Соберите информацию с помощью интернета, затем напишите короткий абзац о том, каким был ваш город 100 лет назад.
В 1972 году по случаю 100-летия город Ясиноватая был награждён Почетной Грамотой Верховного Совета УССР. В 1976 году Ясиноватая получила статус города областного подчинения. В городе Ясиноватая работали П. Ф. Кривонос, В. И. Приклонский, Н. В. Брыкалов, будущий генерал В. М. Лавский. Уроженцами города были народные артисты СССР Н. О. Гриценко, В. И. Ковтун, ученый, лауреат Ленинской премии О. Ф. Любченко, Герои Советского Союза Е. М. Березовский, М. А. Ралдугин, Герои Социалистического Труда И. П. Одыныця и Н. Д. Губенко, заслуженный тренер РСФСР В. С. Марьенко.
На территории города функционируют около 265 предприятий разных форм собственности. Наибольшие из них — предприятия железнодорожного узла и основанный в 1947 году Ясиноватский машиностроительный завод, выпускающий горнодобывающую технику. Придумайе 10 фраз на if и вопросы ним
If you had 1 million, what would you do with it?
If you could fly, wherever you flew?
If you could become invisible or learn how to fly, what would you choose?
If you were president, what would your first law be?
If you could make any wish, what would it be?
If you could get anywhere in the world, what would that place be?
If you were to learn a foreign language, what kind of language would it be?
If you were offered to go to any country, where would you go?
If you were offered to become president, would you agree?
If you could go back in time, what would you change?
поставить вопросы ( 1 общий, 8 специальных, 1 альтернативный, 1 хвостатый): My sister is picking up red apples in our garden now
Is my sister picking up red apples in our garden now?
What apples is my sister picking up in the garden?
Who is picking apples in the garden?
Where is my sister picking up red apples?
When is my sister picking up red apples?
What colour of apples is my sister picking?
What is my sister doing now?
Whose sister is picking up apples in the garden now?
Is my sister picking up red apples or pears in our garden now?
My sister is picking up red apples in our garden, isnt she?
Напишите небольшую газетную заметку на тему “Семейные развлечения”, используя около 70-80 слов.
Используя слова: often, once a week, usually, seldom, never, to show how to …, set a good example, teach proper behavior, help, to overcome difficulties, understand, communicate, collaborate, socialize.
At least Once a week family have opportunity communicate together. Usually, family go to the amusement park:ride on the slides, for example. It is good, because we can understand parents, sisters and brothers, childs, grandmothers and grandfothers, etc.
You can to show how to cook, parents or close peopls(близкие) help you with homework.
Parents with childs be able teach proper behavior in hikings tours(в походах) and to overcome difficults. This collaborate in guizzes. You can set a good example for sister, brother, nephew. But not all have family or not all dont
Not all people spend so much time with their families for various reasons. Do not quarrel often with family and friends and friends, but it’s better not to quarrel with them ever! Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
Что такое полонизация в истории Беларуси?
Полонизация Беларуси - это политика, проводимая польскими властями в отношении территории Западной Беларуси (Западные уезды Минской губернии, Восточные уезды Виленской губернии, территория гродненской губернии), отошедшая к Польше в результате Рижского мирного договора 1921 года.
На территории Западной Беларуси полонизация проявлялась в виде создания польских органов власти, проведении выгодных для Польши культурной и экономической политики.
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate articles where needed:
1) My grandmother likes _____ flowers very much. 2) I love ________flowers in your garden. 3) See you on _____ Wednesday. 4) I always listen to_____ radio in the morning. 5) Alex goes to work by_______ bus. 6) Dont be late for_______ school. 7) Listen! Dennis is playing________ trumpet. 8) We often see our cousins over_______ Easter. 9) She has never been to_______ Alps before. 10) What about going to_____ Australia in _______February? 11) Last year we visited_______ St. Pauls Cathedral and _______ Tower. 12)_____ Mount Everest is________ highest mountain on earth. 13) ______ Loch Ness is ______ most famous lake in Scotland. 14) ______ most children like ________ sweets. 15) _______ summer of 1996 was hot and dry. 16)_____ Plaza Hotel is on the corner of_____ 59th Street and_______ 5th Avenue. 17) My sister often stays at_______ Uncle Tims in Detroit. 18) Our friends _______ Millers moved to Florida last August. 19)________ smog is a problem in______ big cities. 20) Our children go to______ school by_______ bus.
