Напишите по английски что вы делаете утром, днём, вечером. И напишите время действий
1 Today I’d like to tell you about my day. 2 I wake up at 7 o’clock. 3 I get up and go to the bathroom. 4 I wash my face, clean my teeth and have a shower, if I have enough time. 5 After that I get dressed, put on make-up and comb my hair. 6 Before leaving home I usually have breakfast. 7 I have a sandwich and a cup of coffee. 8 Then I go to work. 9 When my workday ends, I come back home. 10 In the evening I prefer to relax at home. 11 Sometimes I watch TV or read a book. 12 Or I may surf the Internet. 13 When it’s late, I go to bed and sleep.
Напишите рекомендацию на любимую книгу на английском!
My favorite cartoon character is Elsa from the movie " Cold Heart". She had a tremendous magical power of "winter." Just she had a younger sister named Anna, when they were little sister Elsa accidentally touched his magical powers. But everything turned out the girl rescued, but she forgot all that was happening to her. Then she withdrew into himself and completely stopped talking to her sister. Closed in the room. As the years passed and the girls grew up and with them grew magic Elzy. During the coronation of Queen Anne angry sister and this followed a big troubles. Elsa froze all the kingdom, but nothing happened and love overcame evil magic sister Elsa. In general, in my opinion not worth Elsa withdraw into yourself and to keep secrets, that this was the troubles in the kingdom.
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Whether online shops will replace traditional shops in the future?
Nowadays shopping on-line has become extremely popular. Therefore, traditional shops are supposed to disappear soon. Let us discuss all the pros and cons of this point of view.
To my mind, popularity of traditional shopping is reducing. Moreover, there is a probability that these shops will be replaced by on-line ones. The main argument why it is likely to happen is that on-line shopping is very convenient. This means that you do not even have to leave your home to buy something you need. Besides, this kind of shopping helps save time as it is much quicker to order something on the internet and then get it by using home delivery.
Success starts in mind текст
Whether you’re trying to gain muscle, lose weight, live healthier, or improve flexibility, your success begins in your mind. Before your muscles, your gym membership, or your food choices, it starts with your attitude.
Whatever your goal is, whether you’re just starting out or having troubles, remember that your success depends on how you perceive it. Tell yourself you can, and you will. Make a plan, hold yourself accountable, make changes if something isn’t working, forgive yourself if you make mistakes, and celebrate the things you do right. For some people the hard part is starting, for others it’s staying motivated, for some it’s continuing when you fail. Just remember, success will only happen if it starts in your mind. 6) those two men (to quarrel) for some time. They are both very upset. 7) By next year, she (to forget) everything she learned in this class. 8) By the time we (to get) to the airport? our plane (to leave already). 9) I (to hear) some loud noises right now. 10) All the students grades (to distrebute) next week. 11) Her dress (to tear) on a nail. 12) You ever (to speak) to him about his matter?
What were you thinking about when I entered?
After they had walked four miles they saw an old house.
The train arrived when she was speaking to the porter
It s not raining hard. Itll clear up in a little while, I hope
She always has a guilty conscience if she doesnt thingh in the right way
Those two men have been quarreling for some time.
By next year, she will has forgotten everything she learned in this class.
By the time we got to the aeroport, our plane had already left.
I hear some loud noises right now
All the student’s grades distribute next week.
Her dress has been teared on a nail.
Have you ever spoken to him about to matter? Choose the sentences that have passive voise
1) the storm destroyed the green-house
2) the green-hous was destroyed by the storm
3) bananasare grown in Africa
4) America was discovered by Columbus
5) English is spoken by 350 million people in the world
6) rare animals are kept and protected in the zoos
7) people can clean the smoke from factories and power stations
8) many famous beautiful buildings are ruined by acid rains
Sentences 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 have Passive Voice.
2) Зеленый дом был разрушен ураганом
3) Бананы выращиваются в Африке
4) Америка была открыта Колумбом
5) На английском говорят 350 миллионов людей в мире (дословный перевод: Английский разговариваем 350 млн людьми в мире)
6) Редкие животные содержатся и охраняются в зоопарках
8) Много красивых известных зданий было разрушено кислотными дождями
Напиши цифры словами: 16 сентября, 20 марта, 12 апреля, 25 мая, 3 августа, 21 июля, 22 июня, 18 ноября, 13 февраля, 30 октября.
Шестнадцатое, двенадцатое, двадцать пятое, двадцатое, третье, двадцать первое, двадцать второе, восемнадцатое, тринадцатое, тридцатое
The sixteenth of September. The twentieth of March. The twelfth of April. The twenty fifth of May. The third of August. The twenty first of Jule. The twenty second of June. The eighteenth of November. The thirteenth of February. The thirtieth of October.
написать о любимом фильме 1 ДОМА на английском на уровне 7 класса
I like to watch movies very much. And my favourite movie is Home Alone. It is an old film, it was made in 1990. But its very funny and kind. I like the main character in the film. His name is Kevin. He is a little boy and he was accidentally left home alone by his family. But he is a very clever and independent kid. He can cook, clean house, do shopping himself. One day he learns, that some robbers want to rob his house. So he decides to protect the house himself. There are a lot of funny scenes in the film. Kevin makes all kinds of tricks and traps. And the robbers fall into the traps. Then Kevin calls the police and they arrest the robbers. After that Kevin cleans the house, and makes a wish. He asks Santa Claus to return his family. And in the end of the film they all come back. When I was a small kid, I wanted to stay at home alone too. But now I know, that it is just a fantasy.
Я очень люблю смотреть фильмы. Мой любимый фильм "один дома". Это старый фильм, он был снят в 1990 году. Но он очень смешной и добрый. Мне нравится главный герой фильма. Его зовут Кевин. Он - маленький мальчик, которого семья случайно забыла дома. Но он очень умный и независимый мальчик. Он может готовить, убираться дома, и ходить в магазин. Однажды он узнает, что грабители хотят ограбить его дом. И он решает защитить свой дом. В Фильме много веселых сцен. Кевин создает всякие шутки и ловушки. Грабители попадаются в эти ловушки. Затем Кевин звонит в полицию, и они арестовывают грабителей. После этого Кевин убирается дома и загадывает желание. Он просит Санта Клауса вернуть его семью. И в конце фильма они все возвращаются. Когда я был маленьким, я тоже хотел остаться один дома. Но сейчас я понимаю, что все это фантазия.
Try and make up as many sentences as you can.
. Winter is very beautiful in the forest when it snows. Today we went to the Park because there was a strong wind. Andrew didnt call me, because I was not in school because of poor health. Today I spent this day well, because my friends were with me.
Зимой очень красиво в лесу, когда идёт снегопад.
Мы сегодня не пошли в парк, потому что был сильный ветер.
Андрей мне не позвонил, потому что не был в школе из –за плохого самочувствия.
Сегодня я провёл этот день хорошо, потому что со мною были мои друзья.