1. He told me his name but I can’t think ___ it now.
2. This house reminds me ___ the one I lived in when I was a child.
3. We called the doctor because Nick was complaining ___ a pain in his stomach.
4. That’s a good idea. Why didn’t I think ___ that?
5. Look at this photograph of Ann. Who does she remind you ___?
6. She left Boston ___ Paris when she was 19.
7. If something is wrong, why don’t you do anything ___ it?
8. Peter likes his job but he doesn’t talk ___ it much.
9. I like to listen ___ the radio while I’m having breakfast.
10. Please don’t shout ___ me!
11. How often do you borrow books ___ the library?
12. Yes, you are right. I agree ___ you.
13. Cheers! Let’s drink ___ your success.
14. My brother is living ___ a French girl.
15. My children are looking forward ___ Christmas.
16. They arrived ___ the party at 8 p. m.
17. What time did you arrive ___ London?
18. I must introduce you ___ my cousin.
19. Something has happened ___ him.
20. Shall we ring ___ a taxi?
1. He told me his name but I can’t think ABOUT it now.
2. This house reminds me OF the one I lived in when I was a child.
3. We called the doctor because Nick was complaining OF a pain in his stomach.
4. That’s a good idea. Why didn’t I think ABOUT that?
5. Look at this photograph of Ann. Who does she remind you OF?
6. She left Boston FOR Paris when she was 19.
7. If something is wrong, why don’t you do anything ABOUT it?
8. Peter likes his job but he doesn’t talk ABOUT it much.
9. I like to listen TO the radio while I’m having breakfast.
10. Please don’t shout AT me!
11. How often do you borrow books FROM the library?
12. Yes, you are right. I agree WITH you.
13. Cheers! Let’s drink TO your success.
14. My brother is living WITH a French girl.
15. My children are looking forward TO Christmas.
16. They arrived AT the party at 8 p. m.
17. What time did you arrive IN London?
18. I must introduce you TO my cousin.
19. Something has happened TO him.
20. Shall we ring FOR a taxi?
Give English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations: The most popular beverages, vary in composition, with variations, be quite distinct, method of preparing, in order to, be held in a sieve, liquid carried up, making of good coffee, desirable features of tea, influence the quality, treatment after picking, fermenting before drying, very in quality, pleasing flavour, valuable by-product, contain, malt-whisky, added mixture.
Приведите английские эквиваленты к следующим словам и словосочетаниям: самые популярные напитки, различаются по составу, с вариациями, весьма отчетливыми, способ приготовления, чтобы держаться в сите, переноситься жидкости, делать хорошие кофе, желательные особенности чая, влияют на качество, лечение после сбора, ферментация перед сушкой, очень качественный, приятный вкус, ценный побочный продукт, содержат солодовый виски, добавленную смесь.
Текст про вигадане кафе
enjoy eating out. We often go to a cafe with my parents. It usually happens at weekend or Friday evenings, when everybody is free from work and studies. My mum likes Italian food: pasta with different sauces, pizza, lasagne and other national dishes. My father prefers eastern cuisine. His favourite dish is grilled meat with vegetables. As for me, I’m a fan of sushi and fast food. As you see our tastes differ. That’s why we choose to go to various restaurants. For example, last week, we went to the nearest sushi-bar. We had a great time there. First of all, the atmosphere in the restaurant was nice. There were black square tables and lots of Japanese national ornaments. We chose the table next to the window.
The waiters were also very kind and welcoming. My parents don’t like Japanese food much, so they ordered simply some salads and fried chicken wings. Luckily, they don’t serve only national food in this restaurant. I ordered a portion of traditional rolls and a cup green tea. Everything was rather delicious. My parents tried a small piece of my rolls and said they weren’t bad. We asked the waiter to bring us the bill and left after paying. It was an excellent evening. Sometimes I eat out with my friends. We usually go to a fast food place. There is a large shopping center not far from my house and we often go there.
When we get hungry, we go to the ground floor where many fast food restaurants are situated. There we usually have a sandwich or a portion of pancakes with a glass of juice.
Отвтьте на вопросы
Is it difficult live in society?why?
What can you tell about Russian society?
What is your ideal society?
Перевод вопросов: Трудно ли жить в обществе? Почему? Что вы можете сказать о российском обществе? Каково ваше идеальное общество?
It is difficult to live in a society. You need to be able to think not only about yourself. Still all people have different character. This, too, will interfere with self-esteem. It is not easier to live in Russian society. Like any other society, it divides people into classes. My ideal society is a society without privileges. I want all people to be equal. Then everyone can show themselves for real.
Перевод текста:
В обществе жить трудно. Нужно уметь думать не только о себе. Еще все люди имеют разный характер. Это тоже будет мешать самолюбию. В российском обществе жить не легче. Как и любое другое общество, оно делит людей на классы. Мое идеальное общество - общество без привелегий. Я хочу, чтобы все люди были наравне. Тогда каждый может показать себя по-настоящему.
Составить кроссворд на 15 слов по теме одежда
л о ж
е ф а
м тапок
а е
толстовка ю
а б
га лстук
е а
Change the following sentences into Passive
1. Students often refer to these dictionaries.
2. My granny made me do the bed.
3. They say he is a nice chap.
4. The teacher had just explaned a new rule to us.
5. Everybody lost sight of the boat in the fog.
1 To these dictionaries are refered by students.
2 I was done the bed by my granny.
3 A nice chap was seen.
4 A new rule has been explaned by the teacher.
5 The boat is lost sight by everybody.
1 These dictionaries are often referred to by students.
2 I was made to do the bed by my granny.
3 He is said to be a nice chap.
4 A new rule had just been explained to us by the teacher.
We had just been explained a new rule by the teacher.
