8 предл с should, have to
1. You should spend more time with me.
2. You should go for a walk.
3. You should work hard.
4. You should eat less.
5. You should read this book.
6. You should have a rest.
7. You should told him before.
8. You should exercise more.
1. You have to apologise her.
2. You have to wash your car.
3. You have to do your homework.
4. You have to help them.
5. You have to eat something tonight.
6. You have to visit a doctor.
7. You have to get ready for your test.
8. You have to call her.
В данном контексте только you, но Вы можете заменить на I или имена.
You are going to give a talk about relationship with friends. You will have to start in 1. 5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes. Remember to say: • how people choose friends • why friends quarrel sometimes • what makes friendship so necessary to everybody You have to talk continuously.
Вы будете говорить про отдых с своими друзьями. Вы начнёте через 1. 5 минуты и говорить не больше 2-ух минут. Запомните про что говорить: *как люди выбирают друзей *почему друзья ссорятся иногда *Что делает дружбу столь необходимой для каждого. Вы должны постоянно говорить.
Придумать про професию офицанта по англискому языку
The waiter a very long time working in the restaurant. Hes been here for all of the dishes memorized.
Этот официант очень долго работает в ресторане. Он тут уже все блюда выучил наизусть.
Today the profession of a waiter is considered to be one of the most popular. Open any newspaper or Internet site with vacancies, surely You will be able to see the job offers. This is not surprising, because the income of a waiter in a classy restaurant can reach 1400-1500 dollars a month. However, the way the elite is not as simple as it may seem simple man.
The duties of waiter
Members of the staff have an excellent knowledge of the rules of etiquette, who to serve first: the lady or master, child or an elderly person. The table setting is organized in a matter of minutes, every instrument must be in the correct sequence.
Duties of the waiter is not the end for the table setting and serving dishes: it needs to be welcoming, to create a cozy atmosphere in the institution. Almost all the information about foods and beverages the client receives from the staff. The waiter needs to know the signature and national dishes. The wine list is an integral part of any elite institution. What wine is perfect with seafood, poultry, grade a beverage it is better emphasizes the taste is only a small fraction of what you need to know specialist. What would the customer left the restaurant not only full but also in high spirits, the staff needs to create appropriate conditions. Surely at least once You were served by the waiter-rude, which was not nothing to do with Your wishes. Maybe it happened at the end of the working shift or the person was somewhat annoyed. In any case, every employee of the restaurant should give a sincere smile and keep the conversation at the clients request.
From this point of view, the profession of waiter is hardly simple. And when you consider that the average employee takes about 10-25 miles per day with an average weight of tray 10 kg – find a real professional is not easy.
In the post-Soviet countries, the profession of waiter is more of an option jobs than permanent jobs. Therefore, in the sphere of restaurant business occurs is so high staff turnover. Usually the staffs are busy with students and young graduates. Training of waiters
Before applying for a job every specialist practice, where he received the basic knowledge and craft skills. As a rule, each trainee is assigned an experienced employee who is on probation helps serve the customers, explains all the details and nuances. In Western countries the average age of the waiter is 30-35 years, we have 18-25 years. neat appearance, promptness, respect for the client are the main features of a competent efficiantly and cons of the profession waiter
the work takes place in a warm room in winter, in the warmer time of the day on a summer area;the size of the tip, which depends on the waiters professionalism and status of the institution;availability of vacancies, a big demand in the labour market;it is often convenient schedule. Disadvantages:
working with people involves a stressful situation;serious exercise;as you know – the customer is always right. The waiter often can hear for himself and the cook.
Упр. 1. Вставьте частицу “to”, где необходимо:
1. Не likes. play football.
2. She can. speak English.
3. We let them. go there.
4. Don’t help her. do it.
5. May I. take your dictionary?
6. He made me. do it.
7. Mother let us. swim in the river.
8. I don’t want. see him.
9. We would rather. go home.
10. They wanted. speak to us.
11. Would you like. drink?
12. You had better. take this medicine.
13. They couldn’t. find their child.
14. It’s time. go for a walk.
15. I’d like. believe you.
16. We were ready. go out.
17. My parent’s didn’t let me. go to that party.
18. Do you like. dance?
19. Would you like. listen to my song?
20. His joke made me. laugh.
1. Не likes TO play football.
