If you went to a summer language school, where would you prefer to stay: with a host family or in the hostel, and why? what do you do to improve your English? what aspect of learning English do you find the most difficult?

Unfortunately I hadn’t been in a summer language school, but I know how to improve and how to speak like a native English speakers. Every day I listen some English podcasts especially couch shane’s podcast it helps me to understand english speakers and my advise is to learn more english words. Learning English is easy, if you have dream.

If I went to a summer language school I would prefer to stay with a host family, because this is more interesting. They will tell me about their traditions and I will tell me about our. If I would speak with them it will be good for my language, I will improve it. Yes, maybe in hostel I also spoke with people, but living in family is more comfortable. Maybe they have children and I will find friends. For improve my language I am watching movies in English and reading books. In English, the most difficult is grammar for me

Mixed Conditionals

1. If you.(study) harder in the past, you.(have) better job now.
2. If my mother.(not/have) operation two years ago, she.(be) death now.
3. Unless you.(buy) such an old car, you.(not/have) to fix it all the time.
4. If she.(leave) last night, she. (be) in London now.
5. If I.(be) you, I.(order) more food for the last party.
6. I.(have) a new coat now if I.(buy) that one in Paris.
7. The grass. (look) better if you.(water) it before.
8. Tom.(phone) when I was out if I.(not/tell) him about my trip.
9. I.(not/cancel) that flight if I.(be) you.
10. If the story.(not/be) n the truth we. (not/print) it today.

1. If you.(had studied) harder in the past, you.(would have) a better job now.
2. If my mother.(had not/had) operation two years ago, she.(would be) dead now.
3. Unless you.(had bought) such an old car, you.(would not/have) to fix it all the time.
4. If she.(had left) last night, she. (would be) in London now.
5. If I.(were) you, I.(would have ordered) more food for the last party.
6. I.(would have) a new coat now if I.(had bought) that one in Paris.
7. The grass. (would look) better if you.(had watered) it before.
8. Tom.(wouldn’t have phoned) when I was out if I.(had not/told) him about my trip.
9. I.(would not/ have cancelled) that flight if I.(were) you.
10. If the story.(had not/been)  the truth we. (would not/print) it today.

Tim is a farmer. He has six pets. He has five black dogs and one grey horse. His horse lives on the farm. It is very strong. It is nice too. It can run and jump well. Tim’s dogs are not big. They are not strong but they are very brave. They like to go to the forest with Tim.

Тим - фермер. У него шесть домашних животных. У него пять черных собак и одна серая лошадь. Его лошадь живет на ферме. Он очень силен. Это тоже хорошо. Он может бегать и прыгать хорошо. Собаки Тима невелики. Они не сильны, но они очень храбры. Им нравится идти в лес с Тимом.

Работа в группах из 2 или 3. Выберите одну из ситуаций с фотографий. Составьте список реальных шагов по предотвращению конфликтов в вашей школьной жизни. Сравните ваш список с теми, которые подготовили другие группы.
1 Студент регулярно опаздывает на первый урок,
2 Студент не делает свою домашнюю работу
3 Студент одет очень необычно.
4 Некоторые студенты задирают новичков.