2. the
4. the
5.(когда идёт речь от транспорте всегда говориться:by car, by bus.)
7. the(перед музыкальными инструментами всегда пишется the)
8. the
9. the
10. to Australia in February
11. the, the
12. the( перед географическим названием пишется артикль the!), the( с прилагательными в превосходной степени)
13. the, the
15. the
16. the, the, the
17. the
18. the(перед семьями всегда артикль the, а вот перед именами и фамилиями не ставиться)
20.(go to school это выражение которое всегда использываеться без the!),
Write a short article about your countrys most popular sport.
нагло не воровать у других
The most popular sport of our country is football. The rules of the game are that the Athletes, using individual management and transfer of the ball partners legs or any other part of the body, except the hands, trying to score it in the opponents goal the most time in a given time. The team of 11 people, including the goalkeeper. A specially spaced rectangular Playground-the field usually has a grass cover.
Game time is 90 minutes (2 periods-halves of 45 minutes with 10 — 15-minute break). Unlike other ball games to touch him with hands, only the goalkeeper (within the penalty area), the rest of the players — when you throw the ball into play from the sideline.
football is also an Olympic sport. 16 teams participate in the Olympic tournament: 14 vacancies are played in the qualifying competitions: the champion of the previous Olympic games and the team of the host country are allowed to compete without qualifying matches. In the first stage of the tournament, the matches are held in four groups in a circular system (each with each), then the teams that took first and second places in the subgroups are divided into pairs and continue to fight the elimination. Since 1996, the program of the Olympic games included womens tournament.
Since 1930 held the FIFA world Cup (as well as Olympic tournaments once in four years, in even years between leap). They are mainly attended by professional players whose skills are paid for by clubs. Football belongs to those sports (there are very few), in which the most prestigious competition is the world Cup, not the Olympic games.
5Match the meanings to the words. a capital city a place from where people fly into space a cosmodrome a big place where many people live a village a city where the President if the country lives and works a city a small place where people live a border there are planets, the sun and stars there space a line between two countries
Очень плохо оформлен вопрос, хоть бы запятыми разделили. Но попробую разобрать.
a capital city - a city where the President of the country lives and works
a place from where people fly into space - a cosmodrome
a big place where many people live - a city
a village - a small place where people live
a border - a line between two countries
there are planets, the sun and stars there - space
Write some Information about US flag.
The flag of the United States of America often referred to as the American flag is the national flag of the United States. It consists of thirteen equal horizontal stripes of red (top and bottom) altemating with white, with a blue rectangle in the canton ( referred to specifically as the union) bearing fifty small, white, five pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows, where rows of six stars (top and bottom) altemate with rows of five stars. The 50 stars on the flag represent the 50 states of the United States of America.
На каком языке разговаривают в Ирландии?
На самом деле в этой стране два официальных языка – это так называемый гэльский и английский. Исконно ирландский язык – гэльский (он же кельтский) – принадлежит к большой группе индоевропейских языков. Он считается неотъемлемой частью кельтской истории. Но на сегодняшний день кельтский язык больше всего употребляется жителями острова Мэн. Историки считают, что в VI в. До н. Э. Этот язык был завезен в Ирландию кельтскими переселенцами. С той поры он стал для коренных жителей своим. Ни скандинавские, ни англо-норманнские мигранты не смогли изменить то, на каком языке говорят в Ирландии.
На ирландском и английском языках.