Напишіть про найкращу подорож на англійській мові з перекладом

Many people prefer travelling to any other way of spending their leisure time. They like to visit new picturesque places, go to different countries and learn more about traditions, cuisine and what not. Travelling gives us a lot of interesting chances and wonderful possibilities. And do you like this fantastic occupation?

Every nationality is sure to have its own peculiarities that reflect in customs, clothes, food and other things. It is very exciting to get acquainted with them by contacting with foreign people. That is why travelling is the best way to learn more about different cultures. Visiting museums and galleries, sightseeing and taking photos can be really entertaining.

One of the reasons for travelling is said to be an idea of changing surroundings, that is why city-dwellers are fond of going to the country or having their rest somewhere at the seashore. They look forward to bathing and lying in the sun. Their only dream is to communicate with nature.

As for me, I prefer so-called active travelling. No matter what it is, travelling by car, train or plane. Each way has advantages and disadvantages. But all of them let me visit new places, mixing with foreigners and get interesting experience. Тут my camera is the best friend and helping hand. Video clips and photos always remind me of bright colours of holidays.

In conclusion, i’d like to say that and trips excursions, voyages and exotic tours are sure to broad your scope and fill your life with new impressions. It might be an excellent way of escaping from our every day routine.


Багато людей воліють подорож іншим способам проведення вільного часу. Їм подобається відвідувати нові мальовничі місця, їздити у різні країни і дізнаватися більше про традиції, кухні і все в такому роді. Подорож дає нам безліч цікавих шансів і чудових можливостей. А вам подобається це фантастичне заняття?

Звичайно ж, у людей кожної національності є власні особливості, які відображаються у звичаях, одязі, їжі та інших речах. Дуже цікаво знайомитися з ними, спілкуючись з іноземцями. Тому подорож – найкращий спосіб дізнатися більше про різних культурах. Відвідування музеїв і галерей, огляд визначних пам’яток і фотографування може бути дійсно цікавим.

Кажуть, що одна з причин подорожей – ідея про зміну оточення, тому жителі міст люблять їздити в село (місто) або відпочивати десь на морському узбережжі. Вони з нетерпінням чекають, коли спокутує позагорают. Їх єдина мрія – спілкування з природою.

Що стосується мене, я віддаю перевагу так звані активні подорожі. Не важливо, як саме подорожувати на машині, поїзді чи літаку. Кожен із способів має свої переваги і недоліки. Але всі вони дозволяють мені відвідувати нові місця, спілкуватися з іноземцями і отримувати цікавий досвід. Тут моя камера – найкращий друг і помічник. Відеоролики і фото завжди нагадують мені про яскравих фарбах канікул.

У висновку мені б хотілося сказати, що всі види подорожей (походи, екскурсії, круїзи, екзотичні тури), звичайно ж, розширюють кругозір і наповнюють життя новими враженнями. Повинно бути, це відмінний спосіб вислизнути від нашої повсякденної суєти(рутини).

Такст на тему развлечения моей семьи

Моя семья очень хорошая, я люблю её. У нас много развлечений, но я очень люблю одну из них.
Вечером, перед сном, я ложусь в кровать, и жду маму. Она подходит, берёт меня за ручки, и говорит "спокойной ночи, моя дорогая; дорогой. )
Дальше придумай сам(а), ведь твоя семья то. Напиши, что вы любите ходить в парк, на атракционы.

Я очень люблю свою семью. Мы любим проаодить вместе время. По выходным вечером мы любим играть в настольные игры, прогуливаться по парку или на велосипедах и бла бла бла

Объясните вот эту тему : I am going to. unit 22

Переводится I am going to например read a book значит Я иду читать книгу или I am going to play tennis-Я иду играть в теннис. Вот это легкая тема для меня.

