Надо написать в Утвердительной(убрать частицу to, и где надо дописать окончание s), вопросительной и отрицательной форме
1. They (to spend ) their free time in thi park.
2. Our mother (to cook ) every day for us
3. I(to like) the singing birds
4. People (to call) Rostov-on Don the gateway to the Causaus
4. Helen (to meet) her friends near the University.

1. spend
Do they spend
they don’t
2. our mother cooks
Does our mother
our mother doesn’t
3. like
I don’t like
Do i like
4. call
Do people call
people don’t
5. meets
Does Helen meet
Helen doesn’t

1. They spend their free time in this park. 
    Do they spend their free time in this park?
    They don’t spend their free time in this park.
2. Our mother cooks every day for us.
    Does our mother cook every day for us?
    Our mother doesn’t cook every day for us.
3. I like the singing birds.
    Do I like the singing birds?
    I don’t like the singing birds.
4. People call Rostov-on Don the gateway to the Causaus.
    Do people call Rostov-on Don the gateway to the Causaus?
    People don’t call Rostov-on Don the gateway to the Causaus.
5. Helen meets her friends near the University.
    Does Helen meet her friends near the University?
    Helen doesn’t meet her friends near the University. 

Надо написать 4 придложения отрицательных и 4 утвердительных

I am not sad. Я не грущу.
He is not funny. Он не смешной.
It is not rainy outside. На улице не дождливо.
We are not from Edinburgh. Мы не из Эдинбурга.
You are not welcome here. Тебе здесь не рады.
He works at the factory. – Он работает на заводе.
Mary lives in Paris. – Мэри живёт в Париже.
It snows a lot in winter. – Зимой часто идёт снег.
Tomas and I like playing football. – Томас и я любим играть в футбол.
Steve always arrives at work in time. Стив всегда приходит на работу вовремя.

he doesnt play football
they dont speak english
he doesnt like aples

he read this book
i played this game
he likes listening to music
he likes to study

Надо раскрыть скобки и написать в утвердительным, отрицательным и вопросительным!
Вот предложения
1- (see) this film already
2-John and Julie (had) their car for about a year.
3-she (not/take) her driving test yet.
4-sue (be) a tour guide since she left university.
5- (you/ride) into town on your new bike yet?
6-this new computer (make) my life a lot easier.
7-we (not/decide) what to get Mark for his birthday yet.
8- (paul/ever/meet) a famous person?

1. i have already seen this film.
i haven’t already seen this film
have you seen this film?
2. john and julie have had their car for about a year
john and julie haven’t had their car for about a year
have john and julie had their car for about a year?
3. she has taken her driving test
she hasn’t taken her driving test yet
has she taken her driving test yet?
4. sue have been a tour guide since she left university
sue haven’t been a tour guide since she left university
have sue been a tour guide since she left university?

1 They have already seen this film.
They haven’t seen this film yet.
Have they seen this film yet?
2 John and Julie have had their car for about a year.
John and Julie haven’t had their car for about a year.
Have John and Julie had their car for about a year?
3 She has taken her driving test.
She hasn’t taken her driving test yet
Has she taken her driving test yet?
4 Sue has been a tour guide since she left university.
Sue hasn’t been a tour guide since she left university.
Has Sue been a tour guide since she left university?
5 You have ridden into town on your new bike.
You haven’t ridden into town on your new bike.
Have you ridden into town on your new bike?
6 This computer has made my life a lot easier.
This computer hasn’t made my life a lot easier.
Has this computer made my life a lot easier?
7 We have decided what to get Mark for his birthday.
We haven’t decided what to get Mark for his birthday yet.
Have we decided what to get Mark for his birthday yet?
8. Paul has met a famous person.
Paul hasn’t met a famous person. Или Paul has never met a famous person.
Has Paul ever met a famous person?

Напишите предложения в вопросительной и отрицательной форме
1. I like to cook. 2. We go to the restaurant at 9 oclock. 3. My sister
makes good coffee. 4. Pete has dinner with his friends. 5. They work every
day. 6. She washes up after supper.

1 I don’t like to cook.
Do i like to cook?
2 We don’t go.
Do you go to restaurant.
3. My sister doesn’t make good coffee.
Does my sister make good coffee?
4. Pete doesn’t have.
Does Pete have.
5 They don’t work everyday.
Do they worjk everyday?
6 She doesn’t wash.
Does she wash.

