1. They watched TV. They finished their homework. (after)
2. Jeff was 12 yers old. He learned to speak English. (by the time)
3. Tim lived in London. Hemoved to Paris. (before)
4. She went to work. She had brekfast. (as soon as)
5. Mum cooked dinner. I came home from school (by the time)
6. Susan tried on many dresses. She decided to buy the green one (after)
7. Jason failed his driving test three times. He finally got his licence (before)
8. Wendy started the washing-up. Theguests left. (as soon as)

1. They watched TV after they had finished their homework

2. By the time Jeff was 12 years old he had learned to speak English

3.  Tim had lived in London before he moved to Paris

4. She went to work as soon as she had had breakfast

5. By the time I came home from school mum had cooked dinner

6. After Susan had tried on many dresses she decided to buy the green one

7. Before he finally got his licence Jason had failed his driving test three times

8. As soon as the guests had left Wendy started the washing-up

Exercise 1. Read the following sentences and define the Objective-with-the-Infinitive сonstruction. Comment on its use. Translate the sentences in to Russian.
Example: They didn’t expect us to come back so soon.
us to come back is the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction used in the function of a complex object. It is used after the verb of mental activity expect.
Они не ожидали, что мы так скоро вернемся.
1. I won’t have you talk to your father in such a way. 2. The pilots were ex perienced and everyone knew them to be very competent. 3. Outside he allowed her to examine the bird. 4. When Danny heard the alarm clock buzz, he slapped the snooze button and burrowed under the covers for ten more minutes of sleep. 5. I was pretending to read a newspaper so I didn’t see her get up. [John Fowles. The Collector) 6. Because Freddie had never touched a snake, I removed the co ver of the cage and let him pet Squeeze, my seven-foot python. 7. Hoping to lose her fear of flying, Rachel went to the airport to watch passenger planes take off and land, but even this exercise did not convince her that jets were safe. 8. He was so soft-hearted, he hated anyone to cry. 9. Since Jose had destroyed Sylvia’s spot less kitchen while baking chocolate-broccoli muffins, she made him take her out for an expensive dinner. 10. “Bob”, said Tessa, when he had put the phone down again. “Do you want me to come to the funeral or not?” 11. The Arctic was every hing I expected it to be and much more in the way of high seas than I had bar gained for. 12. I’d prefer you to drive, if you don’t mind. 13. We will require the gas and electricity companies to invest in insulation and other energy-saving mea sures. 14. She felt the boat dig deeper into the water, moving under it like some wild creature straining against a leash.

I expected it to be and much more in the way of high seas than knew them to be very competent. 3. Outside he allowed her to examine the bird. 4. When Danny heard the alarm clock buzz, he slapped the snooze button and burrowed under the covers for ten more minutes of sleep. 5. I was pretending to read a newspaper so I didn’t see her get up. [John Fowles. The Collector) 6. Because Freddie had never touched a snake, I removed the Exercise 1. Read the following sentences and define the Objective-with-the-Infinitive сonstruction. Comment on its use. Translate the sentences Russian. cage and let him pet Squeeze, my seven-foot python. 7. Hoping to lose her fear of flying, Rachel went to the airport to watch passenger planes take off and land, but even this exercise did not convince her that jets were safe. 8. He was so soft-hearted, he hated anyone to cry. 9. Since Jose had destroyed Sylvia’sExample: They didn’t expect us to come back so soon.
us to come back is the Objective-with-the-Infinitive Construction used in the function of a complex object. It is used after the verb of mental activity expect.
Они не ожидали, что мы так скоро вернемся.  
1. I won’t have you talk to your father in such a way. 2. The pilots were  kitchen while baking chocolate-broccoli muffins, she made him take her out for an expensive dinner. 10. “Bob”, said Tessa, when he had put the phone down again. “Do you want me to come to the funeral or not?” 11. The Arctic was 14. She felt the boat dig deeper into the water, moving under it like some wild creature straining against a leash.

