Напишите сообщение друге по переписке о своих делах (упр в учебнике Starlight 5 класс стр 55 упр 5) {80-100 слов} !
Doing household chores is a necessary part of our life. People all over the world try to work hard. They usually have a lot of duties. I have a lot of duties, too. My parents are often tired and I must take care of them. Everybody is happy when the home is always bright and clean. Day after day I can have fun when I do my household chores. I sweep the floor, tidy my room, clean the shoes, dust the furniture, make food myself and do every kind of work. Its not easy to do every kind of work at home, but I can learn to do everything myself. When I do my household chores well, everybody in the family is happy.
If I have a holiday party at home, I can help my mother and grandmother a lot. How happy mother is to see everything bright! Its a nice present for my parents to tidy the house! Its wonderful to make people happy! If I have time, my mother asks me to go to the shop. I go there and buy bread, eggs and sugar. Very often I go to the market with my mother. We buy some vegetables and fruits. Then I help my mother to carry them. My mother cooks well; sometimes I help her when she makes cakes. She usually makes them before holidays and on my birthday. We have got a country house. There is a big garden with many trees, bushes and flowers in it. There is a lot of work in our garden and I help my parents to do it. We must do our household chores, because if we hadnt done it our flat would look like a trash can. I usually clean my flat on Friday. First of all I clean with duster table, piano, some boxes, TV, lamp and many other things. At second I clean with vacuum cleaner carpet in my room, then I clean carpet in mothers and fathers room. I usually wash the floor in all rooms. Then I wash bath-shell with «Pemolux». Later I wash stove with «Fairy». Every day I must feed my cat. It is very big and fat. I cook a fish soup I to it. After supper I always wash plates and dishes. Sometimes I cook myself, but my cookies up arent so nice as mothers. I think I make an impact in tiding our place. It is necessary to help the parents. Try to make people happy and you will be happy yourself
Нужен текст про свой город на англиском
Almaty is the largest city of Kazakhstan, located in the southeast of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the foothills of the Trans-Ili Alatau; the population of the city is about 1. 5 million inhabitants. Although Almaty is no longer the capital of the republic, the city remains the financial, economic and cultural center of Central Asia.
A large number of business centers, theaters, museums, art galleries, exhibition halls and innumerable modern entertainment complexes are concentrated here (cinemas, night clubs, parks, restaurants, cafes and much more).
The city of Almaty was the capital of Kazakhstan from 1929 to 1998. In accordance with the decree of the President "On Declaring Astana as the capital of the Republic," Almaty was given the status of a city of republican importance and the southern capital of the republic, the largest financial, scientific and cultural center. The residence of the head of state and also of the Government remained in the city.
The branches of food and light industry are the prevailing share in the citys economy and account for more than 70% of industrial enterprises. Heavy industry of Almaty is represented by several machine-building and repair and recovery plants.
1) It (snow) all day. When will it stop? 2) Hi, Tom. I (see, not) you for weeks. What (you, do) all this time? 3) I (write) to them three times, but I (get, not) any answer yet. 4) Bill (be) here since the 5 of November. 5) I (meet) Mrs Gordon many times this week. 6) Colin, you (miss) already very many classes. 7) I (phone) Diana for three hours already, but she is not at home yet. 8) Its 11 p. m. I (work) on the computer since six and I (finish, not) yet. 9) I always (want) to make a four of Spain. 10) The telephone (ring) for almost a minute. Why doesnt someone answer it?
1) It (has been snowing) all day. When will it stop?
2) Hi, Tom. I (have not seen) you for weeks. What (have you been doing) all this time?
3) I (have written) to them three times, but I (havent got) any answer yet.
4) Bill (has been) here since the 5 of November.
5) I (have meet) Mrs Gordon many times this week.
6) Colin, you (have already missed) very many classes.
7) I (have been phoning) Diana for three hours already, but she is not at home yet.
8) Its 11 p. m. I (have been working) on the computer since six and I (have not finished) yet.
9) I have always (wanted) to make a four of Spain.
10) The telephone (has been ringing) for almost a minute.
Put the sentences into reported speech following the example. 1 i hope to pass the exam 2 the teacher is listening to us 3 i have never been to london 4 i made no mistakes in the last dictation5 i havent read many english books6 i didnt send the letter by air mail7 i dont feel tired 8 my freind ate all the chocolate 9 my brother goes to bed early 10 im not asking question
Поместите предложения в отчетную речь, следуя примеру. 1 я надеюсь сдать экзамен 2 учитель слушает нас 3 я никогда не была в Лондоне 4 я не ошибался в последние dictation5 я не читал много английских books6 я не Отправить письмо воздуха mail7 я не чувствую себя усталым 8 мой друг съел весь шоколад 9 мой брат ложится спать раньше 10 я не задавал вопрос
My brother. ten years old. He. at university. There. any flowers in the garden. It. winter. My sister. three children. They. born in may. Ann working today?She. a meeting today. Tom never sees new films because there. a cinema in his town. He. a good job in a bank. He. a manager. there a stadium near here?It. a large parking space. How much. ice-creams? I. some money. Can I. a cup of coffee please? I. hungry. Paul. good at tennis. He plays very well.
My brother is. ten years old. He is at university. There arent any flowers in the garden. It is winter. My sister has three children. They were born in may. Is Ann working today?She.has. a meeting today. Tom never sees new films because there isn’t. a cinema in his town. He has a good job in a bank. He is a manager. Is there a stadium near here?It has a large parking space. How much are ice-creams? I have some money. Can I have a cup of coffee please? I am hungry. Paul isgood at tennis. He plays very well.
