Continuous.
1) I know you are taking an advanced course in information now.
2) He took an advanced course in information last year.
3) Scientists in different countries are working to explain this difficulty.
4) We usually receive about 50 calls a day, but we are getting a lot more at the
5) A booking office clerk is helping a passenger to plan a journey.

1. Я знаю, что вы сейчас проходите продвинутый курс по информации.
3. Ученые разных стран работают над объяснением этой трудности.
4. Первая часть предложения Present Simple, а вторая Present Continuous. Обычно мы получаем около 50 звонков в день, но в этот момент мы получаем намного больше.
5. Сотрудник билетной кассы помогает пассажиру спланировать поездку.

1) I know you are taking ( Present Continuous) an advanced course in information now.
Я знаю, что ты сейчас занимаешься на курсах продвинутого уровня.
3) Scientists in different countries are working ( Present Continuous) to explain this difficulty.
Ученые разных стран работают над тем, чтобы объяснить эту проблему/трудность.
4) We usually receive about 50 calls a day, but we are getting (Present Continuous) a lot more at the moment.
Обычно, мы получаем около 50 звонков в день, но на данный момент мы получаем намного больше.
5) A booking office clerk is helping ( Present Continuous) a passenger to plan a journey.
Кассир/сотрудник билетной кассы помогает пассажиру спланировать поездку.

Составить 10 предложений в Present Continuous со словами: get up, go jogging, have breakfast, go to school, have lunch, do homework, have a cup of tea, work on computer, watch a DVD, do the shopping, eat dinner, go to bed, painter, doctor, baker, teacher, waintet, mechanic, taxi driver, postman.

He is getting up at 7 o’clock in the morning. She is going jogging after school lessons. I am going to school at 9 o’clock. I am having lunch at school. He is doing homework with his dad. She is having a cup of tea with mom’s cakes. He is working on computer. We are watching DVDs on my TV. They are doing the shopping in the market. We are eating dinner and talking about news. He is going to bed without teddy. I am painter, but it’s my hobby. He is a doctor and he is going home. My brother baker and he is going to his girlfriend on the bike. My new teacher telling me about life. My taxi driver driving very fast. Postman going to Maria’s home.

. Задание: Read and answer the questions using the present Continuous and Present Indefinite:
1. Do you go to school?
2. Are you going to the blackboard?
3. Who is sitting on your right?
4. Who is teaching you?
5. Who teaches you Russian?
6. What do you do at English lessons?
7. What are you doing?
8. What do schoolchildren do during the break?

Прочитайте и ответьте на вопросы используя Настоящее Длительное и Настоящее неопределенное время.
1) Ходишь ли ты в школу?Yes, I go to school every day.
2) Yes, I going to the blackboard
4) I haven’t teacher at the moment
5) Ooo, it’s a lot of old and cleaver teacher.
6) Of course, I learn English language
7) Now I doing my home work
8) I don’t know, it’s doesn’t interesting for me. But, I think, that they nothink to do

Exercise 2. Open the brackets using the present continuous. (how long / you / stay in Paris?) (you / drink / tea?) (where / you / stay?) (why / you / watch TV now?) (she / work in a bar?) (what / he / do?) (why / she / call her friend now?) (I / lose weight?) (we / work tomorrow?) (when / you / arrive?) Exercise 3. Open the brackets using the present continuous. I ______ to the cinema. (not/to run) We ______ a bird house. (not/to make) Look! Christine ______ (not/to smile) She ______ the books to the library. (not/to take) You ______ in front of the computer. (not/to sit)

1) how long are you staying in Paris?
2) Are you drinking tea?
3) where are you staying?
4) why are you watching TV now?
5) is she working in a bar?
6) what is he doing?
7) why is she calling her friend now?
8) am i losing weight?
9are we working tomorrow?
10) when are you arriving?
11) i am not running to the cinema
11) we are not making a bird house
12) Look!Christine is not smiling
13) she is not taking the books to the library
14) you are not sitting in front of the computer

10 предложений present continuous

What are your brothers doing at the moment?
Чем сейчас занимаются твои братья?
Is she playing tennis now?
Она сейчас играет в теннис?
Are you listening to the manager?
Ты слушаешь менеджера?
Is it raining outside?
На улице идёт дождь?
Are they playing computer games now?
Они сейчас играют в компьютерные игры

Составить 10 предложений в Present Continuous

1) I am writing in order to draw your attention to the latest news. Пишу, чтобы обратить Ваше внимание на последние новости. 2) They are both sitting at the table, disputing about something. Они оба сидят за столом, споря о чем-то. 3) Try to understand the overall meaning of what you are reading. Постарайтесь понять общий смысл того, что читаете. 4) Lily is enjoying the evening and company. Лили наслаждается вечером и общением. 5) Sally is cooking tiramisu. Салли готовит тирамису. 6) Steven is not crying for help, though he is terribly frightened. Стивен не зовет на помощь, хотя он ужасно напуган. 7) Bobby and Ben are not playing cricket. Бобби и Бен не играют в крикет. 8) Jillian isn’t writing Ben’s portrait at the moment. Джиллиан не пишет портрет Бена в данный момент. 9) Samantha is not listening to you. Саманта тебя не слушает. 10) Richard isn’t sleeping. Ричард не спит.

