сочинение на тему "трудно ли быть добрым" 3 класс
Я думаю, если захотеть то ты будешь добрым. Я думаю, что это не трудно а очень даже легко. Но не нужно делать добро, что бы тебя хвалили, а нужно делать его бескорыстно. Я могу делать добро если очень сильно захочу. Добро могут делать все, абсолютно все! Помогают сейчас все люди, по своему, бабушки мальчикам, мальчики бабушкам, но всё же они делают это не ради себя, а ради другим, что бы им было лучше и они брали пример с других. Я думаю, что добро делать не трудно!
Добрым человеком быть действительно трудно. Ведь делать добро - это не просто помочь кому-то, его нужно делать бескорыстно, не задумываясь. Чаще всего возникают вопросы "а что для меня этот человек сделал?", "а он потом тоже мне поможет?". Все это уже не добро, а лишь попытки найти выгоду. Когда человек от души делает какие-то поступки, которые после будут кому-то полезными, например, помощь или поддержка, и даже простые слова, сказанные от чистого сердца - вот это добро.
написать сочинение в 100 слов о "Little dogs"
Jessie is a wonderful and smart dog; it is small and black. My dog has long ears but has no tail at all. Jessie is two years old, it knows many commands: Come! Sit! Stay! Down! No! Drop it! Wait! It is a very clever and lovely doggie with black kind eyes.
Jessie and I like to spend time together. When I come home from school she runs to greet me. It is so pleasant!
Jessie is a hunting dog. That is why it does not like cats. When Jessie sees a cat it begins to bark as a mad dog and tries to bite a cat. But one day Jessie helped a kitten.
Jessie and I were walking in the yard. It was a nice spring day. My dog was very active that day. It ran, jumped and even danced. I was sitting and reading a book about Harry Potter. But suddenly Jessie ran fast to the big tube at the end of the yard. It was a huge tube, walking near that tube was dangerous because it could break into pieces. Jessie was barking and barking all that time and I ran after my dog to look what was there. Only then I saw a little kitten in the hole of the tube. The kitten could not get out of the hole without anybody’s help; it had crack-up. I could not look at the kitten without tears; it was difficult and dangerous but I helped the kitten to get out of the tube.
Now this kitten is a young and strong cat; it lives with my elder sister. She has her own family and lives not far from our parents’ house. So Jessie saved the cat and I am proud of my dog!
Sometimes Jessie brings me slippers, sometimes Jessie tears them. I never get angry with it because I can buy new slippers but new Jessie I will not buy for all money of the world.
Меня зовут Лена. Мне тринадцать лет. Я обожаю собак. У меня есть собачка по имени Джесси. Ее мне подарили на день рождения родители. И это был самый лучший подарок для меня, потому что я очень хотела собаку.
Джесси – замечательная и умная собачка; она маленькая и черная. У нее черные длинные уши и нет хвоста во все. Джесси два года и она знает много команд: Сидеть! К ноге! Стоять! Лежать! Фу! Брось! Жди! Это очень умная и милая собачка с черными добрыми глазами.
Мы любим проводить время вместе. Когда я прихожу со школы она встречает меня. Это так приятно!
Джесси – охотничья собака, поэтому она терпеть не может котов. Когда Джесси видит кота, она начинает лаять как сумасшедшая и пытается даже его укусить. Но однажды Джесси спасла котенка.
Джесси и я гуляли во дворе. Был прекрасный весенний день. В этот день Джесси была особенна активна: она бегала, прыгала и даже танцевала. Я сидела и читала книгу о Гарри Поттере. Но вдруг Джесси помчалась к большой трубе, которая лежала в конце двора. Труба была огромной, приближать к ней было не безопасно – она могла развалиться. Джесси все гавкала и гавкала и я побежала посмотреть, что так привлекло ее внимание. И только потом я заметила маленького котенка в трубе. Котенок не мог выбраться самостоятельно, сил у него уже не было. Не возможно было смотреть на бедного котенка без слез; было сложно и даже опасно, но я вытащила котенка из трубы.
