Find Russian equivalents of these sports:
Winter: alpine skiing, biathlon, bobsleigh, cross-country, skiing, curling, figure skating,
freestyle skiing, ice hockey, luge, nordic combined, short track, speed skating, skeleton, ski
jumping, snowboarding, speed skating
Summer: archery, athletics, badminton, baseball, basketball, basque pelota, boxing, canoeing
and kayaking, cricket, croquet, cycling, diving, equestrian, fencing, football (soccer), golf,
gymnastics, handball, hockey (field), jeu de paume, judo
Зима: горнолыжный спорт, биатлон, бобслей, лыжные гонки, керлинг, фигурное катание, фристайл, хоккей на льду, санный спорт, лыжное двоеборье, короткий путь, скоростной бег на коньках, скелетон, прыжки на лыжах с трамплина, сноубординг, конькобежный спорт.
Лето: стрельба из лука, легкая атлетика, бадминтон, бейсбол, баскетбол, пелота, бокс, гребля на байдарках и каноэ, крикет, крокет, велоспорт, дайвинг, конный спорт, фехтование, футбол, гольф,
гимнастика, гандбол, хоккей на траве, игра в мяч с ракеткой, дзюдо.
Зима⇒горнолыжный спорт,
лыжные гонки,
фигурное катание,
хоккей на льду,
санный спорт,
лыжное двоеборье,
короткий путь,
скоростной бег на коньках,
прыжки на лыжах с трамплина,
конькобежный спорт.
Лето⇒стрельба из лука,
легкая атлетика, бадминтон,
конный спорт,
игра в мяч с ракеткой,
Test 15. Mass media: good or bad?
Whether we realize it or not, television plays a very important part in our lives. Its the main source of information and a cheap form of entertainment for millions of people. Its the window on the world which gives us an opportunity to "travel" all over the world, to "meet" different people and learn about their customs and traditions. It has the power to educate and broaden our minds. It helps us to relax after a hard days work and escape from reality as theres always a great variety of programmes on TV: news and sports programmes, talk shows and TV games, documentaries and feature films, concerts and theatre performances. But at the same tame we become more and more addicted to the TV.
Today it’s not a secret that there is at least one TV set in 98% of American households, and many have two or three. And of course, television influences people’s mental picture of the world, especially their perceptions of distant events. This is particularly true for younger viewers, who rely heavily on television for their understanding of the world beyond their neighborhood. As the predominant mass medium, television is greatly criticized for failing to provide a complete, unbiased picture of reality. Some individuals and citizens groups have expressed concern about the level of violence in television programmes, particularly in action-adventure series and cartoons. They argue that viewers, especially children, may learn to see violence as the only way to resolve conflicts. And this is partially confirmed by researches.
Some argue that parents are responsible for supervising their childrens TV viewing. But how? Children are often watching television when their parents are either not in the room or even at home. Many parents think they can use the help in monitoring what their children see. The reality is that one in four families is headed by a single parent, and in two-thirds of two-parent families, both parents are working. Furthermore, nearly 50 percent of children between the ages of 6 and 17 have their own TV sets in their bedrooms. On the one hand TV became an indication of both material wealth and the individual freedom (the US), on the other hand it became a trap for children. Not noticing how they are becoming “couch potatoes” and TV maniacs. Children are reading less today, they just do not know how wonderful and interesting it is to read. Instead they spend hours in front of the "box" watching whatevers on — from second-rate Mexican soap operas to silly commercials. The situation is that they rather watch a baseball game on TV than go play softball in the park with friends or even go to a movie. The irony is that although American television seems to promote images of slender, physically fit people, the more people watch TV, the less likely they are to exercise. Some people spend much of their free time lying on the couch watching TV and eating junk food. As a result, eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia are now common among young women. Many teenage girls have become insecure about their bodies and obsessed with losing weight
The trick is to learn to control television and use it intelligently. The ideal is to turn on the TV-set only when theres a really interesting programme. If you dont like a certain programme, why watch it? Why should you waste your free time on it if you can enjoy yourself in a more proper way? From all these we come to the conclusion that the impact of TV is great and we should not watch one and all but filter the useful information so that Television would be not a dead but helpful hand
Thermocore Max is a fat consuming, vitality delivering and state of mind lifting item. The dynamic fixings incorporate extricated types of, Denrobium, Green Tea, Citrus Aurantium and Yohimbe. Together this blend of fixings accommodate a detectable increment in vitality levels and additionally a prompt lift in inclination! The inclination changing impact is invited by the individuals who are on a low calorie eat less carbs or are practicing or working seriously. Thermacore is intended to be utilized by the individuals who need to take a break from another fat consuming item like XP2G. It can be utilized between cycles of XP2G yet it is NEVER to be joined with another stimulant like XP2G. It is possible that either yet not both.
