Нужно составить вопрос по английскому языку
1. Because she loves animals.
2. At. 7. 45 every day
3. By car
4. At a nice restaurant
5. Yes, she goes to the gym
6. Yes, she has got a son
7. She watches TV or reads a book
8. No, she doesnt, t. She goes to bed late
1. Why is she talking only about animals?
2. When does she get up?
3. How does she get to work?
4. Where is she right now?
5. Does she like sport?
6. Does she have her own family?
7. What does she do in her free time?
8. Does she go to bed early?
1. Why is she talking only about animals?
2. When does she get up?
3. How does she get to work?
4. Where is she right now?
5. Does she like sport?
6. Does she have her own family?
7. What does she do in her free time?
8. Does she go to bed early?
Сообщение по теме «Мое путешествие» на англ яз 7 класса
Imagine waking up one day in a country that you've never been to and know no one there. It is an incredible experience, and something that people will remember forever.
Before visiting the country we have some stereotypes about the life there, which are broken after the trip. And England isn't an exception. People think that the British are hard-hearted and unsociable. But they aren't. The Russians are always welcome in England. If you ever visit it, there will always be a little part of your heart.
I am very interested in British culture, history and people. So, my visit provided me with a good opportunity to compare what I already know about England with the real life. I am grateful to fate, to my parents and teachers, that in July in 2009, I went to England. This was preceded by years of hard English lessons, a successful passing of international exams of different levels, exhausting trip to Moscow for processing the documents. But at last a group of like-minded people and I are in England.
It was amazing and immediately struck me. The first days were introductory, and then I could navigate in Guildford, in the city, where we lived. But let me start from the very beginning.
When we arrived, we went to our families. I was inexpressibly glad to meet these people. It was my first experience of communicating with the British. I expected them to be rather cold, full of traditions, but it turned out that they are very kind-hearted and hospitable. Within 2 weeks I lived with the owners of the house (Cranstone; husband and wife) and 2 girls - from Spain (Anna) andTurkey (Oykyu). The first day I was very tired and, unfortunately, was not capable to do something. But the very next day we went on a trip to London.
Arriving there, I was absorbed with the emotions! It was amazing: we were riding on the biggest Ferris wheel, and then went to the Madame Tussads' Museum that I wanted to visit. There I had the opportunity to be photographed with wax figures of celebrities and to go to the room of fear. it was terrifying, my heart took in heels! It was very scary, but I endured, and then just laughed at the idea of the room. The museum had many interesting things to see.
The next day I went to school for the first time. I had the opportunity to see the conditions in which teenagers learn English. Children at my school were from lots of different cultures, but that didn't stop us being friends.
At first I could not remember the way to school, but I my neighbor, living for 2 weeks in Guildford, helped me. It turned out that I lived near the center of our town.
On Wednesday, we had another tour - to Oxford. I had a lot of emotions from it. It was just incredibly exciting to look at the famous University of Oxford, which I much heard about! Upon arrival in England it was hard to get used to the language and how to communicate it. I took a very visible difference between the Russian, speaking English and the British. But after the first few trips I used to and learnt a lot. And of course it was great to visit the famous hall, where the action of world famous movie about Harry Potter has taken place. It was just incredibly exciting to feel like the heroine of this film. My dream was realized!
Except trips to other cities I was walking with my friends along the streets of the city every day after classes. They were totally different from our Russian ones. For example, the main street, often called, High Street, was lined with stone, everywhere one could see windows of various shops. It is worth noting that the local bakery was very good, clothes were much cheaper than in Russia, but the food, by contrast, was very expensive.
On Saturday, we had an excursion to London again. We gladly walked through Trafalgar Square, looked at Buckingham Palace, the queen was in the castle at that time, as it was raised the state flag on the Palace, saw Big Ben, Westminster Abbey, visited the historical London museum.
Before being in London, I thought that it's the tourist centre, full of foreigners. But I was wrong, because it looked like Moscow. Like most capital cities, it was noisy, polluted and congested with traffic.
On Wednesday we had the last excursion in Portsmouth. As for me it was probably the most exciting. We visited the old museum ships, including the oldest and one of the most famous, the ship Victoria, on which Admiral Nelson has sailed. In Portsmouth, I visited the museum, consisting of a single ship, hauled from the ocean floor. It was under water for a long time, so now he is behind a glass, and it a jet of water sent it as the ship won't disintegrate into small particles.
