В каких случаях надо писать some, a в каких any?

Some употребляется в утвердительных предложениях с исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе и обозначает «несколько» или «некоторые» :
I know some famous Russian writers. Я знаю несколько знаменитых российских писателей.
Some guys know about me. Некоторые парни знают обо мне.
Some используется в утвердительных предложениях с неисчисляемыми существительными и обозначает «немного» или «некоторое количество» :
We bought some coffee in the shop. Мы купили немного кофе в магазине.
I’m ready to take some money from my safe. Я готов взять (немного) денег из своего сейфа.
Any употребляется в вопросительных предложениях вместе с исчисляемыми существительными в значении «какие-либо», «какие-нибудь» и вместе с неисчисляемыми существительными в значении «сколько-нибудь» :
Have you got any interesting English magazines to read? У вас есть какие-нибудь интересные английские журналы (почитать)?
Have you got any milk here? Здесь есть молоко? (сколько-нибудь молока)
Any используется в отрицательных предложениях и в сочетании с отрицательной частицей not означает «никакие» :
They haven’t got any mistakes in this sentence. В этом предложении у них нет никаких ошибок.
Don’t take any pictures from here, please. Не фотографируйте здесь.
На первый взгляд, ситуация банальна: some используется в утвердительных предложениях, а any в вопросительных и отрицательных. Но на практике не все так просто. Есть целый ряд особых случаев, когда это правило нарушается. Эти случаи рассмотрим далее:
Some может употребляться в вопросительном предложении, если вопрос не относится к сочетанию, содержащему местоимение some:
Will you have some coffee? Вы будете (пить) кофе?
Can you give me some milk, please? Вы не могли бы подать мне молоко,
Any может употребляться в утвердительных предложениях после союза if:
If I find any of your books, I’ll send them to you. Если я найду какие-либо ваши книги, я пришлю их вам.
If I choose any of these rides, I will buy tickets for my children. Если я выберу какие-нибудь из этих аттракционов, я куплю билеты своим детям.
Any может употребляться в утвердительных предложениях в значении «любой» :
Please take any book you like. Возьмите любую книгу, какую захотите.
I can use any PPC I like. Я могу использовать любой КПК, который мне нравится.

Dear friend, we checked the tracking information for you.
Your parcel is normally on the way, please wait patiently.
Please check it in your mailbox or go to the local post office to check if your package arrive or not.
You could ask me to extend the purchase protection for you at the earlier next time.
Please close the dispute.

Дорогой друг, Мы проверили отслеживая информацию для вас.  Ваш пакет нормально на пути, ждет терпеливо. Проверьте его в почтовом ящике или перейдите в местное почтовое отделение, чтобы проверить, если ваш пакет прибывает или нет.  Вы можете попросить меня продлить защиту покупки для вас в следующий раз. Закройте спор.

Fill in with been or gone:
1. Bob’s not here. He’s ________ to work.
2. The office is empty. Everybody has ________ home.
3. It’s good to see you again. Where have you ________?
4. My brother’s ________ to America four times.
5. Sorry, you can’t speak to Anna. She’s ________ to a party.
6. Mary’s hair looks nice. She’s just ________ to the hairdresser’s.
7. Peter’s ________ to Canada and he’s staying there for three weeks.
8. I can’t find my stapler. It’s ___________.
9.‘Are you going to the bank?’ ‘No, I’ve already ___________ to the bank.’

1. Bob’s not here. He’s ___gone_____ to work.
2. The office is empty. Everybody has ____gone____ home.
3. It’s good to see you again. Where have you ____been____?
4. My brother’s ___been_____ to America four times.
5. Sorry, you can’t speak to Anna. She’s ___gone_____ to a party.
6. Mary’s hair looks nice. She’s just _____been___ to the hairdresser’s.
7. Peter’s ___gone_____ to Canada and he’s staying there for three weeks.
8. I can’t find my stapler. It’s _____gone______.
9.‘Are you going to the bank?’ ‘No, I’ve already _____been______ to the bank.’

Нужно придумать какой-нибудь страшно неловкий случай дома

Играл с друзьями в жмурки, врезался в угол, заорал как чудовище и все разбежались от страха.

Однажды утром, я остался один дома. Мне было немного страшновато. Все уехали по своим делам. Вскоре я прогаладался, и решил приготовить себе омлет. Я зашол в кухн. И увидел там паука. Он был немного больше своих саратников. Я чуть не отрубился от страха. Я убежал в свою комнату. Закрыл дверь и лёг на диван. Вскоре пришли мои родители, и я рассказал им обо всём. Они пошли, в кухню и увидели там это же паука. Взяли тапок и прибили. Оказываеться это был обычный паук переросток. И мои родители усмехаясь ушли.

Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives
hot- hotter- the hottest
Interesting- more interesting- the most interesting
Helpful, simple, happy, terrible, narrow, severe, difficult, untidy, modern, warm, low, big, tender, expensive, wise.

helpful - more  helpful  - the most  helpful
simple - simpler - the simplest 
happy - happier - the happiest
terrible - more  terrible - the most  terrible
narrow - narrower - the narrowest
severe - severer - the severest
difficult - more  difficult - the most  difficult
untidy  - untidier - the untidiest
modern -  more modern - the  most modern
warm - warmer - the warmest
Low - lower - the  lowest
big - bigger - the  biggest
tender — more tender — the most tender
expensive - more expensive - the most expensive
wise — wiser — the wisest

Твір на англ мову як мій друг провів зимові канікули

Winter holidays are shorter than summer ones.

They begin at the end of December and last about two weeks.

It is so nice to have a rest from school.

During winter holidays my friend celebrate the New Year’s Eve and Christmas.

There are New Year parties for children at schools and theatres.

Cinemas show children films and cartoons.

It is usually very cold in winter, but frost and snow can’t keep children indoors.

It’s so great to go skiing down a hill.

Boys like to play hockey on the ice.

Many children go to the skating-rinks to skate.

Small children play snowballs and make snowmen, or ride on the sledges happily.

When the weather is bad, my friend (можна поставити ім’я дргуга) stay at home and watch TV.

There is always something interesting on during winter holidays.

Sometimes my friends with me come to see Nik( постав ім’я свого друга) and we play computer games or listen to music.

There is also more time for reading, drawing, making model planes and other hobbies.

Holidays pass quickly and soon it’s time to go to school again.

1 Does art appeal to the heart and mind of man, to Does art serve life? 2 What feelings art arouse’? the arts? (To read 3 must young people do to understand and enjoy hat books about the arts; to take an active part in amateur’ art activities; to study folk music; to listen to music; to learn songs, dances, to visit art exhibitions, theaters, concerts, museums.) ruthful art is always connected with life. What role does art play in your life? What kind of art appeals to you? (actor 5 Are you a frequent theatregoer? What is your favourite theater actress)? Why? Do you prefer a comedy, a tragedy, a musical, or a drama? 6 Why do many people prefer cinema to theatre? And what about you? Give your reasons. 7 What role does music play in your life? 8 What kind of music do you like to listen to? 9 Who is your favourite composer(singer, musician, pop group, musical instrument)? music? 10 Do you take up’ music lessons? Where do you study 11 Do you often go to music concerts? 12 Are you interested in painting? museums? 13 How often do you visit picture galleries or fine arts 14 Who is your favourite painter? What is your favourite painting? Потрібно відповіді на запитання буду дуже вдячний

Art is one of the important part of our life. that makes human beings cultural and and serve as eternal. arts make people admire and arose sense of sutisfaction and happiness. throght books, folks, music people receive valuable information from generation to generation, from one epoch to another. so the art serves people as a cultural heritage of human beings. it fill people’s life with meaning, knowledge from the past and promise to the future. art plays on of the main role in my life as self-education. I am not a frequent theatregoer. I prefer cinema to theatre because I find it as a part of art. old cinema and old actors have gained immortality. Merlin Monroe my favorite actress, I like cinemas with her acting. cinema make family get together. I like folklore music for deep meaning. my favorite singer is Xxxx I take up music lessons. I study at musical school. I am interesting in painting. I try to visit picture galleries every weekend. My favorite painter is Ayvazovsky. my favorite painting is View of Tiflis from Seid-Abaza.

Write about a place in the UK you would like to visit.

