Письмо-совет другу на английском с переводом

Dear Alice,

In your letter you ask to help you to change your habits and start economizing. I think, I can give you some advice.

First of all, you need to cut back on unnecessary spending. Avoid buying double latte coffee every morning on your way to work. It would be better if you get up a little bit earlier and prepare breakfast yourself. Omlette or porridge with a cup of coffee will provide you with good energy till lunchtime.

Next step is creating a budget for yourself and sticking to it. Think over how much money is coming in and how much of it is spent on unhealthy and expensive food during lunchtime.

The last advice I want to give you is being content with the simple things in life. Is it necessary to spend a lot of money in expensive restaurants? How about cooking a nutritious dinner rather than going out to the restaurant for food. Invite your friends to your place, try homemade food, turn on the music, dance and talk.

I hope I could help you. Good luck!



Дорогая Алиса,

В своем письме ты просишь помочь тебе изменить твои привычки и начать экономить. Думаю, я могу тебе дать совет. В первую очередь, тебе необходимо перестать тратить деньги на ненужные вещи. Старайся не покупать двойной кофе Латте утром по дороге на работу. Будет лучше, если ты встанешь пораньше и приготовишь завтрак сама. Омлет или каша с чашкой кофе обеспечит тебе энергию до самого обеда.

Следующий шаг – это создание собственного бюджета и следование ему. Подумай, сколько денег приходит и какая часть этих денег тратится на нездоровую и дорогую еду во время обеда.

Последний совет, который я хочу тебе дать – это понимать смысл всего окружающего в твоей жизни. Зачем тратить деньги в дорогих ресторанах? Как насчет того, чтобы приготовить ужин дома, чем пойти в ресторан? Пригласи своих друзей домой, угости их домашней пищей, включите музыку, потанцуйте и пообщайтесь.

Нужно написать письмо другу по переписке Ричарду на английском, О том как я ездила в парк аттракционов 80-100 слов.

-Dear Richard
-Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you again. I’m sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was really busy with my school. 
You asked me to tell you about how I went to the amusement park. Well, it’s very interesting. I and my best friernd Mark went there with my parents. In the park a lot of different attractions. When we arrived our eyes fled from what we saw. I wanted to ride all the attractions at once. But unfortunately there were huge queues. Therefore, we dispersed all the different attractions take turns. When someone’s turn came, we called up. How good that now is the age of technology. After all we decided to refresh ourselves. On the way to the house, we stopped at a cafe and ate. It was the best day. I hope that soon we will go there again.
By the way, When will you be able to come to us? Have you ever been to such a park?  Do you like parks with attractions? Can we visit this park together?
-Sorry, I have to go now because my Mum asked me to help her with the washing up. Drop me a letter when you can. 
-With best wishes,
-ИМЯ своё.

Нужно составить письмо ДРУГУ
Свободная тема )

Hello Anya! It’s a pity that you left the camp, now I’ll tell you how we rest. Yesterday we went on a picnic. Adults fried shish kebabs, and children prepared salads, covers plates and forks on a tablecloth. We were told to bring some sweets with us that would eat ourselves and share with friends. Marina brought bagels, and Max chips. I brought the most delicious cake as it was my birthday. And thank you very much for the greeting card! Today we went camping in the rocks. All the girls were scared, but the boys said what to protect and save if that. In the mountains we started to take pictures, what to send to parents where we were. Your (your) best friend. (The place of the points should be your name)

Hi *имя друга*! I’m writing this letter from the hotel before getting sleep. Thanks for sending me your holiday photos, it’s cool.
I wanna tell you about my vacation. I’ve already come to Paris. In the beginning of flight I was a little worried about it. When plane got into the sky, I just got the ultimate thrill because it was absolutely INCREDIBLE! By the way, it was my first flight in life. But luckily, everything is okay and now I’m here. Tomorrow we gonna have a journey through the city and after this — skydiving. I’m scared about it but want to try it. So, hold fists for me
And now I must say goodbye because Mum wanna use the laptop.
Take care, *своё имя*.