Твір на тему мій улюблений предмет-Історія на англ. мову (Не дуже великий)
Історія - це наука про минуле.
Уроки історії в нашій школі проходять дуже цікаво. Ми не тільки слухаємо оповідання вчителя, але й користуємо
ся барвистими наочними приладдя, дивимося навчальні фільми, навіть пробуємо становити комп’ютерні програми на історичну тематику. Менi подобается Iсторiя. ♡
History is a science about the past. Years of history in our school are very interesting. We not only listen to the teacher’s story, but we also use colorful visual aids, watch educational films, even try to make computer programs on historical topics. I like the history.♡
11. Helen (be) 17 years old next Sunday.
12. She told me she (invite) all her friends to her next birthday party.
13. Tom (arrive)? Not yet.
14. When Sarah came to the party, Paul already (go) home.
15. You (see) news on television yesterday, didnt you?
16. She didnt tell (somebody, anybody) about her plans.
17. Do you read (many, much)?
18. She paid for her ticket and (leave).
19. I couldnt open the office door because someone (lock) it.
20. When I phoned her, she (do) her homework.
Helen (is) 17 years old next Sunday.
12. She told me she (will inviting) all her friends to her next birthday party.
13. Are Tom (arrived)? Not yet.
14. When Sarah came to the party, Paul already (went) home.
15. You (saw) news on television yesterday, didnt you?
16. She didnt tell (anybody) about her plans.
17. Do you read (much)?
18. She paid for her ticket and (leaved).
19. I couldnt open the office door because someone (locked) it.
20. When I phoned her, she (done) her homework
написать про фруктовый салат и как он делается, на английском
Fruit salad – one of the most delicious desserts. In the selection of products for this dish is small, in summer there is an opportunity to experiment. You can sprinkle the fruit salad with sugar, pour the honey, condensed milk or yogurt. It all depends on how much calorie you want to see the dish. If there is time can the pieces of fruit to give a beautiful shape, for example, cut hearts or stars. Importantly, all fruit salads are extremely healthy.
Interesting taste of fruit salad when you add the whipped cream.
lemon juice;
sour cream (200 grams);
sugar (100 grams);
dark chocolate for decoration.
Method of preparation
The number of fruits may vary depending on your taste preferences. Rinse the fruit, drain the water. Chop them into pieces. Do not make them too small because they will quickly drain.
Blend sour cream with sugar. Add a little lemon juice. Pour the mixture over the fruit. Leave a few slices for surface decoration. Mix.
On a grater grate the chocolate. Decorate salad deferred fruit and chocolate.
Bon appetit!
Фруктовые салаты – отличный способ перекусить. При этом вы можете самостоятельно придумывать рецепты их тех фруктов, которые у вас на данный момент есть. А если залить все это взбитой сметаной с сахаром, получится настоящий шедевр.
Рецепт фруктового салата
Фруктовый салат – один из самых вкусных десертов. Если зимой выбор продуктов для этого блюда невелик, то летом есть возможность поэкспериментировать. Можно посыпать салат с фруктами сахаром, залить медом, сгущенным молоком или йогуртом. Все зависит от того, насколько калорийным вы хотите видеть блюдо. При наличии времени можно кусочкам фруктов придать красивую форму, например, вырезать сердечки или звездочки. Главное, что все фруктовые салаты необычайно полезные.
Интересный вкус фруктового салата получается при добавлении взбитой сметаны.
сок лимона;
сметана (200 грамм);
сахар (100 грамм);
черный шоколад для украшения.
Способ приготовления
Количество и набор фруктов может варьироваться в зависимости от ваших вкусовых предпочтений. Хорошо промойте фрукты, дайте воде стечь. Порежьте их кусочками. Не стоит делать их слишком мелкими, так как они быстро стекут.
Взбейте в блендере сметану с сахаром. Добавьте немного лимонного сока. Залейте смесью фрукты. Оставьте несколько кусочков для поверхностного украшения блюда. Перемешайте.
На терке натрите шоколад. Украсьте салат отложенными фруктами и шоколадом.
Приятного аппетита!
Краткое сообщение на тему реклама тематического парка
Есть много известных тематических парко но самый известный Диснейленд. Парк очень большой и его посещает около 10 миллионов человек. Основатель этого парка был Уолт Дисней-кинорежиссер, мультипликатор, один из самых известных личностей 19 века. На его на счету 12 "Оскаров" и это еще не предел.