Сейчас этот котенок молодой и сильный кот; живет он у моей старшей сестры. У нее своя семья и дом не далеко от нас. Так Джесси спасла кота, и я очень горжусь своей собакой!
Иногда Джесси приносит мне тапочки, а иногда рвет их. Я никогда не сержусь на нее, потому что тапочки можно купить сколько угодно, а вот вторую такую же Джесси не купишь не за какие деньги
Нужно написать небольшое сочинение про реку Енисей на английском языке.
"Have you ever been to the Yenisey?
If you did not, I do not envy you!
I saw many rivers, but I did not dispel anguish.
By his white, stagnant waves. "
Kazimir Lisovsky "On the shore of the Yenisei".
In Russia, many large and beautiful rivers, such as the Irtysh, the Lena, the Angara, the Ob. One of the biggest in Europe and beautiful Russian rivers is the Yenisei.
It is unlikely that there will be a person who does not like his land, does not admire the beauty of landscapes of his native land. A special pride, enthusiasm among nature lovers and tourists, are caused by rivers and lakes. To visit the great river, to feel all its power and strength, to get a lot of impressions and adrenaline, not only every child dreams, but also an adult.
Ask any resident of Eastern Siberia, which, in his opinion, is the most significant landmark of its land, except for the giants of industry and rapidly growing megacities. The answer will be unambiguous - the river is the hero Yenisei. A resident of the Caucasus will proudly tell about the restless river Terek. Among the local historians of the European part of Russia, the proud majestic beauty of Volga, undoubtedly, will be in the center of attention, sung by many poets in her poems and novels of writers.
The Yenisei in the upper reaches are fast, winding. Above the red and gray precipices and where the rocks have moved away from the river, forests rise: a tall and dense wall, pine trees with straight golden-red trunks, craggy bogatyr-cedars, dark spruce and fir trees and light-coniferous larch. Spring ice drift is very powerful and often accompanied by large ice jams. On the wide expanses of the Yenisei and in the places of its narrowing, the ice-breaker is formidable and beautiful. Large tributaries of the Yenisei significantly increase its water content, but, in general, the increase in expenditure occurs from the top downwards fairly evenly.
Who even once visited the Yenisei, he for the rest of his life will remember his emerald, covered with dense forest shores, enchanting splash of waves, delightful landscapes of evening sunset or early morning covered in blue haze on the eve of a new day. It is impossible not to admire the beauty of the Yenisei. Sometimes he is quiet and affectionate, especially under the morning rays of the rising sparkling sun, then suddenly he will boil, become angry and darken. Terrible in these minutes, the Yenisei: heavy, as if the leaden waves with all their might fly to a peacefully sleeping shore. But just look out from behind the clouds and smile the sun, as the mighty Yenisei calms down, becomes affectionate and quietly swims between the huge forests, washing the fields and mountains.
The Great River pleases the look and heart of every person not only with its unique landscapes, life-giving coolness, shady groves. On the shores of the Yenisei from time immemorial, kind and friendly people live. They built a lot of towns and villages that are drowning in the spring blossom of cherry orchards.
Unrecognizable has become the Yenisei in recent years. His violent temper and disobedience are a thing of the past. Overlapped by several dams, it spread widely across the expanses of its native land, watered it with life-giving moisture. The waters of the Yenisei fill the thirsting fields, they carry out the death sentence to the dry winds and droughts.
Journey through the Yenisei, for life, will leave unforgettable impressions: about the river itself, about the landscapes of its shores, about the beauty of the Yenisei at different times of the day and night - in good sunny weather and on a cloudy day, in rain and in a storm. Traveling along the water expanses of the great river, not only strengthens the love for nature, gives birth to a desire to protect it, but also develops a sense of pride for their homeland, the friendship of the twin peoples.
Yenisei is a great and mighty river.
the end)))))))))Сочинение на английском языке про компьютер и игры на 10предложений. Желательно с переводом. P. s.