Thermocore Макс потребляя жир, стойкость доставки и душевное состояние элемента подъема. Динамической отладки включить выпростав видах, Дендробиум, зеленый чай, померанец и Йохимбе. Совместно эта бленда отладок приспосабливает обнаруженный инкремент в уровнях витальности и дополнительно проворный подъем в наклонении! Склонность изменения предлагается лицам, которые находятся на низкокалорийной ешьте меньше углеводов или практикуют или серьезно работать. Thermacore предназначены для использования физическими лицами, которым необходимо отдохнуть от другой продукт потребления жиров, как XP2G. Его можно использовать между циклами XP2G но он никогда быть присоединенным к с другим стимулятором как XP2G. Вполне возможно, что либо еще не оба.
3 класс
Определите, правильная или неправильная комбинация слов
1. a loaf of bread
2. a bottle of water
3. a carton of pasta
4. a jar of cake
5. a can of crisps
6. a tin of eggs
7. a slice of coffee
8. a packet of orange juice
9. a kilo of onions
10. a litre of milk
Определить, является ли существительное счетным или несчетным
1. milk
2. apple
3. bread
4. carrot
5. food
6. tomato sause
7. egg
8. orange juice
9. coffee
10. orange
11. onion
10. Прав
1. Несчёт.
Milk несчётное. apple счётное. bread счётное. carrot счётное. Про food не знаю точно потому что молоко сок и т. Д которые несчётные это тоже еда. Но наверно счётное. tomato sauce несчётное. egg счётное. Orange juice несчётное. coffee несчётное. Orange счётное. Onion счётное.
Rewrite the following senteces in reported speech.
1) “What time does the next bus leave?” he said. “I need to get to the station on time.”
2) “Don’t go swimming in the lake,” she said. “The water is filthy.”
3) “Let’s go shopping tomorrow,” she said. “The sales have started.”
4) “Stand up,” the teacher said to the pupils. “The headmaster is coming.”
5) “Please, don’t take my ring,” she said to him. “It is a present.”
6) “It’s very late, Martin,” his mother said. “Where have you been?”
7) “Shall I cook the dinner?” he said to her. “You look very tired.”
8) “Please stop making that noise!” she said to him. “I can’t concentrate.”
9) “Yes, I dropped your vase,” she said. “I was cleaning the shelf.”
10) “Can I use the car, please?” she said. “I need to run some errands.”
11) “I’m sorry I’m late,” he said. “The car wouldn’t start.”
12) “Why are you teasing your sister?” she asked him. “You know it makes her unhappy.”
13) “Why won’t you come to the party?” he said to her. “Everyone would love to see you.
14) “It was Rob who broke the window,” he said to her. “He was kicking the football.”
He asked what time the next bus left. He needed to get to the station on time.
She said not to go swimming in the lake as the water was filthy. She suggested us going shopping the next day as the sales had started.
The teacher told the pupils to stand up as the headmaster was coming.
She asked him not to take her ring as it was a present.
Martin’s mother said it was late. She asked him where he had been.
He asked her if he should cook the dinner as she looked very tired.
She asked him to stop making that noise as she couldn’t concentrate.
She said that she had dropped my vase as she had been cleaning the shelf.
She asked me if she could use my car as she needed to run some errands.
He was sorry that he was late. The car wouldn’t have started.
She asked him why he was teasing his sister. It made het unhappy.
He asked her why she wouldn’t come to the party. Everyone would have loved to see her.
He told her it was Rob who had broken the window. He’d been kicking the football.
Как образуются степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий в английском языке?
Окончания bigEST
а если большое more beautiful
всё значит больше
и т. Д.