Употребление Present Continuous
Настоящее длительное время используется в следующих случаях:
Когда действие происходит непосредственно в момент речиThe baby is crying. Pick him up. — Ребенок плачет. Возьми его на руки. I’m working right now. Call me an hour later. — В данный момент я работаю. Перезвони мне через час. Когда действие длится ограниченный период времениRobert is on vacation. He’s hitchhiking. — Роберт в отпуске. Он путешествует автостопом. She is staying in London for a couple of weeks. — Она будет в Лондоне пару недель. Когда новое состояние контрастирует с предыдущимMost women aren’t staying home these days. — В наше время большинство женщин не сидит дома. Young people are listening to all sorts of music. — Молодежь слушает разнообразную музыку. Когда что-либо меняется, растет или развиваетсяYour son is growing quickly. — Твой сын быстро растет. Life is changing fast. — Жизнь быстро меняется. Когда действие начинается до и продолжается после указанного времениAt nine o’clock they are usually having breakfast. — В девять они обычно завтракают. When she gets home from work, her children are already sleeping. — Когда она попадает домой после работы, ее дети уже спят.

Составить топик по английскому на тему Покупки для 4 класса

We can’t imagine our life without shops and shopping. We need them every day. My favourite hobby is shopping. In childhood my mother took me to the shops to buy food, toys and other different things.
When I didn't go to school I imagined this trip as something magical and unusual. Everything around me was alive; a large shop became a fairy forest only without trees. All things sang and danced as if asked customers to buy them. All this wonderful seeing ended when my mother asked me about something.
Now I am in the 6th form but I still like to go shopping with my parents. I also go shopping alone. I usually buy milk, butter, cheese, sour cream, fruits, vegetables, bread and bread things. Sometimes I go shopping with my friends. We try on things, have a good time and make jokes together.
Maria-RA is my favourite shop. I can buy not only different products but clothes too there. Most of all I like the department “Family”. You can find a lot of everyday clothes for grown ups, children and different accessories there. The prices are rather cheap.
Nowadays there are special shops for selling books, furniture, domestic equipment, computers, bicycles and thousands of small things.
As far as I know the service in the shops is rather good. There are practically no queues in them. The salespersons are polite and offer their help. They can change spoiled things into new ones if there is a guarantee.
Sometimes people visit jewelry shops. They usually buy gold and silver things there.
I am sure that it isn’t easy to buy things that suit you perfectly. You should have taste first of all, the feeling of colour and understand the combination of your figure size.
Shops are everything for me. They raise my mood and I go shopping even when I am ill. Shopping and shops mean a special world for me where I feel myself like a fish in the water. There is a new range of goods every week in the shops and it's impossible for buyers not to buy anything new. I'd like to open a large supermarket when I grow up.

Расставьте слова в правильном порядке.
1. please / the / could / turn / light / you / on?
2. at / staying / Jill / home / weekend / the / at / prefers.
3. did / from / dress / where / you / this / get?
4. recently / him / have / my / numoer / I / given / mobile.
5. there / go / you / alone / do / to / want / still?
6. any / you / is / now / have / what / she / idea / doing?
7. left / I’d / have / to / any / like / we / if / know / time.
8. London / you / why / told / are / you / haven’t / for / leaving / we?
9. moment / anyone / office / the / is / at / think / not / I / the / do / in.
10. idea / the / ask / theatre / to / way / it / a / him / good / was / to / the.

1. Could you turn on the light, please?
2. Jill prefers staying at home at the weekend.
3. Where did you get this dress from?
4. Recently I have given him my mobile number.
5. Do you still want to go there alone?
6. Have you any idea what is she doing now?
7. I’d like to know if we have any time left.
8. Why haven’t you told we( you ) are leaving for London?
9. I don’t think anyone is in the office at the moment.
10 It was a good idea to ask him the way to the theater.

Re-phrase the following sentences using the word ASK
2. how much money does HE WANT TO HAVE FOR his country house?
3. they often HAVE PEOPLE TO STAY over the weekend.
4. she WONDERED IF the Dean would allow her to stay away from college on Friday. Her mom was ill.
5. did anyone WANT TO SEE me while i was absent?
6. could you DO ME A FAVOUR?
7. he is very busy now and i can't TURN TO HIM for help.

2. How much money does HE ASKS FOR his country house?   3. They often ASK PEOPLE TO STAY over the weekend.
4. She ASKED IF the Dean would allow her to stay away from college on Friday. Her mom was ill.
5. Did anyone ASK FOR me while i was absent?
7. He is very busy now and i can't ASK HIM for help.

