10 предложений в страдательном и пассивном залоге

) The computer games are played by children every day. В компьютерные игры дети играют  каждый день.
2) Tasty dinner is cooked by my mother every Sunday. Вкусный ужин готовится мамой каждое воскресенье.
3) The floor is washed in our flat on Fridays. Пол в нашей квартире моется по пятницам.
4) Nice snowmen are made by my little sister every winter. Красивые снеговики лепятся моей маленькой сестрой каждую зиму.
5) My room is cleaned by me on Thursdays. Моя комната прибирается мною по четвергам.

Перестройте данные предложения из активного залога в пассивный:
1. The children can read books.
2. Susan has to learn geography.
3. The dog should bring the bones.
4. Tom must open the window.
5. How can we solve that problem?
6. The pupils must answer a lot of questions.
7. We should call the police at once after the accident.
8. You shouldn’t make fun of the poor.
9. The policeman should do a good job.
10. Poor people can not spend a lot of money.

1. The children can read books.
2. Susan has to learn geography.
3. The  bones should be brought by the dog.
4. The window must be opened by Tom.
5. How can that problem bwe solved by us?
6. A lot of questions must be answered by the pupils.
7. The police should at once be called by us after the accident.
8. The poor shouldn’t be made fun of.
9. A good job should be done by the policeman.
10. A lot of money can not spent by poor people.

Переведите из активного залога в пассивный
1. He is translating a text from English into Russian now
2. the guests sang a song
3. they were asking a student, when we cam
4 she cleans the room every day
5. i will have done this work by the next week
6. he offered my a cup of tea
7. james cook discovered Australia in 1770
8. people drink coca-cola all over the workd
9. she is reading a story to me
10. my friend has invited my to the party

1) Text is translated for English into Russian now by him.
2) Sоng is sаng by the guests.
3) A student was asked, when we came by them.
4) The room was cleaning every day by her.
5) This work will have done by the next week by me.
6) A cup of tea was offered to me by him.
7) Australia was discovered in 1770 by James Cook.
8) Coca-cola is drunk by people all over the world.
9) The story is read to me by her.
10) I was invited to the party by my friend.

Переделать предложения из активного залога в пассивный
1. They grow coffee in Brazil 2. He examines patients on the second floor 3. She feeds the animal twice a day. 4. They deliver the newspaper in the morning. 5. We lend books only to students. 6. They serve lunch at 12. 00 7. England makes the best computers. 1. He found the child in the park. 2. They broke the glasses with a stone. 3. She saw the mouse in the kitchen. 4. I polished the furniture in the afternoon. 5. He made the dress. 6. Somebody pushed Mary into the water. 7. People from all over the world visited the museum.

1. Coffee is grown in Brazil. The patients are examined  on the second floor 
3. The animal is fed t twice a day. 4. The newspaper is delivered inmorning. 5. The books are lent only to students. 6. The lunch is served at 12. 00  7. The best computers are made in England. 1. The child was found in the park. 2. The glasses were broken with a stone. 3. The mouse was seen in the kitchen. 4.  The furniture was polishedin the afternoon. 5. The dress was made. 6. Mary was pushed into the water. 7. The museum was visited by people from all over the world

1. coffee was grown in Brazil;
3. the animal is fed twice a day
4. the newspaper is delivered in the morning
5. books are lent only to students
6. lunch is served at 12:00
7. the best computers are made in englland
8. the child was fonded in the park
9. the glass was broken with a stone
10. the mouse was seen in thekitchen
11. the furniture was polished in the afternoon
12. the dress was made
13. Mary was pushed into the water
14. the museum was visited all over the world

Напишите 6 предложений про любой памятник в РФ на английском языке в пассивном залоге.

