I have spent my new years vacation in Moscow. It was the cheerful and memorable time. In Moscow there are many sights and we tried to visit everything. The best day was when we have gone to Moscow city.
I wanted to get there very much. It was my main goal of a trip. I have gone with the sister and her friends there. For a start we have taken a walk in huge shopping center (Afimol-city) which is there. then we have decided to rise by one of towers to go to cafe. We have called the administrator which has gone down for us. In Moscow city everything strictly we couldnt pass without attendant. we have begun registration and have given passports. the administrator has asked "Who there is a miloserdova? You arent 18 years old". We couldnt get to a tower the "Empire" because of me. I have been upset very strongly. But we have found a way out and have decided to go to other cafe in a tower "federation". it was on the 54th floor. I was delighted!Moscow on the palm!I have made many photo, and then sat and enjoyed night Moscow. windows were instead of walls and to me it was terrible because I am afraid of height. but I could overcome fear because wanted to make a beautiful photo.
I didnt want to leave this place very much!when we were have gone down and were among towers, I felt as if was in New York!I remember this day still. I dream to get to Moscow city once again. my sister has told "We still will return here".
I spent my new years holidays in Moscow. It was the cheerful and memorable time. In Moscow there are many sights and we tried to visit everything. The best day was when went to Moscow city.
I wanted to get there very much. It was my main goal of the trip. I went with the sister and her friends there. For a start, we walked in a huge shopping center (which is called Afimol-city). then we decided to rise by one of towers to go to the cafe. We called the administrator which went down for us. In Moscow city everything is strict and we couldnt pass without an attendant. we began registration and gave passports. the administrator asked "Who is Miloserdova? You arent 18 years old". We couldnt get to the tower "Empire" because of me. I was really upset. But we found a way out and decided to go to another cafe in the tower "federation". it was on the 54th floor. I was delighted!Moscow is on the palm!I took lots of photos, and then we were sitting and enjoying the night Moscow. windows were instead of walls and the sight was terrible for me because I am afraid of height. but I could overcome fear because I wanted to make a beautiful photo.
I really didnt want to leave this place!when were among towers, I felt as I was in New York!I still remember this day. Im dreaming to get to Moscow city once again. my sister told "We will return here". I hope!
Ex. 1 Write what each person wishes. Then fill in: wish about the present, regret about the past, wish about the future. Example: He broke his leg. I wish I hadnt broken my leg. (regret about the past.) 1. Laura plays her music very loud. 2. Its raining. 3. He didnt go to football practice yeaterday. 4. He crashed his dads car last night. 5. She cant type fast. She wont get the job. 6. He talks too much and she doesnt like it. 7. His car is very old but he cant buy a new one.
Ex. 2
Ted regrets what he did or didnt do. Write what he wishes.
Example: 0. Ted was naughty in class - I wish I hadnt been naughty in class.
1. He didnt hear the teachers question.
2. She got angry with him -
3. The teacher wrote a note to his parents -
1 I wish Laura didn t / wouldnt play her music so loud. (wish about the present / future)
2 I wish it would stop raining. (wish about the future)
3 I wish I had gone to football practice yesterday. (regret about the past)
4 I wish I hadnt crashed my dads car last night. (regret about the past)
5 I wish I could type faster. (wish about the present)
6 I wish he would stop talking. (wish about the future)
7 I wish I could buy a new car.(wish about the present)
I wish I had heard the teachers question.
I wish the teacher hadnt got angry with me.
I wish the teacher hadnt written a note to my parents.
Make 10 promises for yourself.
e. g. Ill work harder next year.
I wont eat sweets.
1) work harder next year
2) not eat sweets
3) do all my homework
4) not stay up late
5) not watch too much TV
6) not forget my btothers birthday
7) not fight with my sister
8) not pester my parents yo buy me things
9) help my mother with the housework
10) brush my teeth every day
Сделайте для себя несколько обещаний
Например я буду работать в следующем году я не буду есть сладости
1) я буду больше работать в следует году
2) я не буду есть сладости
3) я буду делать домашнее задание
5) я не буду часто смотреть телевизор
6) не забуду про день рождение брата
7) не буду дразнить сестру
8) не буду огорчать моих родителей
9) буду помогать маме по дому
10) буду чистить зубов каждый день
составить текст про my favorite mascot 2класс
My favourite mascot. This is my friend. It is a cat. His name is Jack. Jack is a real mascot. He is good at jumping and playing. He is funny. Перевод: Мой любимый живой талисман. Это мой друг. Он - кот. Его зовут Джек. Джек - настоящий талисман. Он умеет прыгать и играть. Он очень весёлый.
Лучше напиши подобное только про свою собаку, кота или другого домашнего животного.