Exercise 55. Translate the following sentences into English using an In-finitive or an Infinitive phrase. Define its function.
1. Если посмотреть на его картины, можно было бы подумать, что Моне, Мане и прочие импрессионисты никогда не существовали. 2. Я не предпо лагал, что меня прервут в самом начале речи. 3. Мне неловко, что я причинил вам столько беспокойства. 4. Они довольны, что их пригласили на конфе ренцию. 5. Ему повезло, что он был в такой интересной поездке. 6. Я очень рада пригласить вас на вечер. 7. Она всегда найдет, над чем посмеяться. 8. Не о чем было беспокоиться. Больной чувствовал себя лучше. 9. Он тяжелый человек. С ним трудно иметь дело. 10. Вот женщина, с которой можно пого ворить на эту тему.

. If you look at his paintings, you might think that Monet, Manet and other impressionists never existed. 2. I did not presume that I would be interrupted at the very beginning of the speech. 3. I’m embarrassed that I caused you so much trouble. 4. They are pleased that they were invited to the conference. 5. He was lucky that he was on such an interesting trip. 6. I am very glad to invite you to the evening. 7. She will always find something to laugh at. 8. There was nothing to worry about. The patient felt better. 9. He is a heavy man. He is hard to deal with. 10. Here is a woman with whom you can talk about this topic.

1) It (snow) all day. When will it stop? 2) Hi, Tom. I (see, not) you for weeks. What (you, do) all this time? 3) I (write) to them three times, but I (get, not) any answer yet. 4) Bill (be) here since the 5 of November. 5) I (meet) Mrs Gordon many times this week. 6) Colin, you (miss) already very many classes. 7) I (phone) Diana for three hours already, but she is not at home yet. 8) It’s 11 p. m. I (work) on the computer since six and I (finish, not) yet. 9) I always (want) to make a four of Spain. 10) The telephone (ring) for almost a minute. Why doesn’t someone answer it?

1) It (has been snowing) all day. When will it stop?
2) Hi, Tom. I (have not seen) you for weeks. What (have you been doing) all this time?
3) I (have written) to them three times, but I (haven’t got) any answer yet.
4) Bill (has been) here since the 5 of November.
5) I (have meet) Mrs Gordon many times this week.
6) Colin, you (have already missed) very many classes.
7) I (have been phoning) Diana for three hours already, but she is not at home yet.
8) It’s 11 p. m. I (have been working) on the computer since six and I (have not finished) yet.
9) I have always (wanted) to make a four of Spain.
10) The telephone (has been ringing) for almost a minute. Why doesn’t someone answer it?

Составить по 5 примеров на so и such

Примеры с "such"
1) I don’t like such naughty children – я не люблю таких непослушных детей
2) She cooks such tasty dishes! – она готовит такие вкусные блюда!
3) I have never heard such a good story – Я никогда не слышал такой хорошей истории.
4) He is not clever enough to solve such a problem – он недостаточно умен, чтобы решить такую проблему
5) It’s good you had such a brilliant idea – хорошо, что у вас появилась такая прекрасная идея!I don’t like such naughty children – я не люблю таких непослушных детей
Примеры с "so"
1) It was so difficult to translate the article, that I decided to take your advice – было так трудно переводить статью, что я решил посоветоваться с вами.
2) I was so hot that I ate three ice-creams — мне было так жарко что я съел три порции мороженого
3) He is small, but runs so quickly! – он маленький, но так быстро бегает!
4) His temperature was so high that I decided to give him one more pill – у него была такая высокая температура, что я решила дать ему еще одну таблетку
5) I didn’t know that you could speak English so well. – Я не знал, что ты так хорошо разговариваешь на английском.