2. She can speak English.
3. We let them go there.
4. Don’t help her do it.
5. May I take your dictionary?
6. He made me do it.
7. Mother let us swim in the river.
8. I don’t want TO see him.
9. We would rather go home.
10. They wanted TO speak to us.
11. Would you like TO drink?
12. You had better take this medicine.
13. They couldn’t find their child.
14. It’s time TO go for a walk.
15. I’d like TO believe you.
16. We were ready TO go out.
17. My parent’s didn’t let me go to that party.
18. Do you like TO dance?
19. Would you like TO listen to my song?
20. His joke made me laugh.
II. Transcribe the following words and explain the reading rules:
five, tip, bed, pipe, land, fry, rule, ton, tone, pupil, love, cut, shade, brother, shall, bus, snack, blame, poke, found, aloud, green, town, toy, farm, yellow, glove, warm, some, won, worse, nothing, mild, world, month, worth, company, worship, none, find, wild, ought, above, brought.
[faɪv], [tɪp], [bɛd], [paɪp], [lænd], [fraɪ], [ruːl],
[tʌn], [təʊn], [ˈpjuːpl], [lʌv], [kʌt], [ʃeɪd], [ˈbrʌðə], [ʃæl],
[bʌs], [snæk], [bleɪm],
[pəʊk], [faʊnd], [əˈlaʊd], [griːn], [taʊn], [tɔɪ],
[fɑːm], [ˈjɛləʊ], [glʌv], [wɔːm], [sʌm], [wʌn],
[wɜːs], [ˈnʌθɪŋ], [maɪld], [wɜːld], [mʌnθ], [wɜːθ], [ˈkʌmpəni],
[ˈwɜːʃɪp], [nʌn], [faɪnd], [waɪld], [ɔːt], [əˈbʌv], [brɔːt]
В англиском языке слова как бегемот (hippo) макака (monkey) и дельфин (dolphin) у них какие пола в англиском языке
Если это - животные в сказках, то везде, если специально не обговорено, они мужского рода. Если в обычной речи, то "среднего рода" (бездушного) (it). Если разговор идет любимом животном, то, чтобы подчеркнуть любовь и близость к нему можно указать "он" или "она". Иногда пол подчеркивается изменением конца слова: lion - lioness, tiger - tigress.
Напишіть 7 запитань по англійськи до речення:The five rings represent the five inhabited continents of the world: America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.
1 The five rings represent the five inhabited continents of the world: America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia, don’t they? Разделительный
2 Do the five rings represent the five inhabited continents of the world: America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia? Общий
3 Do the five or six rings represent the five inhabited continents of the world: America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia? Альтернативный
4 What represents the five inhabited continents of the world: America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia? Вопрос к подлежащему
5 How many continents of the world do the five rings represent? Специальный
6 How many rings represent the five inhabited continents of the world: America, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia? Специальный
7 Do the five rings represent the five inhabited continents or countries of the world? Альтернативный
Английский грамматика 3 класс 1 часть Барашкова СТР15
2) he has got two kittens
3) I have got five books
4) He is twelve
5) I am ( и подставляете свой возраст к примеру ) fourteen
Правила дорожного движения на английском языке для 8 класса.
1. cross the road onto the green or at a pedestrian crossing.
1. Переходи дорогу на зеленый цвет или по пешеходному переходу.
2. Before you cross the road look left first then right
2. Прежде чем перейти дорогу сначала посмотри на лево потом на право
3. Don’t go on the road, walk on the pavement
3. Не ходи по дороге, ходи по тротуару/
4. Don’t play on the road or close to it
4. Не играй на дороге или близко к ней
Think of famous person of the past and make notes under the heading: name, date of birth, place of birth, early years, later years, famous for, date of death
Sergei Pavlovich Korolev - the Chief Designer
Сергей Павлович Королёв - Главный Конструктор.
Name: Sergey Korolyov
Date of birth: 1907, 12 January
Place of birth: in Ukraine, Zhytomyr
Early years: His mother Maria and his father Pavel separated due to financial difficulties. Although Pavel later wrote to Maria requesting a meeting with his son, Sergei was informed by his mother that his father had died. Sergei never saw his father after the family break-up, and Pavel died in 1929 before his son learned the truth. Korolev grew up under the care of his grandparents. He received vocational training in carpentry and in various academics at the Odessa Building Trades School. In 1923 he joined the Society of Aviation and Aerial Navigation of Ukraine and the Crimea Then he graduated from the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, and later the Bauman Moscow Higner Technical School and the Moscow Pilot School.
Later years: After graduation, Korolev worked with some of the best Soviet designers. He was a talanted engineer. Soon he got interested in cosmonautics. He devoted all his life to designing of rockets and space systems which ensured success in the initial stages of investigation of outer space.
Famous for: contruction, testing and lauching of the Vostok, Voskhod, and Soyuz spacecraft;
Date of death: -1966, 14 January.