Проект по английскому Pet of the family


There are a lot of people who like animals.

And many of them keep some animals at home. Such animals are called pets. They are cats, dogs, hamsters, white mice and so on. They know their masters and love them. And all the pets need their master’s care and love. Dogs can be good friends to lonely people, cats can cure some illnesses and bad mood.

I love cats very much. I have one at home. My cat’s name is Alice. She is four years old, but she is rather small. Alice has very beautiful eyes and when it is dark in the room they shine. She likes to play and to sleep, but most of all she likes to eat. Some cats walk outdoors. My cat hates it. She thinks that a domestic cat should stay at home. But in general it is a cat that walks by herself.

Домашние любимцы

Есть много людей, которые любят животных.

И многие из них держат животных в домашних условиях. Такие животные называются домашними животными. Это кошки, собаки, хомячки, белые мыши и так далее. Они знают своих хозяев и любят их. Все животные нуждаются в заботе хозяина и любви. Собаки могут быть хорошими друзьями для одиноких людей, кошки могут лечить ряд заболеваний и плохое настроение.

Я очень люблю кошек. У меня есть одна дома. Её зовут Алиса. Ей четыре года, но она маленькая. У Алисы очень красивые глаза, и когда темно в комнате, они блестят. Она любит играть и спать, но больше всего она любит поесть. Некоторые кошки гуляют на улице. Моя кошка ненавидит это. Она считает, что домашняя кошка должна сидеть дома. Но в целом это кошка, которая гуляет сама по себе.

Проект по англискому языку: цветок страны (любой цветок )

Великолепный лотос, являющийся символом жизни и творческого начала считается национальным цветком Индии. Его изображают на колоннах, картинах и в храмах. Индийские женщины украшают себя цветами лотоса. Это объясняется целебными свойствами, которыми он обладает.
если что, взято с интеренета, а вот я перевела.
Russian flower(заголовок)
Gorgeous Lotus, a symbol of life and creativity is considered the national flower of India. He is depicted in the columns, the paintings and temples. Indian women adorn themselves with Lotus flowers. This is due to the healing properties that it possesses.
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Напишите маленький и лёгкий проект на тему: магазин моей мечты на английском.
Желательно с переводом.

I’d like to have a store of magical toys. soldiers would go themselves, the birds stopped their songs, the puppets did a whole day hairstyles and dress up. children could take what he wanted toys and he could play there. Я бы хотела иметь магазин волшебных игрушек. Солдатики ходили бы сами, птицы распивали свои песни, а куклы делали себе целый день прически и наряжались. Дети
могли бы брать какие хотели игрушки и могли там играть.

с проектом. Напишите о преимуществах путешествия пешком(12-15 предложений)

1. Helps to lose and maintain weight. Ate a piece of cake at a party - go home on foot, kilometers 5-10. You need to go quickly. Your priest will stay healthy.
(Attention, the foregoing does not mean that even with regular walking you can eat as much as you want)
2. Beautiful and interesting. During the walk you can admire the houses, trees, cars, people, clouds, snowflakes, lights - the world is at your service. Of course, it’s better not to walk around the industrial zones and dumps.
3. This physical load is available most lazy. For morning exercises you need willpower, running requires some physical training. And for walking you only need legs and regularity.
4. This is a load without financial costs. You do not need sneakers, training suit, sports uniform, swimsuit, bicycle, rollers with protection, season ticket to the gym or pool. Just try to buy shoes comfortable.
5. Walking is not a sport, it’s not a physical exercise, it’s entertainment. You can combine a walk and a friendly meeting. It is important for people who are frightened by everything "sporting".

надо написать проект по английскому языку My day

My day usually starts at 7 o’clock. I wash my face and have breakfast. I always have a cup of tea and toast for breakfast. Then I go to school. I usually walk to school on foot. I sometimes go to school by bus when it rains. School always starts at eight thirty. I’m never late for school. We usually have five lessons every day. But on Friday we usually have four lessons. I come home at two o’clock and go for a walk. I often go to the playground and play with my friends. I rarely go to the park on weekdays. I come home at four o’clock and have tea. Then I usually do my homework. I usually do my homework all by myself. My parents usually come home after six o’clock. We always have dinner together. Then I usually play computer games or watch TV. My parents and I often talk about school. I rarely go to bed after ten o’clock. I never go to bed after eleven o’clock. I don’t want to be late for school.

My day. At 7o"clock i wake up. Next i am go to bathroom and clean my teeth and wash my face. Then i am eat a breakfast. At 8 o"clock i go to school. When i come home, i eat lunch. Then i go to did my homework. Next i go for a walk. When i come home, i go to watch a TV and play computer games. Next i am eat dinner. Then i play games on my phone. Next i am go to sleep.