1) Написать предложения во множественном числе, внеся необходимые изменения:
1. Is this sailor an Englishman?
2. My tooth is white.
3. That man is an engineer.
4. This story is very interesting.
5. What colour is the box?
6. What is that man? He is a pilot.
2) Поставить вопросы к выделенным словам:
1. We are in the CLASS-ROOM.
2. I am a CADET.
3. MY BROTHER is a sailor.
4. He is TWENTY years old.
5. The ship is in the DOCK.
6. His suit is BLACK.
7. Our college has a good LIBRARY.
8. They have MANY mistakes in their dictations.
9. That ship has a SMALL crew.
3) Вставить a lot of, many, much, few, a few, little:
1. Walk quicker. We have very. time.
2. I have got. money. Let’s go to the bar.
3. He had. books by this writer.
4. There is. petrol in the tank.
5. There is. snow in the street today.

1. Are these sailors Englishmen?
2. My teeth are white.
3. These men are engineers.
4. These stories are very interesting.
5. What colors are the boxes?
6. What are these men? They are pilots.
1. Where are we?
2. What is your position?
3. Where does your brother work?
4. How old is he?
5. Where is the ship?
6. What color is his suit?
7. Does our college has a library?
8. How many mistakes in their dictations?
9. How many crew does that ship have?
3) 1. few
2. much
3. many
4. a lot of
5. little

1 Are these sailors Englishmen?
2 My teeth are white.
3 Those men are engineers.
4 These stories are very interesting.
5 What colour are the boxes?
6 What are those men? They are pilots.
1 Where are you(we)?
2 What are you?
3 Who is a sailor?
4 How old is he?
5 Where is the ship?
6 What colour is his suit?
7 Does your( our) college have a library?
8 How many mistakes do they have in their dictations?
9 What kind of crew does that ship have?
 1 little
2 a lot of
3 a lot of/a few/few
4 a lot of/little
5 a lot of/ little

Английский язык 3 класс. Конкурс «Лисёнок» !

1. ___________ a dog jump?
(А. ) Has;
Б. Can;
В. Is;
Г. Am.
2. Who doesn’t go _________ work ________ Tuesday?
А. / in;
Б. on / by;
В. to / on;
Г. by / at.
3. Укажите лишнее слово
А. read;
Б. listen;
В. write;
Г. sugar.
4. Какое слово из представленных анаграмм не относится к теме «Seasons»?
5. Укажите множественное число «a shelf».
А. shelfs;
Б. shelfes;
В. shelvs;
Г. shelves.
6. His son doesn’t like to speak about _______________.
А. himself;
Б. myself;
В. herself;
Г. itself.
7. Укажите верный перевод «восемь овец»
А. eight sheeps;
Б. eight ships;
В. eight sheep;
Г. eight schip.
8. Укажите неверный вариант
А. He has got a black cat.
Б. She has got three dogs.
В. We has got a house.
Г. My friends have got red hats.
9. Укажите лишнее
А. What;
Б. When;
В. Whose;
Г. Which.
10. Укажите неверный вариант
А. I - my;
Б. she - shes;
В. we - our;
Г. they - their.
11. Укажите неверный вариант
А. Bring me some water.
Б. Would you like some milk?
В. I don’t have some ideas.
Г. Is there any juice in the bottle?
12. Укажите неверный вариант
А. tooth- teeth;
Б. sheep-sheep;
В. man-men;
Г. child-childs.
13. Укажите верный вариант. ______ names are Lulu and Jack.
А. His;
Б. Ours;
В. We;
Г. Their.
14. Укажите слово, в котором буква «a» читается как [ei]:
А. game;
Б. carpet;
В. lamp;
Г. bathroom.
15. Укажите верный вариант: My grandparents _________ in a big city.
А. live;
Б. lives;
В. don’t lives;
Г. doesn’t live.


1  Can  a dog jump?
2 Who doesn’t go on work by Tuesday?
3 sugar
4 Тут я не знаю.
5 shelves 
6 himself
7. eight sheeps;
8 My friends have got red hats.
9 When
10 she - shes
11  I don’t have some ideas.
12 sheep-sheep
13 Their
14 game
15 live 
надеюсь правильно сделала с: удачи

1 Б
2 В
3 Г
4 Б
5 Г
6 А
7 В
8 В
9 Б
10 Б
11 В
12 Г
13 Г
14 А
15 А

Образуйте множественное число существительных, дайте перевод на русский язык.
1. glasses –
2. potatoes –
3. forget-me-nots –
4. crises –
5. stimuli –
6. foxes –
7. brushes –
8. brothers-in-law –
9. phenomena –
10. formulae –
11. data -

Множественное число у вас уже образовано, только перевод.
1. glasses –стаканы
2. potatoes –картофель
3. forget-me-nots –незабудки
4. crises –кризисы
5. stimuli –стимулы
6. foxes –лисы
7. brushes –щётки
8. brothers-in-law –зятья или шурины
9. phenomena –феномены, явления
10. formulae –формулы
11. data -данные, факты