составить 3 фразы на английском языке

What are you up to? Чем занимаешься?
Have a good weekend - хороших выходных
Long time no see! Давно не виделись!

I live in a beautiful neighbourhood. There are a lot of shops and cafes around here. There"s a post office right next to the bank.
You can see these these red double-decker buses in London. They are tall but they are not very fast. Tourists like taking these buses because they can have a nice view of the city from the upper deck.
Make sure bike is in good working condition. Check your brakes and tyres regularly. Wear a bicycle helmet. Ride with the flow of traffic, not against it.

Fill in he gaps with one of the words:
thunder, storm, forecast, frost, tornado, freezing, climate, boiling
1 There was a very bad _______________ last night, and our tree fell down.
2 A ________________ swept through the state, causing terrible destruction.
3 The Mediterranean _____________ is good for growing citrus fruits and grapes.
4 The weather ______________ said it was going to rain later today.
5 In England in winter sometimes it is absolutely ____________.
6 I couldn’t sleep because the _______________ was so loud.
7 I wouldn’t like a job outside in the summer when it’s ___________ hot.
8 When I woke up this morning the ground was covered with ___________.

1. There was a very bad storm last night, and our tree fell down.

2. A tornado swept through the state, causing terrible destruction.

3. The Mediterranean climate is good for growing citrus fruits and grapes.

4. The weather forecast said it was going to rain later today.

5. In England in winter sometimes it is absolutely freezing.

6. I couldn’t sleep because the thunder was so loud.

7. I wouldn’t like a job outside in the summer when it’s boiling hot.

8. When I woke up this morning the ground was covered with frost.

Look at the sentences below. The are mixed up. Can you match them and make sentences?
1. ___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. ___ 6. ___ 7. ____
1. When I’m unhappy, I
2. When I’m happy, I
3. When I’m tired, I
4. When I’m angry, I
5. When I’m cold, I
6. When I’m ill, I
7. When I’m worried, I
a. go to the doctor.
b. don’t talk.
c. listen to music.
d. drink hot tea.
e. sing.
f. bite my nails.
g. go to bed.

1. ___ 2. ___ 3. ___ 4. ___ 5. ___ 6. ___ 7. ____ 1.
Когда я несчастлива, я
 2. Когда я счастлив, я
3. Когда я устал, я
4. Когда я злюсь, я
5. Когда мне холодно, я
6. Когда я болею, я
7. Когда я волнуюсь, я а. Идти к врачу. Б. Не говори. С. Слушать музыку. Д. Пить горячий чай. Е. Петь. Ф. Кусать ногти. Г. Иди спать.

"Favorite food of my family" Текст на 10 речень

Hello, I’m Oleg. My family loves everything tasty! Me and my family eat different foods starting with soup and pasta ending with sugar candy and chewing gum! But always we have our favorite food is potatoes! But the potatoes are not simple but baked in juicy butter! And slices of fried garlic! This is my family’s favorite food!
Привет я Олег. Моя семья обожает всё вкусное! Я и моя семья едят разную еду начиная с супа и макарон заканчивая сахарной ватой и жвачек! Но всегда у нас остаётся наша любимая еда это картошка! Но картошка не простая а запечённая в сочном масле! И дольками зажаренного чеснока! Это любимая еда моей семьи!

Почему город валетта называют культурным городом?

Валле́тта[2][3] (мальт.  Belt Valletta, англ.  Valletta) — столица республики Мальта, экономический и политическийцентр государства[4]. Названа в честь рыцаря, флотоводца, магистра ордена иоаннитов Жана Паризо де ла Валлетта, защитившего остров от турок в 1565 году и основавшего город, позднее названный в его честь. Собственно город Валлетта имеет население 5719 человек (что составляет лишь 0,7 % от всего населения страны), в то время как в пригородах проживает почти 394 тысячи человек

Fill in the blanks with words from the box below:
ice hockey four
national anthems
snowboarding parade
cross country
The Winter Games:
Every __________ years, athletes from around the world gather to ______________ in the Winter Games of the Olympics. The athletes, who ________________ extremely hard, are chosen to ______________ their countries. The games begin with the _____________ ceremony, where the athletes ______________ in front of an audience.
The Events:
The Winter Games is comprised of many different ___________. There are sledding events such as the ___________ and the ____________. There are skiing events such as ___________________ and _____________. There are also team sports such as _________________. Every Olympics some new events are added such as ______________, which was added in the 1998 Nagano Olympic Games.
The dream of every athlete is to make it to the ___________, which is where the medals are handed out. The first place winners receive the _____________ medal and have the _____________ of hearing their countries’ ____________________ played. The second place winners receive the _____________ medal and the third place winners receive the _________________ medal. Often, the winners are _______________ by who has the _______________ time. Events such as the ________ skating are decided this way. Other events such as ____________ skating are determined by a panel of ____________, who give marks according to artistic and technical ability.

The Winter Games:

Every four years, athletes from around the world gather to competein the Winter Games of the Olympics. The athletes, who trainextremely hard, are chosen to represent their countries.  The games begin with the opening ceremony, where the athletes parade in front of an audience.