In our modern age, computers are one of the most necessary machines created by man. It is a computer capable of performing a specified sequence of operations called a program. Nowadays, modern computers are able to perform hundreds of different tasks, even indirectly not related to mathematics. Previously the computer was just a great technology, now all devices are put into one device called a laptop, but there are some netbooks, it is missing the drive. The most popular use of the computer is the use for games. New and new games are created every day. This educational, logical, economic, sports, arcade, shooting and other games. Previously, these games were released on discs, but now these games can be played online using only the world wide web. Some game series have become iconic-for example, DOOM, Quake, Civilization, HoMM, Fallout, Metal Gear, dragon Quest, Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, TES, CoD, Half-Life, contra, WoW, Starcraft, Diablo, NFS, GTA. About at least one of them must have heard of any man who has ever faced a computer.
В наш современный век компьютеры являются одной из самых нужных машин созданной человеком. Это вычислительная машина, способная выполнять заданную последовательность операций, называемую программой. В наши дни современные компьютеры способны выполнять сотни различных задач, даже косвенно не связанных с математикой. Раньше компьютер был просто большой техникой, сейчас же все приборы уместили в один прибор и назвали ноутбуком, но существуют так же и нетбуки, у него отсутсвует дисковод. Наиболее популярное использование компьютера это использование для игр. Создаются новые и новые игры каждый день. Это развивающие, логические, экономические, спортивные, аркады, стрелялки и другие игры. Раньше эти игры выпускали на дисках, но сейчас в эти игры можно играть онлайн используя только всемирную сеть. Некоторые игровые серии стали культовыми - например, DOOM, Quake, Civilization, HoMM, Fallout, Metal Gear, Драгон Квест, Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, TES, CoD, Half-Life, Контра, WoW, Starcraft, Diablo, NFS, GTA.
В наш современный век компьютеры являются одной из самых нужных машин созданной человеком. Это вычислительная машина, способная выполнять заданную последовательность операций, называемую программой. В наши дни современные компьютеры способны выполнять сотни различных задач, даже косвенно не связанных с математикой. Раньше компьютер был просто большой техникой, сейчас же все приборы уместили в один прибор и назвали ноутбуком, но существуют так же и нетбуки, у него отсутсвует дисковод. Наиболее популярное использование компьютера это использование для игр. Создаются новые и новые игры каждый день. Это развивающие, логические, экономические, спортивные, аркады, стрелялки и другие игры. Раньше эти игры выпускали на дисках, но сейчас в эти игры можно играть онлайн используя только всемирную сеть. Некоторые игровые серии стали культовыми - например, DOOM, Quake, Civilization, HoMM, Fallout, Metal Gear, Драгон Квест, Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, TES, CoD, Half-Life, Контра, WoW, Starcraft, Diablo, NFS, GTA.
Напишите сочинение на тему "национальные казахские блюда" на английском языке с переводом.
Основные блюда являются мясными. Среди них особое место занимает наиболее распространенное блюдо именуемое в казахском языке ет, что означает в переводе собственно мясо. Русские наименования блюда — мясо по-казахски, бешбармак (адаптация к казахскому языку — бесбармак). Также популярны куырдак (жареные кусочки печени, почек, легких, сердца, кишок и т. П. С картофелем), кеспе (лапша), сорпа (мясной бульон), ак-сорпа (молочный суп с мясом, или просто мясной суп с куртом), «сiрне» (приготовленная в казане жареная молодая баранина с луком и картофелем) и «палау» (плов по-казахски с большим количеством мяса), салма (суп из мясного бульона и теста от бесбармака или домашней лапши). The main dishes are meat. Among them, a special place is occupied by the most common dish, called in the Kazakh language, which means in translation the meat itself. Russian names of dishes - meat in Kazakh, beshbarmak (adaptation to the Kazakh language - besbarmak). Also popular are kuyrdak (fried pieces, kidneys, lungs, hearts, guts, etc. With potatoes), kespek (noodles), sorpa (meat broth), ak-sorpa (milk soup with meat, or simply meat soup with kurtom), "Cirne" (cooked in a cauldron roasted young lamb with onions and potatoes) and "Palau" (pilaf in Kazakh with a lot of meat), salma (soup from meat broth and batter from besbarmak or homemade noodles).
