VI. Change the following sentences using the Past and Future Indefinite:
1. You must practise this text in the laboratory. 2. You must take your exam in English. 3. She can translate this article with out a dictionary. 4. They can’t meet them at the station. 5. The doctor must examine this child. 6. He must work systematically if he wants to know French well. 7. This child must spend more time out in the open air. 8. I can’t recite this poem. 9. You must take part in this work. 10. He can’t join the party, he is busy.

Past Indefinite:
1. You had to practise this text in the laboratory. 2. You  had to take your exam in English. 3. She could translate that article without a dictionary. 4. They couldn’t meet them at the station. 5. The doctor had to examine that child. 6. He had to work systematically if he wanted to know French well. 7. That child  had to spend more time out in the open air. 8. I couldn’t recite that poem. 9. You  had to take part in that work. 10. He couldn’t join the party, he was busy.
Future Indefinite:
1. You will have to practise this text in the laboratory. 2. You will have to take your exam in English. 3. She can translate this article with out a dictionary. 4. They will not be able to meet them at the station. 5. The doctor will have to examine this child. 6. He will have to work systematically if he wants to know French well. 7. This child will have to spend more time out in the open air. 8. I will not be able to recite this poem. 9. You will have to take part in this work. 10. He will not be able to join the party, he is busy.

придумать 10 вопросов, чтобы начинались на DO и DOES

Do you do your homework?
Does she leave in Moscow?
Do you like this book?
Does he love chemistry?
Do you need to go in school?
Does she mood?
Do you like school?
Does he go to swimming pool?
Do you have a cat?
Does she like summer?

1. Do you go at cenrma today?
2. Do you mean?
3. Do you went go whith me?
4. Does you best friend whith you go to pork?
5. Does we come to aqua park whith your sister?
6. Do you come whith as?(это не попа а мы)
7. Do we went come in my house?
8. Do they come to my house?
9. Does they went go to national park?
10. Does we go to game park?

Make notes about other biological information you have from your parents. think about:
. other parts of your body – e. g. hair colour and style
. how DNA works
Write a short report on your topic. Add a diagram. Use your notes from Exercise 3 to help you.

Делайте заметки о другой биологической информации, которую вы имеете от своих родителей. Думать о: другие части вашего тела - например, цвет волос и стиль Как работает ДНК Напишите короткий отчет по вашей теме. Добавьте диаграмму. Используйте свои заметки из упражнения 3, чтобы помочь вам.

Put the questions to the sentences below.
1. The sun is the centre of the world.
2. English is a world language.
3. When Ann came to the new school she saw many trees around it.
4. The earth is a source of our wealth.
5. Mineral water in bottles is always drinkable.
6. Even good pupils couldn’t do the exercises in physics.
7. Activity in learning helps students to get better results.
8. A lot of harm to the forest was done by fire last year.
9. Nobody knows who set fire to the new building.
10. It is always important to keep your body clean.
11. He raised his right hand to protect his face.
12. The environment is natural conditions such as air, water, land and others.
13. The wood was polluted with smoke from the chemical mill.

Поставьте вопросы к предложениям ниже. 1. Солнце является центром мира. 2. Английский - это мировой язык. 3. Когда Энн пришла в новую школу, она увидела много деревьев вокруг нее. 4. Земля-источник нашего богатства. 5. Минеральная вода в бутылках всегда пригодна для питья. 6. Даже хорошие ученики не могли делать упражнения по физике. 7. Активность в обучении помогает студентам получить лучшие результаты. 8. В прошлом году очень много вреда лесу причинил пожар. 9. Никто не знает, кто поджег новое здание. 10. Всегда важно держать ваше тело чистым. 11. Он поднял правую руку, чтобы защитить лицо. 12. Окружающая среда-это природные условия, такие как воздух, вода, земля и другие. 13. Древесина была загрязнена дымом от химической мельницы.

Books play a great role in forming our life values and characters. Постройте все типы вопросов

Books play a great role in forming our life values and characters, don’t they? Разделительный
Do books play a great role in forming our life values and characters? Общий
What plays a great role in forming our life values and characters? Вопрос к подлежащему
Do books or magazines play a great role in forming our life values and characters? Альтернативный
What role do books play in forming our life values and characters? Специальный

What do you think about connecting of sport and health? 10-12 sent. in writing form

There are various kinds of sport : tennis, football, swimming, fighting and so on. Of course, if you are healthy you can choose any kind of sport you like. But sometimes if a person has a weak health and can’t go in for sports, he can run or go for a walk. At least you can do morning exercises. If a man goes in for sports he may improve his health. Sport helps people to be younger and healthier. I don’t speak about a professional sport. It’s another side of the matter. Professional sport, of course, doesn’t make people healthy, because it is not easy to reach records in sport. I mean the kind of sport for pleasure. There are many kinds of them such as Pilatess, Fitness centers, Gym Clubs. It’s very interesting that people in China and Japan live long life. I think it’s because of every day training that they have regularly. It’s their way of life and they are considered to be the healthiest nation in the world.

Read environmentalist’s wdview and put thm in order imp ortawce yourself. Ir you think aeing energy is the wout impuriaat i 1 bos next to it. Check the meaning of new wards in your
Don’t throw away old newspapers. Give them to a recycling company to make new paper. Don’t throw empty bottles. Take them to a bottle bank. Take a shower instead of bath. Baths use too much water. We use too much energy in the home. Learn to save energy. Don’t use an aerosol sprays, you can damage the

Прочитайте wdview экологов и поместите их в порядок. Ir, вы думаете, что энергия - это беспризорный и один бос. Проверьте значение новых опекунов в вашем
Не выбрасывайте старые газеты. Дайте им компании по переработке, чтобы сделать новую бумагу. Не бросайте пустые бутылки. Возьмите их в банк для бутылок. Возьмите душ вместо ванны. Ванны используют слишком много воды. Мы используем слишком много энергии в доме. Научитесь экономить энергию. Не используйте аэрозольные аэрозоли, вы можете повредить

You have received a letter from your friend Jack, who writes:. we moved our house a couple of weeks ago and i had to change school. it is very difficult for me to get used to new classmates and the teachers. i do not have friends here and i feel very lonely. where did you meet your best friend?what is he/she like?do you often spend your free time together, what do you do?

Вы получили письмо от своего друга Джека, который пишет:. Мы переехали в наш дом пару недель назад, и мне пришлось сменить школу. Мне очень сложно привыкнуть к новым одноклассникам и учителям. У меня здесь нет друзей, и мне очень одиноко. Где ты встретил своего лучшего друга? Каков он/она? Вы часто проводите свободное время вместе, чем занимаетесь?

Разница между
I get good u i get better

I gat good you - я добился тебя, I get better - я поправился.

I get good - я чувствую себя хорошо
Например когда человеку весело, интересно, то он так скажет.
I get better - я чувствую себя лучше
Так говорят люди которым было плохо (например они болели) и им стало лучше - в таком случае используют.
Также, better - 2 форма good ( степени сравнения ).

Напишите параграф о том, что вы хотели бы видеть и делать в Австралии

I’d like to see unusual animals, birds and plants in Australia. The kangaroo is one Australian animal that everybody knows. They can jump more than four metres and travel at seventy kilometres an hour. I dream to see the sleepy grey koalas. The word “koala” means “no water”. The continent is the home of budgies and some kinds of parrots. The emu, which is two metres tall, is the second largest bird in the world. It cannot fly, but it can run at fifty kilometres an hour. I also like to visit the world’s longest coral reef. It’s name is Great Barrier Reef.