8 вопросов про футбол на английском языке
Football has been called the most popular game in the world, and it certainly has a great many fans in Britain. It is the game that is played nearly in all countries. A team is composed of 11 players: a goalkeeper, backs, half-backs and forwards. The captain of the team is usually the oldest or the best player. The football pitch should be between 100 and 130 metres long and between 50 and 100 metres wide. It is divided into two halves by the halfway line. In the middle of the field there is a centre circle and there is a goal at each end. In front of each goal is the goal area and the penalty area. There is a penalty spot inside the penalty area and a penalty arc outside it. A game of football usually lasts for one and a half hours. At half-time, the teams change ends. The aim of each team is to score as many goals as possible.
Write about where you live what is your city town famous for?
Мой город Пермь
Perm is a city in the east of the European part of Russia. The city was founded in 1723. Foundation day of Perm is 4 May, 1723.
Perm is a major research center. For example, the Perm State University — one of the oldest and largest universities in the Urals, was founded in 1916, there are trained more than eighteen thousand students.
Perm Zoo appeared in the 20s of xx-th century. It is planned to combine it with the Biopark, create Victory Park, summer theater, themed rides and fitness area.
Perm Planetarium was built and commissioned in December 7, 1967. Then it was the only planetarium in the Urals. planetarium dome has become one of the symbols of Perm. Today Planetarium — this is one of the centers of the city of Perm Natural Sciences.
The first theater in Perm (illusion) was opened in 1896 in the house V. Mikhailov. In 2011, in Perm operated 10 cinemas.
In the city center is located a live organ hall of the Perm Regional Philharmonic.
Напишите сравнительно и превосходную степень
Big, bigger, the biggest (большой, больше, самый большой)
sad, sadder, the saddest (грустный, печальный)
red, redder, the reddest (красный)
flat, flatter, the flattest (плоский)
fat, fatter, the fattest (толстый)
mad, madder, the maddest (сумаcшедший, бешеный)
hot, hotter, the hottest (горячий)
thin, thinner, the thinnest (тонкий, худой)
wet, wetter, the wettest (сырой, мокрый)
fit, fitter, the fittest (подходящий)
fine, finer, the finest (замечательный, прекрасный)
brave, braver, the bravest (храбрый, смелый)
pale, paler, the palest (бледный)
large, larger, the largest (большой)
late, later, the latest (поздний)
white, whiter, the whitest (белый)
nice, nicer, the nicest (приятный, хороший, милый)
simple, simpler, the simplest (простой)
able, abler, the ablest (способный)
noble, nobler, the noblest (благородный)
stable, stabler, the stablest (устойчивый)
free, freer, the freest (свободный, бесплатный)
heavy, heavier, the heaviest (тяжёлый)
tall, taller, the tallest (высокий)
green, greener, the greenest (зелёный)
new, newer, the newest (новый)
short, shorter, the shortest (короткий)
great, greater, the greatest (великий)
warm, warmer, the warmest (тёплый)
fresh, fresher, the freshest (свежий)
light, lighter, the lightest (светлый, лёгкий)
cold, colder, the coldest (холодный)
full, fuller, the fullest (полный)
thick, thicker, the thickest (густой)
long, longer, the longest (длинный)
sweet, sweeter, the sweetest (сладкий)
high, higher, the highest (высокий)
poor, poorer, the poorest (бедный)
small, smaller, the smallest (маленький)
clear, clearer, the clearest (чистый)
quick, quicker, the quickest (быстрый)
free, freer, the freest (свободный, бесплатный)
heavy, heavier, the heaviest (тяжёлый)
hearty, heartier, the heartiest (сердечный)
early, earlier, the earliest (ранний)
tiny, tinier, the tiniest (крошечный)
lazy, lazier, the laziest (ленивый)
angry, angrier, the angriest (сердитый)
busy, busier, the busiest (оживлённый, занятой)
happy, happier, the happiest (счастливый)
dry, drier, the driest (сухой)
shy, shier, the shiest (застенчивый, скромный)
sly, slier, the sliest (хитрый, лукавый)
lovely, lovelier, the loveliest (хорошенький)
dirty, dirtier, the dirtiest (грязный)
funny, funnier, the funniest (смешной, забавный)
pretty, prettier, the prettiest (красивый, хорошенький)
grey, greyer, the greyest (серый)
gay, gayer, the gayest (весёлый)
good, better, the best (хороший)
bad, worse, the worst (плохой)
little, less, the least (маленький)
far, farther, the farthest (далёкий)
far, further, the furthest (далёкий)
near, nearer, the nearest (близкий)
old, older, the oldest (старый)
old, elder, the eldest (старший)
difficult, more difficult, the most difficult (трудный)
beautiful, more beautiful, the most beautiful (прекрасный)
careful, more careful, the most careful (заботливый, осторожный)
attractive, more attractive, the most attractive (привлекательный)
attentive, more attentive, the most attentive (внимательный)
experienced, more experienced, the most experienced (опытный)
Порядок месяцев по английскому языку
Январь - January
Февраль - February
Март - March
Апрель - April
Май - May
Июнь - June
Июль - July
Август - August
Сентябрь - September
Октябрь - October
Ноябрь - November
Декабрь - December
Каким был старый Оскол 100 лет назад англ текст
My town 100 hundred years ago
My town was a small settlement hundred years ago. There were few shops, streets, transports. The people moved in carriages. There was one hospital and post office.
Day after day the settlement became better. The railway was constructed and a communication with other towns appeared there.
The settlement became a town. The people became more. The shops became more. The buses, the cars, a lot of shops appeared. The schools were built. New houses were built in the streets.
