Найди информацию в интернете, затем напиши короткий абзац про то каким был Воронеж 100 лет назад. На англиском языке.
It is difficult for contemporary Voronezhs to imagine that 100 years ago the city ended at Zastava Square. On the site of the viaduct the road to Moscow began. Many years on this site they met and parted. For example, the famous playwright Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky, they say, leaving the tour, generously gave champagne in the local tavern of his Voronezh fans. In 1796, according to the decision of the empress, the gate of the Outpost was crowned with two pylons, the top of which was crowned by two-headed eagles. In 1900 the pylons began to collapse. And the authorities of Voronezh tried to solve the problem in a very original way.
Vladimir Yeletskikh, local historian: "We decided that they are not in the territory of Voronezh, so we will not repair it, the budget is not ready." Then the governor, without thinking twice, issued his decree, and forbade entry through the Outpost into the city. "
Return the visiting card of the old Voronezh former look still had to. But in the 20 years from the pylons got rid of as a symbol of tsarism. Over the years, the Zastava square from the urban outskirts has become part of the modern center of Voronezh. But the attraction did not stop.
Допоможіть! Склати твір як я святкую різдво з моєю сімєю на англійській мові.
There are many different holidays in the world, but in our family the most reverent christian holiday is Christmas. This holiday is marked at once after New Year, and he hides there are many pleasant surprises and surprises in itself. In our country at this time vacations for adults and schoolchildren. It is desirable to tell how my family marks the favourite holiday.
The beautifully decorated fir-tree on that little lights of garland light up brightly stands in an apartment. By the warm luminescence they as though invite us in a fairy-tale. And a christmas enchanting spectacle really comes. A mother necessarily puts on the table of candle, because yet christmas candles were considered since olden times the symbol of fireside. In those distant times, when there was a hearth in every house, in eve Christmas, all subsequent twelve days and nights the Yule log burned in a hearth. In our time a hearth was replaced by candles.
Christmas was always accompanied by colourful folk traditions and customs.
Alexanders Working Day
Рабочий день Александра
Мой рабочий день обычно начинается так. Ровно 6:00 моя тревога радио гудит. Хотя я не лентяй, зимой это всегда трудно для меня, чтобы рано вставать. Я делаю зарядку каждое утро. Я знаю, что хорошее здоровье лучше чем богатство. После того, как душ я одеться и чистить волосы. Это занимает у меня около 40 минут. Я в привычку, имеющих только легкий завтрак. После завтрака я хватаю школьную сумку и спешить в колледж. К сожалению, я живу далеко от колледжа. Он принимает меня около часа, чтобы добраться туда.
Иногда мое настроение зависит от того, классы у меня есть. В некоторые дни уроки мелькают очень быстро, особенно, если они находятся на гуманитарных или математике, которые мне нравятся больше всего, но они тянут более медленно, если они находятся на химии или биологии и особенно, когда мы должны писать тесты на них. Наши занятия начинаются в 8:20. Обычно мы имеем семь уроков в день. Каждый урок длится 45 минут, но перерывы слишком коротки: только 5 или 10 минут. К счастью у нас есть большой перерыв в середине дня, который длится 45 минут. В течение этого перерыва мы идем в столовую. В 3 часа, когда классы закончились, я иногда остаться в колледже, чтобы играть в футбол со своими однокурсниками.
По вечерам я занят домашнее задание. Если у меня есть немного свободного времени осталось, я иду на прогулку с друзьями, читать или смотреть телевизор. Около 8 часов вся наша семья ужинать. В 11:30 я принять душ и лечь спать.
Хобби родителей и близких
In our family we have each passion, and each fascination in own way interesting. Dads likes to read. All his free time he spends with books. Therefore, we have a huge library. Dad reads books of different genres and direction. Moms is fond of knitting and sewing. She has so many different magazines, from which she takes patterns. She can knit knitting needles and crochet. Thanks to her hobby in my wardrobe is beautiful and unusual things. Very good when a person has a hobby. It helps him to be realized creatively for yourself and others free time.
Подскажите Does Тheo like sandwiches? Почему like, а не lakes? Ведь ей или ему пишется в правилах likes
При построении вопросительных предложений в present simple окончание у глаголов 3 лица убирается ( Does Tom LIKE sandwiches? ) при построении отрицательных предложений ( Tom doesnt LIKE sandwiches ), а при построении утвердительных предложений окончание -s/es прибавляется у 3 лица ( she, he, it) Tom likeS sandwiches, Sally watchES TV every day.
