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Моя семья
Моя семья -это мама папа я и моя младшая сестра. Моя мама очень добрый человек, всегда поймет и поддержит в трудую минуту. У нас с мамой нет секретов -мы лучшие друзья. Мой папа является главой семьи. Он работает водителем. Мы очень благодарны ему за то, что он делает для нас. Моя младшая сестра учится в 6 классе. Учится она хорошо. Она занимается рукоделием и я тоже. Моя семья очень дружная моя семья очень много значит для меня. Семья-это единственные люди, которые будут всегда любит и понимать меня-это моя семья. Люди которые будут всегда любить и понимать меня.
My family
My family is my dads mom and my younger sister. my mother is a very kind person, will always understand and support in a working minute. we have no secrets with my mother, we are the best friends. my dad is the head of the family. he works as a driver. We are very grateful to him for what he is doing for us. my younger sister is in grade 6. she studies well. she does needlework and so do I. my family is very friendly my family means a lot to me. Family is the only people who will always love and understand me is my family. People who will always love and understand me.
Текст о пользе интернета на английском
Most people, especially network users, will agree with the statement that the Internet is a huge achievement of mankind. It is an inexhaustible source of what a useful Internet is the benefit and damage of the worldwide web ofinformation, helping to obtain the necessary knowledge and solve complex tasks. The World Wide Web will help you become smarter, erudite, teach you many interesting things. In addition, the benefit of the Internet lies in the fact that it seems to erase the borders between countries or even continents. People can communicate without problems, even if they are at a distance of thousands of kilometers. The World Wide Web makes it possible to find new friends or even love.
You can spend time on the Internet with the help of viewing transmissions, gaining new knowledge, learning foreign languages. Some people even succeed in getting a new profession or getting a good job. Yes, and the Internet itself can become a stable source of income. Over the past few years, there has been a lot of professions connected with the World Wide Web. Більшість людей, особливо користувачів мережі, погодяться з твердженням, що інтернет – це величезне досягнення людства. Він є невичерпним джерелом
інформації, що допомагає отримати необхідні знання та вирішити складні завдання. Всесвітня павутина допоможе стати розумнішим, эрудированнее, навчить багатьом цікавим речам.
Крім цього, користь інтернету полягає в тому, що він ніби стирає кордони між країнами або навіть континентами. Люди без проблем можуть спілкуватися, навіть якщо вони знаходяться один від одного на відстані тисяч кілометрів. Всесвітня павутина дає можливість відшукати нових друзів або навіть любов.
Час в інтернеті з користю можна провести, переглядаючи передачі, отримуючи нові знання, освоюючи іноземні мови. Деяким навіть вдається з допомогою нього отримати нову професію або влаштуватися на хорошу роботу. Та й сам інтернет може стати стабільним джерелом доходів. За останні кілька років з’явилося дуже багато професій, пов’язаних саме з всесвітньою павутиною. Составить текст на английском языке про Христофора Колумба (10 предложений)
Christopher Columbus was the person who discovered America in 1492.
He was the son of a poor Italian weaver. From his early childhood Columbus was interested in big ships. One day he went off to sea and then made lots of voyages. The seamen of that time didn’t sail far as they knew little of the Atlantic Ocean and didn’t know what was in it or beyond it. When the astronomers declared that the earth was round, Columbus wanted to check it and reach India by sailing to the West.
Being interested in shorter trade routes to India, the Spanish Government gave Columbus three small ships and less than a hundred men so that he could try to carry out his voyage. In 1492 Columbus left Spain on this great expedition. As they sailed West they reached the Canary Islands and the next day they saw land, which was given the name of San Salvador. However, Columbus had no idea that he had discovered a new continent; he thought it was an unknown part of India. He came back to Spain in triumph.
Some time later a man named Amerigo Vespucci explored the same coast as Columbus and found that it wasn’t the coast of India. He said it was a New World. For a long time the land had no special name. Only in 1506, the year of Christopher Columbus’s death, it was named America after Amerigo. However, Columbus was the true discoverer of the continent.
