Составить 8-10 предложение на тему моя прошлая поездка летом

My trip in Spain(моя поездка в Испанию)
would like to tell you about my trip to Spain last summer. I think that it was the most interesting trip in my life. I travelled there with my parents.

The nature in Spain is very beautiful, and all trees were green when we came there. I saw the deep and blue sea, and I wanted to swim. But on the third day of our staying in Spain we saw dark clouds, and so we decided to go sightseeing around the town. There I saw real Spain’s life. It was very attractia to me.

Составить предложения с выражением "used to" по теме "Школьная жизнь 20 лет назад". 10 предложений. Быстро

1) Twenty years ago, school life used to be much interesting.
2) Twenty years ago, school programs used to be different.
3) Twenty years ago, school life used to have other subjects.
4) Twenty years ago, students used to wear different clothes as from now.
5) Twenty years ago, teachers used to be more strict.
6) Twenty years ago, there used to be no gadgets.
7) Twenty years ago, there used to be no gymnasiums.
8) Twenty years ago, students used to get more knowledge.
9) Twenty years ago, students used to come to the 2 lesson.
10) Twenty years ago, students used to be more polite, than now.

Составьте 4 предложения на тему Россия. Про выборы, полезные ископаемые, и ещё 2.
Писать по английски!

Russia has a lot of minerals such as:gold, peat, coal, oil, natural gas, silver, iron and much more. In 2018(two thousand and eighteenth year) is running for the presidency such as Sergei Baburin of the party "Russian national Union", Vladimir Zhirinovsky of the liberal democratic party, Vladimir Putin"United Russia" Pavel Grudinin from the Communist party, Grigory Yavlinsky, Yabloko party, Ksenia Sobchak from the party "Civil initiative", Maxim suraykin from the party "Communists of Russia" Boris Titov from the party of Growth. Russia has its own attractions:keyboard monument, MOSCOW CITY, the Motherland, lake Baikal and Sochi Park is still a lot of them!Russia, the largest country in the world, is located in the Northern hemisphere, occupies most of Eurasia. The common border with eighteen countries, including the US and Japan by sea.

сочинение на тему моя будущая профессия минимум 15 предложений можно любую профессию

Я хочу стать врачом. Это очень интересно и полезно для окружающих. Ведь когда ты лечишь людей то делаешь их жизнь лучше. Люди будут очень благодарны. Я хочу приносить толк человеческой жизни. Если вылечу много людей, то после меня в жизни людей останутся светлые воспоминания. Сейчас врачей не так что много и хороший специалист не помешает. Им могу стать и я.

Напишите сочинение на тему "My House"
Не менее 12 предложений

My house My house is in the сity centre in a residential area. It isbeautiful, but was bought long time ago. The house has 3 bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen,2bathrooms and a toilet. There  is a large sofa, a coffee table, a large table, chairs, a TV and many paintings in the hall. My room is small. It includes a large bed, side tables, a desk, a chair, a lamp and a wardrobe. There is also a bathroom in my room. Other 2rooms belong to children. My house includes a kitchen with a balcony. It is nice and bright. 

составить рассказ на английском на тему "The role of foreign languages in my future profession" на 10-15 предложений. Моя будущая профессия инженер-технолог

In the 21st century the world is changing very rapidly. Due to the internet, that is used worldwide by millions, languages become more important for learning. the knowledge of the language means a respect for a culture and also a great way to communicate.
My future profession is an engineer technologist. I see my profession as a perspective for becoming a world citizen, because science has no barriers. Through the collaborations with other country’s specialists, I could create something that will make people’s lives easier.
For working with the world companies, I have to know different languages. Without foreign languages, the opportunities of highly-paid job is very low. To make deals, partnerships and important projects with other countries, a modern engineer has to know at least one language.
Можно ещё добавить, что сейчас типо все рабочие программы для инженеров на англ ( ну если это так) итд.

Сочинить текст на английском языке, на тему :" My favourite book". С переводом. От 15 предложений

Reading is a important thing in our life. I am completely keen on reading. I try to read every day at least a few pages. I like fantasy stories and some adventurous stories. And there is a story of that kind I am eager to read over and over again. Its name is “Harry Potter.” The story was written by a popular British writer J. K. Rowling. And it tells us about a little boy Harry who lives in a family of his aunt. One day he finds out that he is a wizard and should go to study to a school of magic —  Hogwarts. And that’s where the story begins.
I love this book for all of this. I have already read it a few times. And I know that I will definitely read it once again.
Чтение - важная вещь в нашей жизни.  Я очень люблю читать. Каждый день читаю хотя бы несколько страниц. Я люблю произведения из жанра фантастики и приключений. И есть история, которую я горю желанием  перечитывать снова и снова.  Это “Гарри Поттер”. История была написана популярной британской писательницей Дж. К. Роулинг.  И она  рассказывает нам о маленьком мальчике Гарри, который живет в семье своей тети. Однажды он узнает, что он волшебник и ему необходимо ехать учиться в школу волшебства Хогвартс.  И вот, где начинается история.
Я люблю эту книгу за все это. Я уже читала ее несколько раз. И я знаю, что прочитаю ее еще раз.

Надо пересказать небольшой рассказ по английскому языку на тему A place in Britain. 12 предложений не больше!

Great Britain is the main English-speaking country in the world. It consists of England, Scotland and Wales. There are many interesting sights in each of these countries and their capitals: London, Edinburgh and Cardiff. Millions of people visit Britain every year to learn more about its places of interest. One of the most thrilling sights is the Stonehenge. It’s an ancient monument made of stones standing either in circle or in a horseshoe shape. The origin and the meaning of these stones remains a mystery. However, the scientists think that it was used as a prehistoric calendar. Another attractive sight is Stratford-upon-Avon. It’s a small city in England, where the most famous English writer Shakespeare was born. Stratford-upon-Avon is not only his birthplace. He also lived and created his plays there. Lots of people come to see the Shakespeare’s house in Henley Street and the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. Other famous cities which attract lots of visitors are Oxford and Cambridge

Напишите 7 предложений по теме защита животных на английском

Животных нужно защищать. Потому что многие животные безащитные. А некоторые животные не могут жить без помощи людей. Благодаря животным у нас есть многое, молоко, сыр, яйца. Особенно зимой  нужно помогать маленьким жителям нашей планеты. Нельзя обижать и мучить бездомных животных. Нужно заботиться о наших защитников природы.

Animals need to be protected. Because many animals are defenseless. And some animals can not live without the help of people. Thanks to the animals we have a lot, milk, cheese, eggs. Especially in winter it is necessary to help small inhabitants of our planet. You can not offend and torture homeless animals. We need to take care of our defenders of nature.

Напишите сонинение на тему( куда я хотела бы отправиться в Путешествие ) 10 предложений ( в Лондон )

Я очень хотела бы поехать в Лондон. Там очень красиво. Путешествие по нему очень интересное. Там есть много музеев с полезной информацией. А эльфивая башня. Она просто превосходна. А вечером в Лондоне все оживляется, крачки сеяют и наполняют атмосферу весельем. Это здорово! Но самое главное что это будет незабываемое путешествие. Я очень хочу побывать в Лондоне.