написать текст про компьютерную программу. Около 10 строчек

PowerPoint 2010 is a graphical application used primarily for creating presentations. It can be used to create, view, and display slide shows with text, shapes, pictures, graphs, animation, charts, videos, and many other elements. In PowerPoint 2010, you can use both built-in and custom templates as well as templates available on the website Office. com. On the website Office. com a wide selection of popular PowerPoint templates, including presentations and design slides. PowerPoint is the leader among systems for creating presentations. With its help text and numerical information is easily converted into professionally made slides and diagrams. The PowerPoint developers have assumed that the program that you use every day and therefore the program must be extremely user friendly and easy to operate. PowerPoint 2010 — это графическое приложение, используемое в основном для создания презентаций. С его помощью можно создавать, просматривать и демонстрировать показы слайдов с текстом, фигурами, изображениями, графиками, анимацией, диаграммами, видеороликами и многими другими элементами. В приложении PowerPoint 2010 можно использовать как встроенные, так и собственные шаблоны, а также шаблоны, доступные  на сайте Office. com. На сайте Office. com предлагается широкий выбор популярных шаблонов PowerPoint, включая презентации и дизайнерские слайды. Программа PowerPoint является лидером среди систем для создания презентаций. С ее помощью текстовая и числовая информация легко превращается в профессионально выполненные слайды и диаграммы.  Разработчики PowerPoint исходили из предположения, что данной программой пользуются каждый день и поэтому программа должна быть предельно понятной для пользователя и простой в эксплуатации.  

Розповідь про Кам’янець Подільскій на англійськом

In the ancient city of Kamenetz-Podolsky there is a special atmosphere of the Middle Ages. This city is often called a "flower on a stone." A harmonious combination of the picturesque nature and impregnable defensive walls of the fortress captures many tourists from all over the world. However, the pride and symbol of the city is the ancient Kamenetz-Podolsky castle. The fortress stands on a rocky peninsula in the canyon of the Smotrych River, and it is a part of the historical and architectural reserve "Kamenets". Here you will see the Orthodox wooden Cross Exaltation Church, the monasteries of the Dominican and Franciscan orders, the Armenian and Turkish 17th century towers, the Armenian Nikolaev church, and the Muslim minaret of the 17th century. The unique Kamenetz-Podolsky castle has been standing on a rocky promontory between the two banks of the Smotrych river for hundreds of years. According to some historical data, the fortress existed already in the 10th-13th century. At first it was an ancient Russian wooden fortress. In the 15th century Kamenets-Podolsky was captured by the Polish gentry and became an important defensive point of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. A wooden fortress was replaced with a stone one. The power of the fortifications of Kamyanets-Podolsky amazed the travelers. And his defenses and successful location attracted the Turkish invaders, Lithuanian princes and the Polish gentry. At all times the Kamenetz-Podolsk fortress was an impregnable stronghold. To get to Kamenets-Podilsky Castle, you have to go through the Castle Bridge. This bridge is a unique monument of architecture of national importance. It is believed that it was built by the Roman emperor Troyan during the campaign against Dacia.

Many times seen in the subway people who play musical instruments. Usually nice people playing good music. Guitar with violin or saxophone, for example. In General nice and even the little things do not mind. Only now I wonder, is it legal? What do you think, can I just go and play in the subway, she took the money for the roof is not asked?It seems to me that it is not legal, because musicians do not pay taxes. The lifestyle of the Russians makes frequent use of the subway. Perhaps it even has its own romance. In the daily bustle it is, however, quite difficult to catch. But that is no reason not to offer this form of transport on a pedestal. I think it would be great if such events are not to be put on stream, but would meet more often. To professional musicians playing — it would be a certain paint and attracted more people to our city. In the capitals of Europe musicians playing legitimately. In Paris, street minstrels and troubadours are forced to take out a special licence for performances in public transport, so you can see the violinist in the subway or on the bus, the usual thing. In Geneva street musicians pass the exam on professionalism, but in Berlin you must pay rent for the place, however, popular musicians earning up to 500 euros per day. Even if the musician plays illegal, law enforcement officers treat him graciously, if he plays well and pleases people, and if the place is for tourists, they are interested to create a mood. So I don’t mind, the main thing that it does not infringe upon the rights of citizens!

Many times people met on the subway who play musical instruments. Usually good people play good music. For example, a guitar with a violin or a saxophone. In general, nice and even small things do not mind. Only now I wonder, is it legal? Do you think I can just go and play in the subway, she took the money on the roof, did not ask? It seems to me that this is not legal, because musicians do not pay taxes. Lifestyle Russians often use the subway. Perhaps he even has his own novel. However, in everyday turmoil, it is difficult to catch. But this is not the reason not to offer this form of transport on a pedestal. I think it would be great if such events were not involved, but would meet more often. For professional musicians playing - it would be a certain color and attracted more people to our city. In the capitals of European musicians, playing legally. In Paris, street minstrels and troubadours are forced to issue a special license for performances in public transport, so you can see the violinist in the subway or by bus, a common thing. In Geneva, street musicians pass an exam for professionalism, but in Berlin you have to pay rent for a place, however, popular musicians earn up to 500 euros a day. Even if the musician plays illegally, law enforcement officers treat him kindly if he plays well and makes people happy, and if the place is for tourists, they are interested in creating a mood. Therefore, I do not mind, most importantly, that it does not violate the rights of citizens!