1) - Teachers should make it clear at the beginning of a course how important it is to students to arrive on time. There is idea of starting lesson for latest students with a five-minute "freewrite" as explanation why they are late. Sometimes it is best to sit down with students and have a talk face to face to find out real reasons of being late. Teacher should call parents and say about this case tactfully. Maybe one of classmates who lives near would pick him up. Some teachers react strictly. They say «If I’m in the classroom and you’re not, you stay out». And for some types of students it works. 2. Student doesn’t do his homework. Teachers are usually not very happy with students if they don’t do homeworkThere are several reasons why students don’t do homework. For example, it seems boring to them, or difficult, sometimes they just forget what they have to do some task. Teachers must have their methods for encouraging students to develop and stick to a regular homework:-Be positive about homework. Use positive language to talk about how learning will help students in the future. If students don’t do homework because it’s boring teachers should turn the homework into a game, or may be give some creative task like project work; competition; working as a team. If students don’t understand the instructions of the tasks, teachers should give a similar exercise right at the end of the lesson, check and explain. give rewards- praise-If students just forgot what they have to do teachers can send email reminders to students or their parents. Or teachers should talk to parents about it tactfully. Parents also should encourage their children, give them extra motivation. Parents may give add privileges or take them away. Also I think, doing homework together with parents would be fun and efficiently for kids. And finally classmates may support student who doesn’t do homework, explain, help him to understand task. 3. The student is dressed in a very unusual way. Teachers should involve parents. Teachers and parents should explain why it is inappropriate to wear such clothes in school- Students wear strange clothes because they want express themselves. But there are more another way to do it. For example, create some project. one of the way to stop this behavior is make a rule to wear school uniform. Students need to learn self-control and personal responsibility, and a dress code can help do that. 4. Some students bully a newcomer. Bullying is when someone hurts or scares someone else. It can be verbal, social, or physical. In any cases it’s painful for newcomers. Here are some steps to prevent and stop bullying:-Students should be polite and generous with all and try to make friends. The best way to avoid getting bullied is to ignore the bully actions, stay as calm as you can. After a while, most bullies will lose interest in a victim who doesn’t react. If situation is really serious and seems out of control then students should tell about it to teacher or administrator-Teachers or parents should encourage students to deal with conflict without violence and talk things out. Teachers also should talk to bullies’s parents tactfully

Напиши о своем домашнем питомце, напиши кличку и т. п., на английском

I have got a pet. It is a dog. Her name is Аliama. My dog answers to her name. Альма is  3. It is grey. It is big. I teach my pet to sit down and stand up. My pet is clever. My pet can run and jump. I give my dog meat to eat and water to drink. Альма likes cookies and bread. I take  my pet for a walk. I play with my dog. My father looks after our pet. 

I have cat. She’s name. She my best friend. When she hungry I give cats food for her. She like play with me. She very funny. I love.

Написать на английском языке украинские традиции и одежда

Every country has its own customs and traditions, which were formed over centuries. Ukrainian traditions are interesting and versatile. They mean a lot for local people. Even young people eagerly respect and follow them. National traditions determine the way people live: their language, religion, life values, relationships, even food and clothing. Like in many countries, traditions in Ukraine are closely connected with everyday life and the agricultural calendar. Ukrainians also have harvest songs for seasonal works, certain entertainments, ritual greetings and even superstitions. For example, local people believe that shaking hands in the doorway may bring misfortune, or sitting between two people with the same name brings luck. Ukrainians are family-oriented people. The origination and existence of the family is followed by many rituals and rules. For example, there are certain merry elements of formal marriage proposal, engagement and bachelorette party. The ceremony of marriage in Ukraine is called “veselye”, which literally means “fun”. Very often parents and even grandparents live with their children and help them to raise the kids. This tradition goes back to old times, when the majority of Ukrainians lived in villages. Poetic and mysterious is the Midsummer Night or the holiday of Ivana Kupala. Young girls, wearing flower wreaths, sing and dance in a ring. Afterwards, they put their wreaths into the water and watch their way. This ritual shows the girls’ future and fortune. Christmas night is also a good time for fortune-telling. Ukrainians are known for their hospitality. They like having guests over and for this occasion they put all the best food on the table.
Перевод: Каждая страна имеет свои обычаи и традиции, которые формировались на протяжении столетий. Украинские традиции интересны и разнообразны. Они много значат для местных жителей. Даже молодые люди уважают их и с радостью следуют им. Национальные традиции определяют образ жизни людей: их язык, религию, жизненные ценности, отношения, даже еду и стиль одежды. Как и во многих странах, традиции в Украине тесно связаны с повседневной жизнью и сельскохозяйственным календарем. Украинцы имеют свои песни для сбора урожая во время сезонных работ, определенные развлечения, ритуальные приветствия и даже суеверия. Например, местные жители считают, что рукопожатие в дверях – нехороший знак, а сидеть между двумя людьми с одинаковым именем к удаче. Украинцы – люди, ориентированные на семью. Становление и существование семьи сопровождается множеством ритуалов и правил. Например, существуют определенные забавные элементы официального предложения руки и сердца, сватовства и девичника. Церемония вступления в брак в Украине называется "весілля", что дословно переводится как "веселье". Зачастую родители и даже бабушки и дедушки живут со своими детьми, чтобы помочь им воспитывать детей. Эта традиция восходит к былым временам, когда большинство украинцев жили в деревнях. Поэтическим и таинственным считается праздник Ивана Купала. Молодые девушки в цветочных венках поют и танцуют в хороводе. После этого они кладут свои венки на воду и наблюдают за ними. Этот ритуал показывает будущее и судьбу девушек. Рождественская ночь также хороша для гаданий. Украинцы славятся своим гостеприимством. Они любят принимать гостей и по этому случаю ставят на стол лучшую еду.