European people came to the New World for various reasons. Some hoped to find gold and silver. Priests and missionaries came to bring the Christian religion to the Indians. Among all, there was a small group of English people called Pilgrims who wanted to start a new life and to have no religious problems they had in England. In 1620 on the ship «Mayflower» they landed in the north-east of America, set up a colony and called that part of the country «New England». Короткий текст на английском языке о настольной игре (много баллов)
Chess is a table logic game with special figures on a 64-cell board for two competitors, combining elements of art, science and sports. It is believed that the history of chess totals at least one and a half thousand years. The first known game-progenitor, Chaturanga, appeared in India.
Ша́хматы— настольная логическая игра со специальными фигурами на 64-клеточной доске для двух соперников, сочетающая в себе элементы искусства, науки и спорта. Считается, что история шахмат насчитывает не менее полутора тысяч лет. Первая известная игра-прародитель, чатуранга, появилась в Индии.
"Monopoly" is a table game in the genre of economic strategy for two or more people. Has gained great popularity in the XX century in many countries of the world, including the USSR; in the latter was also known as "Manager", "Empire", "Businessman". In 1934, at the height of the Great Depression, Charles Darrow from Hermantown, Pennsylvania, showed the representatives of the company Parker Brothers the project of the game Monopoly. The project was rejected due to "52 design errors", but this did not stop the unemployed Charles, who decided to release the game on his own.
«Монополия» — настольная игра в жанре экономической стратегии для двух и более человек. Получила большую популярность в XX веке во многих странах мира, включая СССР; в последнем была также известна под названиями «Менеджер», «Империя», «Бизнесмен». В 1934 году в разгар Великой депрессии Чарльз Дэрроу из Германтауна, штат Пенсильвания, показал представителям компании Паркер Бразерс проект игры Монополия. Проект был отклонен из-за «52 ошибок в дизайне», но это не остановило безработного Чарльза, который решил выпустить игру своими силами.
Jenga is a table game invented by the English game designer Tanzanian origin Leslie Scott and distributed by Parker Brothers. Jenga was coined by Leslie Scott, and it was based on a game invented in her family in the early 1970s, which used wooden wooden blocks. Currently, there are several types of games, such as Jenga Boom, where the tower is built on a platform with a stylized time-bomb, which after a certain time "explodes" and breaks the tower, and janga-phantoms, where blocks are printed with various tasks that are necessary perform during the game.
Дженга — настольная игра, придуманна английским геймдизайнером танзанийского происхождения Лесли Скотт и распространяемая компанией Parker Brothers. Дженга была придумана Лесли Скотт, и в её основу легла игра, придуманная в её семье в начале 1970-х, в которой использовались детские деревянные кубики. В настоящее время существует несколько разновидностей игры, такие как Jenga Boom, где башня строится на платформе со стилизованной бомбой с часовым механизмом, которая через определённое время «взрывается» и ломает башню, и дженга-фанты, где на блоках напечатаны различные задания, которые необходимо выполнять в процессе игры.
составить текст на тему "Развлечения" на английском языке! 70-80 слов.
Развлечение в моей жизни
What I prefer to do when I want to enjoy myself is go to a cafe with my friend because its a way to cheer me up and to chat about everything I want to. "Coffee et Chocolate" is a good chain coffee house in Saratov city. Most of all I like to go to one that is located in Kirova street.
Coffee et Chocolate provides the customers with a rich tea and coffee list, desserts, and ice-creams. You may pop into this cafe to have breakfast, lunch or dinner. The quality of food is out of the world beginning from coffee up to second courses.
The coffee house tries to create a tranquil atmosphere in order to attract customers. The waitresses are smiley and are ready to serve quickly. There is always French music or French songs which you may enjoy listening to.
