сообщение на английском что делает семья на выходных.
На Выходных моя семья ездит в лес. Мы берем бабушку дедушку тетю дядю. в лесу всей семьей мы играем в футбол олейбол и банбинтон, пока папа дядя дедушка жарят мясо. Бабушка и мама готовят салаты и остальную еду. Мы граем в карты рассказываем анекдоты. У нас очень дружная семья!
At the weekend, my family goes to the forest. we take grandmother grandfather aunt uncle. family in the forest we play football and oleybol banbinton until dad grandpa uncle fried meat. grandmother and mother prepare salads and the rest of the meal. Graeme cards we tell jokes. we have a very happy family!
Нужно рассуждение на тему "Люди разные и одинаковые " на английском
Identical people do not exist. Each of us is distinguished by some special feature in its character. Everybody solves different actions in the same situation. There are many things that unite us into one whole, different collectives in which we feel comfortable and confident. all the people in the world were the same, it would not be interesting to live, just imagine: everyone would go in the same clothes and think the same, there would be no achievements of culture, people would fill the way they needed. A uniform world would make us worse. people are different and in this way life is interesting. appreciate that each of us is individual. it is advisable to check grammatical errors. Imagine you are at a festival in your country. Нужно написать про масленицу.
Since long ago there is a tradition in Russia to say “goodbye” to winter and “hello” to spring. The holiday of seeing off of the winter is called Maslenitsa. The concert is held in our city on this matter, the artists sing age-old songs, chastushkas and organize practical jokes. People take part in different competitions, ride horses and drink hot tea with pancakes not to be frozen. The pancakes are the main attribute of this festival because a pancake is a symbol of the sun. The festival always ends in burning of a big man of straw. The Lenten fast begins after Maslenitsa for orthodox believers. On Forgiveness Sunday in the morning my whole family goes on a visit to my grandmother. She bakes the most delicious pancakes with different fillings. In the afternoon I meet with friends and we go to the central square and see street festivities. I consider that this festival brings people together and let them enjoy themselves and meet the spring together.
Интересные факты про американцев
1. Даже если вы купите один банан в супермаркете, его положат в пластиковый пакет или бумажный кулек. А может даже в два. В результате в домах постоянно скапливается огромное количество и того, и другого.
2. Если американца спросить откуда он, он обязательно сначала скажет, в каком штате или городе родился, даже если его оттуда вывезли в младенчестве и он никогда там больше не бывал. Кроме того, американцы любят перечислять какой процент какой национальности присутствует в его родословной.
3. Можно вернуть практически все купленное обратно в магазин сказав, что тебе это «не подошло». Ты получишь назад либо деньги, либо кредит на покупку. Я лично видела, как одна женщина притащила огромную сумку, наполненную использованной косметикой без чека и получила $300.
4. Необыкновенно развита система стукачества. К примеру, если в общественном месте висит знак «Курить запрещено» и кто-то начинает дымить, никто из посетителей лично не сделает замечание курящему. Они пойдут жаловаться менеджеру.
Написать про телевизионного героя по английски 100-110 слов 7 класс
It was two years ago. I was on school holidays then. One day when I got up everything looked as usual, I didn’t know anything about my future, so I was quite happy. I washed, ate my breakfast and still everything was good. Two hours later it started to rain. I thought that I could watch TV. I took the TV guide, and started to read. There was nothing special on the TV, but it wasn’t the worst. When I tried to switch on the TV I realized that electricity had been cut off. I saw that the wind destroyed an electric cable next to my house. I knew then that that day wouldn’t be good. I wanted to do something, so I decided to go to my friend. It was raining, so I took my umbrella and went out. When I was walking, my umbrella suddenly turned inside out. When I tried to repair it, I saw that the umbrella was broken. Without it within a few minutes I got all wet. After a couple of minutes I was next to my friend’s house. I knocked on the door — his mother answered and told me that he had gone to his grandparents. When I got back to home, I was wet and angry. I thought that there was nothing to do, but after an hour I realized that I had to go to the bank and pay the bills. I had to go out again. I got to the bank within half an hour. Of course there were a lot of people and I had to stand in a queue for another hour. When I was next to the cashier’s desk, I realized that I had forgotten my money. I had to go back home, take the money and once again go to the bank. When I paid the bills I thought that everything would be good, but I was wrong. When I was walking home I saw a puddle on the road and a truck in front of me. In two seconds I was wet and covered with mud. When I got back home I took a shower and went to
Сообщение о Северной Ирландии на Английском не большое,
North-East by the Northern Strait and North by the Atlantic ocean. It is in this region is the UKs largest lake – Lough neagh. In addition, in Northern Ireland there are many natural wonders, such as the giants Road – an unusual cluster of clenched together polygonal basalt pillars. Among the local attractions worth noting and rope bridge Carrick-a-Rede, hanging above the gorge to a depth of 30 m.
