1) I played football with my brother yesterday. ____________________
2) Tom played hockey last summer. ____________________
3) They helped their father yesterday. ____________________
4) We helped our mother 2 days ago. ____________________
5) Hellen collected stamps last summer. ____________________
6) I collected stickers last winter. ____________________
7) My sister watched TV yesterday, ____________________
8) John came home at 5 p. m yesterday.____________________
9) You came home at 8 o’clock yesterday. ____________________
10) He went to the cinema last week - ____________________
11) Mary and I went to the theatre last week. ____________________
12) I got up at 7 a. m last Sunday. ____________________
13) She was at home yesterday. ____________________
14) We were at school yesterday. ____________________
15) My mother bought me a toy last Saturday. ____________________
16) My father bought me a computer last Sunday. ____________________
17) They read 2 good books yesterday. ____________________
18) Tom had a very interesting book last summer. ____________________
19) Olga gave me a nice T-shirt. ____________________
20) They drank some green tea the day before yesterday. ____________________

1) I didn’t play football with my brother yesterday
2) Tom didn’t play hockey last summer
3) They didn’t help their father yesterday
4) We didn’t help our mother 2 days ago
5) Helen didn’t collect stamps last summer
6) I didn’t collect stickers last winter
7) My sister didn’t watch TV yesterday
8) John didn’t come home at 5 p. m. yesterday
9) You didn’t come home at 8 o’clock yesterday
10) He didn’t go to cinema last week
11) Mary and I didn’t go to the theater last week
12) I didn’t get up at 7 a. m. last Sunday
13) She wasn’t at home yesterday
14) We weren’t at school yesterday
15) My mother didn’t buy me a toy last Saturday
16) My father didn’t buy me a computer last Sunday
17) They didn’t read 2 good books yesterday
18) Tom didn’t have a very interesting book last summer
19) Olga didn’t give me a nice T-shirt
20)  They didn’t drink some green tea the day before yesterday

1) I didn’t play football with my brother yesterday.
2) Tom didn’t play hockey last summer.
3) They didn’t help their father yesterday.
4) We didn’t help.(добавляешь то, что идет дальше).
5) Hellen didn’t collect.
6) I didn’t collect.
7) My sister didn’t watch.
8) John didn’t come.
9) I didn’t come.
10) He didn’t go.
11) Mary and I didn’t go.
12) I didn’t get up.
13) She wasn’t.
14) We weren’t.
15) My mother didn’t buy.
16) My father didn’t buy.
17) They didn’t read.
18) Tom didn’t have.
19) Olga didn’t give.
20) They didn’t drink.

You are discussing what to watch TV tonight with your brother. Write a dialogue.

Hi jack
hi andrew 
what do you think about watching TV tonight
yeah its a good idea
and what can we see
oh lets see a TV program called "название придумайте сами"
no, its so boring lets see a music program "."
i don’t want do you want to see a comedy called ’’." a had heard its a very funny film

Нужно подобрать слова.
1. I’ve bought some beautiful silk. to make a shirt. (8 букв, первая m)
2. often set the trends fir young people. (11 букв)
3. More and more businesswomen are wearing a. to work. (4 буквы)
4. The school. was very expensive. ( 7 букв)
5. Are you. yet? It’s time to go out. (7 букв)
6. The. is a traditional Indian garment for women. (4 буквы)
7. Jeans have been. for many years. (11 букв)

Забей в интернете название упражнения все выйдет

1. I’ve bought some beautiful silk material. to make a shirt. (8 букв, первая m)

2. Celebrities. often set the trends for young people. (11 букв)

3. More and more businesswomen are wearing a suit. to work. (4 буквы)

4. The school uniform. was very expensive. ( 7 букв)

5. Are you dressed. yet? It’s time to go out. (7 букв)

6. The sari. is a traditional Indian garment for women. (4 буквы)

7. Jeans have been fashionable. for many years. (11 букв)

Напишите 5 вопросов своему партнёру о глобальных проблемах на английском

Ecology: land degradation - environmental problems of the present - ozone holes - greenhouse effect - problem of industrial emissions regulation - problems of ecosystem destruction - environmental disasters - problems of geoactivity - problems of gel activity - problems of the world economy Economy: Exhausting factors of production - global competitiveness - economic paradigm - Integration and disintegration of economic markets (integration education in Europe, Asia, America) - costly production - new models of economic growth the flow of redistribution of wealth between traditional and emerging economies - Resource potential of modern civilization

написать 1 загадку на английском языке на тему"правила дорожного движения"

Children! Listen to my riddle and answer it!
Дети! Послушайте загадку и дайте ответ!
I have got three eyes Три моих глаза
and all are in a straight line расположены на одной линии
When my red eye opens когда открывается мой красный глаз
Everything freezes. Всё замирает.  
What am I? Кто Я?
(traffic lights) (светофор)
With seat belts on, Застегнув ремни,
We drive around. Мы двигаемся.
We stop and go Мы останавливаемся, и снова едем
All over town. По городу.
What is it? Что это? (сar) (машина)
“All Aboard!” «По вагонам!»
Clackity-clack. Тук-Тук.
We go speeding Едем быстро,
Down the track. Мы по рельсам.
What is it? Что это? (train) (поезд)
Big yellow doors Большие желтые двери
Swing open wide. Открываются широко.
To get to school, Чтобы до школы добраться,
We ride inside. Мы едем в нем.
What is it? Что это? (school bus) (школьный автобус)

Напишите короткую газетную заметку на тему «Семейные развлечения», используя около 70-80 слов. На англ.

