быстро с грамматикой!
I __ (write) this letter from Portugal. I ___ (be) on holiday here with my family and we ___(have) a great time.
Right now, I ____ (live) on the beach. My little brother ___ (play) on the sand
with his toys and my mother ____(watch) him. My dad ____ (swim) in the sea.
I just love it here. We ____ (get up) last every day and ___ (spend) most of our time sunbathing.
This afternoon we ___ (go) into town to do a little sighseeing. Then my parents ___ (take) us to a nice restaraunt. They ___ (want) us to try the local cuisine. Ihope it ___ (taste) good!
I __ (am writing) this letter from Portugal. I ___ (am) on holiday here with my family and we ___(are having) a great time. Right now, I ____ (am lying) on the beach. My little brother ___ (is playing) on the sand with his toys and my mother ____(watch) him. My dad ____ (is swimming) in the sea.
I just love it here. We ____ (get up) late every day and ___ (spend) most of our time sunbathing.
This afternoon we ___ (are going) into town to do a little sighseeing. Then my parents ___ (will take) us to a nice restaraunt. They ___ (want) us to try the local cuisine. I hope it ___ (will taste) good!
Информация про нью йорк
Нью-Йорк — пожалуй, самый известный город в мире, в котором сосредоточены финансовые учреждения, многочисленные исторические и культурные достопримечательности, музеи, магазины, театры и многое другое. Это шумный и яркий город небоскребов и свободы, который многим знаком по обилию кинофильмов и фото, где действие разворачивается на его улицах. Здесь столько возможностей, сколько можно вообразить. От Таймс-сквер до самого темного уголка Бронкса — царство крайностей. От русского анклава в Бруклине на Брайтон-Бич до филиала Южной Америки в Квинсе — сообщества из любой страны мира.
Две главные достопримечательности, давно ставшие символами Нью-Йорка – это его легендарные небоскребы (например, Эмпайр Стейт Билдинг) и Статуя Свободы. Величественные здания можно осмотреть и при пешей прогулке, а вот до другого объекта можно добраться только на пароме с Нижнего Манхеттена. Translate into English. Рядом с его домом, среди нас, между двумя домами, вокруг стола, у окна, у двери, далеко от школы, перед нашим офисом, под кроватью, по ту сторону реки, напротив ее дома, позади меня, над ее головой, над столом, под землей, в школе, в доме, вне дома, на столе
Next to his house, among us, between two houses, around the table, at the window, at the door, far from the school, in front of our office, under the bed, across the river, in front of her house, behind me, over her head, over the table, underground, at school, at home, away from home, on the table
Near his house, among us, between two houses, around the table, near a window, near the door, far from school, in front of our office, under the bed, across the river, opposite her house, behind me, above her head, underground, at school, at home, outside home, on the table
Компьютеры являются более надежными, чем люди. Верно или нет. Объесните свой ответ.
Нет, хотя кое-где они лучше людей.
Плюс компьютеров(машин) в том, что они точнее нас.
Но все же люди надежнее компьютеров, и обосновать это можно хотя бы тем, что сами компьютеры созданы людьми.
Компьютеры не являются надёжными как люди. Потому что от них идут только вреды. Ну вот например : с другом можно погулять а также получать новые информации, но с компьютера тоже можно получить новые информации. Если бы мне дали выбор компьютер ли надёжен или люди например друг. Я бы выбрал своего друга или кого нибудь из моих родственников.
10 прилагательных в сравнении, 1 многосложное и 5 односложных на английском
10 прилагательных в сравнении, 1 многосложное и 5 односложных на английском
1) Beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful
2) Good – better – the best
3) Many – more - the most
4) High – higher – the highest
5) Smart – smarter – the smartest
6) Strong – stronger – the strongest
7) Weak – weaker – the weakest
8) slow – slower – the slowest
9) fast – faster – fastest
10) dark – darker – the darkest Do the mini project /Hide a pearl/
Pearl As A Symbol Essay, Research Paper
In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s the Scarlet Letter, Pearl, is a symbol of sin and adultery in the sense that she leads Dimmsdale and Hester to their confession and the acceptance of their sins. A beauitful daughter of the towns adulturist has somtimes demon like traits. She is also the only living symblol of the scarlet letter “A”. In another way Pearl also makes a uniwue connection between Dimmsdale and Hester.
Initially Pearl is the symbol of Hesters public punishment for her adultery. As the novel progresses and Pearl matures she symbolizes the deteriation of Hester’s like by constantly asking her about the scarlet letter “A”. Pearl in a sense wants her mother to live up to her sin and, she achieves this by constantly asking her about the scarlet letter. Another peice of evidence that shows how Pearl symbolizes the sin Hester has committed, is when the town government wants to take Pearl away from her Revrend Dimmsdale convinces the government that Pearl is a living reminder of her sin. This is essentialy true, Hester without Pearl is like having Hester without sin.
