Сразу говорю, что тут не только презент перфект континиус, тут есть и простой презент перфект, и презент симпл и тд.

Переведите следующие предложения.
1. Они обсуждают этот вопрос очень давно, но пока ничего не решили. 2. Мы не встречались с тех пор, как он уехал в Лондон. Но вс¸ это время мы переписываемся. 3. — Почему твои волосы мокрые? — Я плавала. 4. Где мои очки? Где я их опять оставила? Ну почему я их вс¸ время теряю? 5. Полиция следит за ним вот уже несколько дней и собирается арестовать его. 6. — Я здесь уже полчаса. А ты где был? — Я был в лаборатории. 7. У него маленький бизнес. Он у него уже несколько лет. 8. — Ты прочитал инструкцию к телефону? — Да, я сделал это минуту назад. 9. Мы только что были в зоомагазине (petshop) и накупили много еды нашей собаке. 10. — Посмотри! Коробка пустая. Êòî-òîсъел все конфеты! — Это точно Лиза. Она всегда была любительницей шоколада. — А я ни одной конфетки не попробовала. 11. Она расстроена. Она только что была в банке, но е¸ деньги ещ¸ не пришли. 12. — Прости меня! — Уже простила и вс¸ забыла.
13.— Ты жу¸шь вс¸ то время, что мы с тобой разговариваем. Ты не слышал, что это вредно (плохо)? — Да, это плохая привычка. 14. — Вы слышали последние новости? — Ну а кто же их не слышал? Все уже знают их. 15. — Ты когда-нибудьпыталась бросить (give up) курить? — Я много раз пыталась сделать это, но пока мне не удалось сделать это. 16. — И как давно вс¸ это продолжается? — Это вс¸ началось в прошлом году.

They are discussing this issue for a very long time, but nothing is yet decided. 2. We have not met since he went to London. But we talk all the time. 3. Why is your hair wet? "I swam. 4. Where are my glasses? Where I left them again? Why can’t I lose all the while? 5. Police monitors him for several days and is about to arrest him. 6. I have been here for half an hour. And where are you? I was in the lab. 7. He has little business. It is already several years old. 8. did you read the instructions to the phone?Yes, I made it a minute ago. 9. We have just been in the pet shop (petshop) and bought a lot of food for our dog. 10. look! Box is empty. Someone ate all the candy! Is exactly Lisa. It has always been a lover of chocolate. — And I’m no candy is not attempted. 11. She is upset. She was in the Bank, but the money has not arrived. 12. — forgive me! Is Already forgiven and everything. I forgot. 13. žuëš′-you are everything, while we talk with you. You didn’t hear that it is harmful (bad)? — Yes, it’s a bad habit. 14. have you heard the latest news? — Well, who hasn’t heard them? Everyone already knows them. 15. have you ever tried to quit (give up) smoking? I many times tried to do this, but so far I have failed to do so. 16. — and how long ago it all lasts? Is everything, began last year.

2. Напишите общие вопросы.
1. The student finished his homework two hours ago.
2. Two persons were detained in the restricted zone.
3. You must wash the dishes.
4. Hе is saying a password.
3. Напишите альтернативные вопросы.
1. His cousin will meet me.
2. The borderguards find out the details of crossing the border.
3. Student Ivanov has prepared his answer.
4. The violator is armed with an automatic pistol.
4. Напишите специальные вопросы.
1. Our friends were to meet near the bridge.
2. He wanted to find a job.
3. They lost each other in the forest.
4. This borderguard fires well.
5. Напишите разделительные вопросы.
1. They play football every day.
2. The name of the chief of the firm is John Black.
3. My brother lives in a cottage near the market.
4. He is not married.
6. Напишите вопросы к подлежащему.
1. He was a single child in the family.
2. This book contains a lot of illustrations.
3. I want to visit my relatives in Moscow.
4. The surface of Russia is various.

2. Did the student finish his work two hours ago? Were two persons detained in the restricted zone? Must you wash the dishes? Is he saying a password

3. Will his cousin meet me or my sister? Do the border guards find out the details  of crossing the border or traces of the border violator? Has student Ivanov or student Petrov prepared his answer? Is the violator armed with an automatic pistol or a gun? 4. Where were our friends to meet? What did he want to find? Where did they loose each other? What does this border guard do well?

