Написать рассказ о порванных шортах и майке

Yesterday I played football, basketball and even climbed on the roofs. And when I got home, I saw my shirt and my pants were torn. Mom’s upset. And dad said: I went to the store, buy new pants and shirt.
Вчера я играл в футбол, баскетбол и даже лазил по крышам. А когда я пришёл домой, я увидел что у меня порваны майка и штаны. Мама расстроилась. А папа сказал: Я пошёл в магазин, куплю новые штаны и майку.

Нужен краткий рассказ о погоде для учащегося 4 класса

Прогноз погоды всегда был интересен и детям и взрослым. В любое время года человеку важно знать, какой будет погода – ясной или пасмурной, холодной или теплой. Можно ли будет взрослым поработать на свежем воздухе, а детям целый день играть на улице или придется провести время в помещении. О том, что такое «погода» и «непогода» и почему погода бывает разной – 

Ребята надо по английскому написать рассказ про свой день рожденья. (если что это 5 класс. Spotlights. Страничка 100

My birthday is one of my favourite holidays. It is a wonderful chance to spend the time with your family and friends, with the people who you really love. On my birhday  I am always in the centre of their attention and get a lot of warm and hearty words and pleasant compliments. Everyone tells you only good things and give you many presents. I really love this day. On my last birthday I got a computer from my parents and I think this is the gratest present I’ve ever got

День Рождения один из моих любимых праздников. Это прекрасный шанс провести время со своей семьей и друзьями, которых ты любишь. В мой день Рождения я всегда в центре их внимания и всегда получаю теплые, сердечные слова и приятные комплименты. Все говорят тебе в этот день только хорошие слова и дарят много подарков. Я действительно люблю этот день. В мой последний День Рождения я получил компьютер от моих родителей, и я думаю, это самый лучший подарок, который я когда либо получал.

Написать рассказ отвечая на вопросы.
-The name of the museum
-When it was founded
-what you can see in the museum
-What you can do in the museum
-Why it is worth visiting

The Louvre Museum is located in Paris, is the world’s
most visited art museum, a historic monument, and a national museum of France. The
first royal “Castle of the Louvre” was founded in 1190, as a fortified royal
palace to defend Paris. The museum was opened in 1793 with an exhibition of 537
paintings. Today it is one of most beautiful constructions in the
world and most visited sight in France. The Louvre museum collection contains
the works of such renowned artists as Michelangelo, Raphael, Vermeer, Falconet,
Rembrandt and many others. It is worth visiting.

Музей Лувра расположен в Париже, является самым посещаемым в мире художественным музеем, историческим памятником и национальным музеем Франции. Первый королевский «Замок Лувра» был основан в 1190 году как укрепленный королевский дворец для защиты Парижа. Музей был открыт в 1793 году с выставкой из 537 картин. Сегодня это одно из самых красивых сооружений в мире и наиболее посещаемое в Франции. В коллекцию музея Лувр входят произведения таких известных художников, как Микеланджело, Рафаэль, Вермеер, Фальконе, Рембрандт и многие другие. Стоит посетить.

Рассказ о виде животных (про тигра): внешний вид, где и как живут, что едят, охотятся ли, что умеют, моё мнение.
На английском с переводом.

The tiger is an amazing animal. The color is orange in a black strip. It goes hunting to survive, that is, that it caught, then ate. Surprisingly, some tigers know how to climb trees. My opinion about a tiger is an amazing, beautiful and kind animal.