Написать небольшое сочинение на английском языке
Нужно написать отвечая на вопросы
1. Люблю ли я смотреть телевизор и почему?
2. Какие программы я смотрю по телевизору, какие программы любят смотреть мои друзья и родители
3. Какие виды программ я обычно смотрю на ТВ?
In my spare time I like to watch TV because during viewing I can relax and relax from school. In particular, I like watching the channel "animal world". They tell a lot of interesting things. For example, recently I talked about the inhabitants of the deserts of Africa. They are very funny. My friends are watching different programs. Someone is fond of history and likes movies about the war, someone is interested in football and watching football matches. My parents mostly watch the news. The pope sometimes includes channels through which boxing is going on, and my mother often watches TV shows.
Сочинение по английскому языку на тему поход в зоопарк
В прошлые выходные мы ходили с родителями и классом в зоопарк. Было просто замечательно. Где-то в 10 утра мы собрались у зверинца. Купили специальный корм, чтобы побаловать его обитателей. Еще конечно взяли конфет, шариков и фотоаппарат – но это, конечно, уже для себя. И пройдя билетный контроль, отправились смотреть птиц. Их было очень много, с разными окрасами, голосами и поведением. Кто-то из них хищники, как ястребы и орлы, а кто-то вполне мирные и с удовольствие кушают хлеб. Особенно мне запомнились розовые фламинго, которых словно облили гуашью – такие невероятные. Потом были хищники за несколькими клетками. Живые тигры, пантеры, медведи, рыси. Дальше мы смотрели, наверное, самых общительных обитателей зоопарка – обезьян. Они не только запросто общаются друг с другой и как будто потешаются над сородичами, но и смело тянут свои лапки-ручки ко всем посетителям. Обезьянки хвастаются своей ловкостью и смекалкой. Они такие наглые, что отобрали банан прямо из рук у моего одноклассника и тут же его слопали. Смешно почти до колик. Гуляя дальше по зоопарку, мы стали свидетелями викторины, где работники зоопарка задавали посетителям вопросы про животных. Нам всем классом удалось ответить на наибольшее количество вопросов – и мы выиграли белого пушистого кролика, который теперь стал еще одним обитателем нашего живого уголка в школе. Кролика мы назвали Филькой, и теперь по очереди приносит ему лакомства из столовой и дома. Еще несколько ребят из класса катались на пони, Мишку Кузнецова большая бело-рыжая корова лизнула в щеку, в мне удалось погладить мягкую мордочку ламы. Вот так прошел наш субботний день в зоопарке.
Перевод на английский
Last weekend we went with parents and class to the zoo. It was just wonderful. Somewhere at 10 am we gathered at the zoo. Bought a special food to pamper its inhabitants. Of course, they took sweets, balls and a camera - but this, of course, already for themselves. And after passing the ticket control, they went to watch the birds. There were a lot of them, with different colors, voices and behavior. Some of them are predators, like hawks and eagles, and some are quite peaceful and eat bread with pleasure. Especially I remember the pink flamingos, which seemed to be doused with gouache - such incredible. Then there were predators for several cells. Live tigers, panthers, bears, lynxes. Next we looked, probably, the most sociable inhabitants of the zoo - monkeys. They not only easily communicate with each other and seem to be amused over their relatives, but also bravely pull their paws-pens to all visitors. Monkeys show off their cleverness and ingenuity. They are so arrogant that they took the banana out of the hands of my classmate and immediately got him killed. Funny almost to the point of colic. Walking further along the zoo, we witnessed a quiz, where zoo workers asked visitors questions about animals. The whole class managed to answer the greatest number of questions - and we won a white fluffy rabbit, which now became another inhabitant of our living corner in the school. We called the rabbit Filka, and now in turn brings him delicacies from the dining room and at home. A few more guys from the class were riding a pony, Mishka Kuznetsova, a large white-red-haired cow licked her cheek, I managed to stroke the soft muzzle of a lama. This is how our Sabbath passed at the zoo.
