Задайте вопрос к it will take us three hours to get there by plane

it will take us three hours to get there by plane
Нам нужно будет три часа, чтобы долететь на самолёте
Will it take us three hours to get there by plane?
Нам потребуется три часа, чтобы долететь на самолёте?
How many hours do we need to fly on an airplane?
Сколько часов нам потребуется, чтобы долететь на самолёте?

Построить отрицательную форму и задать все вопросы:
My friend always does his homework in the afternoon.
My neighbors are complaining now.
Вопросы(напишу, так как некоторые не знают что их 5 видов) :
1. Yes /no
2. Вопрос выбора (or)
3. Вопрос переспрос (не так ли?) (+, ;- +?)
4. WH (What? Why? Where? И тд. )
5. Вопрос к подлежащему

My friend doesnt do his homework in the afternoon.
1. Who does(not) do his homework in the afternoon?
2. Whose friend does(not) do his homework in the afternoon?
3. What my friend does(not) do in afternoon?
4. Whose homework does(not) my friend do in afternoon?
5. When does(not) my friend do his homework?
6. Does(not) my friend do his homework in the afternoon?
7. Does(not) my friend do his homework in the afternoon or in the evening?
8. My friend does(not) do his homework in the afternon, doesnt he?
My neighbors arent complaining now.
1. Who is complaining now?
2. Whose neighbors are complaining now?
3. What are my neighbors now?
4. When are my neighbors complaining?
5. Are my neighbors complaining now?
6. My neighbors are complaining now, arent they?
7. Are my neighbors complaning now or my parents?

1. Кто должен был вас встречать?
2. Где вы должны были встретится?
3. Им пришлось вызывать пожарных, чтобы снять его с крыши.
4. Вам придется взять такси. Уже позно.
5. Мне надо купить хлеба и масла по дороге домой.
6. Он должен был купит молоко утром. Сегодня была его очередь.
7. Кто сегодня должен делать доклад по домашнему чтению?
8. Вопрос о том, где щенку спать, долго обсуждался.
9. В этом году я должен был кончить школу.
10. Кто-то должен был сказать ей, что задачу мы не поняли.

1. Who was supposed to meet you? 2. Where were you supposed to Streets? 3. They had to call pore to get him off the roof. 4. You’ll have to take a taxi. Already POS. 5. I have to buy some bread and butter on my way home. 6. He had to cut the milk in the morning. Today was his turn. 7. Who today should make a report on home reading? 8. Question about where your puppy to sleep a long discussion. 9. I was supposed to be in school this year. 10. Someone had to tell her we didn’t understand the problem.

Переведите на англ.
1. Студенты много работают над грамматикой. На прошлой неделе они писали две контрольные работы. А что они изучают сейчас? Пассивный залог в английском языке. Они уже сдали много упражнений и сейчас готовятся к грамматическому тесту, который они пишут на следующей неделе.
2. Где Мери? Она чем-то занята на кухне. Я думаю. Она готовит нам сюрприз. Какой? По-моему, она собирается испечь пирог. По крайней мере, последние полчаса она все время задает мне вопросы на кулинарные темы. И когда он будет готов? Не знаю, но надеюсь, что ужину он будет подан на стол.
3. Где вы провели прошлое воскресенье? Как обычно, в городе. Мы редко выезжаем осенью и зимой. Чем вы занимались? Утром убирала квартиру, потом готовила обед, а вечером пришли наши старые друзья. За неделю до этого они вернулись из Англии, где они работали в течение года по контракту. Мы с большим удовольствием слушали их рассказы.
4. Последнее время бывшие студенты нашей группы редко видятся. Все очень заняты. На этой неделе я несколько раз звонила Наташе, но она еще не вернулась из командировки. В этом году она часто бывает в Москве по делам.
5. Не успела я сказать и двух слов, как она начала кричать на меня. После того, как она сказала все, что хотела сказать, я пообещала, что никогда больше ее не подведу.

1. Students work hard on grammar. Last week, they wrote two test papers. What are they studying now? Passive voice in English. They have already passed a lot of exercises and are now preparing for the grammar test they are writing next week.
2. Where Is Mary? She’s busy in the kitchen. I think. she’s giving us a surprise. What? I think she’s gonna bake a pie. At least for the last half hour, she keeps asking me questions about cooking. When will he be ready? I don’t know, but I hope that dinner will be served on the table.
3. Where did you spend last Sunday? As usual, in the city. We rarely leave in autumn and winter. What did you do? On the morning was cleaning apartment, then was preparing lunch, and on the evening came our old friends. A week earlier, they returned from England, where they worked for a year under a contract. We listened to their stories with great pleasure.
4. Recently, former students of our group rarely see each other. Everybody’s busy. I called Natasha several times this week, but she hasn’t come back from a business trip yet. This year it often happens in Moscow on Affairs.
5. Before I could say two words as she started screaming at me. After she said everything she wanted to say, I promised her I’d never let her down again.

