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вот с этим:
The country and its capital
1. to be the largest country in North America
2. to have Mexico and Canada as neighbour countries in the south and in the North
3. to have different weather in different parts of the country (Florida, Alaska)
4. to have 50 states
5. the largest state of the country
6. the smallest state of the country
7. the highest mountains and the longest rivers
8. the capital city Washington, D. C
9. to lie on the banks of the potomac River
10. the US government and the Congress
очень нужно!
The USA is the largest country in north America. Its neighbour in the north is Canada and in the south its neighbour is Mexico. The country extends from the shores of Atlantic Ocean to the islands of Hawaii in the Pacific, and from cold, snowy Alaska to sunny Florida in the south-east. The USA has nearly every kind of weather. Also, it has many kind of land - wide grasslands, rocky mountains, powerful rivers, lakes of different size, sandy beaches, great forests and lands of ice and snows. The highest mountains are Rocky Mountains and the longest river is the Mississippi. More than 300 million people live in US, but the country is very big, so there is still a lot of open space. There are 50 states that make up the USA. Some are small and some are big. The smallest is Rhode island and the biggest is Alaska. The capital city is Washington D. C. It lies on the bank of the Potomac river. The letters "D. C." mean "District of Columbia". Its terretory doesnt belong to any state. The US government and its Congress are situated there. Every state has its capital. The largest city in the country is New Yourk City famous Its skyscrapers.
Если бы я была учителем, напишите 10 предложений (не как текст, а по раздельности) на английском языке,
1. if I were a teacher, would pay great attention to children
2. Id talked with students and well explains the lesson material
3. I would be fair to vote
4. for me it is important that every child is taught the material and did the homework
5. the main approach to the students understanding
6. I would pass on my experience and knowledge guys
7. if I were a teacher I would check notebooks homemade works
8. I would put a fair and deserved rating
9. as a teacher I would have attended all school events, and she participated in them
10. as a teacher, Id like to take the children on excursions and museums
Опишите любой музей Америки на английском. В вашем тексте должно быть 1. Название музея 2. Когда он был основан 3. Что вы можете увидеть в этом музее 4. Что ты можешь сделать в этом музее 5. И зачем его стоит посетить
The National Automobile Museum.
Reno, Nevada, USA
This museum is devoted to automotive history. It was opened in 1989. The basis for the collection was the collection of Bill Harrah, the famous collector from Nevada. The building of the museum covers about one thousand square feet and contains more than two hundred cars from 1892 to present.
There are some legendary cars, race cars, cabriolets, minivans, sports wagons and pickup trucks. Overall, the museum is worth seeing. Here children and adults will spend a marvelous time.
Мини-текст на английскому с переводом про Кремль
In 1991 the Kremlin became the residence of the President of Russia. In the 1990s, restoration work was carried out on the territory of the Kremlin, as a result of which the Red Porch of the Faceted Chamber was restored, the Alexander and Andreevsky Halls of the Great Kremlin Palace were restored, and the Senate Palace was restored. [51] In 1996-2000, the restoration of Kremlin walls and towers was carried out [52]. In 2001, the repair of the 14th building of the Kremlin on Ivanovskaya Square began. By 2011, all the services of the presidential administration were transferred to the Old Square. The interior of the cabinet of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin was transported to the Presidential Center of his name in Yekaterinburg. In July 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed not to restore the 14th building, which does not represent architectural and historical value, but to recreate the historical appearance of the Moscow Kremlin and restore to this place the ancient monasteries - Chudov, founded by Metropolitan Alexy and Voznesensky, founded by the widow of Dmitry Donskoy Evdokia Dmitrievna. The proposal was discussed at a meeting with Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, deputy director of the Moscow Kremlin Museums, an expert on ancient architecture Andrei Batalov, rector of the Moscow Architectural Institute Dmitry Shvidkovsky and commandant of the Moscow Kremlin Sergei Khlebnikov. The proposal aroused the keen interest of the participants in the discussion, especially since the 14th Corps was practically dismantled several years ago [53]. In the spring of 2016, the building of the 14th Corps was completely dismantled. Opportunities for a large-scale archaeological study of the Kremlin Hill and the hidden cultural and spiritual heritage of the XII - early XX centuries were opened for the first time [54]. Research work was carried out by the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. After the excavations were completed, the square was divided into a place for the time of the restoration project of the monasteries. In the winter of 2017, the first "archaeological windows" in Moscow were opened on Ivanovskaya Square, which allow one to get acquainted with the well-preserved ancient foundations of the Small Nikolayevsky Palace and Chudova Monastery. Discovered remains of the foundations of the Catherine’s Church of the Ascension Monastery are under Spasskaya Street and are hidden from the eyes of visitors to the Kremlin [55]. The State Historical and Cultural Museum-Preserve "The Moscow Kremlin" has opened a new tourist route, which acquaints Muscovites and guests of the capital with the history of destroyed shrines [56]. For the visitors of the Moscow Kremlin, who got acquainted with the new museum exposition, now the exit through the Spassky Tower directly to Red Square is opened. нужно написать текст, предложение которого будут начинаться с букв слова computer. На английском языке.
Computer technology. The twenty first century is a century of technologies, computers and technology. It is well-known that the computer has become one of the main ways of getting information. Some people can’t live without it, but other thinks computers have a bad influence. Whose opinion is right?