5. 1. don’t they?  2. isn’t it? 3. doesn’t he? 4. is he?

6. Who was a single child in the family? What contains a lot of illustrations? Who wants to visit my relatives in Moscow? What is various?

Ребята нужна помощь, не успеваю надо из каждого данного предложения составить вопросы: общий вопрос, специальный, разделительный и альтернативный (нужно придумать для альтернативного свои слова) кому не трудно
1. Our teacher knows several foreign languages. 2. He has graduated from our University last year. 3. We shall go to Samara next week. 4. They are working in our gar­den. 5. I have j ust read this book. 6. 1 took this book from my friend. 7. He likes reading books. 8. She has many relatives abroad. 9. They were in many countries. 10. Rus­sia is the largest country in the world.

1. Does our teacher know several foreign languages?   What does our teacher know? Our teacher knows several foreign languages, doesn’t she? Does our teacher know several foreign languages or one foreign language?  2. Has he graduated from our University this year? When has he graduated from our University? He has graduated from our University this year, hasn’t he? Has he graduated from our University or Institute this year? 3. Shall we go to Samara next week? Where  shall we go next week? We shall go to Samara next week, shan’t we? Shall we go to Samara or to Moscow next week? 4. Are they working in our garden? Where are they working? They are working in our garden, aren’t they? Are they working or having a rest in our garden? 5. Have you just read this book? What have you just read? I have just read this book, aren’t you? Have you just read this or that book? 6. Did I take this book from my friend? What did I take from my friend? I took this book from my friend, didn’t you? Did I take this book from my friend or from my sister? 7. Does he like reading books? Who likes reading books? He likes reading books, doesn’t he? Does he like reading books or newspapers? 8. Has she many relatives abroad? How many relatives has she abroad? She has many relatives abroad, hasn’t she? Has she many or few  relatives abroad? 9. Were they in many countries? Where were they? They were in many countries, weren’t they? Were they in many countries or in many cities? 10. Is Russia the largest country in the world? What country is the largest in the world? Russia is the largest country in the world, isn’t it? Is Russia the largest or the smallest country in the world?

, составить пять утвердительных, пять отрицательных, пять обычных вопросов и пять специальных вопросов (предложений на английском яз. )

 You are reading a book now. 2 We are playing chess at the moment. 3 She is going home now. 4 They are listening to music now. 5 We are meeting at the park now. 
1 Is she having breakfast now? 2 Is he having a nap at the moment? 3 Are we having a shower now? 4 Is he making a phone call? 5 Is he going to sleep at the moment?
1 She isn’t doing homework now. 2 He isn’t working at the moment. 3 She isn’t listening to music now. 4 It isn’t raining. 5 They aren’t bringing pizza now.

№2 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple. Не забывайте правильно писать отрицание и вопросы. Предложения перевести на русский язык 1. I (study) English yesterday. 2. ____You (come) to my place yesterday? 3. He (live) in Dubai 5 years ago. 4. How long___ it (to take) you to get to the City Mall? 5. What ___you (study) every Friday? 6. We (have) dinner with my family yesterday. 7. His computer ( not be) ready yesterday. 8. My friend ( like) running in the park last morning. 9. Their family (invite) everybody to the party last week. 10. Jesse ( not drive) to work early last night.

1. I studied English yesterday.
Я изучал английский вчера.
2. Did you come to my place yesterday?
Ты приходил вчера на моё место?
3. He lived in Dubai 5 years ago.
Он жил в Дубае 5 лет назад.
4. How long did it take you to get to the city mall?
Сколько у тебя занимало добраться до молла?
5. What did you study every Friday?
Что ты изучал каждую пятницу?
6. We had dinner with my family yesterday.
Вчера мы с моей семьей ужинали.
7. His computer wasn’t ready yesterday.
Его компьютер не был готов вчера.
8. My friend liked running in the park last morning.
Моему другу вчера понравилось бегать в парке.
9. Their family invited everybody to the party last week.
Их семья пригласила на вечеринку всех на прошлой неделе.
10. Jesse didn’t drive to work early last night.
Джесс не приехала рано на работу прошлой ночью(?).