"The animal game". The sentences are all wrong. Make the sentences true.
1. A mouse is larger than a cat.
1. A peacock is the most dangerous birdin the Moscow Zoo.
1. Make the sentences true.
2. Ostriches can fly.
2. Ostriches are the smallest birds.
2. The largest animal in the world is the dinosaur.
3. A shark’s ears are very long.
3. A giraffe is faster than a cheetah.
3. The blue whale is the largest fish.
4. The Asian elephant is smaller than the Nile crocodile.
4. Alligators are more dangerous than crjcjdiles.
4. All pigs are pink.

1. A mouse is smaller than a cat.
2. A peacock is the most colorful bird in the Moscow Zoo.
3. Ostriches cannot fly.
4. Ostriches are the biggest birds.
5. The largest animal in the world was the dinosaur.
6. A shark’s ears are invisible.
7. A giraffe is taller than a cheetah.
8. The blue whale is the largest animal.
9. The Asian elephant is bigger than the Nile crocodile.
10. Sometimes alligators are more dangerous than crocodiles.
11. All pigs are pink in dreams.

1. A mouse is smaller than a cat.
1. A peacock is the most beautiful bird in the Moscow Zoo.

2. Ostriches can’t fly.
2. Ostriches are the biggest birds.
2. The largest animal in the world is the elephant.
3. A sharks ears aren’t very long.
3. A giraffe is slower than a cheetah.
3. The blue whale is the largest sea animal.
4. The Asian elephant is bigger than the Nile crocodile.
4. Alligators are as dangerous as crocodiles.
4. Not all pigs are pink.

If you were the mayor of your town or village, what would you do to improve the quality of life there? Talk about three specific problems. Write an essay of ~120-150 words.

I would make our city cleaner and more beautiful. That the roads in the city were good, even and without pits. So that people do not fall and do not break their hands and feet. That children could ride a bicycle. That cars do not fall into ditches, do not lose wheels!I would also build more hospitals, schools, kindergartens. And I would plant more flowers around the buildings. I was looking for work for every unemployed person. I would raise the salaries of low-income people. I built more sports and shopping complexes. I wish I could have done more passenger buses. I would build a subway and improve the roads. I would repair old entrances and houses. I would build a shelter for pets.

. Would make free attractions, movies and theaters for children on September 1, so that for them this day will be remembered as a holiday.

Напишите произношение
1) Perth is the state capital of Western Australia. we learned that the Suburbs of Perth famous for its sandy beaches. One of the main entertainments’ of Perth - the ocean and the beach
2) We learned that basic attractions of Perth are the young tower - Swan Bell Tower built in 2000 year

Перф из зе стэйт кэпитал оф вестерн острэлиа. Ви лёрнд зет ве сабордс оф Перф фэймос фор итс сэнди бичс. Ван оф ве мэин интертейнментс оф Перф зе оушн энд зе бич- это первый текст
2) ви лёрн вэт базик атракшенс оф Перф ар зе янг тауэр-свен бел тауэр билт ин ту фаузенд еар.

Словар английский язык truck

Если нужен перевод, то переводится как грузовик

Грузовик, грузовой автомобиль, тележка, платить натурой, обмениватьсуществительное ↓- тележка, вагонетка; ручная двухколёсная тележка
- грузовой автомобиль
- открытая товарная платформа (тж. open truck)
- товарная платформа
- колесо, каток
ещё 10 вариантовглагол ↓- перевозить на грузовиках
- грузить на платформы, грузовики
- преим. Амер. Водить грузовик; работать водителем грузовика
- сл. Прогуливаться; шляться, шататься
- обменивать, вести меновую торговлю
ещё 5 вариантовСловосочетанияlorry / truck driver — водитель грузовика 
to raise garden truck for the market — выращивать овощи и фрукты для продажи 
heavy-duty truck — тяжёлый грузовой автомобиль 
light truck — малотоннажный грузовой автомобиль 
lift truck — автопогрузчик 
truck farm — овощеводческая ферма 
freight truck — транспортная тележка 
leading truck — передняя тележка 
rear truck — задняя тележка 
electric fork truck — электропогрузчик с вилочным захватом