Yesterday i and my family went to the zoo. I can tell you that it was very interesting journey. At first my mom took fruits and vegetables from home to feed animals! We saw wolves, tigers, camels, aliphants. Lians and a lot of another animals and birds. But most of all i liked monkeys. They were so funny. They jumped hang on the lianes and we fed them! Then after we looked at all animalswe desided to eat. We bought an ice- cream and hot dogs and drank cola. I liked our journey. I adviseeverybody to go to the zoo. You will get a lot of pleasure
сочинение про насекомых. На английском языке.
After my hard and busy school year my summer holidays began. I felt happy and began to plan a lot of wonderful things to do during my summer vocation. I was dreaming about far South countries I always wanted to visit. For example I dreamed to visit, Greece islands or Singapore beaches. But I had to go to the Azove seaside with my relatives. The water was very warm there because you know Azove Sea isn’t deep. There were a lot of beautiful fair trees and bushes there. There were different kinds of entertainments there. Some kinds of water Mountains and water scooters and discos. There was nothing to do all day except lying in the sun and get a wonderful tan. I was playing with my little sister on the sand and in the waves teaching her to swim. Later on I returned to Kherson and spend some time in town going out with my friends, reading, listening to music, watching TV, playing computer games. After that I went to the sports camp where I spent seven days with my friends. It was very useful experience for us because we had to get up very early, to train a lot, and to rest very little. But it made us stronger and healthier. I was very happy to return home and to spend several days in my summer cottage, I helped my grand-pa to dig the garden, to water plants, and to gather fruits and vegetables. I was fishing with my grand-pa sometime successfully and we were cooking our fish together. Only humorous insects were spoiling my good humor. I was enjoying floating in the boat swimming in the river and helping my grandparents. During my summer holidays I made many new friends, read a lot of interesting books. Got to know a lot of useful things. Now I feel ready to get back to school. I am happy to meet my friends and teachers.
Напишите сочинение на 120 слов (плюс минус) о телевидение в моей семье на английском,
TV is very important thing in our life. We can say that TV is our eyes because TV helps us to know more about the world, about the others counties, about the events that happened in the world. TV even helps you to know more about yourself.
I like to watch TV very much. I can do that all day, that’s why sometimes my mother makes me turn off TV. I have about 12 Russian TV channels, they are: NTV, MTV, ORT, RTR, and others. I also have few KOSMOS TV’s channels, for example: Cartoon network, Discovery channel, TVE, and BBC. I like some of them and hate others.
So here are some words about the channels that I like. So, my favorite channel is MTV.
MTV is a music channel. 24 hours a day of music, can you believe it? I like to listen music very much, and sometimes I even make myself the music, that is why I enjoy watching MTV.
I also like NTV. This channel has very interesting films, for example "ER” - my favorite film and a lot of sport programs. I like sport, especially football. NTV usually shows us two-football match a week (one Champion’s League match and one Russian national championship’s match).
I also like several foreigner channels, especially Eurosport. And you know why! Cartoon network is not bad, but I think that it’s better for children - not for me.
That’s all about me. I also want to tell you about my parent’s favorite channels.
My father likes different channels with action films. His favorite actor is Sylvester Stalonne. My mother likes talk shows, for example " Я сама ” on TV6, and information programs, like "Сегодня” on NTV, "Время” on ORT, and "Вести” on RTR. She also likes BBC channels, which is one of the best information’s channels in the whole world.
