Факты на англ яз почему хорошо зверей держать в зоопарке

Смотря в каком зоопарке, они бывают разные. Когда плохой зоопарк - плохо, когда хороший - хорошо. Складывая свое мнение следует избавиться от антропоцентризма и антропоморфирования животных. Для нас, людей, клетки это "тюрьма", это "несвобода" и это априори плохо. Но животные - не люди. В природе, в общем, нет никакой "свободы", это миф вроде "благочестивого дикаря" Руссо. В природных условиях, как правило, область обитания животных ограничена территорией, зажатой между такими же территориями проживания соседних особей, и при попытке пересечь их границу на него нападут, и, возможно, убьют. Для некоторых мелких животных их вольер в зоопарке в разы более свободный и просторный чем то, где они обитают в "естественной природе". Во многих случаях стены клетки и ограды вольеров, они не животных держат "там", нет, они защищают животных от нас здесь.

Также задумайтесь над тем, что в зоопарках животные, как правило, живут куда более долгую жизнь, чем в "дикой природе", вряд ли это оттого, что им там "плохо". Животные, которым "плохо" также крайне редко приносят потомство, а в зоопарке это обычное дело. Отдельно можно рассказывать про паразитов, болезни, повсеместные в "дикой природе", хищников, плохое питание, и так далее.

В общем, резюмируя, не все зоопарки это "передвижные зооцирки", последние это, конечно, ужас-ужас. Зоопарки бывают разные, есть и те, где животные живут оттого, что там им, парадокс, лучше чем на "воле". Кавычки, в последнем случае, тут не зря.

Написать на английском про то как я забочусь о животных.

I love animals very much. They are very cool, funny and sweet. When I see a little puppy or kitten on the street, I want to take it myself. I can not take it to myself but take a meal and drink. Still I love to take part in charity offerings old things for the creations was warmer in the winter. In winter, I make a nourisher and every day sprinkle groats for the birds to fly and eat. I have a cat, I love him very much and I can not bring him out to the street because he can escape. He is very energetic and constantly wants to play. When I rest it falls
 beside me and looking at me and as if speaking stroke me. So take care of your animals

Информация о волке на английском, не менее 100 слов

Wolves are wild animals. They look very much like big domestic dogs. Usually wolves are grey with long fluffy tails, their hair is long and thick. Wolves are famous for their strong sharp teeth. They have long enduring legs and big paws.
Wolves can live almost anywhere. They can be found in tundra, taiga, and steppe. There are even polar wolves.
Wolves are predators and very smart hunters. Depending on the habitat they can feed on rodents, hoofed animals, and birds. In hungry winters wolves often attack livestock and even men.
Wolves have great physical strength, endurance and agility. Moreover, they hunt in packs that’s why their attacks are extremely successful. As wolves kill weak and sick animals first they are considered to be forest medics. But because of the danger they pose to people, many species of wolves have been completely wiped out, and many are considered endangered.
A wolf is one of the favourite characters of Russian folk tales. Its strength, intelligence and charisma are praised in them.

Написать про льва 30-50 слов на английском языке 5 класс

the lion is a beautiful, powerful and arrogant species of predatory cats, one of the largest of this kind. It symbolizes beauty and perfection.
Big head, slightly elongated, broad nose, rounded ears. They have powerful paws, and, of course, a long tail.
The males have an ornament - mane, which covers the neck, chest and shoulders. The color of the mane is always darker than the main color. The animal’s fur is short, thick.
Color from light yellow, to saturate sand. On the belly and chest, the fur is white. The mane grows only in adult males.

Котёнок Рэдди 8 глава

It is evening. We are in the house. We are on the sofa. It is very late, but we don’t want to go to bed. 
There is a big vase in our room. It’s empty.
Suddenly we hear a noise in the vase. We jump down and run to the vase. Blackie climbs up the vase and looks in.
"What is there?" we ask.
"I can’t see," says Blackie. "It is too dark in the vase".

Then we hear the noise again.

"There is a small animal in the vase!" says Pinky. "Let’s help it!"

"How can we help it?" we ask.

"Take the umbrella and put it in the vase. Then the animal can climb up the umbrella and get out," says Pinky.

I take the umbrella and put it in the vase. We listen and look. Suddenly we see the small animal. It is climbing up the umbrella. It is… Oh, it is a mouse!

"Oh, help!" cries Pinky. Pinky is a kitten, but she is afraid of mice. She jumps upon a shelf and hides behind the books.

Now the mouse can see us. It looks at us and cries, "Oh, help!" and climbs down the umbrella back into the vase.

"There is a mouse in the vase!" cries Blackie. "It is big and fat and I am hungry!"

"Oh no!" cries Pinky on the shelf. "Don’t eat it! Please, don’t eat it!"