"it is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves"
объяснить цитату
This quote was written by William Shakespeare. It means that people create their own destiny with their thoughts, words and actions, moment by moment, each day. We can create the live we wish. It all starts with a thought, or intent, which when mixed with emotion, becomes a powerful creative force. For example, if you find yourself in a situation you do not like, the best thing to do is to take responsibility for creating the situation and change all round you. Эта цитата принадлежит Уильяму Шекспиру. Она означает, что люди создают свою собственную судьбу с помощью своих мыслей, слов и действий, постоянно, каждый день. Мы можем создать такую жизнь, какую сами захотим. Все начинается с мысли или намерения, которые при смешивании с эмоциями, становятся мощной творческой силой. Например, если вы окажетесь в ситуации, которая вам не нравится, то лучшим выходом будет взять на себя ответственность за создание ситуации и изменить все вокруг вас.
Как изменяется глагол в презент симпл
Время Present Simple обозначает действие в настоящем в широком смысле слова. Оно употребляется для обозначения обычных, регулярно повторяющихся или постоянных действий, например, когда мы говорим о чьих-либо привычках, режиме дня, расписании и т. Д. Т. Е. Present Simple обозначает действия, которые происходят в настоящее время, но не привязаны именно к моменту речи.
Образование Present SimpleУтвердительные предложения:
I playWe playYou playYou playHe / she / it playsThey playВопросительные предложения:
Do I play?Do we play?Do you play?Do you play?Does he / she / it play?Do they play?Отрицательные предложения:
I do not playWe do not playYou do not playYou do not playHe / she / it does not playThey do not play Когда пишется like а когда would like
Like - нравиться, Would like - чтото предлагают. Например: I like apples. Мне нравятся яблоки. Would you like apple? Не хочешь ли ты яблоко?
laik используется в разговорной рече так и в официальной. Оно помогает нам что не будь попросить.
с помощью would laik можно сделать заказ в ресторане, забронировать отель, попросить воды, часто используется в путешествие
скласти речення
unexpected, unsafe, unknown, unbelievable, unrelated, uncountable, unfriendly, unavoidable, unpredictable, uncharacterestic
1. Her new idea was so unexpected!
2. Do you understand that this is unsafe?
3. I’m sorry to my unknown lover, sorry that I can’t believe that anybody ever really starts to fall in love in me.
4. Our last trip with Emma’s parents was unbelievable.
5. This paper is unrelated with your point of view.
6. I want to have uncountable quantity of money.
7. When I was a child, my classmate Tim used to be very unfriendly.
8. You know, his death was unavoidable.
9. My first ex-lover made a lot of unpredictable things.
10. Last night you said words that are completely uncharacteristic for you.
(1)____ little different to your usual selfies, this selfie time-lapse video shows attack victim Alan Crowleys recovery after he was glassed in (2)____ bar. (3)____ twenty-six year old was slashed in (4)____ face with glass during (5)____ unprovoked attack in (6)____ bar in (7)____ Dublin three years ago. (8)____ Alan had already begun (9)____ process of taking (10)____ selfie everyday to create (11)____ video when (12)____ attack occurred. (13)____ clip documents both (14)____ sudden change in his (15)____ appearance and his slow recovery. His face can be seen as normal at (16)____ beginning of (17)____ clip prior to (18)____ attack, but then changes when he suddenly appears with (19)____ horrific injury. Instead of abandoning his time-lapse video, Alan decided to continue and recorded his progression, which now shows (20)____ healing of his face.
(1)__a__ little different to your usual selfies, this selfie time-lapse video shows attack victim Alan Crowleys recovery after he was glassed in (2)_a___ bar. (3)__the__ twenty-six year old was slashed in (4)__the__ face with glass during (5)__an__ unprovoked attack in (6)__a__ bar in (7)____ Dublin three years ago. (8)____ Alan had already begun (9)__the__ process of taking (10)__a__ selfie everyday to create (11)__a__ video when (12)_the__ attack occurred. (13)__the__ clip documents both (14)__the__ sudden change in his (15)____ appearance and his slow recovery. His face can be seen as normal at (16)__the__ beginning of (17)__the__ clip prior to (18)__the__ attack, but then changes when he suddenly appears with (19)__a__ horrific injury. Instead of abandoning his time-lapse video, Alan decided to continue and recorded his progression, which now shows (20)____ healing of his face.
Кто придумал аббревиатуру (аббревиацию) в английском языке
Аббревиатуры, или сокращения, издавна применялись на письме у всех народов, обладающих письменным языком. Целью сокращений были экономия места на носителе текстовой информации (бересте, керамических табличках, пергаменте и т. Д. ) и быстрота написания часто употребляемых слов и выражений. Одними из первых аббревиатуры появились в античных надписях, позднее получили распространение и в рукописях.