Present Continuous структура предложения, употребление в двух значениях, по три примера на утв. Вопрос. И отрицательные предложения

(The present continuous) = something is happening now, at the moment.
For example
Please be quiet. I’m working. (= I’m working now) 
Look, there’s Sarah. She’s wearing a brown coat. (=she is wearing it now) 
am/is/are + doing/eating/running/writting 
I am (not)               + ing
she  is (not)           + ing
you  are (not)        + ing
For examples Positive + negative.
I’m working. I’m not watching TV.
Maria is reading a newspaper. She’s not cooking.
The children are doing their homework. They’re not playing.
And, are you doing? (present continuous questions)
am I laughing
is he working
is she cooking
is it going
are we staying
are you feeling
are they doing
For examples
What are you doing?
Is it raining? Yes, take an umbrella.
What are the children doing? They’re watching TV.
Надеюсь ты поймешь что я написала, я постаралась написать подробно. Если не поймешь напиши

Will, to be going to or present continuous?
1. My father _________ (go) to Australia next week
2. “What are your plans for the future?” “I ____________ (be) a famous actor!”
3. I don’t think schools ____________ (change) very much in the next few years
4. Our computer broke down yesterday, so we ___________ (buy) a new one soon
5. Look at that man on the bridge! He ______________ (jump)!
6. I think that people ___________ (live) on the moon by 2050
7. Peter is not studying hard enough. He ______________ (fail) his exams.
8. The sun is shining and the sky is so blue. It ______________ (be) a nice day
9. “The phone is ringing!” “Ok, don’t worry, I _________ answer it!”
10. I hope robots ___________ (do) the housework in the future
11. I can’t come to the cinema with you. I __________ (meet) John at 8. 00
12. “I can’t find my glasses!” “Don’t worry, I __________ (help) you find them”
13. My sister and I __________ (travel) to India in July
14. Those cars are going too fast! They ____________ (crash)
15. “I’m going out. Do you want to come with me?” “Why not? I ________ (take)
my sweater.”
16. “Mum, can I go out now? I promise I ________ (do) my homework tonight!”
17. I __________ (buy) some new clothes. My old ones are too small
18. When I grow up I probably ________ (not/watch) so much tv.
19. Mandy and John ________ (get married) on June 25
20. Tomorrow the weather ________ (be) sunny and dry
21. “This exercise is too difficult for me!” “Don’t worry, I _______ (help) you!”
22. “__________ (go out) tonight?” “Yes, I _________ (go) to the pub”
23. Do you think Diana ________ marry Tom?” “No, I don’t think so”
24. “It’s Diana’s birthday tomorrow!” “What ___________ (buy) her?”
25. “________ people eat insects in 2030?” “They probably _________”

Will, to be going to or present continuous? 1. My father (will going) to Australia next week
2. “What are your plans for the future?” “I (will be) a famous actor!”
3. I don’t think schools (will changing) very much in the next few years
4. Our computer broke down yesterday, so we (will buying) a new one soon
5. Look at that man on the bridge! He (will be jumping)!
6. I think that people (will be living) on the moon by 2050
7. Peter is not studying hard enough. He (will failing) his exams.
8. The sun is shining and the sky is so blue. It (will be) a nice day
9. “The phone is ringing!” “Ok, don’t worry, I will answering it!”
10. I hope robots (will do) the housework in the future
11. I can’t come to the cinema with you. I (am meeting) John at 8. 00
12. “I can’t find my glasses!” “Don’t worry, I will (help) you find them”
13. My sister and I (will be traveling) to India in July
14. Those cars are going too fast! They (will be crashing)
15. “I’m going out. Do you want to come with me?” “Why not? I (will take) my sweater.”
16. “Mum, can I go out now? I promise I (will be do) my homework tonight!”
17. I  (am buying ) some new clothes. My old ones are too small
18. When I grow up I probably (will be not watching) so much tv.
19. Mandy and John (will get marry) on June 25
20. Tomorrow the weather (will be) sunny and dry
21. “This exercise is too difficult for me!” “Don’t worry, I will  (help) you!”
22. “will you (going out) tonight?” “Yes, I  (will go) to the pub”23. Do you think Diana will be marry Tom?” “No, I don’t think so”
24. “It’s Diana’s birthday tomorrow!” “What (are you buying) her?”
25. “will be people eat insects in 2030?” “They probably will

6 предложений по теме present continuous

1. I am reading an interesting book. – Я читаю интересную книгу.
2. Next week we are buying a new car. – На следующей неделе мы покупаем новую машину.  
3. This film is too boring. I am leaving. – Этот фильм слишком скучный, я ухожу.
4. The weather is improving. – Погода улучшается.
5. I am sitting at my table and writing. Я сижу за столом и пишу.
6. I’m leaving tomorrow. Я уезжаю завтра.

Прочитай глаголы и запиши в каком времени они употреблены.
Пример: is travelling – Present Continuous
1. Plays
2. Will listen
3. Are flying
4. Finished
5. Was looking
6. Press
7. Were cleaning
8. Thought
9. is existing
10. were watching

1.            Plays – Present Simple

2.            Will listen – Future Simple

3.            Are flying – Present Continuous

4.            Finished – Past Simple

5.            Was looking – Past Continuous

6.            to press - Infinitive

7.            Were cleaning – Past Continuous

8.            Thought – Past Simple

9.            is existing  – Present Continuous

10.          were watching - – Past Continuous