Поставьте в такие же формы. Как и эти :
He watched TV a lot last week
He hasn’t watched much TV this week
He is used to watching less TV
Вот эти предложения :
1) He didn’t walk to work last year
2) He didn’t eat healthy food last year
3) He used the computer a lot last month

1. He has walked to work this year. He is used to walk to work.
2. He has eaten healthy food this year. He is used to eat healthy food.
3. He hasn’t used the computer a lot this month.
He is used to use less computer.

1. He didn’t walk to work last year.
He hasn’t walked to work this year.
He is not used to walk to the work.
2. He didn’t eat healthy food last year.
He hasn’t ate healthy food.
He is not used to eat healthy food last year.
3. He used the computer a lot last month.
He hasn’t used the computer a lot last month.
He is used to use less the computer 

Задание 1.
Употребите нужную форму прилагательных. Переведите предложения.
1. Last week’s meeting was (short).
Задание 2.
Преобразуйте следующие предложения из действительного залога
в страдательный. Переведите предложения.
1. The policeman stopped me in Greed Road this morning.
Задание 3.
Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму. Переведите.
1. I will see Andrew tonight.
2. The second word in the first sentence means "kind".
Задание 4.
Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам. Переведите предложения.
1. We went to Paris yesterday (yesterday - выделенное слово).

1. Last week’s meeting was short.
1. I was stopped by the policeman in Greed Road this morning.
1. I will not see Andrew tonight.
2. The second word in the first sentence does not mean "kind".
1. Shall I see Andrew tonight?
2. Does the second word in the first sentence mean "kind"?
1. When did we go to Paris?
1. Встреча на прошлой неделе была короткой.
1. Сегодня утром на Грид-роуд меня остановил полицейский.
1. Сегодня вечером я не встречусь с Андреем.
2. Второе слово в первом предложении не означает «добрый».
1. Я увижу Андрея сегодня вечером?
2. Второе слово в первом предложении означает «добро»?
1. Когда мы отправились в Париж?

Раскройте скобки, поставьте инфинитив в пассивную залог указанного времени и переведите предложения
1) As far as I Know the first contract (to make) in Match(past ind passive)
2) The equipment (to install) a month earlier the goods arrived( past perf passive)
3) Their proposed terms ( to consider) not realistic ( pres count passive)

1) As far as I Know the first contract was made in March.
2) The equipment had been installed a month earlier the goods arrived.
3) Their proposed terms are being considered not realistic.
1) Насколько я знаю, первый контракт был заключен в марте.
2) Оборудование было установлено за месяц до поступления товара.
3) Предлагаемые ими условия считаются нереалистичными.

Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицатель- ную формы. 1. Good weather makes me happy. 2. Irene helps her mother. 3. I take my dog out for a run every morning. 4. She prefers tea to coffee. 5. Students spend a lot of money on books. 6. It takes a long time to become clever. 7. The Chinese like spaghetti. 8. Old people like to wear T-shirts and jeans. 9. He goes on business trips every month. 10. It rains a lot in autumn. 11. It seldom snows in the south of England. 12. It takes me half an hour to get to my work. 13. She waters the flowers in her garden twice a week. 14. Children enjoy playing computer games. 15. I meet my classmates every year. 16. We agree with y

1. Good weather makes me happy.
Does good weather make me happy?
Good weather doesn’t make me happy.
2. Irene helps her mother.
Does Irene help her mother?
Irene doesn’t help her mother.
3. I take my dog out for a run every morning.
Do I take my dog out for a run every morning?
I don’t take my dog out for a run every morning.
4. She prefers tea to coffee.
Does she prefer tea to coffee?
She doesn’t prefer tea to coffee.
5. Students spend a lot of money on books.
Do students spend a lot of money on books?
Students don’t spend a lot of money on books.
6. It takes a long time to become clever.
Does it take a long time to become clever?
It doesn’t take a long time to become clever.
7. The Chinese like spaghetti.
Do the Chinese like spaghetti?
The Chinese don’t like spaghetti.
8. Old people like to wear T-shirts and jeans.
Do old people like to wear T-shirts and jeans?
Old people don’t like to wear T-shirts and jeans.
9. He goes on business trips every month.
Does he go on business trips every month?
He doesn’t go on business trips every month.
10. It rains a lot in autumn.
Does it rain a lot in autumn?
It doesn’t rain a lot in autumn.
11. It seldom snows in the south of England.
Does it seldom snows in the south of England?
It doesn’t snow often in the south of England.
12. It takes me half an hour to get to my work.
Does it take me half an hour to get to my work?
It doesn’t take me half an hour to get to my work.
13. She waters the flowers in her garden twice a week.
Does she water the flowers in her garden twice a week?
She doesn’t water the flowers in her garden twice a week.
14. Children enjoy playing computer games.
Do children enjoy playing computer games?
Children don’t enjoy playing computer games.
15. I meet my classmates every year.
Do I meet my classmates every year?
I don’t meet my classmates every year.
16. We agree with you.
Do we agree with you?
We don’t agree with you.