The last time I ate out there on the 12-th of October with my friend before going to the Drama theatre. It was raining all day long, the rain beat against the windows. We were sitting in cosy armchairs, drinking coffee, eating sweet cakes "Tiramisu", and watching the passers-by through the window. We were satisfied with the service as usual I should say, and I was surprised by the waitress who did not take notes but remembered our order, by the way we ordered a lot. After having a lunch there we went to the theatre.
I would recommend this cafe to anyone who likes cosy atmosphere, where you can plunge and just relax, you may chat with friends there and listen to the French music if you wish.
Когда я хочу отдохнуть, я иду в кафе со своей подругой, потому что это способ подбодрить себя и поболтать обо всем на свете. "Кофе и Шоколад" - сеть заведений в Саратове. Больше всего я люблю ходить в кофейню, которая расположена на проспекте Кирова.
В "Кофе и Шоколад" предоставлены разнообразные чайная и кофейная карты, десерты, и мороженое. Вы можете заглянуть в это кафе, чтобы позавтракать, пообедать или поужинать. Качество еды, начиная от кофе до вторых блюд - превосходит все ожидания. В кофейне царит спокойная атмосфера, что привлекает клиентов. Официантки - улыбчивые и готовы быстро Вас обслужить. Здесь всегда звучит французская музыка или песни французских исполнителей, которыми Вы можете насладиться.
В прошлый раз я была там 12-го октября со своей подругой, мы заглянули туда, перед тем как пойти в драмтеатр. Целый день шел дождь, он стучал в окна, а мы сидели в удобных креслах, пили кофе, ели пирожные "Тирамису" и наблюдали за прохожими в окно.
Как обычно нам понравился сервис, и я должна сказать, что меня удивила официантка, которая стала записывать заказ в блокнот, а запомнила все, что мы заказали, а заказывали мы много в тот день. После обеда в "Кофе и Шоколад" мы отправились в театр.
Это кафе понравится всем, кто любит уют, спокойную атмосферу, здесь Вы можете встретиться и поболтать с друзьями, а также послушать французскую музыку, если она Вам, конечно, нравится.
Напишите текст про одну из площадей России на английском.
Red Square is a central city square in Moscow, the capital of Russia. It is always open to visitors and tourists love taking pictures there. Along with the Kremlin, which is a former royal fortress and current residence of the President, Red Square is on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List from 1990. In fact, Red Square separates the Kremlin from the historic merchant quarter called Kitai-gorod. Moscow major streets also originate from Red Square. The name of the square comes from the color of the bricks around it. Many famous Russian artists pictured the square in their works. Among them Vasily Surikov and Viktor Vasnetsov. Red Square has a rich history. It used to be Moscow’s main marketplace. It was also the place for important public ceremonies. Particularly, a coronation for Russian tsars took place at Red Square. Today the square is surrounded by many significant buildings, such as Lenin’s Mausoleum, glorious Saint Basil’s Cathedral, the palaces and towers of the Kremlin, GUM – the main department store of the Soviet Union, the restored Kazan Cathedral, the State Historical Museum and several other objects. The only monument on the square is a bronze statue of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky. They once helped to clear Moscow from the Polish invaders. Every winter Red Square hosts a large and merry ice-rink, where residents and visitors of the capital can skate. The square also serves as a venue for high-profile concerts. Such celebrities as Paul McCartney, Shakira, Linkin Park, Scorpions
Red Square is a city square in the capital of Russia.
It is a symbol of Russia and Moscow.
It is a central square of all Russia.
It is very beautiful.
People say that the name Red Square comes from the colour of the bricks or from the link between the colour red and communism.
There you can see Lenin’s Mausoleum, Saint Basil’s Cathedral, GUM department store, Kazan Cathedral.
There is also a monument on the square.
It is a bronze statue of Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky.
They helped to clear Moscow from the Polish invaders in 1612, during theTimes of Trouble.
On May 9 every year you can see Victory Day parade there.
A lot of tourists come to see it. Напишите текст про масленицу на английском.