нужно написать про день святого Валентина в своей школе на английском языке

St. Valentine’s Day. День Святого Валентина на английском языке
St. Valentine’s Day comes on February 14. It is widely celebrated among people of all ages. Valentine’s Day is a time when people in love express their feelings to those whom they love or adore. Some people give greeting cards, flowers, chocolates, perfumes or jewelry to their admirers or partners while others take their loved ones for a romantic dinner at a restaurant or even propose to get married.
Valentine’s Day cards are the most popular gifts. They can be ready-made or hand-made. Also Valentine’s cards can be pink or red-coloured and some of them can be heart-shaped. Some valentines are very fancy; they are decorated with ribbons, paper lace and images of cupids. A card can be different; it can be sentimental with love poetry, friendly or satirical.
The origins of this day are not clear. Some sources believe that it stems from the story of St Valentine, a Roman priest who was executed on February 14, around 269 C. E. According to one legend, Valentine served as a priest during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he forbade marriage for young men. Valentine disobeyed the order of Emperor Claudius II and secretly married young couples anyway. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, he was sentenced to death. In prison he fell in love with his jailer’s daughter who visited him during his confinement. Just before his death, he wrote her a letter, which he signed “From Your Valentine”.
Today, St. Valentine is the Patron Saint of love, young people, happy marriages and the holiday was named after him. St. Valentine’s Day is a good day for parties. The restaurants and clubs are decorated with red and pink paper hearts. Chocolate, candies and cookies are often cut in the shape of hearts.
Перевод текста St. Valentine’s Day. День Святого Валентина
День Святого Валентина празднуют 14 февраля. Он широко празднуется людьми разного возраста. День Святого Валентина – это время, когда влюбленные выражают свои чувства тем, кого любят или обожают. Некоторые люди дарят своим поклонникам или партнерам поздравительные открытки, цветы, шоколадные конфеты, духи или ювелирные украшения, в то время как другие приглашают своих возлюбленных в ресторан на романтический ужин или даже предлагают пожениться.
Валентинки – самые популярные подарки. Они могут быть готовые или сделаны своими руками. Также, валентинки могут быть розового или красного цвета, а некоторые из них могут быть в форме сердца. Некоторые валентинки очень необычные; они украшены лентами, кружевами из бумаги и рисунками амуров. Открытка может быть разной; она может быть сентиментальной с любовными стихами, дружелюбной или сатирической.
Истоки происхождения этого дня не ясны. Некоторые источники считают, что это связанно с историей Святого Валентина, римского священника, который был казнен 14 февраля, около 269 года н. Э. Согласно одной из легенд, Валентин служил священником в третьем веке в Риме. Когда император Клавдий II решил, что одинокие мужчины – лучшие солдаты, чем те, что имеют жен и семьи, он запретил юношам жениться. Валентин ослушался приказа императора Клавдия II и все равно тайно женил молодые пары. Когда действия Валентина были раскрыты, он был приговорен к смертной казне. В тюрьме он влюбился в дочь своего тюремщика, которая во время заключения приходила к нему. Незадолго до своей смерти, он написал ей письмо, которое подписал “От твоего Валентина”.
Сегодня Святой Валентин является покровителем любви, молодежи, счастливых браков, и праздник был назван в его честь. День Святого Валентина – хороший день для вечеринок. Рестораны и клубы украшены красными и розовыми бумажными сердцами. Шоколад, конфеты и печенья часто вырезаны в форме сердца.

Расскройте скобки
1. Why you (to be) angry with yesterday? I (not to be).
2 Where you (to be) last night? We (to be) at the theatre.
3When I (to come) to the bus stop, I (to see) a boy who (to play) with a dog.
4 It (to be) eleven O’Clock, when I (to decide) to go to bed
5 What time they (to have) dinner yesterday? They (to have) dinner from seven till eight.
6 My brother (to wash) the dishes while I (to sweep) the floor.
7 Why you (not to see) a doctor yesterday?
8 It (to rain) heavily when he (to do) out

1 Why were you angry with yesterday? I wasn’t.
2 Where were you last night? We were at the theatre.
3 When I came to the bus stop, I saw a boy who was playing with a dog.
4 It was eleven o’clock, when I decided to go to bed.
5 What time did they have dinner yesterday? They had dinner from seven till eight.
6 My brother was washing the dishes while I was sweeping the floor.
7 Why didn’t you see a doctor yesterday?
8 it was raining heavily when he went out.

Написать на английском про украинскую одежду. (Про вышиванки и т. д. )

Українське народне вбрання — національний одяг українців, створений на усіх етапах історії України.