 The Events:

The Winter Games is comprised of many different events. There are sledding events such as the luge and the bobsled. There are skiing events such as alpine and cross country. There are also team sports such as ice hockey. Every Olympics has some new events are added such as snowboarding, which was added in the 1998 Nagano Olympic Games.


The dream of every athlete is to make it to the podium, which is where the medals are handed out. The first place winners receive the gold medal and have the honor of hearing their countries’ national anthem played. The second place winners receive the silver medal and the third place winners receive the bronze medal. Often, the winners are determined by who has the fastest time. Events such as the speed skating are decided this way. Other events such as figure skating are determined by a panel of judges, who give marks according to artistic and technical ability.

Напишите русскими буквами, как прочесть верно этот текст Both children and adults around the world love playing Snakes and Ladders. Snakes and Ladders is not a modern game. It comes from an old Indian game. It is a game about good and evil. Snakes and Ladders is a game for two to six players. To play it, you need the board, a dice and some counters. You start on square number ONE and you move your counter the number of squares shown on the dice. When you land on a square at the bottom of a ladder you go UP to the top of the ladder, but when you land on a snake you go DOWN to the tail of the snake. Whoever gets to the last square first wins!

Боз чилдрэн энд эдалтс эраунд зе ворлд лав плеинг Снэйкс энд Лэддэрс. Снеэкс  энд Лэддэрс из нот э модэрн гейм. Ит камс фром єн олд индиан геймс. Ит bc э гейм эбаут гад энд эвил. Снэйкс энд Лэддэрс ис э гейм фор ту ту сикс плэйерс. Ту плэй ит, ю нид зе борд, э дайс энд сам кантерс. Ю старт он сквеа намбэр ВАН энд ю мув йор кантер зе намбер оф скверс єт зе боттом оф є лєддєр ю гоу ап ту зе топ оф зе лєддер, бат вєн ю лєнд он є снєйк ю гоу ДАВН ту зе тэйл оф зе снэйкю Хуэвэр гэтс ту зе ласт сквеа фьорст винс

Who is this about?
Model: They go to at 10 o’clock. Misha and Masha.
They walk their dogs.
All cats from our house spend their days and nights outside in spring and summer.
They think that I’m afraid of the street. At 7 o’clock they get up.
Every evening they TV.
Every enening they do their homwork. They always take my place

Кто это? Модель: они идут в 10 часов. Миша и Маша. Они выгуливают своих собак. Все кошки из нашего дома проводят свои дни и ночи на улице весной и летом. Они думают, что я боюсь улицы. В 7 часов они встают. Каждый вечер они показывают телевизор. Каждое посвящение они делают свою домашнюю работу. Они всегда занимают мое место

Составьте 10 вопросов о рабочем месте на английском языке

My working day begins early in the morning. I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. I do my bed and go to the bathroom to wash my face and hands and brush my teeth. Мой рабочий день начинается рано утром. Я встаю в семь часов утра. Я убираю постель и иду в ванную комнату умываться и чистить зубы.
Then I comb, get dressed and go to the kitchen where I help my mother to make breakfast. I usually have boiled eggs, some porridge, a cup of coffee, bread and butter. After breakfast I leave my place and go to school. My school is not far from my house. It takes me about half an hour to get there by bus. Затем я расчесываюсь, одеваюсь и иду на кухню, где помогаю матери готовить завтрак. Обычно я ем вареные яйца, немного каши, выпиваю чашку кофе с хлебом и маслом. После завтрака я выхожу из дома и иду в школу. Школа моя находится недалеко от дома. Мне требуется около получаса, чтобы добраться туда автобусом.
My lessons begin at 8. 30 and finish at 3 p. m. As a rule I have 6 lessons every working day. After each lesson we have a break. During breaks we have a rest, discuss the latest news, problems and have a snack. Уроки начинаются в половине девятого утра и заканчиваются в три часа дня. Как правило, каждый день у меня по 6 уроков. После каждого урока у нас перемена. Во время перемен мы отдыхаем, обсуждаем последние новости и проблемы, перекусываем.
At 3 o’clock the classes are over and I go home. After dinner I do some work about the house. I wash dishes, go shopping and get down to study again. I spend a great deal of time on my lessons. When 1 am through with my study 1 rest a little. I listen to music, look through the newspapers or maga- zines, phone my friends and relatives, watch TV, read books. Sometimes my friends call for me and we go for a walk. At 10 o’clock when I am tired I go to bed. В три часа дня уроки заканчиваются, и я иду домой. После обеда я выполняю работу по дому. Я мою посуду, хожу в магазин и принимаюсь снова за учебу. Большую часть своего времени я трачу на уроки. Закончив занятия, я немного отдыхаю. Я слушаю музыку, просматриваю газеты и журналы, звоню по телефону друзьям и родственникам, смотрю телевизор, читаю книги. Иногда мне звонят друзья и мы идем гулять. В десять часов вечера, уставший, я ложусь спать.

usually say some popular words: the Royal
family, a foggy island, old castles, red buses, football and tea. Some of you will picture Big
Ben orthe Tower Bridge, but Great Britain is

Юшали сэй сом популар вордс зе Роял фамили э фоги исланд олд кастельс рэд басес футбол энд тиа. Сом оф ю вид пикче биг бен ор зе товер бридж бат Грейт Бриан ис