Напишите произношение этого текста. Например : ай лав Раша. ТV in Russia is similar to TV in other European countries?We saw Russian versions of lost of family shows like "Big brother" and "Who wants to be a millionaire?" we read the programme guide. Russian TV also has a few soap operas, as in almost every other place in the world. Russian television has over twenty channels on the air and these are both public and private. One of the most popular channels is Channel One. We saw lost of adverts for variety shows and comedy shows. These are very popular. Russians really like to lauhg and they enjoy watching funne sketches and stand-up comedians especially when they tell jokes about politics. Of course there are also lost of American and European films on television. In fact, wict so many different types of programmes we found it hard to choose!
тиви ин раша из симилар ту тиви ин озер ёропан каунтрис? Ви со аршин вершинс оф лост оф фэмили шоус лайк "Биг брозе"энд"Ху вонц ту би э милионер?" Ви Рид зэ програм гуид. Рашин тиви алсо хэс э фью соап операс, аз ин алмост эври озер плэйс ин зэ ворлд. Рашинс телевишон хэс овэр твэнти чанелс он зэ аир энд зыс чанэл уан. Ви со лост оф адвертс фор варити шоус энд камеди шоус. Зыс ар вери попюла. Рашинс рили лайк ту лаут энд зей энджой вочин фан скэчиз энд стэнд-ап комэдинс эспэшиалы Вэн зэй тэл джоукс эбаут политикс. Оф корс зэ ра алсо лост оф американ энд Ёрапан филмс он телевижон. Ин факц, викт соу мэни дифрэнт тайпс оф програмс Ви фоунд ит хард ту чуз!
сделать по Анг сочленение, придумайте как будто куда-то отдыхать или в гости ездили
Hello my name is Kristina. I have a very big family. For started I will acquaint you with my family. My mother’s is Lena, my dad’s name Zhenya. My family is very fond of traveling everywhere in all exotic countries. We have almost visited everywhere and have inspected all the cities. I liked one trip to Egypt. I’m Egypt we saw many large pyramids. Visited different zoos, and saw many exotic animals. Saw a very large camel. From a distance it is so small and when you look at it you see that it’s a real animal
I remember this trip for the rest of my life, and l learned a lot about the world
Write a letter (120-150 words) to your English-speaking penfriend about what you wear:
Write about what you wear to school on a weekday and what you wear in your free time
Describe your favourite outlit and why you like it.
Give examples of what young people in your country like to wear
Ask your friend about his/her views on fashion for young people.
Школьные Знания. com
Задай вопрос из школьного предмета
5 - 9 классыАнглийский язык 5+3 б
Write a letter to your English friend. Tell him/her about your school uniform.
Start like this:
Thank you for your letter. This is to tell you about my school uniform.
Finish with:
Write me soon and inform me about.
Следить Отметить нарушение Julyk25 27. 09. 2014
Ответы и объяснения
MariaGaydar Хорошист
Dear Pete, Thank you for your letter. This is about my school uniform. In our school we wear classic uniforms. Boys wear black pants and white shirt, over which you can also wear a black jacket when its cold. Shoes should also be classic. About color there is no restriction. Girls also wear black pants and white blouse. But when it is cold outside, they wear a black skirt or dress. Sometimes a white shirt and blouse replace white sweater. Clothing at the same time simple, convenient and tasteful. School uniform unites all us, comparing rights and responsibilities. Wearing it, cannot to define who you are poor or rich. In school we are all equal. If you would all come in different clothes during the school break everything would be discussed only outfits. And so you can focus on learning. In my opinion, this is a great advantage of school uniforms.
напишите краткий сюжет иллюзии обмана
Иллюзия обмана
Now You See Me
триллер, криминал, детектив
США, Франция, 1:55
«Чем вы ближе, тем меньше вы видите»
Команда лучших иллюзионистов мира
проворачивает дерзкие ограбления прямо во
время своих шоу, играя в кошки-мышки с
агентами ФБР.
Write the questijns to these answers.
1. When ________? Henry Ford was born in 1863.
2. Where________? He lived on a farm.
3. What________? He wanted to make cars.
4. What________? In 1896 Ford built his new car.
5. Who________? Only rich people bought cars.
6. What cars_______? Ford wanted to make cheaper cars.
7. Did____________? More peole bought cheaper cars.
1) When did Henry Ford was born?
2) Where did he live?
3) What did he want to make?
4) What did he build in 1896?
5) Who did buy his cars?
6) What cars did Ford want to make?
7) Did people buy cheaper cars?
1. When was Henry Ford born? Henry Ford was born in 1863.
2. Where did he live? He lived on a farm.
3. What did he want to do? He wanted to make cars.
4. What happened in 1896? In 1896 Ford built his new car.
5. Who bought cars? Only rich people bought cars.
6. What cars did he want to make? Ford wanted to make cheaper cars.
7. Did fewer people buy more expensive cars? More people bought cheaper cars