1. John. reading. (not, like)
2. I sometimes. newspapers. (read)
3. Yesterday I. you talking to a stranger. (see)
4. Tomorrow we. to the opera. (go)
5. Right now he. on the phone. (talk).
6. Every day we. a lot. (work)
7. My father. maths at a secondary school. (teach)
8. When I. (go) home, I. (meet) John.
9. At this moment he. his final exam. (write)
10. Jane. to Washington tomorrow. (fly)
11. Holidays. last Friday. (begin)
12. Every Sunday we. to church. (go)
13. When I.(wake up/yesterday), the sun. (shine) and the birds. (sing).
14. Look, the sun. (set/now)
15. In summer the sun. about nine o’clock PM. (set)
16. While I. (sleep), he. (clean) the house and. (prepare) dinner.
17. I. never. to Australia. (be)
18. you already. your car? (wash)
19. He. just. back. (come)
20. She. not. doing her homework. (finish/ yet)
21. I.(love) her since I. (see) her for the first time.
22. A strange thing.(happen) while I. a letter. (write)
23. While I. dishes (wash) the phone.(ring)
24. Be quiet, I. to concentrate. (try)
25. She. her first book in 1990. (write).
26. My parents. married 20 years ago. (get)
27. What languages. he. (speak)
28. you ever. about living abroad? (think)
29. My cousin. guitar in a rock band. (play)
30. Next weekend I. my grandparents. (visit)

1 does not
2 read
3 saw
4 will go
5 is talking
6 work
7 taught
8 go, will meet
9 is writing
10 will fly
11 began
12 go
13woke up, was shining, were singing 
14 is setting
15 sets
16 was sleeping, was cleaning, was preparing
17 have never been
18 have you already washed
19 has just come
20 hasn't finished yet
21 hadn't loved, saw
22 happened, was writing
23 was washing, rang
24 am trying
25 wrote
26 got
27 does he speak
28have you ever thought
30 am going to visit

Нужно написать отзыв по книге Гарри Поттера по плану:
Para 1 Who wrote it? Where is it set? What type is it? What is the title of the book? Main body
Para 2 What are the main points of the plot? Who is/are the main characters?
Para 3 What positive comments do you have about the plot, characters, beginning/ ending and themes of the book?
Para 4 What is your recommendation?

 Lucky to be alive                                      

One nice summer Sunday day two friends went to the sandy beach to surf. 

When they came there they saw a sight which said : "No Swimming - Sharks" but they ignored it and started surfing. They had surfed for a long time and they were going to swim towards the beach. Sudenly a big angry shark appeard.

The shark was really huge but its eyes were tiny and it made her look agressive and angry. They   

frightened to deth and yelled. The shark swim uo to them. They started swimming faster towards the shore but the shark was swimming behind them too. One of them yelled again : " Mark! Climbe onto my board and push your towards the shark." The shark grabbed the board and tore it into pecies with it big sharp teeth in no time.

They managed to reach the shore and safety. They will never swim at the places where they must not swim since that time. Lucky to be alive

You have a new friend. You want to know a lot of things about himher What questions will you ask?Example: often/to go to the cinema Do you often go to the cinema?to be interested in animals to play any games to enjoy reading books to watch a lot of television often/to visit your grandparents to be a good friend to go to a sports club have got a hobby to be a good skier can roller skate

У вас есть новый друг. Вы хотите узнать много чего о нем. Какие вопросы вы зададите? Пример: часто / ходить в кинотеатр. Вы часто ходите в кинотеатр? Заинтересоваться животными, чтобы играть в любые игры, чтобы насладиться чтение книг, чтобы смотреть много телевидения часто / навестить своих дедушек и бабушек, чтобы быть хорошим другом, чтобы пойти в спортивный клуб, есть хобби, чтобы быть хорошим лыжником, может кататься на роликах

Betty botta bought some butter просклонять по временам актива и напиши какие

Betty is buying some butter now. Present Continuous
Betty often buys butter. Present Simple
Betty has already bought butter. Present Perfect
Betty has been buying some butter for 5 minutes. Present Perfect Continuous
Betty bought some butter yesterday. Past Simple
Betty was buying some butter when I saw her. Past Continuous
Betty had bought some butter by 5 o’ clock. Past Perfect
Betty had been buying some butter for 5 minutes by that moment. Past Perfect Continuous
Betty will buy some butter tomorrow, I’m sure. Future Simple
Betty wil be buying some butter at that moment. Future Continuous
Betty will have bought some butter by that time. Future Perfect
Betty will have been buying some butter for 5 minutes by the time you come. Future Perfect Continuous

Описать фильм один дома на английском языке!