Твір на тему мій улюблений концерт на англійській мові
Once my friend friend led me to a rock concert. I did not really like this kind of music, he was rude and seemed to me not at all interesting, but he did not do anything. I had to go because I did not want to upset him. I went we were at a concert in honor of the famous rocker Freddie Mercury. And appreciate what I liked! It was fantastic. From this time on, Im going to such kind of concerts. This concert showed me that rock is very cool and not spit!♡
Одного разу мій друг друг провів мене на рок концерт. Я не дуже полюбляла такий вид музики, він був грубим і здавався мені зовсім не цікавим, але робить не чого було. Треба було іти тому, що я не захотіла його засмучувати. Я пішла ми були на концерті в честь відомого рокера Фредді Меркурі. І знаєте, що мені сподобалось! Це було фантастично. З цього разу я ходжу на такій рідній концерті. Цей концерт мені показав, що рок дуже крутий і не паганий!♡
Just recently I saw a wonderful cartoon "Mignons". He liked me very much. The creators of this film singled out all their good nature, optimism and support in difficult situations. For example, when Grew was not given a loan for the construction of the missile, they began to fold and give their furniture. they also built a rocket. Another authors show their good-naturedness by the fact that they were very nice to the girls who were sheltered by Grew. By the way, Grew himself at first was malicious, but soon changed his attitude towards girls, and indeed the whole world, Mr. but a good side. But his assistant to create evil actions, on the contrary, went to the side of evil. Here is such a wonderful film I just looked!
Совсем недавно я посмотрела замечательный мультик "Миньоны". Он очень мне понравился. Создатели этого фильма выделили всю их добродушность, оптимизм и поддержку в трудных ситуациях. Например, когда Грю не дали кредит на постройку ракеты, они начали скидываться и отдавать свою мебель. Так они и построили ракету. Ещё авторы показывают их добродушность тем, что они очень отлично относились к девочкам, которых приютил Грю. Кстати сам Грю сначала мультика был злобным, но вскоре поменял своё отношение к девочкам, да и вообще ко всему миру, ведь он перешёл на хорошую сторону. А вот его помощник по созданию злобных действий, наоборот, ушёл на сторону зла. Вот такой замечательный фильм я недавно посмотрела!
Составьте план о любом мультфильме
1. Знакомство Винни-пуха с пчёлами
2. Винни-Пух пошел в гости, а попал в безвыходное положение
3. Пух и Пятачок отправились на охоту и чуть-чуть не поймали Буку
4. Иа-Иа теряет хвост, а Пух находит
5. Пятачок встречает Слонопотама
6. У Иа-Иа был День Рождения, а Пятачок чуть-чуть не улетел на Луну
7. Кенга и крошка Ру появляются в лесу, а Пятачок принимает ванну
8. Кристофер Робин организует “искпедицию” к Северному полюсу
9. Пятачок совершенно окружен водой
10. Для Иа-Иа строят дом на пуховой опушке
11. В лес приходит Тигра и завтракает
12. Кролик очень занят и мы впервые встречаемся с пятнистым щасвирнусом
13. Выясняется, что тигры не лазят по деревьям
14. Винни-Пух изобретает новую игру и в неё включается Иа-Иа
15. Тигру укрощают
16. Пятачок совершает великий подвиг
17. Иа находит совешник и Сова переезжает
18. Мы оставляем Кристофера Робина и Винни-Пуха в зачарованном месте
Write 3-4 adjectives to describe the characters
1. Mary Poppins
2. Robin Hood
3. Tom Sawyer
The heroine of fairy tales of children’s writer Pamela Travers, a nurse-witch who brings up children in one of London’s families. MARY POPPINS.
Robin Hood is a heroic outlaw in English folklore who, according to legend, was a highly skilled archer and swordsman. Traditionally depicted dressed in Lincoln green-ROBIN HOOD
Thomas "Tom" Sawyer is the title character of the Mark Twain novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876). He appears in three other novels by Twain: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884), Tom Sawyer Abroad (1894), and Tom Sawyer, Detective (1896).
Sawyer also appears in at least three unfinished Twain works, Huck and Tom Among the Indians, Schoolhouse Hill and Tom Sawyer’s Conspiracy. While all three uncompleted works were posthumously published, only Tom Sawyer’s Conspiracy has a complete plot, as Twain abandoned the other two works after finishing only a few chapters. TOM SAWYER.