The Bush house is a headquarters of the BBC World Service. Form this building the BBC broadcasts radio programmers to the whole world. The World Service used to be called " The Empire Service ”. It started in 1932, broadcast only in English. At the first the announcers used formal English and used to speak very slowly and clearly. In the 1930s the BBC started broadcasting to the Middle East. And in the 1938 it started broadcasting in Arabic. Very soon the BBC was broadcasting to all countries occupied by the Nazis. The BBC got a reputation for honesty and accuracy. After the Second World War the BBC continued its foreign languages broadcasts, and to this day broadcasts the news in thirty-nine languages. In the Newsroom a hundred and twenty journalists work day and night, writing two hundred news bulletins every 24 hours. All news in the BBC are checked at least twice before it is broadcasting. That’s why the World Service is not always popular with governments.
The bb is the world’s largest international broadcaster. Every week, one hundred and thirty million people listen to BBC World Service radio. In 1992 the World Service started broadcasting TV programs and today people in countries all over the world can see as well as hear the news from the BBC.
Cause of our different tastes, sometimes my family has a problem with choosing channels. Somebody thinks that TV is bad, but I don’t think so. I believe that in the future TV will be better and everyone will like it. Сочинение на английском на тему "национальные блюда Казахстана"
(на англ. )
In the modern house or yurt of the shepherd, the guest will be greeted and seated by the host. First of all, he will be offered a tea cup, which in the Kazakh house is spilled only by girls or young women. The guest-ayak-the prize-pial is sure to present the guest who thirsts for the guest. Cakes will be served with tea, milk cream - kaimak, butter, dried fruits, nuts, sweets. Not only black tea, but also the so-called shirchai, is honored among the Kazakhs. In it, add milk, butter, salt, slightly fried pieces of fatty fat and flour. Such a high-calorie drink will not only quench thirst, but also drown out the first famine. Kazakh dastarkhan offers a variety of types of flour products: samsa - pies with meat, puktermet - pirozhki with byproducts, kausyrma - a special kind of chebureki. In Kazakh cuisine there are traditionally many meat dishes. One of the most popular - kuyrdak - hot fatty roast from mutton liver, kidneys, heart, lungs and fatty fat. Smoked, dried boiled lamb and horse meat is usually drunk with milk tonic drinks. If a katik from fermented boiled cow milk resembles yogurt taste and is pleasantly refreshing, then such exotic drinks as shubat from camel milk or kumiss can give a feeling of easy intoxication. The world famous kumiss is obtained from fresh mares milk, fermented in large leather wineskins. The time of its fermentation is from three to five days, depending on the fat content and density of milk. A small amount of alcohol from 1. 5 to 3 degrees kumis is given by the root of aconite, which is added to the leaven. Kumis contains biologically active substances, is famous for its healing power and increases immunity. The main traditional dish of Kazakhs is the barbarian - boiled horse meat or lamb with boiled small pieces of dough cooked in broth and abundantly sprinkled with dill, parsley and coriander greens, served on a large oval dish. The treatment with the besblomak is accompanied by a peculiar ritual. Before the most honorable guest put a coy-bass - a boiled mutton head. He divides it and divides it among the other guests, with each part of the head being given a certain value. The young men give up the ears of the ram with the desire to be attentive, the girls get the palate to be hardworking. The most respected guests are also served ham and thigh lamb. The brisket gets to the young daughter-in-law, cervical vertebrae to married women. Boys get kidneys and a heart, from which they supposedly grow up faster, and the rams brain for children is banned: they will be weak-spirited. Young girl, so as not to stay in the virgins, never put a cubit on the plate. To the besbarmak special cakes ak-nan, baked with onions, will be served, and broth - sorpa will be poured into bowls. And the arrival of the spring holiday of Nauryzs renewal of nature is met by Kazakhs at a table on which Nauryz necessarily has skin - porridge of seven kinds of grain and sumalak - a brew of sprouted wheat. Having once tasted Kazakh national dishes, you will feel the fragrant breath of the steppe wind, the romance of nomadic life.