 I would like to tell you a little bit about the famous statue of Pushkin in the center of Moscow. It is one of my favourite sculptures in the city, as it‘s dedicated to the brilliant Russian poet and writer – Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. It was set up at Pushkinskaya Square on June 6th, 1880 to commemorate the writer’s birthday. In 1950 it was moved to the opposite side of the square, where it rests until present days. The monument is made of bronze and is about 11 meters tall. The poet is wearing a frock and a long coat over it. He is captured in thoughtful mood. It seems that he is working on another large composition. There are four cast-iron lanterns in the corners of the monument. The base is decorated with lines from his poem, called “Monument”. The surrounding square is also charming. It’s like a small oasis in the middle of busy Moscow. Right in front of the statue there is a beautiful fountain and a number of flowerbeds. I like visiting this place, especially in summer. The breeze from the fountain cools down the air and it feels good to sit on one of the little benches in vicinity. It helps me to relax and forget about the time. Я хотел бы рассказать вам немного о знаменитой статуе Пушкина в центре Москвы. Это одна из моих любимых скульптур в городе, так как она посвящена гениальному русскому поэту и писателю – Александру Сергеевичу Пушкину. Она была возведена на Пушкинской площади 6 июня 1880 года в честь дня рождения писателя. В 1950 году ее переместили на противоположную сторону площади, где она стоит и по сей день. Памятник выполнен из бронзы и составляет около 11 метров в высоту. Поэт одет в сюртук, поверх которого длинный плащ. Он запечатлен в раздумье. Кажется, что он работает над своим очередным крупным произведением. По углам от памятника расположены четыре чугунных фонаря. Основание украшено строкой из его стихотворения под названием «Памятник». Окрестная площадь не менее очаровательна. Это как маленький оазис посередине оживленной Москвы. Прямо перед статуей расположился красивый фонтан и многочисленные клумбы. Мне нравится бывать здесь, особенно летом. Легкий бриз от фонтана охлаждает воздух и хочется присесть на одну из маленьких скамеек поблизости. Это помогает мне расслабиться и забыть о времени.

Задание по пассивному залогу.
l Express the same using passive
1. The gardener has planted some
2. A famous designer will redecorate the hotel.
3. They built this church in 1815
4. Mother is cooking dinner.
5. They had discussed the problem by 7 o’clock.
6. They sell vegetables at the market.
7 They were laying tables yesterday at 3 o’clock notch
Собаку кормят каждый день
Собаку уже накормили
Собаку покормят через 2 часа
Собаку накормили час назад
Когда я пришел собаку кормили
Собаку накормят к 12 часам
Собаку кормят сейчас
ll. Choose the right form of the verb
l. He( was sent/ was being sent) to the hospital last night.
2. We are going to have a party. The tables (are laid/ are being laid) at the moment.
3. The police (were called/are called) and they arrived very quickly.
4. The pets (are fed/have been fed) every day.
5. This is the monkey which (is called/was called) Bubble.
Translate from Russian into English:
l. Его заставили приняться за работу
2. Ее спрашивают на каждом уроке.
3. Нику дали Трудное задание.
4. Отцу предложили новый проект.
5 Статьи будут переведены завтра.
6. Я не могу ездить на своей машине. Ее ремонтируют
7. Пассивный залог часто используется в английском языке
8. Письмо должно быть отправлено немедленно.
9. Это не следует обсуждать.

Задание по пассивному залогу.  
l Express the same using passive
1. The gardener has planted some trees – Some trees have been planted by the gardener.
2. A famous designer will redecorate the hotel. – The hotel will be decorated by a famous designer.
3. They built this church in 1815 – This church was built in 1815.
4. Mother is cooking dinner. – Dinner is being cooked by mother.
5. They had discussed the problem by 7 o’clock. – The problem had been discussed by 7 o’clock.
6. They sell vegetables at the market. – Vegetables are sold at the market.
7 They were laying tables yesterday at 3 o’clock notch - Tables were been laid yesterday at 3 o’clock.
Собаку кормят каждый день – Dog is fed every day.
Собаку уже накормили – Dog has been already fed.
Собаку покормят через 2 часа– Dog will be fed in 2 hours.
Собаку накормили час назад– Dog was fed an hour ago.
Когда я пришел собаку кормили – When I came the dog had being fed.
Собаку накормят к 12 часам - Dog will be fed by 12 o’clock.
Собаку кормят сейчас – Dog is being fed now.
ll. Choose the right form of the verb
l. He was sent to the hospital last night.
2. We are going to have a party. The tables are being laid at the moment. 
3. The police were called and they arrived very quickly. 
4. The pets are fed every day. 
5. This is the monkey which is called Bubble. 
Translate from Russian into English:
l. Его заставили приняться за работу– He was forced to get to work. 
2. Ее спрашивают на каждом уроке.  – She is asked on every lesson.
3. Нику дали Трудное задание. – Nick has been given a tough task
4. Отцу предложили новый проект.  – Father was suggested a new project.
5 Статьи будут переведены завтра. – The articles will be translated tomorrow.
6. Я не могу ездить на своей машине. Ее ремонтируют – I can’t drive my car. It is being repaired.
7. Пассивный залог часто используется в английском языке – Passive voice is frequently used in English.
8. Письмо должно быть отправлено немедленно.  – The letter must be sent immediately.
9. Это не следует обсуждать. – It shouldn’t be discussed.