«Une maison» (angl. Home Alone) — américain de noël comédie 1990, tourné par le réalisateur Chris par kolambusom sur un scénario de John Hughes. Macaulay Culkin a interprété le rôle de Kevin Mccallister, à tort oublié à la maison du garçon après les vacances de noël, sa famille s’est envolé à Paris. À l’origine, Kevin apprécié la solitude dans la maison, mais bientôt il a dû faire face à deux voleurs, dont les rôles ont accompli Joe Pesci et Daniel Stern. Aussi, dans la bande ont été impliqués John Heard, Catherine O’Hara et d’autres.
Le film a reçu un accueil mitigé de la critique, devenant ainsi le plus gros succès de noël, le film de tous les temps en Amérique du Nord[3] et de la trésorerie et de la comédie de l’histoire du cinéma des états-UNIS, il a conservé ce record du monde entier jusqu’à la sortie de l’enterrement de vie de 2: De las Vegas à Bangkok en 2011[4]. La peinture a donné naissance à la franchise des quatre suites, dont seulement deux droites démarches (mais seulement «alone 2: Lost in New York», a utilisé le même casting), et deux autres ont été entièrement autonomes.
En 1991, le film a reçu deux nominations aux Oscars dans les catégories «Meilleure chanson du film» composition «Somewhere in my Memory») et «la Meilleure musique de film»[5]. La chanson «Somewhere in my Memory» a également été présenté dans la catégorie «Meilleure chanson écrite pour un visuel de médias» (en anglais) russe. sur le prix «Grammy», mais pas la victoire[5]. En vedette, Macaulay Culkin, a été nominé aux Golden globes dans la catégorie Meilleur acteur — comédie ou comédie musicale»[5].

Look at the photos again, then match the descriptions with the right names.
1 It’s longer than the Amazon and the Mississip It’s the longest river in the world
2 It’s the tallest building in the world
3 It’s the largest plane in the world 4 It’s the highest mountain in the world
5 It’s the biggest desert in the world
6 It’s the most amazing athlete in the animal kingdom
7 It’s the most dangerous animal in the world

Посмотрите на фотографии еще раз, затем сопоставьте описания с правильными именами.
1 Это длиннее, чем Амазонка и Миссисип. Это самая длинная река в мире
2 Это самое высокое здание в мире
3 Это самый большой самолет в мире 4 Это самая высокая гора в мире
5 Это самая большая пустыня в мире
6 Это самый удивительный спортсмен в животном мире
7 Это самое опасное животное в мире

. Написать 10 школьных правил используя should, shouldn’t (School manners/rules)

1. You shouldn’t run in the halls.
2. You shouldn’t litter in the school.
3. You shouldn’t shout in the school.
4. You shouldn’t come sick in the school.
5. You shouldn’t ignore these rules.
1. You should keep classroom in the purity.
2. You should respect teachers and other pupils.
3. You should go to classes regularly.
4. You should wear school uniform.
5. You should adhere to the rules.

Tell us about the things which surround house street view if village or town

План-конспект урока в 7 классе по английскому языку по теме"Town orVillage?"

Тип урока: урок-дискуссия.

Методы: стимулирование обучения, метод проблемных вопросов, наглядно-визуальный метод, обыгрывание реальной ситуации общения.

Тема: Город или деревня?

Цель урока: развитие умений диалогической речи и монологической речи, совершенствование навыков говорения, совершенствование навыков восприятия и понимания речи на слух.

Развивающий компонент цели урока: способствовать развитию языковых, познавательных способностей учащихся, развитию готовности к коммуникации на основе предложенного речевого материала, развитию памяти, мышления, воображения, развитию познавательного интереса.