The Cayman Islands (/ˈkeɪmən/ or /keɪˈmæn/) are a British Overseas Territory in the western Caribbean Sea. The territory comprises the three islands of Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman, south of Cuba and northwest of Jamaica. The Cayman Islands are considered to be part of the geographic Western Caribbean Zone as well as the Greater Antilles. The territory is a major world. The Cayman Islands remained largely uninhabited until the 17th century. While there is no archaeological evidence for an indigenous people on the islands, a variety of settlers from various backgrounds made their home on the islands, including pirates, refugees from the Spanish Inquisition, shipwrecked sailors, and deserters from Oliver Cromwell’s army in Jamaica.[4]Cayman Islands National Museum, George Town, Grand CaymanThe first recorded permanent inhabitant of the Cayman Islands, Isaac Bodden, was born on Grand Cayman around 1661. He was the grandson of the original settler named Bodden who was probably one of Oliver Cromwell’s soldiers at the taking of Jamaica in 1655.[5]England took formal control of the Cayman Islands, along with Jamaica, as a result of the Treaty of Madrid of 1670. Following several unsuccessful attempts at settlement, a permanent English-speaking population in the islands dates from the 1730s. With settlement, after the first royal land grant by the Governor of Jamaica in 1734, came the perceived need for slaves.[6] Many were brought to the islands from Africa; this is evident today with the majority of native Caymanians being of African and English descent. The results of the first census taken in the islands in 1802 showed the population on Grand Cayman to be 933 with 545 of those inhabitants being slaves. Slavery was abolished in the Cayman Islands in 1833. At the time of abolition, there were over 950 black slaves of African ancestry owned by 116 white families of English ancestry. [7]The islands continued to be governed as part of the Colony of Jamaica until 1962, when they became a separate Crown colony while Jamaica became an independent Commonwealth realm.[8]The Heroes Square in the centre of George Town, which commemorates Cayman Islands’ war dead. The Legislative Assembly building is at the left. The Cayman Islands historically have been a tax-exempt destination. On 8 February 1794, the Caymanians rescued the crews of a group of ten merchant ships, including HMS Convert, an incident that has since become known as the Wreck of the Ten Sail. The ships had struck a reef and run aground during rough seas.[9] Legend has it that King George III rewarded the island with a promise never to introduce taxes as compensation for their generosity, as one of the ships carried a member of the King’s own family. While this remains a popular legend, the story is not true.[10]However, whatever the history, in practice the government of the Cayman Islands has always relied on indirect and not direct taxes. The islands have never levied income tax, capital gains tax, or any wealth tax, making them a popular tax haven.[11]On 11–12 September 2004 the island of Grand Cayman, which lies largely unprotected at sea level, was hit by Hurricane Ivan, creating an 8-ft storm surge which flooded many areas of Grand Cayman. An estimated 83% of the dwellings on the island were damaged including 4% requiring complete reconstruction. A reported 70% of all dwellings suffered severe damage from flooding or wind. Another 26% sustained minor damage from partial roof removal, low levels of flooding, or impact with floating or wind driven hurricane debris.[12] Power, water and communications were disrupted for months in some areas, as Ivan was the worst hurricane to hit the islands in 86 years.[13] Grand Cayman began a major rebuilding process and within two years, its infrastructure was nearly returned to pre-hurricane status. Due to the tropical location of the islands, more hurricane or tropical systems have affected the Cayman Islands than any other region in the Atlantic basin; it has been brushed or directly hit, on average, every 2. 23 years.[14]

Слова hot, long, short, clever, comfortable, silly, thin, good, fat, nice, warm, cold, small, tall, weak, interesting, strong, light, dry, bad, clean, dirty, beautiful, deep, brave, funny, ugly поставить в превосходную степень и в сравнительную

Hotter- the hottest
longer- the longest
shorter- the shortest
cleverer- the cleverest
more comfortable- the most comfotable
sillier, the silliest
thiner-the thinest
better- the best
fatter-the fattest
nicer-the nicest
warmer-the warmest
colder-the coldest
smaller-the smallest
taller-the tallest
weaker - the weakes
more interesting- the most interesting
stronger-the strongest
lighter- the lightest
drier- the driest
bad- worse-the worst
cleaner- the cleanest
dirtier- the dirtiest
more beautiful- the most beautiful
deeper- the deepest
braver-the bravest
funnier- the funniest
uglier-the ugliest

talk about the United Kingdom with ylur partner. Use the following guidelines

The name of the country
The countries witch
The capitals
The national symbols
The geography and the climate
The language

The United Kingdom (UK) consists of England, Wales, Scotland (which collectively make up Great Britain) and Northern Ireland. The UK’s geography is varied, and includes cliffs along some coastlines, highlands and lowlands and hundreds of islands off the western and northern coasts of Scotland.
The most important sectors of the UK’s economy in 2015 were wholesale and retail trade, transport, accommodation and food services (18. 6 %), public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities (18. 4 %) and industry (13. 3 %).
The UK’s main export partners are the US, Germany and Switzerland, while its main import partners are Germany, China and the US.                                 ПЕРЕВОД                                                                                                          Соединенное Королевство (Великобритания) состоит из Англии, Уэльса, Шотландии (которые в совокупности составляют Великобритания) и Северной Ирландии. География Великобритании разнообразный и включает в себя скалы вдоль некоторых берегов, горы и низменности и сотни островов у западного и северного побережья Шотландии.
Важнейших отраслей британской экономики в 2015 году были оптовая и розничная торговля, Транспорт, Услуги проживания и питания (18. 6 %), госуправления, обороны, образования, здравоохранения и социальной работы (18,4 %) и промышленности (13. 3 %).
Основными экспортными партнерами Великобритании являются США, Германия и Швейцария, в то время как его главными партнерами по импорту являются Германия, Китай и США.