Мой городок был маленьким поселением 100 лет назад. Там было немного магазинов, улиц, транспорта. Люди передвигались в каретах. Там была одна больница и почта.
День за днём посёлок становился лучше. Была построена железная дорога и появилась связь с другими городами. Появились автобусы, машины, много магазинов. Были построены школы. На улицах были построены новые дома.
Напишите открытку на юбилей на английском языке
Happy Birthday!Wishing you a Happy Birthday!Best wishes and a wonderful Birthday!Happy Birthday! Wishing you all the best on your special day!Congratulations and best wishes on your Birthday! I wish you a Happy Birthday and many happy returns of the day!
I wish you a long and amazing life. I wish you great health and excellent results in all your dealings. Most importantly, I wish you happiness without measure every minute in your life. Be loved, be happy, enjoy every day! Я желаю тебе длинной и увлекательной жизни! Желаю тебе крепкого здоровья и выдающихся результатов во всем, что ты делаешь. А самое важное, я желаю тебе безмерного счастья в каждой минуте твоей жизни. Будь любим(а), наслаждайся каждым днем
Recycling is an important issue today- написать тему
Theme: Save the earth
Recycling is one of the best ways for you to have a positive impact on the world in which we live. Recycling is important to both the natural environment and us. We must act fast as the amount of waste we create is increasing all the time.
The amount of rubbish we create is constantly increasing because:
Increasing wealth means that people are buying more products and ultimately creating more waste. Increasing population means that there are more people on the planet to create waste. New packaging and technological products are being developed, much of these products contain materials that are not biodegradable. New lifestyle changes, such as eating fast food, means that we create additional waste that isn’t biodegradable. MAKE or DO?
1. Does she always. her homework?
2. I. me work very well.
3. My mom. a deticious cake yesterday.
4. I need to. me hair before we leave.
5. Will you. the washing up? I am so tired.
6. I didn"t pass yhe exam as I had. too many mistakes.
7. You sjuld help him to. maths.
8. I will. me best to learn English.
9. I prefer. my homework by myself.
10. I. some exercise as I do care about the way I look.
11. American scientists have recently. a huge research in the field.
12. Would you. a cup of tea for me?
13. I will. my best tomorrow.
1. Does she always DO her homework?
2. I DO my work very well.
3. My mom MAdE a delicious cake yesterday.
4. I need to DO my hair before we leave.
5. Will you DO the washing up? I am so tired.
6. I didnt pass yhe exam as I had MAdE too many mistakes.
7. You should help him to DO Maths.
8. I will DO me best to learn English.
9. I prefer DOing my homework by myself.
10. I DO some exercise as I do care about the way I look.
11. American scientists have recently DOne a huge research in the field.
12. Would you MAKE a cup of tea for me?
13. I will DO my best tomorrow.
Написать на английском мини сообщение о видеоигре "Sim City"
SimCity, also known as Classic or Micropolis SimCity[23], is a computer game that marked the beginning of city-building game as a full-fledged genre in the gaming industry. The game was developed by will Wright and released for several platforms, primarily in 1989-1991. SimCity is made in a two dimensional graph, an overview of the city comes from "above". The essence of the gameplay boils down to the creation of the city, development of residential and industrial zones, construction of infrastructure and tax collection for further development of the city. In the game, as in the real world, it is important to raise the standard of living of the population and to maintain a balance between different sectors, otherwise the settlement may fail and even go bankrupt.
Despite the fact that the release of the game took place in 1989, the simulator was independently developed by will Wright in 1985, when he was just starting his career as an indie developer, that is, before the formation of the Studio Maxis. However, within four years of gaming publishers refused to release the project for fear of failure of the sales, as the game lacked any elements of arcade or action that prevailed in the market of computer games in the 1980-ies. In the end, the game spread agreed by the company Brøderbund. While SimCity has sold poorly, but after positive reviews from the gaming press sales simulator has grown. Having the status of a "bestseller", the simulator has been released on many other platforms, the most popular of which was a version for game consoles SNES, released in 1991, which, with the complicity of Nintendo has been greatly improved gameplay.
Town-planning simulator was recognized as a new phenomenon in the gaming industry, and according to the press broke among many PC users is the belief that computer games designed primarily for children. SimCity has received 24 awards from various news publishers and associations. Critics mostly praised the Film calling it the gameplay is innovative for the 1980s years, but the game itself is very addictive, even despite the fact that it lacks the elements of shooter and platformer. Also, according to reviewers, the game is very instructive and will help the player to understand the basics of urbanism, politics and Economics.
After the release has sold 300,000 copies of SimCity for computers and nearly 2 million copies of the game for the console SNES. The success of the game was the beginning of the series of games — urban simulation and the tradition of the Studio Maxis to produce the nonlinear simulation games, one of which, The Sims has surpassed all its predecessors in popularity, becoming the best-selling franchise in the history of computer games.
8 предл - правила для учеников с should, have to
Should употребляется когда даешь совет.
have to употребляется, когда обстоятельства вынуждают.
1. You should read this book, its very interesting. Тебе следует прочитать эту книгу, она очень интересная.
2. I have to leave the party, my mom has got ill. I have to call the doctor. Я должен покинуть вечер, моя мама заболела. Я должен вызвать врача. (обстоятельства вынуждают).
3. You should wash your hands before dinner.
4. I should lose some weight, Im a bit fat.
5. You have to go there at once, you are waited for.
6. You have to tidy up your room, its very dirty.
7. We have to read this book, as well right a composition about it.
8. We have to find a way out as we are in a difficult situation.