Facts about DESERTS
1. Vegetation is scarce in hot deserts because of the extreme temperatures and little rainfall. Shrubs and short trees such as the saguaro cactus and prickly pear bush adapt to the climate by storing water. 2. People have and continue to live in hot deserts as do the Australian Aborigines. 3. The topography of hot deserts includes sand, sand dunes, stone and mountains.
1. Растительность скудна в жарких пустынях из-за экстремальных температур и небольшого количества осадков. Кустарники и короткие деревья, такие как кактус сагуаро и колючий кустарник, приспосабливаются к климату, сохраняя воду.
2. Люди живут и продолжают жить в жарких пустынях, как и австралийские аборигены.
3. Рельеф горячих пустынь включает песок, песчаные дюны, камень и горы.

You spent your holidays in a tourist camp. Write an email to your english pen-friend describing your holidays

Dear (имя),                                                                                                             I want to tell you about my holidays. I spent them in the camp. The camp was near the river and we often swam in it. In the camp I ussualy wake up  in the 6. 30, brushmy teeth, eat my breakfast, take a shower and play football with other children. I spent in the camp an entire summer. This summer was super exciting. I played games, told scary stories near the campfire, and long story short had fun.                                                                                                           Write back soon,                                                                                                 Yours (твоё имя)                                              

Talk to your partner. Use the adjectives in the box. Does the weather affect our health? How do people feel in good weather?How do people feel in bad weather?

1) Does the weather affect our health? Погода влияет на наше здоровье?
2) How do people feel in good weather? Как люди чувствуют себя в хорошую погоду? 
3) How do people feel in bad weather? Как люди чувствуют себя в плохую погоду?
1) No, yes-да, нет
2) very good, good- очень хорошо, хорошо
3) bad, worse-плохо, хуже

Напишите 10 предл на тему Healthy School.

Health is one of the most important things in the people’s life. To be healthy people should avoid drinking alcohol, eating fast food, smoking. People should eat a lot of organic food. Organic food is the products which people grown by themself. Also people should do exercise every day. It can help people to become healthy and strong. Many doctors advise to go to the bad early. By the way, people should move a lot. Because if they sit a whole day, they will get a back problems. And they can getting fat. And the last advice is that people should to go for a walk as much as possible.

Math the articles to the sentence
1. There is … stamp on … envelope
2. Mike has … collection of … old coins
3. What is … capital of … England?
A. a. the
B. a. —
C. —. the
D. the. the
E. the. —
Объяснить свой выбор ответа

1. There is a stamp on the envelope.
2. Mike has a collection of old coins
3. What is the capital of England
1. Stamp-неодушевлённое существительное в единственном числе. Поэтому ставиться-а.
2. Collection-тот же самый принцип что м в первом. Of_old coins-не ставиться никакой артикль, т. К соins(монеты) во множественном числе.
3. Здесь уже указано столицу какой страны, т. Е определённая столица и ставиться the. Of_England-не ставиться, потому что Анлгия это имя собственное. И перед собственными именами не ставиться артикль

You are going to give a talk about your career choice.
Remember to say:
What job are popular with modern teenagers;
What job you dreamed of in your childhood and why;
Who can help you to make your career choice.

From my point of view in our morden world the most popular jobs, which are popular among teenagers are couriers and waiters. These jobs don’t need high education and qualification and also they are easy enough to execute.
When I was a child I dreamed a lot of being a vet. The reason is my big love to pets and a strong desire to help and to save them.
In my opinion, the only one person, who can help you to make your own career choice is YOU. You should rely only on yourself. Nobody except you can make the most important decision in your life. You should rely on your own wishes and abilities to make a right choice. In addition I should say, that you should believe in yourself and really assess their capabilities. Good luck.

Подчеркните слова, заканчивающиеся на -(e) s, и укажите, какую функцию выполняет это окончание(показатель 3-го лица глагола в Present Indefinite, множественного числа или притяжательного падежа существительного)
1. There are many flowers in the parks of our capital. 2. Mary's sister studies at our University. 3. The benches in our yard are painted in different colours. 4. My friend visit hih parents every day. 5. Kate's dress is too short for her.

1 There are many flowers in the parks of our capital. Множественное число
2 Mary’s sister studies at our university. Показатель 3 лица глагола в present simple.
3 The benches in our yard are painted in different colours. Множественное число
4 My friends visits his parents every day. Показатель 3 лица глагола в present simple
5 Kate’s dress is too short for her. Притяжательный падеж существительного.

Когда твои родители были подростками

My mother, when she was a teenager, was very fond of playing the piano. Моя мама когда была подростком, очень любила играть на фортепиано.
She went to dance, music school and singing. Она ходила на танцы, в музыкальную школу и на пение.
She had many friend. У нее было много друзей.
Me mother was kind, responsive and positive. Моя мама добрая, отзывчивая и позитивная.
Надеюсь что помогла!

Порядковые числительные до 50 на английском

Порядковые числительные The first (1st) зэ фёст 1-й
The second (2nd) зэ сэконд 2-й The third (3rd) зэ сёд 3-й
The fourth (4th) зэ форс 4-й
The fifth зэ фифс 5-й
The sixth зэ сикс 6-й
The seventh зэ сэвэнс 7-й
The eighth зэ эйтс 8-й
The ninth зэ найнс 9-й
The tenth зэ тэнс 10-й
The eleventh зэ илэвэнс 11-й
The twelfth зэ твэлфс 12-й
The thirteenth зэ сётиинс 13-й
The fourteenth зэ фортиинс 14-й The fifteenth зэ фифтиинс 15-й
The sixteenth зэ сикстиинс 16-й
The seventeenth зэ сэвэнтиинс 17-й The eighteenth зэ эйтиинс 18-й
The nineteenth зэ найнтиинс 19-й The twentieth зэ твэнтиэс 20-й
The twenty-first зэ твэнти фёст 21-й The thirtieth зэ сётиэс 30-й
The fortieth зэ фортиэс 40-й
The fiftieth зэ фифтиэс 50-й

Декілька речень про мій розпорядок дня. (англійською мовою)

I’d like to describe you my working day. All the days looked very much the same.
On weekdays I usually get up at 7. I do my morning exercises. Then I wash my face and hands and clean my teeth. At half past seven I am ready to have my breakfast. I like to have a quick light breakfast. After breakfast I leave for school.
My school is not far from my house. It takes me 10 minutes to get to school. My lessons begin at 8. 30 a. m. and finish at about 3 p. m. Six or seven lessons a day is the ordinary timetable. Twice a week I stay at school after classes to play basketball.
When I come home I have dinner. Then I rest a little. Sometimes I read a book or talk to my friends over telephone.
After that I start doing my home assignments. Twice a week I go to have private lessons in Maths in order to improve my knowledge.
As a rule, I finish doing my homework at about 11 o’clock. But one day a week is not so busy. This is Thursday. On Thursday I usually help my mother. Sometimes I do shopping or pick up clothes at the cleaner’s.
I usually have supper at 8 o’clock p. m. Then I go on with my work. At 11 o’clock I go to bed.