But Blackie doesn’t listen to Pinky. He puts his paw into the vase. He wants to catch the mouse but he can’t. Then Blackie says. "I can climb into the vase and catch the mouse."

Blackie climbs into the vase. We can only see his tail now.

"It is too dark here!" cries Blackie. "I can’t see the mouse!" He is very angry.

Suddenly we can see the mouse. It climbs up Blackie’s tail and out of the vase.

"Blackie!" I say. "The mouse is not in the vase!"

"Where is it?" cries Blackie.

The mouse climbs down the vase and runs into a hole in the floor.

"It is under the floor," says Pinky. "Blackie, climb out!"

"But I can’t!" cries Blackie. "Help me!"

I look at Pinky, and she looks at me.

"Then jump out!" we say.

"I can’t jump here!" says Blackie.

"What can we do?" I ask Pinky.

"Take the umbrella and put it in the vase," says Pinky. "Then this hungry animal can climb out."

I put the umbrella in the vase. Soon we can see Blackie’s head, then his body and his tail.

"Thank you," he says.

"The mouse is in that small hole in the floor," says Pinky. "You can climb in and catch it."

Blackie looks at the small hole.

"No," he says. "The mouse is very small and thin, and I am not very hungry."

"Then let’s go to bed. It is very late," says Pinky.


1) True or false?

1. It is morning.

2. The kittens are in the garden.

3. They want to go to bed.

4. There is a big animal in the vase.

5. A mouse climbs up the umbrella.

6. Reddy is afraid of mice.

7. Blackie doesn’t listen to Pinky.

8. Blackie climbs down the umbrella.

9. The mouse is behind the books.

2) What is it?

1. You can put flowers in it.

2. You take it with you, when it is raining.

3. It is small. Mice live there.

4. People put books on it.

3) Fill in: up, in, to, at, of.

1. It is climbing _____ the umbrella.

2. We put the umbrella _____ the vase.

3. The mouse looks _____ us.

4. Pinky is afraid _____ mice.

5. Blackie doesn’t listen _____ Pinky.

6. We run _____ the vase.

7. We can hear a noise _____ the vase.

4) Answer the questions.

1. Where is the noise?

2. What do the kittens put in the vase?

3. What is there in the vase?

4. Where does Pinky hide?

5. Who is hungry?

6. Does the mouse climb out of the vase?

7. Where does the mouse hide?

Match the short texts about the animals to their names. Соотнесите названия животных с короткими текстами.
cow, mouse, snake, koala, monkey, kangaroo, parrot, camel, elephant, cat, dog, dolphin, zebra, giraffe, horse
1. This animal is small. It lives in people’s houses. Some people are scared of it. And this animal is scared of a cat!__________
2. This animal is very big, has long legs and a long neck and
lives in Africa___________
3. This animal is quite big. It is brown, but also black, white or
grey. It helps people in the village to work in the fields. You can ride on its back if you can!____________
4. This animal is very long and can be very dangerous. People
are scared of it.____________
5. This animal is quite big and lives on the farm. People like these animals because they give them a lot of milk.__________
6. This animal is very big and lives in Africa. It has got a long
trunk, big ears, and it is grey. You can see it in the Zoo in many countries.____________
7. This animal lives in Australia and is a very nice animal. It is
not very big. It likes eucalyptus leaves.___________
8. This animal lives in people’s houses or on the farm. It barks
and people like it. Cats are sometimes scared of it but not always.____________
9. This animal is very funny and nice. You can see it in the Zoo but it lives in Africa. It likes bananas very much.____________
10. This animal is like a horse but lives in Africa. It has black and
white stripes on its body.___________
11. This animal is very big and lives in water but it is not a fish! It
is very nice and friendly and sometimes can save people’s lives!___________
12. This animal is very nice and people have it at home as a pet in the cage! It has got very nice and coloured feathers.___________
13. This animal is small and very nice. It lives in people’s houses.
People like it because this animal eats mice!___________
14. This animal is big. Sometimes it can walk in very hot weather and doesn’t drink anything for a very long time!___________
15. This animal lives in Australia. It is big and very nice and can
jump very fast. It sometimes keeps its baby in the pouch on its body.__________