Northern Ireland is one of the four countries of the United Kingdom. It is situated in the northeastern part of the island of Ireland including Rathlin Island and several smaller offshore islands. The country is washed by the North Channel and by the Irish Sea. The population of Northern Ireland is about 1. 7 million people.
Northern Ireland consists of 26 districts and 6 counties of Antrim, Armagh, Down, Fermanagh, Londonderry, and Tyrone. They are also known as Ulster, though the territory does not include the entire ancient province of Ulster.
Northern Ireland has a temperate maritime climate. It’s wetter in the west than in the east of the country, although cloud cover is persistent across the region. Most of the land of Northern Ireland is covered in rich green grass, which is a result of damp climate and extensive deforestation in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Belfast is the capital and largest city of Northern Ireland. Among other major cities we can mention Armagh, Derry, Lisburn and Newry.
Northern Ireland has always had an industrial economy with shipbuilding, rope manufacture and textiles being the main industries. However heavy industry has been replaced by services. Tourism also plays an important role in the local economy. In recent time the economy has benefited from major investment by lots of multi-national corporations into high tech industry.
Northern Ireland has developed its own culture. There are lots of theatres and cinemas in the country. There are two national museums: the Ulster Museum in Belfast, which houses a collection of Irish antiquities and the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum. The Ulster Symphony Orchestra is among the leading orchestras of Britain.
The children are in london now. look at the pictures and write what they have just done or are doing. tom, mike-meet kate-look at. roger-take pictures. nelly-write. Jack, Jane-have breakfast. bob-buy. tom and mike have just met. kate is looking at big ben.
Я перевела как-то так. Дети сейчас в Лондоне. Посмотрите на фотографии и напишите, что они только что сделали или делают. Так, майк-встретитесь с Кейт-взглядом на. Рог-снимите фотографии. Пойдем, Джейн, завтракаем. Боб- buy. tom и mike только что встретились. kate смотрит на большой бен
Use the cues and your own ideas to prepare questions for your partner.
Where do you meet your friends?
- where / meet your friends?
- what / do online?
- write a blog?
- how often / chat online?
- send texts?
Ответы на вопросы
-I meet my friends both in internet and real life. It can be some kind of social networks, or particular places such as school, caffe shop or park.
- Online Im usually checking my emails, chatting with my friends or playing computer games.
- No, I dont write a blog. But I very enjoy reading blogs of the other people.
- Im chatting online only when I have a free time. It can be approximately 30 minutes up to 2 hours daily
- Im sending texts regularly, especially to my family, classmates or best friends.
Свои вопросы :
Do you watch movies online?
What is your favorite site?
Do you play computer games?
Do you watch videos on YouTube?
Напишите загадки про явления природы (вулкан, гроза, молния, торнадо, лавина) на английском языке!
1) I spit fire and lava, Im a dangerous giant. Nice I have a bad reputation. What is my name? Answer: Volcano
2) First shiny, Then rattles, Then all water. answer: thunderstorm
3) Very bright arrowBurned lime from the village. Answer: lightning
4) This wind is so strong, What he cuts down trees heAnd with houses rips the roof. Did you hear about the wind?Answer: tornado
5) You stay away from her.:Will sweep away everything in its pathIn the mountains screaming Ill scream, She could be down there. Answer: an avalanche
Design your own house, draw its plan and advertise it. Work in pairs. Take turns. А вот сюда нужно вставить слова. Its a beautiful house big and cosy. Ive got a hall, a kitchen, in my house. Ive got mirros and wardrobes in the hall. Ive got a. Ive got. in the. Its really nice.
Создайте свой собственный дом, нарисуйте его план и рекламируйте его. Работайте парами. А вот вот нужно вставить слова. Это красивый дом большой и уютный. У меня есть зал, кухня, в моем доме. У меня есть зеркала и шкафы в зале. У меня есть. У меня есть. В. Это действительно хорошо.