Найти и выписать сказуемые в пассивном залоге.
Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy was constructed as the bell tower for the city’s cathedral. However, at that time the architects weren’t experienced. So, it was built on soft ground and as soon as it had been built, it slowly began to lean.
Over the years, many attempts were made to stop the tower from leaning. Once, people removed stones from the bottom in order to put strong metal rods in, but the stones that were being removed were part of the foundations so the tower leaned even more! Since then it has been reinforced to correct this. Today, the tower can still be seen leaning to one side. It is covered in marble and it is very beautiful. Unfortunately, however, it was closed to the public in 1990 after it was revealed that a single busload of tourists at the top could make it fall over completely! All the same, it will be visited by tourists for many years to come.

Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy was constructed as the bell tower for the city’s cathedral. However, at that time the architects weren’t experienced. So, it was built on soft ground and as soon as it had been built, it slowly began to lean. 
Over the years, many attempts were made to stop the tower from leaning. Once, people removed stones from the bottom in order to put strong metal rods in, but the stones that were being removed were part of the foundations so the tower leaned even more! Since then it has been reinforced to correct this. Today, the tower can still be seen leaning to one side. It is covered in marble and it is very beautiful. Unfortunately, however, it was closed to the public in 1990 after it was revealed that a single busload of tourists at the top could make it fall over completely! All the same, it will be visited by tourists for many years to come.

Пассивный залог. This book (republish) by the end of September. 2. When the telephone (invent)? 3 The letter and the parcel (post) tomorrow. 41 (bear) in a small Russian town. 5 All the questions on the paper must (answer). 6. My house (paint) the whole day yesterday. 7. The room (not clean) yet. 8. Wait a little. Your question (discuss now. 9. When the first restaurant (open) in our district? 10. Don’t worry! Your keys (found. Here they are. 1 Can I help you, madam? thanks, l (serve) 2. The examination (hold) next Friday. 3. Your composition (write) yet? 4. The room (clean) yet? Can I use it? 5. The translation (do) in time. Everyone was glad. 6. It was very dark. Nothing could (seen) 7. Rugby (play) since 1845. 8. Where is the radio? lt (repair)? 9. All the work (do) by 6 o’clock yesterday. 10. Where are the skis They (repair) now?

PASSIVE VOICE This book was republished by the end of September. 2. When the telephone was invented? 3 The letter and the parcel will be posted tomorrow. 41 Born in a small Russian town. 5 All the questions on the paper must be answered. 6. My house has been painted the whole day yesterday. 7. The room is not cleaned yet. 8. Wait a little. Your question is being discussed now. 9. When has the first restaurant been opened in our district? 10. Don’t worry! Your keys has been found. Here they are. 1 Can I help you, madam? thanks, l am served. 2. The examination will be held next Friday. 3. Your composition has been written yet? 4. Hasn’t the room been cleaned yet? Can I use it? 5. The translation was done in time. Everyone was glad. 6. It was very dark. Nothing could be seen 7. Rugby has been plaid since 1845. 8. Where is the radio? ls it repaired? 9. All the work was done by 6 o’clock yesterday. 10. Where are the skis Were they repaired now?

