6 предложений Past simple ( сложных)
Если можете то с переводом.

1. I didn’t drive a car last week, because it broke (Я не водил машину на прошлой неделе, она сломалась)
2. They didn’t fall in love with each other at first sight (Они не влюбились в друг друга с первого взгляда)
3. Did you make your homework on your own? (Ты сделал свою дом. Работу самостоятельно?)
4. The boys stayed at home because it was raining (Мальчики остались дома, потому что шел дождь)
5. Mom bought me a new ball and I was very happy (мама купила мне мячик и я был очень счастлив)
6. Actually my knowledge off english is too low, I just copied from anothe guy(Я очень стараюсь выучить английский, вчера я долго учил уроки)

Нужно 5 предлтжений в Past Simple Tense, и 5 придложений Past Continuous Tense.

Past Simple Tense:
I went school yesterday.
My mum called me and say something.
Today I helped my grandad with work.
My dad helped me do homework.
I helped my mum on kitchen.
Past Coutinuous Tense:
The children were playing all day in the yard.
Sally was at Canada and sayed: "Canada is so beautiful"
Today Alina was in the yard.
Today my dad was at work. 
I was in the yard and played in catch-up.

Past Continuous – прошедшее длительное время. Как следует из названия, оно отвечает за события, которые происходили в прошлом и продолжались какое-то время. Но на этом задачи Past Continuous не заканчиваются, и в этой статье мы познакомимся со всеми его особенностями.
Как образуется Past Continuous
Сказуемое в Past Continuous состоит из вспомогательного глагола и основного глагола. Для того чтобы образовать Past Continuous, нам нужны формы прошедшего времени to be – was, were. Was используется в единственном числе, were – во множественном. У основного глагола мы убираем частицу to и добавляем окончание -ing.
I/He/She/It + was + глагол-ing We/You/They + were + глагол-ing
I was singing. – Я пел.
He was walking. – Он гулял.
She was writing. – Она писала.
It was falling. – Оно падало.
We were reading. – Мы читали.
You were talking. – Вы разговаривали.
They were running. – Они бежали.

Задание 1
Put the words into the right order to make questions in the Past Simple.
1) in the morning / you / When / get up / did?
2) for dinner / last night / have / What / you / did?
3) do / your homework / last Sunday / you / Did?
4) did / last summer / go / Where / you?
5) go / to Moscow/ Anna / Did / last summer?
6) buy / Mike / Did / a car?
7) your friend / forget / Did / to call / you?

Task 4.
Make negatives.
1) I did morning exercises.

2) You were good friends.

3) They drank tea last week.

4) Mike was a student.

5) Helen had a car.

6) She went to school in the morning.

7) She knew English very well.

8) She slept after dinner

1) When did you get up in the morning?
2) What  did you have for dinner last night?
3) Did you do your homework last Sunday?
4) Where did you go last summer?
5) Did Anna go to Moscow last summer?
6) Did Mike buy a car?
7) Did your friend forget to call you?
1) I did not do morning exercises.
2) You were not good friends.
3) They did not drink tea last week.
4) Mike was not a student.
5) Helen did not have a car.
6) She  did not  go to school in the morning.
7) She did not know English very well.
8) She did not sleep after dinner.