Since long ago there is a tradition in Russia to say “goodbye” to winter and “hello” to spring. The holiday of seeing off of the winter is called Maslenitsa. The concert is held in our city on this matter, the artists sing age-old songs, chastushkas and organize practical jokes. People take part in different competitions, ride horses and drink hot tea with pancakes not to be frozen. The pancakes are the main attribute of this festival because a pancake is a symbol of the sun. The festival always ends in burning of a big man of straw. The Lenten fast begins after Maslenitsa for orthodox believers. On Forgiveness Sunday in the morning my whole family goes on a visit to my grandmother. She bakes the most delicious pancakes with different fillings. In the afternoon I meet with friends and we go to the central square and see street festivities. I consider that this festival brings people together and let them enjoy themselves and meet the spring together.
Напишите краткий текст (10 предложений) Почему я люблю Английский.
На английском с переводом. Желательно про архитектуру
Предложения из топикаПеревод на английский язык1Хорошо известен тот факт, что на английском говорят во всем миреIt’s a well-known fact that English is spoken all over the world2Популярность английского громаднаяThe popularity of English is huge3Трудно представить какого-либо человека, который бы вовсе не хотел бы учить английскийIt’s hard to imagine any person who wouldn’t like to learn English at all4Что касается меня, я учу английский по нескольким причинамAs far as I’m concerned, I learn English for several reasons5Прежде всего, это удивительный языкFirst of all, it’s an amazing language6Мне действительно нравится, как он звучитI really like the way it sounds7Во-вторых, если я буду хорошо знать английский язык, это поможет мне найти хорошую работуSecondly, if I know English well, it will help me to find a good job8Более того, я предпочитаю делать что-то полезное в свое свободное времяMoreover, I prefer to do something useful in my free time9Между прочим, знание — силаBy the way, knowledge is power10Последнее, я хотел бы учит английский усерднее, так как абсолютно уверен, что он мне понадобитсяFinally, I’d really like to learn English harder because I’m absolutely sure that I’ll need it
Текст на английском языке о Гродно 10 предложений
Grodno (Goroden [1], Kronon [2], Horyadnia, Garodny [3], etc.) - one of the oldest cities in Belarus. Archaeological excavations show that the first Slavic settlements (Dregovichi [4]) on the high bank of the Neman a appeared in the tenth century. It was first mentioned in the census of cities under the jurisdiction of the Turov Diocese (1005 AD). It was a cultural, commercial and production center of Black Russia. In the XII-XIII centuries, a place appeared on these settlements, located at the crossroads of trade routes, which was originally only a small fortress of a fortified shopping mall. It was from the word "gorodit" (fencing) that the name of the city arose.
придумайте текст по английски на тему: диснейленд
The Christmas New Year holiday season is already very close and many are racking their brains over where it is possible to spend this magical time well. New Years holidays are always associated with something kind, bright, cheerful and at the same time mysterious. at this time you want to plunge into a fairy tale, and such a tale is in several corners of the world - its Disneyland.
For the first time, the Walt Disney Parks and Resorts opened in 1955 in Anaheim (California, USA). it was the first and only Disneyland Park designed and built under the guidance of Walt Disney himself.
Later in the state of Florida (USA) was opened the 2nd theme park called "World Walt Disney World Resort" (Walt Disney World Resort). for today it is the largest in area and one of the most visited entertainment centers in the world, covering an area of 100 km.

It includes: 4 theme parks, 2 water parks, 24 themed hotels, as well as numerous shops, cafes, restaurants and entertainment venues.
Also similar parks were opened in France and Japan: Disneyland and Disneys Disneys Water Park in Tokyo (Japan), Disneyland in Paris (the so-called Euro-Disneyland). Most recently, he celebrated his discovery and Disneyland in Hong Kong (China).

everyone who has ever visited one of the 5 parks, did not remain indifferent - neither children nor adults. The air is literally imbued with a fairy tale, where you inevitably forget about everyday routine and plunge into a completely different reality. A truly magical place for a magical vacation!