Можете грамотно в пассивном залоге перевести? Чтобы прям пассивный залог был. И можно выписать это слово на английском? Именно пассивный залог

VI. Remember the translation of the verbs TO BE and TO HAVE: 1. The question is whether mechanical or physical separation methods have to be applied. 2. We know the classification of solids is of great importance in food industry. 3. We have considered the operation of mixing which may be used for a purpose or as an auxiliary operation. 4. To choose the equipment for a certain purpose all properties of the material to be processed are to be considered. 5. This mixer has vertical as well as horizontal material displacement. 6. In some cases the purpose of mixing is to obtain a good contact between the materials to be mixed.
1. Вопрос заключается в том, должны ли применяться механические или физические методы разделения. 2. Мы знаем, что классификация твердых веществ имеет большое значение в пищевой промышленности. 3. Мы рассмотрели операцию смешивания, которая может использоваться для какой-либо цели или в качестве вспомогательной операции. 4. Чтобы выбрать оборудование для определенной цели, необходимо учитывать все свойства обрабатываемого материала. 5. Этот смеситель имеет вертикальное и горизонтальное перемещение материала. 6. В некоторых случаях целью смешивания является получение хорошего контакта между смешиваемыми материалами.

1. The question is whether mechanical or physical separation methods have to be applied. 2. The classification of solids is known to be great importance in food industry. 3. The operation of mixing which may be used for a purpose or as an auxiliary operationhave been considered. 4. To choose the equipment for a certain purpose all properties of the material to be processed are to be considered. 5. This mixer is provided with vertical as well as horizontal material displacement. 6. In some cases the purpose of mixing is to obtain a good contact between the materials to be mixed.
1. Вопрос заключается в том, должны ли применяться механические или физические методы разделения. 2. Мы знаем, что классификация твердых веществ имеет большое значение в пищевой промышленности. 3. Была рассмотрена операция смешивания, которая может использоваться для какой-либо цели или в качестве вспомогательной операции. 4. Чтобы выбрать оборудование для определенной цели, необходимо учитывать все свойства обрабатываемого материала. 5. Этот смеситель снабжён вертикальным и горизонтальным перемещением обрабатываемого материала. 6. В некоторых случаях целью смешивания является получение хорошего контакта между смешиваемыми материалами.

Английский язык 8 класс, глаголы в скобках ставить в активный или пассивный залог(с объяснением).
A lot of glossy magazines focus on teenagers or young people. Through impressive advertisements and pictures of perfect-looking stars, young people
1). (encourage) to do whatever they can to
look like a Hollywood star. But real beauty 2).
(not/find) in trendy clothes and fashionable makeup. Anyone who 3).(feel) comfortable with the
way they look, any teenager whose thoughts
4).(express) with confidence will tell you that
they feel beautiful. Of course, this doesn’t mean that
the way we look should 5).(ignore). It simply
means that we 6).(need) to take enough care
of our appearance so that we are confident with our
image, but not to the point that we 7).(drive)
crazy when a spot 8).(appear) on our face.
So, the next time you are a little low on self-esteem, why don’t you take a look at the photo of a beautiful
fashion model before it 9). (retouch)? Better
yet, take a look at the picture of a Hollywood beauty
and fashion icon who 10).(photograph) early
in the morning and without make-up on!

1 are encouraged ( Present Simple Passive для множ. Числа) многие молодые люди воодушевлены
2 isn’t found (Present Simple Passive для ед. Числа) красоту невозможно найти
3 feels (Present Simple Active) любой человек/кто-угодно, кто чувствует себя
4 are expressed (Present Simple Passive для мн числа) мысли выражены
5 should be ignored (Modal Passive ) не стоит игнорировать свой внешний вид
6 need (Present Simple Active) нам необходимо
7 are driven (Present Simple Passive для мн числа) что нас сводят с ума
8 appears (Present Simple Active для детей числа 3го лица) пятнышко/прыщик появляется
9 is retouched (Present Simple Passive для ед. Числа)
10 Возможно два варианта : is photograohed ( Present Simple Passive для ед. Числа) которую фотографируют или was photographed (Past Simple Passive для ед числа) которую сфотографировали.