Поставьте данные предложение в отрицательной форме и
1. Mary is sleeping
2. You are listening to the radio
3. I m studying
4. You are eating now
5. We are drinking coffee at the moment

1. (-) Mary isn’t sleeping.                      (?) Is Mary sleeping?
2. (-) You aren’t listening to the radio.  (?) Are you listening to the radio?
3. (-) I’m not studying.                          (?) Am I studying?
4. (-) You aren’t eating now.                 (?) Are you eating now?
5. (-) We aren’t drinking cofee at the moment.
                                                            (?) Are we drinking cofee at the moment?

1Is Mary sleeping?
2Are you listening to the radio?
3Arent you studying?
4Arent you eating now?
5 Are you drinking coffee at the moment?

Поставьте данные предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму
1. Mary is sleeping
2. You are listening to the radio
3. I am studying
4. You are eating now
5. We are drinking coffee at the moment

1 Mary is not sleep
Is Mary sleeping?
2 I am not studying
Am I studying?
3 You are not listening to the radio
Are you listening to the radio?
4 You are not eating now
Are you eating now?
5 We are not drinking cofee at the moment
Are we drinking cofee at the moment?

1. Mary is not sleeping. ls Mary sleeping?
2. You are not listening to the radio. Are you listening the radio?
3. I am not studying. am i studying?
4. You are not eating now. Are you eating now?
5. We are not drinking coffee at the moment. Are we drinking coffee at the moment?

Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы.
1. Our teacher always speaks English in class. 2. They read this text at the lesson yesterday. 3. We shall have a dictation tomorrow. 4. His brother lives in the centre of the city. 5. She was in England last summer. 6. They will buy a new flat next year.

1 Does our teacher always speak English in class?
Our teacher doesn’t always speak English in class.
2 Did they read this text at the lesson yesterday?
They didn’t read this text at the lesson yesterday.
3 Shall we have a dictation tomorrow?
We shan’t have a dictation tomorrow.
4 Does his brother live in the Centre of the city?
His brother doesn’t live in the center of the city.
5 Was she in England last summer?
She wasn’t in England last summer.
6 Will they buy a new flat next year?
They won’t buy a new flat next year.

Вариант 1
1)) Проспрягайте глагол to be в следующих предложениях.
1) I am from Kotlas.
2) I am a teacher
2)) Поставить правильную форму глагола to be и перевести:
1) This. a ship. 2) The ship. new. 3) I. a Captain. 4) I. on the navigating bridge. 5)
. these sailors? 6) Yes, these. sailors. 7) They. good sailors. 8) They. ready to clean the deck.
3)) Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму. Переведите их на русский язык.
1) Nick is in the port.
2) These are students
4)) Напиши предложения во множественном числе.
1) This is a school. 2) That is a dress. 3) The child is in the room. 4) The goose is in the yard. 5) This cities is big. 6) That shelf is new. 7) The day is warm. 8) That man is young. 9) This is our photo.

1) 1) I am from Kotlas. You are from Kotlas. He is from Kotlas. She is from Kotlas. It is from Kotlas. We are from Kotlas. You are from Kotlas. They are from Kotlas.
Во втором примере также, только вместо "from Kotlas", надо писать "teacher"
2) 1) is    2) is   3) am    4) am    5) are   6) are
3) Is Nick in the port? Nick is not in the port.
Are these students? These are not student.
4) These are schools. These are dresses. The children are in the room. The geese are in the yard. 5) These sities are big. 6) Those shelves are new. 7) The days are warm. 8) Those men are young. 9) These are our photos.