Текст про покупки, английский

If we need to buy something, first of all we go to the shop. There are many different shops where you can buy whatever you want - from food to screws, bolts and nuts. It is not difficult to guess what type of store is the most popular. It may be said without exaggeration that these types of shops are supermarkets and grocery stores. A human being eats every day, so passing by such shops is a rather difficult thing.

In every city you will find such shops as grocery stores, clothing stores, bakeries, butcheries. I love going to the flower shop most of all because flowers are my passion. Every week I go to an antique (curiosity) shop, because I really enjoy the original, ancient things. From time to time I visit the toy store in order to buy toys for my nephews and children. Almost every month I go to the gift shop so that I can buy gifts on birthday for my family and friends.

I like to spend my time on shopping, preferably I like the self-service shops. You can scrutinize something as long as you like. A nagging seller does not hurry you, you are your own master. After it all, you can calmly go to the cashier, where all purchases will be counted and added up. In our time, it’s not only supermarkets that work in such a way, but also department stores, clothing shops and household goods shops.

Вставить слова из скобок. His name (to be) Mike. Mike (to be) four. My brother (to be) a little boy. He (to be) nice and funny. Mike (not to go) to school. Our Granny (to look) after him. My brother (to like) to play hide-and-seek with our dog. He (not to read) well. But Mike (to paint) very weel. Every week-end we (to spend) in the country. In winter Mike (to play) snowballs or (to make) a snowman. In summer he (to bathe) in the lake. Mike (not to swim) well. My brother and I (to like) to build sand-castles on the beach. I (to like) my brother.
1. What (to be) brother is name?
2. How old (to be) Mike?
3. He (to go) to school?
4. Who (to look) after him?
5. What game Mike (to like) to play?
6. With whom he (to play) hide-and-seek?
7. He (to read) well?
8. How well Mike (to paint)?
9. Where they (to spend) every weekend?
10. What Mike (to do) in winter?
11. Where he ( to bathe) in summer?
12. Mike (to swim) well?
13. What they (to build) on the beach?

His name is Mike. Mike is four. My brother is a little boy. He is nice and funny. Mike doesn’t go to school. Our Granny looks after him. My brother likes to play hide-and-seek with our dog. He doesn’t read well. But Mike paints very well. Every week-end we spend in the country. In winter Mike plays snowballs or makes a snowman. In summer he bathes in the lake. Mike doesn’t swim well. My brother and I like to build sand-castles on the beach. I like my brother.

1. What is brother name?

2. How old is Mike?

3. Does He go to school?

4. Who looks after him?

5. What game does Mike like to play?

6. With whom does he play hide-and-seek?

7. Does He read well?

8. How well does Mike paint?

9. Where do they spend every weekend?

10. What does Mike do in winter?

11. Where does he bathe in summer?

12. Does Mike swim well?

13. What do they build on the beach?

His name is Mike. Mike is four. My brother is a little boy. He is nice and funny. Mike doesn’t go to school. Our Granny looks after him. My brother likes to play hide-and-seek with our dog. He doesn’t read well. But Mike paints very well. Every weekend we spend in the country. In winter Mike plays snowballs or makes a snowman. In summer he bathes in the lake. Mike doesn’t swim well. My brother and I like to built sand-castles on the beach. I like my brother.
1. What is your brother’s name? (Mike)
2. How old is Mike? (four)
3. Does he go to school? (no)
4. Who looks after him? (granny)
5. What game Mike likes to play? (hide-and-seek)
6. With whom he plays hide-and-seek? (with dog)
7. Does he read well? (no)
8. How well Mike paints? (very well)
9. Where do they spend every weekend? (in the country)
10. What does Mike do in winter? (plays snowballs and makes a snowman)
11. Where does he bathe in summer? (in the lake)
12. Does Mike swim well? (no)
13. What do they build on the beach? (sand-castles)

Think of three interesting things to so or see and ask if your friend has ever done cor seen them. Mention something you have never done and ask if he or she would like to do this.

I have never  made a jump with a parachute.
Have you ever made  a jump with a parachute?
Я никогда не прыгал с парашютом. А ты когда-нибудь прыгал с парашютом?
Have you ever see an elephant? Ты когда-нибудь видела слона?
Have you ever visited the USA? Ты когда-нибудь был в США?
Have you ever quarrelled with your friend?  Ты когда нибудь ссорился с другом?

The Beatles recorded together until 1970. True 2) False 3) unstated A6 The three Beatles wanted to record only their old hits True 2) False 3) unstated

1) True. Последним альбомом Битлз, который они записали вместе стал Abbey Road 1969 года, в 1970 вышел Let It Be из наработок Битлов. В принципе да, до 1970 они записывались вместе.
2) False. Кому это вообще нужно? Перепевать старые хиты это отстой. Битлы не стояли на месте, ушли в сольные проекты и писали музыки, даже по сей день.
Собственно всё, извини если не правильно, но ты не привел текст. Ответил как фанат группы)

Твір англійською "як я хворіла" з перекладоб

A few days ago I was very ill. I had a terrible headache, I had a very  high temperature and I cneezed every minutes. It was so awful to have a runny nose. The doctor said that I should stay in bed but I didn’t want. It was so boring to stay in bed when the weatther was so good and warm. I hate TV but I watched everything. My mother took me a lot of medicines. Then I felt better!
Кілька днів тому я дуже хворіла. У мене були жахливі головні болі, дуже висока температура, і я чхала кожну хвилину, Це так жахливо мати нежить. Доктор сказав, що я повинна лежати в ліжку, але я не хотіла. Це так нудно залишатися в ліжку, коли на вулиці така гарна і тепла погода. Я ненавиджу телевізор, але дивилася всі підряд Мама давала мені багато ліків. І мені стало краще!