На английском: Tiger is a predator of the class mammals, such as chordates, predatory order, cat families, panther family, subfamilies are large cats. Tigers are distinguished by a flexible, muscular body and a round head with a convex forehead, expressive eyes and small, but sensitive to the sounds of the ears. Tigers can see perfectly in the dark, and according to scientists, they can distinguish colors. Ussuri tigers live in the Amur region in Russia, Khabarovsk and Primorye, about 10% of the population is found in North Korea and northeast China. Bengal tigers live in Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and South Asia. The area of ​​residence of Indochinese tigers is Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Thailand, Southeast Asia, Southern China. The Malay tiger lives in the southern part of the Malay Peninsula. Sumatran tigers are found in the reserves of the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. Chinese tigers live in the south-central part of China. With rather massive dimensions and huge power, the tigers feel themselves as the sovereign masters of the territory on which they live. Leaving their marks everywhere with urine, peeling the bark from the trees along the perimeter of their possessions and loosening the soil with claws, the male of the tiger clearly designates its "grounds", preventing other males from entering there. The large and large herbivores form the main diet of tigers. Tigers eat wild pigs, tapirs, roe deer, numerous species of deer. Occasionally predators hunt small animals and birds, such as rabbits and pheasants, do not disdain fish, frogs, or mice. Often, defenseless pets and small elephants become prey. In the summer, to the main, meat menu of tigers, nuts and fruits are added. The period of reproduction of tigers is in December and January. Females are ready to bear offspring in 3-4 years, males ripen to 5 years. Typically, a tiger is courted by a male tiger, in conditions of an increased number of males there are battles for the right to own a female. Conclusion: Tigers are very dangerous, they should not be approached, not the fact that they will take you for friends.
Перевод: Тигр - хищник класса млекопитающие, типа хордовые, отряда хищные, семейства кошачьи, рода пантеры, подсемейства большие кошки.  Тигров отличает гибкое, мускулистое тело и круглая голова с выпуклым лбом, выразительными глазами и небольшими, но чуткими к звукам ушами. Тигры прекрасно видят в темноте, а по утверждению ученых, могут различать цвета. Уссурийские тигры обитают в Амурской области в России, Хабаровском и Приморском краях, около 10% популяции встречается в Северной Корее и на северо-востоке Китая. Бенгальские тигры живут в Пакистане, Индии, Непале, Бутане, Бангладеше и Южной Азии. Район проживания индокитайских тигров — Малайзия, Вьетнам, Камбоджа, Лаос, Бирма, Тайланд, Юго-Восточная Азия, Южный Китай. Малайский тигр обитает в южной части полуостров Малакка. Суматранские тигры водятся в заповедниках острова Суматра в Индонезии. Китайские тигры живут в южно-центральной части Китая. Обладая довольно массивными габаритами и огромной силой, тигры ощущают себя полновластными хозяевами той территории, на которой обитают. Оставляя повсюду свои метки мочой, обдирая кору с деревьев по периметру владений и рыхля когтями почву, самец тигра четко обозначает свои «угодья», не допуская туда других самцов. Копытные и крупные травоядные составляют основной рацион тигров. Тигры едят диких свиней, тапиров, косуль, многочисленных видов оленей. Изредка хищники охотятся на мелких животных и птиц, таких, как зайцы и фазаны, не брезгуют рыбой, лягушками, мышами. Часто добычей становятся беззащитные домашние животные и маленькие слонята. Летом к основному, мясному меню тигров добавляются орехи и плоды. Период размножения тигров приходится на декабрь и январь. Самки готовы к вынашиванию потомства в 3-4 года, самцы созревают к 5 годам. Как правило, тигрицу обхаживает один самец тигра, в условиях повышенной численности среди самцов бывают бои за право обладания самкой. Вывод: тигры очень опасны, приближаться к ним не стоит, не факт что они примут вас за друзей.

Мини рассказ на английском о масленице

Since long ago there is a tradition in Russia to say “goodbye” to winter and “hello” to spring. The holiday of seeing off of the winter is called Maslenitsa. The concert is held in our city on this matter, the artists sing age-old songs, chastushkas and organize practical jokes. People take part in different competitions, ride horses and drink hot tea with pancakes not to be frozen. The pancakes are the main attribute of this festival because a pancake is a symbol of the sun. The festival always ends in burning of a big man of straw. The Lenten fast begins after Maslenitsa for orthodox believers. On Forgiveness Sunday in the morning my whole family goes on a visit to my grandmother. She bakes the most delicious pancakes with different fillings. In the afternoon I meet with friends and we go to the central square and see street festivities. I consider that this festival brings people together and let them enjoy themselves and meet the spring together.

If you want to see one of the original festivals of Russia, then you should visit Russia during the Maslenitsa Week. Maslenitsa is one of the Orthodox Church favorite and merry festivals. Maslenitsa is a preparation for Lent week. Meat is traditionally forbidden but fish, diary and butter are allowed. The Russian word for butter is “maslo” hence it appears Maslenitsa. Maslenitsa is the time to say farewell to winter and hello to the coming of spring. In heathen beliefs hot yellow pancakes symbolized the sun. From high antiquity the Slavs made blini (the Russian for pancakes) as symbol of the sun and they believed in eating the blin to eat a bit of the sun. Blini are made every day especially much from Thursday up to Sunday during The Wide Maslenitsa. It is required to visit and receive guests when Maslenitsa. Each mistress of the house has her own particular blini recipe. There is a great variety of blini to amaze visitors in all restaurants. Restaurants serve blini topped with fish, honey, jam, and lots of butter and blini with caviar for gourmet treat. One can taste mead and “zbiten” (a hot drink made of water, honey and spices).

Напишите рассказ о игрушках своих родителей, бабушек и дедушек. На английском с переводом.