He may come if you invite him. Почему здесь come, а не coming?

Present continious используется когда действие происходит непосредственно в момент речи, когда действие длится ограниченный период времени, когда новое состояние контрастирует с предыдущим, когда что-либо меняется, растет или развивается, когда действие начинается до и продолжается после указанного времени и когда действие повторяется снова и снова или происходит непрерывно. В этом случае правильно будет использовать форму present simple для глагола come

Правило пресент прогрессив кратко 4 действия.

Образуется Present Progressive довольно просто: берем глагол to be, ставим его в соответствующую предмету форму (изменяем в соответствии с подлежащим — I am, he is, my mother is и так далее) и добавляем соответствующий определенному действию (о котором идет речь) глагол с окончанием ing, которое «прикрепляется» к его основе.

Казань 100 лет назад. Надо написать на чём ездили, какие магазины были и т. Д

В XIX — начале XX века основным видом городского транспорта были извозчики. В начале XX века конкурентом извозчикам стала конка. В 20-х годах XX века извозчики были вытеснены механическими видами городского транспорта: такси и трамваями. Так же существовали омнибусы, в Санкт-Петербурге омнибус существовал вплоть до 1914.
конка была построена в большинстве крупных городов и губернских центров — Санкт-Петербурге, Москве (1872), Использование конки, например, в Москве продолжалось до 1912 года.
В санкт Петербурге в 1906, а в москве, в 1907г, появляются первые автомобильные такси, первый трамвай в России запустили в Нижнем новгороде в 1896г в Петербурге лишь в 1907г. 11 ноября 1907 года первый пассажирский автобусный маршрут был открыт в Санкт-Петербурге. По этому поводу в «Петербургском листке» было помещено сообщение: «К двенадцати часам дня к Александровскому саду, против Вознесенского проспекта, приехал автомобиль-омнибус или, как их теперь называют, автобус». В Москве автобусное движение впервые было открыто 13 августа 1908 года, а постоянное автобусное движение лишь с 8 августа 1924 года.
Первый Петербургский омнибус.

2. Написать тип и раскрыть скобки.
1. If he … (practice) every day, he … (become) a champion
2. If Bob … (not keep) his word, Anna … (be angry) with him.
3. Unless someone (to ask) you politely, (to refuse) to do anything.
4. I (to wear) my old boots when I (to work)
5. If you … (lend) me the money, I … (pay) you back next month.
6. When I (to cook) salads, I (to use) only olive oil.
7. We (not use) calculators when we (write) tests.
8. I … (not talk) to you anymore if you … (insult) me.

1. If he … (practices) every day, he … (will become) a champion. 1
2. If Bob … (does not keep) his word, Anna … (will be angry) with him. 1
3. Unless someone ( asks) you politely, (refuse) to do anything. 0
4. I (wear) my old boots when I (work). 0
5. If you … (lend) me the money, I … (will pay) you back next month. 1
6. When I (cook) salads, I (use) only olive oil. 0
7. We (do not use) calculators when we (write) tests. 0
8. I … (will not talk) to you anymore if you … (insult) me. 1