Pearl is not only a symbol of Hester but also a symbol to Dimmsdale. Pearl will not let him into her life until he accepts his sin. She wants him as a father but will not let him until he will not hide his sin in public. Pearl knows that Dimmsdale will not be seen holding her hand in the public eye and this bothers her. She asks her mother, ” wilt tho promise to hold my and thy mothers hand to-morrow?”(105)
As we reach the finally of the story Dimmsdale confesses his sin and he has a sense of happness and self peace almost immedietly. Pearl has longed for his public love and affection and in the closing scenes she receives it. With all this at hand Pearl cries for the first time in the book.
In the Scarlet Letter, Pearl symbolizes Hester and Dimmsdales connection in many ways. Pearl is the symbol of her mothers sin. Not only is she this great symbol for her mother, but Dimmsdale also. Most important Pearl leads Dimmsdale and Hester to the acceptance of their sin.
Look at the timetable of the French children’s stay in England
1) What did the children do each day?
Morning:get to Springfield School
Afternoon:walk around the centre of London
Evening:go to a welcoming party
Morning:have English lessons at Springfield School
Afternoon:visit the British Museum*
Evening:watch a car race at the stadium
Morning:have English lessons
Afternoon:go on a trip to York*, visit the Viking centre*
Evening:take part in a talent show
3) Make up a story about the French children’s trip to England.
Посмотрите расписание пребывания французских детей в Англии
1) Что делали дети каждый день?
Утро: добраться до школы Спрингфилда
Вторая половина дня: прогулка по центру Лондона
Вечер: отправляйтесь на приветственную вечеринку
Утро: есть уроки английского языка в школе Спрингфилда
Вторая половина дня: посещение Британского музея *
Вечер: смотреть гонку на стадионе
Утро: есть уроки английского языка
Во второй половине дня: отправитесь в поездку в Йорк *, посетите центр викингов *
Вечер: принять участие в показе талантов
3) Составьте рассказ о поездке французских детей в Англию.
проверьте правильность написания текста!
Computer is one of the best inventions of the 20th century. Apart from Internet and its advantages I use my computer in studying. I use a computer to find information. When I have free time I read e-books or play some games on computer. The Internet is a great thing. I am happy to live in the 21st century with all modern technologies and devices.
Компьютер-это одно из лучших изобретений 20 века. Доступ к интернету и возможности компьютера я использую для учебы. Я использую компьютер, чтобы находить информацию. Когда у меня есть свободное время, я читаю электронные книги и играю в разные игры на компьютере. Интернет-это очень хорошая вещь. Я счастлива жить в 21 веке с современными технологиями и дивайсами
Сообщение на тему как появилась книга рекордов Гиннеса на английском
The history of this book is now described in almost all textbooks on advertising and marketing. In 1759, Arthur Guinness opened in Dublin at the gates of St James brewery, which is quiet and relatively well lasted until the mid-twentieth century. In 1833 it was already the largest in Ireland, and by 1930 Guinness had already owned two Breweries in the UK, producing firm strong porter. However, the strategy for the development of the Guinness brand did not provide for the creation and maintenance of a network of pubs. The finished product was sold in various private institutions due to the wide advertising, which Guinness did not skimp. Successful advertising was the necessary addition that allowed to develop business, so the company always paid special attention to advertising. In 1951 at a dinner hosted by the company "In Oxford" for local hunters, managing Director of Guinness, sir Hugh beaver made a bet with someone from the guests that the Golden Plover - the fastest bird in Europe.
Three years later, again in one of the pubs, sir Hugh again, there was a similar dispute, the subject of which, oddly enough, was again the bird - the Golden Plover. This time the dispute was about who flies faster, the Golden Plover or the grouse. It was then that sir Beaver came up with the idea that surely such disputes in such conditions are the rule rather than the exception, and that they can not all be immediately resolved, since the disputing simply do not have an authoritative source, which would contain all the necessary data. And it is very good if such a guide was published by Guinness, which would inevitably associate it with the famous brand of good beer. Work on the" beer encyclopedia " was entrusted to Norris and Ross Makuirteram, owners of the news Agency. On all Pro all is gone year. Was sifted numerous facts, collected compelling scientific evidence and credible testimony of experts. As a result, on 27 August 1955 the first 198-page edition of mi saw the light. Later it got widely known today, the name "Guinness Book of records". For the first time in the history of printing bestseller was not a detective or any novel, but a real encyclopedia guide.
Today, the Guinness book of records is published in English in forty countries of the world and is translated into thirty-seven languages. Currently, the "Guinness book of records" is almost completely independent industry. Since the facts published in it become obsolete quite quickly, specially authorized commissions have been set up in different countries to examine new records and issue special diplomas. This collection of notes about the most-most will serve as an inexhaustible source of information for making various bets and entertainment guests, and most importantly an important incentive for self-improvement and knowledge of your favorite pet.
Place of birth, early years later years, famous for, date of death и все это про Нюшу
Nyusha is a famous Russian singer, who was born on the 15 August 1990 in Moscow. Her father was a former member of "Laskoviy May". At age 11 she began performing on stage as the group Grizli. In 2008 Nyusha took seventh place in the international contest New Wave 2008 and in 2009, she released her first song "Voyu na lunu" and it won the Song of the Year - 2009 award. After that her career went uphill. She is still performing and remains quite popular among the younger generation.