Образовательный компонент цели урока: способствовать расширению лингвистического и общего кругозора.

Воспитательный компонент цели урока: создать содержательные и организационные условия для развития речевого этикета, умения высказать и отстоять свою точку зрения, воспитания гражданской позиции, воспитания патриота своей страны.

Практический компонент цели урока: практическое использование приобретенных знаний в диалоге и монологе для обеспечения коммуникативных потребностей.

Речевой материал урока:

- лексика по теме «Город и деревня».

Оснащенность урока:

- Английский язык: учеб. Пособие для 7-го кл.  oбщеобразоват.  yчреждений с рус. Яз. Обучения / Н. В. Юхнель, Е. Г. Наумова. – Минск: Выш. Шк. 2010. – 269 с. : ил. ;

- Настольная книга преподавателя иностранного языка: Учеб. Метод. Пособие для учителей общеобразоват. Шк. / Е. А. Маслыко, П. К. Бабинская, А. Ф. Будько, С. И. Петрова. – Мн. : Выш. Шк. 2000. – 522 с.

- презентация по теме урока;

- магниты.

Оборудование урока:

- компьютер.


I. Организационный момент. Создание атмосферы иноязычного общения.  

T. Good morning, dear students! Good morning, dear guests! Welcome to our lesson! Look at the screen! Try to guess the name of the lesson. What shall we speak about?( на экране фото большого города и сельской местности) PPs отвечают на вопросы и определяют цель урока. That’s OK. We’ll speak about the life in a city and in the country and compare them.

II. Проверка домашнего задания.

T. You know that there are different types of houses in the city and in the village. Let's revise what houses there are in these places(презентация типы домов) and then we will check your homework.

Учащиеся повторяют изученный материал и рассказывают о домах, в которых они живут.

T: And now tell us please about in what type of house do you live in?

III. Актуализация и обобщение имеющихся у учеников знаний.

T: Now let's brainstorm the new words from the unit. Say what words can be used to speak about towns, which – about villages? Open your books at p. 119, ex. 1c Compare the two pictures. Use the words in the box to help you.

IV. Основная часть. Предтекстовый этап.

T: So, now I propose you to divide into 2 groups (Картинки города и деревни разделены на 4 части )

Поставьте слово в правильную форму,
Traditionally, banks have aimed their (1. advertise) at those with plenty of money.(2. increase), however, banks today are trying to attract younger and younger(3. consume)-peple like you!The idea behind it is that if they can get you young enough, they will be able to depend on your (4. loyal) for the rest of your life. And there is so much (5. comlete) between the different banks that they will try almost anything to get their hands on your (6. save). So be prepared for their free offers. They will tempt you with anything from holidays to (7. fashion) items of clothing. One high street bank is even offering a (8. style) stereo system to all first time customers. That’s not a bad return on your (9. invest)!And there’s another good reason to put your money in the bank-free (10. finance) advice. You never know when you might need that!

Traditionally, banks have aimed their advertisement at those with plenty of money. Increasing, however, banks today are trying to attract younger and younger consumer-people like you! The idea behind it is that if they can get you young enough, they will be able to depend on your loyalty for the rest of your life. And there is so much complete between the different banks that they will try almost anything to get their hands on your savings. So be prepared for their free offers. They will tempt you with anything from holidays to fashion items of clothing. One high street bank is even offering a styled stereo system to all first time customers. That’s not a bad return on your investment! And there’s another good reason to put your money in the bank-free financial advice. You never know when you might need that!

составить распорядок дня по английскому Я встаю в 7:20 потом я иду есть после еды я одеваюсь и иду в школу после школы я иду делать уроки после уроков я иду гулять с собакой потом я иду играть в компьютер в 19:00 я ужинаю и ложусь спать!

I get up at 7:20 then I go eat after eating I dress up and go to school after school I go to do homework after school I go for a walk with a dog then I go to play computer at 19:00 I eat dinner and go to bed!      Как то так по англиискому у меня 5 должно быть всё правильно)

I get up at 7:20. Then I have breakfast. After breakfast I go to school. When I come home from school, I do my homework. After that I go for a walk with my dog. At 19:00 I play computer games. Then I have dinner and go to bed.