В основному український національний одяг має однакові складові. Весь одяг відрізнявся в залежності від пори року (літній і зимовий), соціального стану населення українських земель (шляхта, козаки (військовики), міське насення, посполиті, сільське населення, чумаки), від природо-кліматичних особливостей місцевості, тобто одяг населення лісової смуги (Полісся) відрізнявся від одягу гірського населення (гуцулів, бойків, лемків) та від лісо-степових (Поділля, Наддністрянщина, Слобідська Україна) або степових земель (Запорожжя, Бессарабія). Також вбрання було святковим (повний стрій) та на кожний день. За основу національного вбрання береться повний святковий стрій. Основні елементи українського народного вбрання були сформовані ще в княжі часи та пізніше майже не змінювалися, про це свідчать назви одягу, які були відомі ще з князівських часів: свита, кожух, сорочка. Українське вбрання має в собі риси скіфського та візантійського одягу. На незначні зміни в одягу впливали також історичні часи та зміни в державності, межах українських земель. Так одяг княжої доби мав риси візантійської культури, а одяг козацької доби був змінений під впливом пристосування до військового одягу.

Ukrainian folk costume is national clothes of Ukrainians, created at all stages of the history of Ukraine. In general, Ukrainian national clothes have the same components. All clothes differed depending on the season of the year (summer and winter), the social condition of the population of Ukrainian lands (nobility, Cossacks (military), urban settlements, communists, rural population, Chumaki), from the nature-climatic features of the area, that is, the clothes of the population of the forest strip (Polissya) differed from the clothing of the mountain population (Hutsuls, Boyik, Lemkos) and from the forest-steppe (Podillya, the Dniester, Sloboda Ukraine) or steppe lands (Zaporozhye, Bessarabia). Also, the dress was festive (full board) and every day. The basis of the national dress is a full festive table. The main elements of the Ukrainian national dress were formed even in the prince’s times, and later almost did not change, as evidenced by the names of clothes that were known since the prince’s time: the retinue, cloak, shirt. The Ukrainian dress has the features of Scythian and Byzantine clothes. The insignificant changes in clothing were also influenced by historical times and changes in statehood, within the borders of Ukrainian lands. So the clothes of the prince’s era had the features of Byzantine culture, and the clothes of the Cossack era were changed under the influence of adaptation to military clothing.

Выберите один ответ:
The Japanese ___________.
a. very polite always are
b. always are very polite
c. are always very polite
d. are very polite always

The Japanese ___________.
c. are always very polite

C. Japanese are always very polite. (Японцы всегда очень вежливы)
Порядок слов в утвердительном предложении с always/usually/sometimes.
1. Подлежащее (Japanese)
2. Сказуемое если am/is/are, если другой глагол вначале 3 пункт.
3. always/usually/sometimes.
4. Всё остальное (very polite)

Написати твір по англійські на тему My favourite winter sport

My Favourite Sport
Everybody knows that sport is an important part of healthy lifestyle. Fortunately, there are many opportunities nowadays to do different types of sports. First of all, we always have lessons of physical education at school. Secondly, from the very childhood I attend martial arts, to be precise karate lessons. It’s one of my favourite types of pastime. I’ve had several teachers and all of them were highly professional. Another sport that I enjoy is swimming. I’m just an amateur, and I often go to the nearest swimming-pool. Luckily in summer I get a chance to swim in the open sea. I’m not the only sport lover in our family. My younger brother is also keen on sport. His favourite sport is tennis and he is really good at it. Besides doing sports, I like watching different games on TV. Every winter, for example, I watch figure skating, skiing and hockey championships. In summer I enjoy watching football and rowing. Besides active games, there are also some other types of games which also refer to sports, among them chess, backgammon, billiards, air hockey, bowling and others. When I have free time I do play these games with my friends. I don’t think there are any types of sport which I don’t like.

Написать статью про город Керчь. 6 класс.

Керченский полуостров предлагает гостям Крыма отличные песчаные пляжи на берегах Черного и Азовского морей. Некоторые из них являются очень популярными и в разгар летнего сезона отдыхающих здесь не счесть. Но есть и великолепные дикие пляжи, куда ездит мало людей, либо же не ездят вообще из-за отсутствия дорог и какой-либо инфраструктуры. Пляжи Керченского полуострова будут очень интересны тем, кто хочет спокойного отдыха вдали от крупных городов и курортов. Этот жаркий степной край порадует любителей природы и уединения. Также мы расскажем Вам обо всех пляжах в черте города Керчь, места для купаний здесь тоже разнообразны и востребованы жителями и гостями города. Все фотографии пляжей сделаны в середине мая, так что не удивляйтесь, что на них почти нет людей.

Всё про игру шашки.
Цель игры, кол- во игроков, и т. д. Если можно, то на английском

Цель игры в шашки это что у твоего противника не осталось шашек, тогда ты его выиграешь. Для игры в шашки понадобиться 2 игрока. Шашки это умственная игра, чем сильнее противник тем сложнее в неё играть.
the aim of the game of checkers that your opponent has still checkers, then you win. For a game of checkers need 2 players. Checkers is a mental game, the stronger your opponent the harder it is to play.