We often have fun with my lovely family. For example, yesterday we went to the cinema together and it was amazing. On last week we visited our grandparents, they live near our house. We have a lot of time in the evenings it is cool. Usually we watch TV together and have a dinner, too. Also we go to parks tonight. Next week we are going to go to the theatre with the whole family. I am excited because I really want to be there right now.
 Thanks for your attentoin and bye. I wish you good luck.

Напишите рекламу тематического парка, который вы видели или о котором вы слышали. Используйте его название, расположение, и то что можно там делать и видеть. Используте как образец, надо сделать на а3

Gardaland amusement Park: a detailed description of the best attractions, map of the territory, vivid photos and videos, reviews, opening hours and the cost of visiting Gardaland Park.
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Gardaland, near the entrance

Show the map of Garda
Located on the South coast of lake Garda, Gardaland theme Park is a kind of Italian Disneyland. In the vast territory of more than 500 thousand square meters there are more than 40 ultramodern attractions for adults and children. In addition, the infrastructure of the Park is represented by its own cafes and restaurants, as well as more than two dozen different shops.
Recently in Bora Bora and running their own hotel.
Located in a huge variety of vegetation temperate and tropical latitudes, the Gardaland theme Park can compete with any Botanical garden.
Dense vegetation in the Park cleanses the air and perfectly protects from the scorching sun in the summer. In the shade of numerous plants you can relax and have lunch.
At the entrance is not superfluous to bring an illustrated map of the Park, which will help you in finding those or other attractions. It numbered all children a variety of "fantasy" play, and thematic routes in trolleys, boats, airplanes and boats.
But if you suddenly seem that you are not enough visit one of the amusement Park, for you opened its door and two others to the nearby Movieland and located between Ravenna and Rimini Mirabilandia.
How to get there
Gardaland is located 2 km from the train station of Peschiera del Garda, which connects Brescia and Verona. Free shuttles run regularly from the station to the Park. If you wish to reach the Park by car, you must take the Brescia — Padova motorway and turn the sign. From

понять настоящее длительное время

Это время употребляется для того что бы показать что что происходит именно сейчас в данный момент. Пример: Look! Boys are swimming. В этом времени множество индикаторов ( now, at the moment ). Так же есть глаголы не употребляющиесч в этом времени. Это глаголы чувств, состояний, а также те глаголы действие которых нельзя показать. Пример: remember ( помнить )

Present Continuous
-He, she, it + is + Ving(глагол с окончанием -Ing)
-They, we, you+are+Ving
Употребляется, когда речь идет о:
1) действиях, происходящих в данный момент
It is raining now
2) Запланированных действиях в будущем, особенно, когда известно время и место
He is taking his cat to the vet tomorrow.
Указатели времени:
Now, at the moment, next month, tomorrow, today, next day(year, evening, morning, night)

Составьте текст про друга

My friend is a very good person. I know that you can rely on him. He always helps me, will support me in a difficult moment. Of course, I answer him the same. My friend will never betray me, he will not plot behind my back. And this is the most important thing. Friends do not appear by chance. To make friends, it is necessary to be in something similar, but in something different. Similar needs to be that friends should have a common outlook on life, an equal understanding of honor and decency, justice and responsibility. Similar interests are desirable, but not necessary, because it is very interesting when people can teach each other something new. My friend’s name. He. years. We are friends for a very long time and will continue. I like his character, then he’s brave, brave, kind will always help. He has. hair, he has. eyes. I want all people to have friends like me.
Мой друг – очень хороший человек. Я знаю, что на него можно положиться. Он всегда мне поможет, поддержит в трудную минуту. Я, конечно, отвечаю ему тем же. Мой друг никогда не предаст меня, не будет строить козни за моей спиной. И это самое главное. Друзья не появляются случайно. Чтобы подружиться, обязательно нужно быть в чем-то похожими, а в чем-то отличаться. Похожими нужно быть в том, что у друзей должны быть общие взгляды на жизнь, одинаковое понимание чести и порядочности, справедливости и ответственности. Похожие интересы желательны, но не обязательны, ведь это очень интересно, когда люди могут научить друг друга чему-то новому. Моего друга зовут. Ему. Лет. Мы дружим очень долго и будем продолжать. Мне в его характере нравится, то что он смелый, храбрый, добрый всегда поможет. У него. Волосы, у него. Глаза. Я хочу, чтобы у всех людей были друзья как и у меня.

Напишишите на английском языке правила игры дамено.

In the game Domino can participate from 2 to 4 players. If a game is played by two, then they give up 7 stones, if more than 3 players - 5 stones are dealt. All the rest are put in reserve. In this version of the game, the player starts to have a double. A double is a combination of the same numbers on two fields ("1-1", "2-2", "3-3", etc.) It is forbidden to walk with an empty take (0-0). If there are no duplicates, The player who has the smallest number on two fields (0-1, 0-2, etc.). After the first move, all other participants spread their knuckles in the corresponding numbers. For example, you put a knuckle 0-2, then all the rest should put 2-1,2-2,2-3,2-4,2-5,2-6. The bones are placed with the numbers applied so that they coincide with the number of the already placed bone.