The computer is an assistant to all the people who live on earth and it is a small device but with its help you can learn everything about the earth, etc. Translate the sentences into English
1. Мы вернулись в Москву, потому что любим её
2. Появился новый учебник английского языка
3. Марк зашёл ко мне посмотреть на мой новый компьютер
4. Когда вы встречаете в тексте новое слово — посмотрите его перевод в словаре
We have returned to Russia, because we love it.
A new English book has been appeared.
Mark came to me in order to look at my computer.
When you look at a new word in the text— look at its translating in a dictionary.
1. We came back to Moscow because we love it there.
2. A new English students’s book has been released.
3. Mark came over to my place to look at my new computer.
4. When you see a new word in the text - look up it’s translation in the dictionary.
нужен текст на английском про стиль музики класика.
Classical music-its music for soul, never miss the music. I very liked this music. In this music play to cello, violin, piano. One great composer-Mocart. To us and friends liked the classical music, we listen. Classical music its very nice music.
перевод: классическая музыка-это музыка для души, никогда не пропускайте эту музыку. Мне очень нравится эта музыка. В этой музыке играют на скрипке, виолончели, фортепиано. Один великий композитор-Моцарт. Нам с друзьями нравится эта музыка, мы ее слушаем. Классическая музыка это очень классная музыка.
мне нужно написать текст о Лондоне на английском 4 предложения 6 класс
London, the capital of Great Britain, is a very old town. It is two thousand years old. London stands not far from the sea. The Tower of London is another significant landmark of London and a symbol of the UK.
Лондон, столица Великобритании, очень старый город. Ему две тысячи лет. Лондон располагается недалеко от моря. Тауэр – еще одна значимая достопримечательность Лондона и символ Великобритании.
Текст на английском про Лондон
London, the capital of Great Britain, is a very old town. It is two thousand years old. Many years ago London was a small town on the Thames. There were a lot of villages round it and after many years London and three hundred villages grew into a very large city. Some of the names of those villages you can find in the names of the streets in modern London — Kensington, Westminster and others.
There were many wars in those days and people from other countries came to Great Britain and destroyed London, but new houses of stone grew up.
London stands not far from the sea. Many ships from other countries came to the port of London and brought cotton, food and other things. Factories grew in London and other cities. Many shops were opened in the centre of London. In 1863 the first underground railway began to work. It was very short in those days.
Now London is a beautiful city with large squares and parks. London is one of the biggest cities in the world.
Лондон, столица Великобритании, очень старый город. Ему две тысячи лет. Много лет назад Лондон был маленьким городком на Темзе. Вокруг него было много деревень и после многих лет Лондон и триста деревень выросли в очень большой город. Некоторые названия тех деревень вы можете найти в названиях улиц в современном Лондоне - Кенсингтон, Вестминстер и другие.
В те дни было много войн, и люди из других стран приходили в Великобританию и разрушали Лондон, но росли новые дома из камня.
Лондон располагается недалеко от моря. Много кораблей из других стран приходили в Лондонский порт и привозили хлопок, продовольствие и другие вещи. Фабрики росли в Лондоне и других городах. Много магазинов были открыты в центре Лондона. В 1863 году начала работать первая подземная железная дорога. В те дни она была очень короткой.
Сейчас Лондон - красивый город с большими площадями и парками. Лондон - один из самых больших городов в мире.
Друзья грамотно перевести текст на английский ну и можем самы мысли изменить.
Со статистикой которая дана в тексте, я соглашусь.
Во первых, в наше время интернет имеет огромный спрос и молодые люди в возрасте от 16 до 24 лет предпочитают интернет в качестве. Пример: источник информации, общение с друзьями и отдых (игры, фильмы и т. П).
Сам знаю по себе.
Во вторых, в тексте говорилось о безопасности и личной информации. Человек без опасений делится и оставляет информацию о себе, не все читают лицензионные соглашения и заявление о конфиденциальности. Мы на столько сильно верим в безопасность интернета, зачем кому то взламывать нашу почту или аккаунт в фэйсбуке, поэтому человек часто использует одинаковые пароли и очень рискует!
В заключение хотелось бы напомнить, что интернет целая вселенная, которая уже никогда не умрет и будет развиваться и усовершенствоваться. Конечно интернет сделал нашу жизнь быстрее и проще, но не нужно забывать о его черной стороне.
With statistics which struck in the text, I would argue. First, in our time, the Internet has a huge demand and young people aged 16 to 24 years prefer online as. Example: source of information, communication with friends and rest (games, movies, etc.). You know, for yourself. Secondly, the text referred to security and personal information. A person shares and leaves information about himself without fear, not everyone reads the license agreements and privacy statement. We so strongly believe in the security of the Internet, why should someone hack into our email account or Facebook, so people often use the same password to Paris!
In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the Internet is an entire universe that will never die and will develop and improve. Of course the Internet has made our lives faster and easier, but do not forget about its black side.
With the statistics that are given in the text, I will agree.
Firstly, in our time the Internet has a huge demand and young people aged 16 to 24 prefer the Internet in quality. Example: the source of information, communication with friends and recreation (games, movies, etc.).
I know for myself.
Secondly, the text spoke about security and personal information. A person shares and leaves information about himself without fear, not everyone reads license agreements and a statement of confidentiality. We strongly believe in the security of the Internet, why would anyone hack into our mail or an account on facebook, so people often use the same passwords and are very risky!
In conclusion, I would like to remind you that the Internet is a whole universe that will never die and will develop and improve. Of course, the Internet has made our life faster and easier, but do not forget about its black side.