1you like cook. I don’t like cook 2you go restaurant at 9 oclock? I don’t go restaurant at 9 oclock. 3You’r sister make a good coffee. My sister dont make a good coffee

Поставь каждое предложение в вопросительную и отрицательную форму, как показано в примере:
1. She is a girl.
Is she a girl?
Yes, she is.
No she isn’t.
She isn’t a girl.

2. Tom has got a dog.
Has Tom got a dog?
Yes, he has.
No, he hasn’t.
Tom hasn’t got a dog.
3. We can swim.
Can we swim?
Yes, we can.
No, we can’t.
We can’t swim.
They have got an interesting book.

They have got an interesting book
Have they got an intresting book?
Yes. they have.
No. they haven’t.
They have not got an intresting book/

They have got an interesting book.
Have they got an intresting book?
Yes, they have.
No, they have not.
They have not got an intresting book.
У них есть интересная книга.
У них есть интересная книга?
Да, они есть.
Нет, они этого не сделали.
Они не получили интересную книгу.

, составьте 18 предложений, по 3 отрицательных, вопросительных, повествовательных, в временах ; настоящее продолженное, настоящее простое

Настоящее простое:
1. I want to be an actress.
2. He always gets up early.
3. They usually play football every Saturday.
4. She doesn’t like cats.
5. Kate doesn’t have some free time.
6. I don’t know it.
7. What do you need?
8. Does he like playing football?
9. Do you want to ride a bike?
Настоящее продолженное:
10. I am helping my mother.
11. She is reading the book now.
12. They are waiting for me.
13. She is not working now.
14. You are not listening to me.
15. I am not going to school.
16. What are you doing?
17. Is she going to go to the cinema.
18. Why are you smiling now?

Present Continios записать предложения в утвердительной форе, отрицательной, вопросительной. 1) Папа смотрит телевизор сейчас. 2) Моя сестра ест яблоко в данный момент. 3) Мы играем в теннис сейчас. 4) Моя собака плавает сейчас. 5) Мы идем в кино данный момент.

1) Father (Dad) is watching TV now.
Father is not watching TV now.
Is Father watching TV now?
2) My sister is eating an apple in the moment.
My sister is not eating an apple in the moment.
Is my sister eating an apple in the moment?
3) We are playing on tennis now.
We are not playing on tennis now.
Are we playing on tennis now?
4) My dog is swimming now.
My dog is not swimming now.
Is my dog swimming now?
5) We are going to the cinema in the moment.
We are not going to the cinema in the moment.
Are we going to the cinema in the moment.

Три предложения в Past Simple поставить их в вопросительную и отрицательную формы, ответьте в течение 20 мин

1. I watched TV yesterday
I didn’t watch TV yesterday
Dis I watch TV yesterday?
2. I danced with my friend two days ago
I didn’t dance with my friend two days ago
Did I dance with my friend two days ago?
3. She listened to music last night
She didn’t listen to music last night
Did she listen to music last night?

~Утверждение :
1. He drew a straight line with his pencil.
Он начертил карандашом прямую линию.
~Вопрос :
1. Did you wash your hands?
Ты помыл руки?
~Отрицание :
1. I did not understand this question.
Я не понял этот вопрос.

Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения
He went to school yesterday
They played last week
She wrote a test
Me brother read a book

He went to school yesterday.
Does he went to school yesterday?
He doesn’t went to school yesterday.
They played last week.
Do they played last week?
They don’t played last week.
She wrote a test.
Does she wrote a test?
She doesn’t wrote a test.
My brother read a book.
Do my brother read a book.
My brother don’t read a book.

Did he go to school yesterday?
He played last week?
She wrote this text?
My brother reading a book?
He did not go to school yesterday.
He did not play last week.
She did not write this text
My brother did not read the book

Составить утвердительные, отрицательные и вопросительные предложения в прошедшем времени с глаголами ( give, drink, meet, go, have)

I gave a present to my friend yesterday.
She didn’t give me a pen yesterday.
Did you give a postcard to your grandma last New Year?
I drank tea yesterday
I didn’t drink coffee yesterday.
Did you drink tea with lemon or ice?
I met my friend last week.
I didn’t meet my grandpa yesterday.
Did you meet your classmates last holidays?
I went to the cinema last month.
I didn’t go to the café last week.
Did you go for a walk?
I had a lot of money last year.
I didn’t have a pen yesterday.
Did you have good holidays?