Если прилагательное состоит из одного или двух слогов то будет
в сравнительной степени -er и в превосходной степени артикль the и -est
Например: soft - softer - the softest
если прилагательное состоит из более двух слогов то в сравнительной степени перед словом будет more, less и в превосходной степени будет the most or the least
Например: comfortable - more comfortable - the most comfortable
Есть слова исключения в которых структура чуть по другому:
good - better - the best
bad - worse - the worst
little – less – least
many – more – most
far – farther/further – farthest /furthest
old – older/elder – oldest/eldest
Каким будет ваш идеальный дом? Опишите его. Где бы вы хотели жить? Зачем? Кого бы вы хотели иметь по соседству
Я бы хотел жить в просторном и уютном для меня доме.
Чтобы там была гостинная, две спальни, кухня просторная и стильная.
Я бы хотел чтобы мой дом был в деревни. Потому что там свежий воздух, и не слышен звук машин, ну июля детей полезно.
Я бы хотел иметь соседей приличных и культурных.
Здрасте хотела спросить какие племена возвадили шиликтинский Курган?
Бесшатыр - один из этнокультурных и сакральных центров сакских племен Северо-Восточного Жетысу. Находится в Кербулакском районе Алматинской области, на правом берегу реки Или, в 65 км к востоку от села Шенгельды на территории природного заповедника Алтын-Эмель. Могильник Бесшатыр – усыпальница царей саков – Тигра Хауда. Первое упоминание о некрополе встречается в работе В. Городецкого, где говорится, о посещении В. Парфеньтевым в 1924 г. Курганов на правом берегу реки Или. И лишь спустя 33 года Семиреченская археологическая экспедиция под руководством К. Акишева приступила к исследованию курганов
Твір на тему My hobby
Most people in our country work and study five or six days a week. Saturdays and Sundays are usually days off. I’m not an exception. My name is Alex. I study at the ninth form of the secondary school. This year I’ve attending school six days a week. Saturdays are easy days. We don’t have many lessons on these days, so we get home around 12 pm and then we have a whole day ahead. Sunday is a full day off. So I can say that my weekend falls on Saturday and Sunday. To be honest, these are my favourite days of the week. I can sleep as much as I want, I can spend time with my friends, visit the cinema or the pizza place, walk around the nearby mall. However, my favourite pastime at weekend is the game of football at the school playground, if the weather is fine. In winter, we go skiing and sledding. In the evenings I stay at home to watch an interesting movie or to read a book. My parents also like weekend. They usually meet up with friends and colleagues at the downtown and go somewhere relaxing, such as fish restaurant, lounge bar, bowling alley, etc. So in the evening of Saturday and Sunday I sometime stay alone. Not to get bored, I invite my best friends and we play together computer or board games, watch a film or cook a pizza. There is nothing more enjoyable than to spend time with friends. On Sunday mornings I usually help my mum with the household chores. I also prepare my homework for the coming week and iron my uniform. After the weekend I usually feel reenergized and full of positive emotions
Напишите краткий отзыв о мюзикле " 21 Chump Street" желательно на английском(
As a swift and tasty sampler of the inimitable style of current Broadway master Lin-Manuel Miranda, the pocket-sized musical blends familiar musical theatre tropes with “hard hitting” American current affairs to hurtle through an easily digestible scenario that is surprisingly affecting.
At the heart of the musical’s success is a totally relatable lead performance from Jake Fehily as impressionable “chump” Justin Leboy, a lovable schlub who follows his heart not his head.
Based on an episode of short-lived, cult-favourite US television series This American Life, the musical was written for the June 2014 This American Life live show at Brooklyn Academy of Music. Audience familiarity with hit 1980s television series, 21 Jump Street (and subsequent movies) greatly aids the instant understanding of the story. Miranda pulls a swift one, however, by focusing on a harmless kid, conflicting our sympathies between the consequences of drugs and the injustice of an innocent victim. It’s a neat accomplishment, especially with the few words available to tell the tale.
Compounding the dilemma is the supreme likability of the young policewoman, Naomi, played by versatile young talent Olivia Charalambous. The sting unfolds without a villain, all in the name of the prevailing power of the war on drugs. Charalambous is perfectly cast, flipping easily between baby-faced faux high schooler and serious cop.