He has already knew this rule.
My brother did his work yesterday.
They are waiting there buses on the bus stop how
Сделать с каждым предложением
Общий вопрос
Специальный вопрос
Артистичный вопрос

1. Has he already known this rule? ( General question)
What has he already known? ( Special question)  Has he already known this or that rule? (Alternative question) Who has already known this rule? ( Вопрос к подлежащему, если нужно).
2. Did my brother do his work yesterday? When did my brother do his work?
Did my brother do his work yesterday or last week?  Who did his work yesterday?( вопрос к подлежащему, если нужно) 
3.  Are they waiting their buses on the bus stop now? Where are they waiting their buses now? Are they waiting their buses or trains on the bus stop now? Who is waiting their buses on the bus stop now? (вопрос к подлежащему, если нужно)   1-е предложение в Present Perfect. 2-е  Past Simple  3-е  Present Continuous 

Составьте общие, альтернативные, разделительные вопросы из предложения:
Our teacher is writing sentences at the lesson now

1. Is our teacher writing sentences at the lesson now?
2. When is our teacher writing sentences?
3. Who is writing sentences at the lesson now?
4. Is our teacher or a student writing sentences at the lesson now?
5. Our teacher is writing sentences at the lesson now, isn’t she?

Is our teacher writing sentences at the lesson now? Общий
Is our teacher writing or reading sentences at the lesson now? Альтернативный
Our teacher is writing sentences at the lesson now, isn’t she? Разделительный

Превратить эти предложения в такие типы вопросов, как Общий вопрос, Специальное вопрос (несколько 2-3), Альтернативное вопрос, разъединяемые вопрос (утверждение / вопрос)
1. I have always dreamt of playing the piano
2. We enjoy our traditional folk music.

1) General: have you always dreamt of playing the piano?
Special: What have you always dreamt of?
Why have you always dreamt of playing the piano?
Alternative: Have you always dreamt of playing the piano or violin?
Disjunctive: I have always dreamt of piano, haven’t I?
2) Do we enjoy our traditional folk music?
What do we enjoy?
Who enjoys our traditional folk music?
Do we enjoy our traditional folk music or style?
We enjoy our traditional folk music, don’t we?

Превратить эти предложения в такие типы вопросов, как Общий вопрос, Специальное вопрос (несколько 2-3), Альтернативное вопрос, разъединяемые вопрос (утверждение / вопрос)
1) He wants to became a pop star.
2) Music helps people to express themselves.

Превратить эти предложения в такие типы вопросов, как Общий вопрос, Специальное вопрос (несколько 2-3), Альтернативное вопрос, разъединяемые вопрос (утверждение / вопрос)
1) He wants to became a pop star. 1. 1       Does he want to became a pop star? 1. 2       Who wants to became a pop star? 1. 3       What does he want? 1. 4       What does he want to become? 1. 5       Does he want to became a pop star or a movie star? 1. 6       He wants to became a pop star, doesn’t he?   2) Music helps people to express themselves. 2. 1 Does music help people to express themselves? 2. 2 What helps people to express themselves? 2. 3 What does music help people to do? 2. 4 What does music do? 2. 5  Does music help people to express themselves or to relax? 2. 6 Music helps people to express themselves, doesn’t it?

Превратить эти предложения в такие типы вопросов, как Общий вопрос, Специальное вопрос (несколько 2-3), Альтернативное вопрос, разъединяемые вопрос (утверждение / вопрос)
1) He wants to became a pop star.
2) Music helps people to express themselves.

1. Does he want to become a pop star? What does he want to became?
Who wants to become a pop star? Does he want to become a pop star or
an actor? He wants to become apop star, doesn’t he?
2. Does music help people to express themselves? What helps people to express themselves? Whom does music help to express themselves?
Does music or theatre help people to express themselves? Music helps people to express themselves, doesn’t it?
Последний вопрос называется правильно разделительным.