5 Sight of the boat was lost in the fog.
Определите грамматическое время и постройте все возможные типы вопросов:
1. Nick went home early.
2. The teacher will return our exercise-books tomorrov.
3. There are a lot of trains to my station on Sunday.
4. I often meet his sister at the library.
5. Ann can give you her uccle’s addres.
1. Nick went home early. – Past Indefinite Tense
1. 1 Did Nick go home early? 1. 2 Who went home early? 1. 3 What did Nick do (early)? 1. 4 Where did Nick go early? 1. 5 When did Nick go home? 1. 6 Did Nick go home early or late? 1. 7 Nick went home early, didn’t he? 1. 8 Didn’t Nick go home early? 2. The teacher will return our exercise-books tomorrow. 2. 1 Will the teacher return our exercise-books tomorrow? 2. 2 Who will return our exercise-books tomorrow? 2. 3 What will the teacher do tomorrow? 2. 4 What will the teacher will return tomorrow? 2. 5 Whose exercise-books will the teacher return tomorrow? 2. 6 When will the teacher return our exercise-books? 2. 7 Will the teacher return our exercise-books tomorrow or next week? 2. 8 The teacher will return our exercise-books tomorrow, won’t he?
2. 9 Won’t the teacher return our exercise-books tomorrow?
1 Past Simple
2 Future Simple
3 Present Simple
4 Present Simple
5 Present Simple
Read Jills diary. Where was she on her holiday? Ask and answer questions about it
It was a sunny day. — Был солнечный день.
We walked by the side of the river. — Мы гуляли по берегу реки.
There were lots of birds. — Было много птиц.
I was so happy! — Я была так счастлива!
Tuesday, November 2nd — Вторник, 2 Ноября
It was rainy and windy. — Было дождливо и ветрено.
We walked in the forest and we didn’t see any animals. — Мы гуляли в лесу, и мы не видели каких-либо животных.
My socks and shoes were wet. — Мои носки и ботинки были мокрые.
I was so tired. — Я была такой уставшей.
Was it a sunny day on Monday? Yes, it was. — Был ли это солнечный день в понедельник? Да.
Where did they walk? They walked by the side of the river. – Где они гуляли? Они гуляли по берегу реки.
Were there lots of birds? Yes, there were. – Там было много птиц? Да.
Was she happy? Yes, she was. — Была ли она счастлива? Да.
Where did they walk? They walked in the forest. – Где они гуляли? Они гуляли в лесу.
Was it rainy and windy? Yes, it was. — Было дождливо и ветрено? Да.
Were her socks and shoes wet? Yes, they were. — Ее носки и ботинки были мокрые? Да.
Was she tired? Yes, she was. — Она устала? Да.
Написать про смущающую ситуацию, на Английском,
А couple of embarrassing situations I’ve had lots оf embarrassing situations, but the one that comes to mind right now, is very funny. So, that was when I realised there was a page of a newspaper stuck to my shoe. I jumped up as if I were a young she-goat and exclaimed: - Оh, our mass-media have penetrated everywhere, all over the world! Even into my righ shoe! Then I slowly took it off from my shoe, threw is away and charmingly smiled. Everybody laughed, but it was all right! (MY OWN ESSAY) Another embarrassing situations happened during the time when I went to see the house we were building. I was talking with our contractor and we walked into the house, ducking under some scaffolding as we went in. When we came out I forgot to duck and nearly knocked myself out when I hit the scaffolding. It left a big red welt across my forehead. This happened in front of the contractor and about a half dozen or so men who were working, and I had to stand there and make like it didn’t hurt. I’m standing there with a big goose egg on my forehead saying, "Oh I’m fine. really!" I got out of there as fast as I could. I know they all had a good laugh after I drove off. I honestly don’t know how they kept from laughing when I did it! Несколько смущающих ситуаций У меня было много неловких ситуаций, но тот, который приходит на ум прямо сейчас, очень забавный. Так вот, когда я понял, что была страница газеты, прикрепленная к моей обуви. Я вскочил, словно я был молодым козлом и воскликнул: - Ох, наши СМИ проникли повсюду, во всем мире! Даже в мою ботинок! Затем я медленно снял его с обуви, бросил в сторону и очаровательно улыбнулся. Все засмеялись, но все было в порядке! (МОЙ СОБСТВЕННЫЙ ЭССИЙ) В то время, когда я пошел к дому, который мы строили, произошла еще одна смущающая ситуация. Я разговаривал с нашим подрядчиком, и мы вошли в дом, ныряя под какие-то леса, когда мы вошли. Когда мы вышли, я забыл уйти и чуть не сбил меня с ног, когда я ударил по лесу. Он оставил на моем лбу красный красный цвет. Это произошло перед подрядчиком и около полудюжины или около того мужчин, которые работали, и мне пришлось стоять там и делать так, как будто это не повредило. Я стою там с большим гусиным яйцом на лбу, говоря: «О, я в порядке. Действительно!» Я выбрался оттуда так быстро, как только мог. Я знаю, что они все хорошо посмеялись после того, как я поехал. Я, честно говоря, не знаю, как они смеялись, когда я это делал!
Сообщение об Аристотеле.
Аристотель-философ и естествоиспытатель. Аристотель родился на побережье Эгейского моря в Стагире. Год рождения его находится в промежутке 384-332 годов до н. Э
Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC) is an ancient Greek scholar, philosopher.
Aristotle’s parents died when he was only 15 years old. The first education in the biography of Aristotle was given to him by the guardian Proxena, who carried Aristotle to reading.
Aristotle’s teaching encompassed all the sciences at that time. He was engaged in philosophy, as a set of systems. Aristotle’s ideas covered such areas as sociology, politics, logic, and natural science. Aristotle’s views had a significant impact on the future development of these sciences.