Find some students in class who visited big cities and ask them the same questions
найти некоторых студентов в классе, которые посетили большие города и задать им те же вопросы
Дайте вопросы

What part of this city do you like the best?                                                       What’s your favorite city? Why?                                                                         What are some differences between living in the city and living in the country?                                                                                                            Can you describe the city?                                                                                 
Why do you like living in the  city? What are some of the advantages of living in a  big city?                                                                                                 What are some of the disadvantages of living in a  big city?                                                                                                                    What are the major problems in the big city?                                             What are some tourist attractions in your city?

Задай как можно больше вопросов к предложению My pretty sister Lily goes to kinder garden every morning

My pretty sister Lily goes to kindergarten en every morning, doesn’t she? Разделительный
Who goes to kindergarten every morning? Вопрос к подлежащему
Does your (my) pretty sister Lily go to kindergarten every morning? Общий
Does your (my) pretty sister Lily go to kindergarten or to school every morning? Альтернативный
Does your (my) pretty sister Lily go to kindergarten every morning or every afternoon? Альтернативный
Where does your (my) pretty sister Lily go every morning? Специальный к обстоятельству места
When does your (my) pretty sister Lily go to kindergarten? Специальный к обстоятельству времени

задать специальные вопросы к этим предложения!
1. Alice (to have) a sister.
2. Her sister’s name (to be) Ann.
3. Ann (to be) a student.
4. She (to get) up at seven o’clock.
5. She (to go) to the institute in the morning.
6. Jane (to be) fond of sports.
7. She (to do) her morning exercises every day.
8. For breakfast she (to have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.
9. After breakfast she (to go) to the institute.
10. Sometimes she (to take) a bus.
11. It (to take) her an hour and a half to do her homework.
12. She (to speak) English well.
13. Her friends usually (to call) her at about 8 o’clock.
14. Ann (to take) a shower before going to bed.

1. Alice has a sister.
2. Her sister’s name is Ann.
3. Ann is a student.
4. She gets up at seven o’clock.
5. She goes to the institute in the morning.
6. Jane is fond of sports.
7. She does her morning exercises every day.
8. For breakfast she has two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea.
9. After breakfast she goes to the institute.
10. Sometimes she takes a bus.
11. It takes her an hour and a half to do her homework.
12. She speaks English well.
13. Her friends usually call her at about 8 o’clock.
14. Ann takes a shower before going to bed.
1. Who has a sister?
2. What is her sister’s name?
3. Who is a student?
4. When does she get up?
5. Where does she go in the morning?
6. What is Jane fond of?
7. What does she do every day?
8. What does she have for breakfast?
9. Where does she go after breakfast?
10. How often does she take a bus?
11. How long does it take her to do her homework?
12. How does she speak English?
13. When do her friends usually call her?
14. Who takes a shower before going to bed?

Задайте общие, специальные и альтернативные вопросы к предложениям Past Simple
Tom played football 2 days ago.
They went to the zoo yesterday.

Did Tom or Susan play football 2 days ago?
Who was played football 2 days ago?
Did Tom play football 2 days ago?
Did They go to the zoo yesterday?
When did they go to the zoo?
Did they go to zoo or market 2 days ago?

Did Tom play football 2 days ago?
Did they go to the zoo yesterday?
Did Tom play football or golf 2 days ago?
Did they go to the zoo or to the park yesterday?
When did Tom play football?
Where did they go yesterday?

Задайте вопросы к этому предложению(6 класс,7 вопросов)-Jenny goes to the swimming pool twice a week.
И к этому(6 класс,8 вопросов)-Tom went to the country with his parents last year/

1 Jenny goes to the swimming pool twice a week.
Does Jenny go to swimming pool twice a week?
Jenny goes to the swimming pool twice a week, doesn’t she?
Does Jenny go to the swimming pool or gym twice a week?
Who goes to the swimming pool twice a week?
When does Jenny go to the swimming pool?
Where does Jenny go twice a week?
2 Tom went to the country with his parents last year.
Did Tom go to the country with his parents last year?
Tom went to the country with his parents last year, didn’t he?
Who went to the country with his parents last year?
Did Tom go to the country with his parents or friends last year?
Where did Tom go with his parents last year?
When did Tom go to the country with his parents?
Who did Tom go to the country last year with?

Задать 6 вопросов к предложению Pete bought a pet last Sunday.

Did Pete buy a pet last Sunday?
Пит купил питомца в прошлое воскресенье?
When did Pete buy a pet?
Когда Пит купил питомца?
Who bought a pet last Sunday?
Кто купил питомца в прошлое воскресенье?
What Pete bought last Sunday?
Что купил Пит в прошлое воскресенье?
Did Pete buy a pet last Sunday or Monday?
Пит купил питомца в прошлое воскресенье или понедельник?
Pete bought a pet last Sunday, didn’t he?
Пит купил питомца в прошлое воскресенье, не так ли?

1. Where Pete (had) bought a pet? (Где Пит купил питомца?)
2. Why Pete bought a pet? (Почему Пит купил питомца?)
3. What pet did Pete buy? (Какого питомца купил Пит?)
4. How much did Pete buy a pet for? (За сколько Пит купил своего питомца?)
5. Why did Pete buy a pet on Sunday? (Почему Пит купил питомца в воскресенье?)
6. How does a pet feel now? And what about Pete? (Как сейчас себя чувствует питомец и что насчет Пита?)