My house has a garden and a swimming pool. It is. cheap. There.arent. many good shops in this city. I feel unhappy. Where were you yesterday? You werent at work. Where were your uncle born? He is 26 now. It was dark there. I couldnt turn on the light.Is. the breakfast ready?Yes,it is. on the table. Could they come to my party last Wednesday?sorry they.were. ill. You arent . listening to me! Why are. you here? These apples are. nice. Can we have one? The flight was very long. I felt very tired.
How do people in Japan celebrate BoysDay
Tango no Sekku is celebrated on May 5th. In Japan, this day is called Boys’ Festival. It’s been celebrated for over a millennium. Originally it was celebrated in the houses of warriors. It celebrated boys’ courage and determination. Many of the symbols of this day are about having the character of a warrior. Eventually this day became important to all households in Japan with boys.
After WWII, Boys’ Day became toned down. This holiday officially became known as Children’s Day or Kodomo no hi. It’s supposed to be a day to celebrate the health and happiness of all children. But many people still see it as Boys’ Festival.
Large carp windsocks, called koinobori, are displayed outside houses of families with boys. There’s one windsock for each boy in the house. The largest windsock is for the oldest son of the house.
The carp is a symbol of Tango no Sekku, because carp are considered strong and determined. They’re able to swim upstream against the flow of the water. This is a day for families to celebrate their sons’ strength and character.
Warrior dolls and helmets, armor and swords are also displayed in houses with boys.
The symbolic flower of Tango no Sekku is a type of iris called shobu. The shobu has long leaves that resemble swords. Boys traditionally take shobu leaf baths on this day. The shobu is so important on this day that sometimes the festival is called Shobu no Sekku or Iris Festival.
One traditional food eaten on this day is kashiwa mochi. It’s a rice cake steamed with sweet beans and wrapped in an oak leaf. Another traditional food is chimaki, which is rice wrapped in bamboo leaves. Ask all kinds of questions to the given sentence:
People who want to develop and improve their English can join an ESOL course at a local college.
1. A yes/no question-
2. A Choice question-
3. A Wh-question-
4. A question to the Subject
5. A Tag question-
Все просто, читаешь вопросы, переводишь и думаешь, какие вопросы можно задать к данным предложениям по русски, затем переводишь.
Например первое - Тетя Бетти говорит с мясником на кухне. Какие можно задать вопросы? 1- С кем разговаривает тетя Бетти? Где разговривает? И переводишь эти вопросы
1. Who is talking to the butcher in the kitchen? Where is Aunt Betty talking to the butcher?
2. When was it raining? Was is raining yesterday?
3. Had they complete the test when the teavher came?
4. When will they build a new rink? Where will they builg a new rink? By what time will they finish building a new rink?
Последнее попробуй сам Fill in do, does, dont, or doesnt
1 ". you want to watch f flim tonight?" "No, l."
2". she like spaghetti?" " Yes, she."
3". you want study every day?" "No, l."
4". your mum like cooking?" "No, she."
5". your friends play football?" "No, they."
1 Do, no i dont
2 Does, does
3 Do, Dont
4Does, Doesnt
5Do, dont
Do используется со множественным числом и с I и you:
do you, do I, do they и т. Д
Does используется с единственным числом:
Does she, does he, does it и т. Д
1) Do you want to watch a film tonight? No, I dont
2) Does she like spagetti? Yes she does
3) Do you want study every day? No/ I dont
4) Does your mum like cooking? No/ she doesnt
5) Do your friends play football? no, they dont
Garden, pets, eggs, pizza вот эти слова нужно писать Fact and Opinion.
Fact:African elephants have bigger ears than Asian elephants
Opinion:Elephants are fun to watch at the zoo
Example - Garden
Fact - A garden is usually a piece of land that is used for growing flowers
Opinion - I like to spend a lot of time in my garden
Example - pets
Fact - A cat can jump as much as seven times its height.
Opinion - Pets are much kinder than many people
Example - eggs
Fact - One egg contains 5g of protein
Opinion - eggs are very useful for the organism
Example - pizza
Fact - 89 percent of Americans eat pizza regularly
Opinion - I like pizza more than hamburgers
напишете 30 слов о любом из приматов на английском языке
Proboscis dog is a very rare creature that belongs to the mammal family of hoppers. To close relatives of the animal are small rodents, but distant relatives are elephants and sea Serena. In nature, proboscis dogs live 4-5 years. They spend all their life on ground. In the evening they hunt on insects, and at night sleep in a kind of nests that construct themselves out of grass and twigs in a small earthen hole. But in captivity they contain is realy difficult – they are very bad getting used to the change of habitats and capricious in food. Even if you can grow a baby from an early age, he is still a wild. Proboscis dog is in danger because of the people. People destroy their habitats. In Kenya and Tanzania there are sanctuaries which is home to proboscis. Organization IUCN brought proboscis dog in the red book and banned hunting them.
Хоботковая собачка петерса на третьем месте по редкости. Это существо принадлежит к млекопитающим семейства прыгунчиковых. В природе хоботковые собачки живут 4-5 лет. Всю жизнь проводят на земле: днем охотятся на насекомых, а на ночь устраиваются в своеобразных гнездах, которые сооружают самостоятельно из травы и веточек в небольшой земляной ямке. Но в неволе их содержать крайне трудно – они очень плохо привыкают к смене мест обитания и капризны в еде. Даже если удается вырастить малыша с раннего возраста, он все равно остается диким и совершенно не признает своего хозяина. Причиной вымирания Хоботковой собачки является вырубка лесов. В Кении и Танзании есть заповедники где обитают хоботковые. А организация IUCN занесла хоботковую собачку в красную книгу и запретила охоту на них.