1. 1. This animal is small. It lives in people’s houses. Some people are scared of it. And this animal is scared of a cat! Mouse
2. 2. This animal is very big, has long legs and a long neck and
lives in Africa. Giraffe
3. This animal is quite big. It is brown, but also black, white or
grey. It helps people in the village to work in the fields. You can ride on its back if you can! horse
4. 4. This animal is very long and can be very dangerous. People
are scared of it. Snake
5. This animal is quite big and lives on the farm. People like these animals because they give them a lot of milk. Cow
6. 6. This animal is very big and lives in Africa. It has got a long
trunk, big ears, and it is grey. You can see it in the Zoo in many countries. Elephant
7/ 7. This animal lives in Australia and is a very nice animal. It is
not very big. It likes eucalyptus leaves. Koala
8. This animal lives in people’s houses or on the farm. It barks
and people like it. Cats are sometimes scared of it but not always. Dog
9. This animal is very funny and nice. You can see it in the Zoo but it lives in Africa. It likes bananas very much. monkey
10. 10. This animal is like a horse but lives in Africa. It has black and
white stripes on its body. Zebra
This animal is very big and lives in water but it is not a fish! It
is very nice and friendly and sometimes can save people’s lives! dolphin
13. This animal is small and very nice. It lives in people’s houses.
People like it because this animal eats mice! cat
14. This animal is big. Sometimes it can walk in very hot weather and doesn’t drink anything for a very long time! camel
his animal lives in Australia. It is big and very nice and can
jump very fast. It sometimes keeps its baby in the pouch on its body. kangaroo 
12. This animal is very nice and people have it at home as a pet in the cage! It has got very nice and coloured feathers. parrot 

Сколько предметов, животных и птиц есть в деревне Покахонтас?

There is one turkey in her village. 
There are seven wigwams in her village.
There is one rabbit in her village.
There are three bows and nine arrows in her village.
There are four boats in her village.
There are three birds in her village.

There is one turkey in her village. 
There are seven wigwams in her village.
There is one rabbit in her village.
There are three bows and nine arrows in her village.
There are four boats in her village.
There are three birds in her village.
Вродь так

Переведите. Это про животных, собак.
Dogs play many roles in human society and people often use them as working dogs. People use dogs to hunt, to guard. Greyhounds, setters, retrievers are excellent hunters and are very popular in the USA where hunting is a sport. Such breeds as collies, Welsh corgis are wonderful shepherds and help to guard cows and sheep. A well-known breed of St. Bernard is good at finding people in the mountains under snow. Newfoundland that is a wonderful swimmer is good at rescuing people at sea. The USA police use dogs a lot. They train them to find drugs and bombs. Dogs patrol streets together with policemen
In many countries, the most common and perhaps most important role of dogs is as companions. Dogs help people in many ways but we love them for their loyalty. Their loyalty makes them our best friends.

Собаки играют много ролей в человеческом обществе и люди часто используют их как рабочих собак. Люди используют их для охоты, охраны. Борзые, сеттеры, ретриверы - отличные охотники и они очень популярны в США, где охота - вид спорта. Такие породы, как колли, вельш-корги (уэльские) - прекрасные пастухи и помогают охранять коров и овец. Хорошо известная порода сенбернарн хороша в поиске людей в горах под снегом. Ньюфаундленд - чудесный пловец, хорошо спасает людей на море. Полиция США часто использует собак. Они обучают их искать наркотики и бомбы. Собаки патрулируют улицы вместе с полицейскими. Во многих странах самая распространенная и, возможно, самая важная роль собак - это компаньоны. Во многих случаях люди помогают людям, но мы любим их за их лояльность. Лояльность делает их нашими лучшими друзьями.

Написать о самой любимой собаке на англиском сегодня нужно

I always wanted to have a pet. One day, on my birthday, my parents gave me a dog. I always dreamed about it. Since that time we have another member of our happy family. We named the dog Alpha. This name is very suitable for her.

Her breed is called a boxer. She is a dark red colored dog, with white spots on the chest and abdomen. She also has white spots on the feet, which are very similar to socks. Her muzzle is black-colored. Alfa’s hair is very short and fine, pleasant to the touch. My dog has very beautiful eyes of dark walnut color. It is always possible to determine her mood in the eyes. Sometimes they look fun and playful, another time - they are smart and serious.

Alpha - is a strong, muscular and very energetic dog. She likes to go for a walk and to run. I enjoy playing with her. She performs a variety of commands and tricks. Alpha is very cheerful and friendly. She has a docile nature. She often plays with my friends. Alpha always senses the mood of the people. If I’m upset about something, she tries to comfort and entertain me.

Alpha has become a real member of our family. She is my true friend and defender.

Imagine you encountered one of these animals while in australia on holiday. What were you doing? What did you see? What did you do? How did you feel? написать текст

This summer I made a trip to Australia. Together with the family we went to the local zoo. All the animals were very beautiful and cute. Most of all I liked kangaroos. He was so big. He had a purse on his stomach. I waved at him. He was a very happy.

I saw a giraffe. I would be photographed next to the animal, and then slowly would leave. I felt fear and anxiety. I fed the giraffe with bananas. He liked this.
It was cool. He had a very long tongue and I was surprised at this. I will remember this moment: it was fantastic!