My grandfather’s father was a master carpenter, he "chopped" the wood of the house and, of course, toys for his young son. Among such toys were cars, tractors of different sizes, locksmith tools - small hammers, axes, screwdrivers and saws, even carved and wood-cut animals!
The most favorite toy in my grandfather’s childhood was the wooden horse Zorka. Grandfather in general was very fond of horses, he loved riding them riding.
Grandfather loved his toys very much, and even after becoming an adult, he kept them for a long time as a piece of his childhood. And only 12 years ago, when a fire broke out in the house of my grandfather’s parents, all of his toys, including a favorite horse, died in the fire.
Папа моего дедушки был мастеровитым плотником, он "рубил" из дерева дома и, конечно же, игрушки для своего маленького сына. Среди таких игрушек были машинки, тракторы разных размеров, слесарные инструменты - маленькие молоточки, топоры, отвёртки и пилы, даже вырубленные и выпиленные из дерева животные!
Самой любимой игрушкой в детстве у моего дедушки была деревянная лошадка Зорька, т. К. Дед вообще очень любил лошадей, обожал ездить на них верхом.
Дед очень любил свои игрушки и даже, став взрослым, долго хранил их как кусочек своего детства. И только 12 лет назад, когда в доме родителей моего деда случился пожар, все его игрушки, в том числе любимая лошадка, погибли в огне.

Нужен рассказ о Джонни Деппе на АНГЛИЙСКОМ!

Johnny Depp is a famous American actor, film director, screenwriter and a musician. He is well-known by his roles in the films “Pirates of the Caribbean”, “Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street”. In 2012, with the income of 75 million dollars per year, he was considered to be the highest paid actor in the world. He was born on June 9th, 1963 in Kentucky, USA. His father was a civil engineer and his mother was a waitress. The Depp family lived in Owensboro, but they often moved to other places. At last, they settled in Florida.
When Johnny was 12, his mother gave him a guitar as a present. This was the time when he started playing with various garage bands. He also started drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes at that age. Soon, his favourite grandfather died and his parents got divorced. These accidents had a negative impact on young Johnny’s mind. He began using drugs and was expelled from school. At the age of 16, he left school and devoted himself to music. His other hobby was drawing. He was the author of his band’s album cover. He was also fond of literature, especially of books written by Jack Kerouac. This author’s works greatly influenced Johnny’s adolescent views.
When he was 20, he married the make-up artist Lori Anne Allison. She was the one who introduced him to Nicholas Cage. The actor was impressed by Johnny’s manners and he helped him to get a part in audition for the role in “A Nightmare on Elm Street” film. It was his first acting experience. At the same, he still hoped to devote most of his time to music. Unfortunately, the amateur band, where he played, soon collapsed. That’s why Depp agreed to participate in a series of TV shows. The “21 Jump Street” series turned him into a teenage girls’ idol, which he didn’t like at all. In 1990 he was invited to play a starring role in Tim Burton’s “Edward Scissorhands”. After this film he begins regular cooperation with Burton. He also met his second wife, Winona Ryder, during the filming.
His career quickly went uphill. He was invited to play the lead-roles in “Arizona Dream”, “Ed Wood”, “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas”, etc. After the loud divorce with Winona Ryder in 1993, he starts dating the British supermodel Kate Moss. He’s dated several other famous actresses and models. At the moment he is relationship with and American actress Amber Heard and has two children with a French singer Vanessa Paradis. In 2007, he received his first “Golden Globe” award. He is considered to be one of the sexiest and most highly paid actors of modern cinema. He has millions of fans across the world.

Johnny Depp is a famous American actor and musician. It is very popular all over the world. The most famous films with his participation are Edward Scissorhands, Sleepy Hollow, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  He brilliantly created the image of Jack Sparrow in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean". Johnny Depp is the owner and nominee of numerous awards and movie awards. He is one of the most highly paid Hollywood actors. His films are very popular.

Напиши рассказ о лете 2 класс

L'd like to tell you about my summer holiday. I went to the village to my granny. It was interesting place and it was warm every day. I went to the village with my family. We got there by train. When I arrived, I met my old friends there.
There was a beautiful river near the forest. The water was very warm, so I went to the river every day. Then I helped my granny with the garden. I liked it very much. I think it was my best summer holiday.

Я хочу вам рассказать о моих летних каникулах. Я ездила в деревню к моей бабушке. Это было интересное место, и каждый день было тепло. Я ездила вдеревню со своей семьей. Мы ездили туда на поезде. Когда я приехала, я встретила своих старых друзей.
Там была красивая река около леса. Вода была очень теплой, поэтому я каждый день ходила на речку. Потом я помогала бабушке по саду. Мне очень понравилось. Я думаю, что это мои лучшие каникулы.

Какие игрушки были раньше? Нужно написать небольшой рассказ на английском,

I want to tell you about my favourite toy.
I have got many toys. I have got cars, planes, soldiers, lego, stuffed animals, dolls, balls, robots, different games.
I like them all. But most of all I like my teddy bear. I have this teddy for 2 years. My grandmother gave it to me for my birthday. Teddy is not very big. It has a funny face. Its colour is brown. It is very soft. I like to hug it. And I like to sleep with it sometimes.

Before were toys are tumbler, and rattles, rocking horse. First Russians tumblers were in the image clowns, merchants and girl on the ball. Sometimes rocking horses were transformed in the presents in works of art. Also they were decorated red cloth with monograms of the Empress. Rattles for the youngest childrens. Was considered that the rattle is amulet which the with their noise, he discourages the dark forces.