The wwf and the Panda текст

This what they all been waitin’ for
I guess so
They been waitin’ for this shit for a long time didn’t they
I’ma give it everythin’ I got
Ayo Dougie park that X6 around the corner
Ayy I’m just feelin’ my vibe right now
I’m feelin’ myself
Panda, Panda
Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda
I got broads in Atlanta
Twistin’ dope, lean, and the Fanta
Credit cards and the scammers
Hittin’ off licks in the bando
Black X6, Phantom
White X6 looks like a panda
Goin’ out like I’m Montana
Hundred killers, hundred hammers
Black X6, Phantom
White X6, panda
Pockets swole, Danny
Sellin’ bar, candy
Man I’m the macho like Randy
The choppa go Oscar for Grammy
Bitch nigga pull up ya panty
Hope you killas understand me
I got broads in Atlanta
Twistin’ dope, lean, and the Fanta
Credit cards…

Past Perfect Tense формула

Had+verb(в 3 форме)

Утвердительные предложения:
I had played
You had played
He\she\it had played
We had played
They had played
Вопросительные предложения:
Had I played?
He\she\it had played?
Had we played?
Had you played?
Had they played?
Отрицательные предложения:
I had not played
You had not played
He\she\it had not played
We had not played
They had not played

Опиши картину улицы на англизком с фотографие

Sitting on a bench 3 grandmother discussing today’s events. About them passes the young girl talking on the phone with her classmate. On the Playground playing little children going down the slides, crawling through the ladder. 2 boys digging in the sandbox building castles, palaces and food out of the sand. По английски.
На лавочке сидят 3 бабушки обсуждая сегодняшние события. Около них проходит молодая девушка разговаривая по телефону со своим одноклассником. На площадке играют маленькие ребятишки катаясь с горки, ползая по лесенке. 2 мальчика копаются в песочнице строя замки, дворцы и еду из песка. (Перевод на русский)

Национальные игрушки Великобритании).

Есть национальная игрушка - мишка Тедди. Назван в честь Теодора Рузвельта.  В 1902 году президент США Теодор Рузвельт пощадил на охоте американского чёрного медведя, загнанного охотничьей командой с собаками, полузабитого и привязанного к дереву (иве). Рузвельта пригласили отстрелить добычу. Он отказался сделать это сам, мотивируя тем, что это «неспортивно», но распорядился медведя пристрелить, дабы прекратить его мучения. История попала в газетные карикатуры, но со временем была адаптирована по конъюнктурным соображениям, и медведь превратился в маленького симпатичного медвежонка (в карикатуре в «Вашингтон пост» от 16 ноября 1902 г. ). Детали истории со временем размылись, осталась главная — Тедди (прозвище Рузвельта) отказался стрелять в медвежонка.   Одна из карикатур с уменьшенным до медвежонка масштабом попалась на глаза жене Морриса Мичтома, эмигранта из России, владельца магазина игрушек. Она и сшила первого медвежонка, похожего на медведя из карикатуры. Он был установлен на витрине магазина и назван «Медвежонок Тедди», в честь президента Рузвельта. Новая игрушка вызвала у покупателей небывалый интерес и вскоре, получив согласие Рузвельта на использование его имени, была основана компания Ideal Toy Company, занимавшуюся выпуском игрушечных медвежат.  

Сравни людей, использую конструкцию (not) sa. as. Oksana Fedorova beautifil Claudia Schiffer. Lexus expensive Lada. Jim Kerry funny Ben stiller. Britney famous Madonna.

Сравни людей, используя конструкцию (not) as. as. Oksana Fedorova beautifil Claudia Schiffer. Lexus expensive Lada. Jim Kerry funny Ben stiller. Britney famous Madonna.
1). Oksana Fedorova as beautifil as Claudia Schiffer.
2). Lada is not as expensive as Lexus.
3). Jim Kerry is as funny as Ben Stiller.
4). Britney is as famous as Madonna.
1). Оксана Федорова так же прекрасна, как Клаудия Шиффер.
2). Lada стоит не так дорого, как Lexus.
3). Джим Керри такой же забавный, как Бен Стиллер.
4). Бритни такая же известная, как и Мадонна.