Match the definitions with the energy kinds.
a) hydroelectric 1. comes from moving turbines or mills
b) solar energy 2. oil, gas, coal which ontribute global warming while burning
c) nuclear 3. comes from flowing water in rivers, waterfalls and streams
d) wind 4. comes from the sun and can be saved using panels
e) geothermal 5. comes from splitting toms, and produces dangerous waste

Fill in the gaps with the words from the box

a) population b) live c) farmland d) sources e) gradually f) demand

1. For the thousands of years, the population of the world increased.
2. By the year 2050, researchers predict that the. of the world will be 9. 1 billion.
3. We don’t know how people will choose to. in the future.
4. Today, for fresh water is greater han before.
5. It is very important to increase the amount of.
6. We have many different. of energy.

Match the definitions with the energy kinds.
a) hydroelectric energy comes from flowing water in rivers, waterfalls and streams
b) solar energy comes from the sun and can be saved using panels
c) nuclear energy comes from splitting atoms, and produces dangerous waste
d) wind energy comes from moving turbines or mills
e) geothermal energy comes from oil, gas, coal which ontribute global warming while burning
Fill in the gaps with the words from the box
1. For the thousands of years, the population of the world increased. gradually 
2. By the year 2050, researchers predict that the. population. of the world will be 9. 1 billion.
3. We don’t know how people will choose to. live. in the future.
4. Today, demand. for fresh water is greater than before.
5. It is very important to increase the amount of. farmland 
6. We have many different. sources. of energy.

There are many you can visit in London. With numerous the city is considered to be a great tourist attraction and a fun to go to. The capital is located on the Thames which makes the city look mysterious. Crossing it, you can enjoy the on the Tower of London and the House of Parliament. The Tower of London is an place which was built in 1066. It is used to be a for kings and, and after that it became a prison where were kept for a long time.

Есть много вы можете посетить в Лондоне. С многочисленными город считается большой туристической достопримечательностью и весело провести время. Столица расположена на Темзе, что делает город загадочным. Пересекая его, вы можете посетить Тауэр и здание парламента. Лондонский Тауэр-это место, который был построен в 1066 году. Он используется для королей и, и после этого он стал тюрьмой, где содержались в течение длительного времени
НЕточности, переводчик таков

Если вы просите перевод то вот: 
В Лондоне можно посетить много. С многочисленными города считается большой достопримечательностью и интересным местом. Столица расположена на Темзе, что делает город загадочным. Пересекая его, вы сможете насладиться на лондонском Тауэре и в палате парламента. Лондонский Тауэр - это место, которое было построено в 1066 году. Оно использовалось для королей, и после этого оно превратилось в тюрьму, где хранились в течение длительного времени.

Написать 5 знаменательных событий которые произошли в России на английском, например в 1945

June 22 - Day of Remembrance and Sorrow - the day of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War;
June 29 - Day of partisans and underground;
July, 28 - Day of christening of Russia;
August 1 is the Day of Remembrance of Russian Warriors who died in the First World War of 1914-1918;
September 2 - Day of the end of the Second World War;
September 3 - Day of Solidarity in the Fight Against Terrorism;
November 7 - Day of the October Revolution of 1917;
December 3 - Day of the Unknown Soldier;
December 9 - Day of Heroes of the Fatherland;
December 12 is the Day of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Текст про шопінг на англ мові

If we need to buy something, first of all we go to the shop. There are many different shops where you can buy whatever you want - from food to screws, bolts and nuts. It is not difficult to guess what type of store is the most popular. It may be said without exaggeration that these types of shops are supermarkets and grocery stores. A human being eats every day, so passing by such shops is a rather difficult thing.

In every city you will find such shops as grocery stores, clothing stores, bakeries, butcheries. I love going to the flower shop most of all because flowers are my passion. Every week I go to an antique (curiosity) shop, because I really enjoy the original, ancient things. From time to time I visit the toy store in order to buy toys for my nephews and children. Almost every month I go to the gift shop so that I can buy gifts on birthday for my family and friends.

I like to spend my time on shopping, preferably I like the self-service shops. You can scrutinize something as long as you like. A nagging seller does not hurry you, you are your own master. After it all, you can calmly go to the cashier, where all purchases will be counted and added up. In our time, it’s not only supermarkets that work in such a way, but also department stores, clothing shops and household goods shops.

26 слов на тему "Весна", на Английском языке Желательно что бы начинались с букв A- B- C- D-

Awakening (пробуждение), bad weather (плохая погода), amorousness (влюбчивость), cats (коты), flood (половодье), bloom (цветение), grass (трава), dirt (грязь), butterfly(бабочка), beginning(начало), foliage(листва), rain (дождь), dandelion (одуванчик), tulips (тюльпаны), narcissus(нарцисс), Verba (верба), smell (запах), flowers(цветы), may (май), snowdrops(подснежники), sun (солнце), Sakura(сакура), rubber boots(резиновые сапоги), Easter (пасха), joy (радость), streams (ручьи).