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Patriotic War of 1812 important page in the history of not only our country, but all over Europe. Having entered into a series of «Napoleonic wars» Russia acted as the patroness of monarchical Europe. Thanks to Russian victories over the French global revolution in Europe managed to postpone for some time. The war between France and Russia was inevitable, and June 12, 1812 gathered 600 thousand army, Napoleon forced the Neman and invaded Russia. The Russian army was the plan of the opposition to Napoleon. The plan was developed by the Prussian military theorist Cafés, and approved by the Emperor Alexander I. ful Russians divided the army into three groups: the 1st commanded Barclay de Tolly; 2nd Bagration; 3rd Tormasov. Ful assumed that the army will be gradually to retreat on fortified positions, to connect, and keep the onslaught of Napoleon. In practice, however, came the catastrophe. Russian troops retreated, and soon were the French near Moscow. The plan Ful completely failed, despite the desperate resistance of the Russian people. Patriotic War of 1812 is an important event in Russian History. The war of 1812, caused an unprecedented surge of national consciousness of the Russian people. Defended their Fatherland everything from small to large.
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Hello, dear group mates / friends!
My name is Irina and I’d like to present the article that I refer to the behavioral perspective in modern psychology. The article by Anna is titled ‘Confessions of a former drug addict.’ The main idea of the article covers is that drugs are evil. The article is a warning to those who have not used drugs and for those already using drugs, the article is an example of what will be their life with drugs. The text is an interview with a former drug addict.
Summary of the text:
In the first place the author tells what started the addiction to drugs and why the hero to use them. Everything changes the behavior of the hero and his relationships with family and friends since the drug use.
The addiction begins to control the thoughts and actions of the hero. He spends much time in prison.
The drugs for a long time was accompanied by Andrew but he managed to cope with the addiction. He radically changed his life. He developed new Hobbies, new friends and favorite job.
The author believes that it is important to convey to us the idea of what drugs to anything good will not. The drug use threatens people with drug addiction, prison or even death.
The author doesn’t refer to a range of sources, all written on the stories of Andrew, a former drug addict. This fact allows us to conclude that the article is not fictional. There is a real hero, who by his own example and told how changed his life at all stages of addiction.
In conclusion, I want to say that we should not repeat the mistakes of other people, you need to learn from those mistakes. Protect yourself and your loved ones.
Hello, dear group mates / friends!
My name is Irina and I’d like to present the article that I refer to the behavioral perspective in modern psychology. The article by Anna is titled ‘Confessions of a former drug addict.’ The main idea of the article covers is that drugs are evil. Article is a warning to those who have not used drugs and for those already using drugs, the article is an example of what will be their life with drugs. Text is an interview with a former drug addict.
Summary of the text:
In the first place the author tells what started the addiction to drugs and why the hero to use them. Everything changes the behavior of the hero and his relationships with family and friends since the drug use.
The addiction begins to control the thoughts and actions of the hero. He spends much time in prison.
The drugs for a long time was accompanied by Andrew but he managed to cope with the addiction. He radically changed his life. He developed new Hobbies, new friends and favorite job.
The author believes that it is important to convey to us the idea of what drugs to anything good will not. The drug use threatens people with drug addiction, prison or even death.
Author doesn’t refer to a range of sources, all written on the stories of Andrew, a former drug addict. This fact allows us to conclude that the article is not fictional. There is a real hero, who by his own example and told how changed his life at all stages of addiction.
In conclusion, I want to say that we should not repeat the mistakes of other people, you need to learn from those mistakes. Protect yourself and your loved ones.
Write two paragraphs about children today
напишите 2 абзаца о детях
Much has changed in the world today. And childrens not the same as before. Today teens are more independent and they have other interests. So they are definitely lazier than before. Computer and internet are the root of more changers in the sotiety. Many teens spend their time online in our telepfones or tablets. They are playing computer games, chating with friends, surfin their networks and others.
Modern children can not imagine their life without tellephones, tablets and MP3 plaers. All this replaced tham those toys whous where in childhood. From the one hand, it is certainly not good. Many childrens now more luckier than other generations for heaving the freedom of choise and life full of posibilities. They find many answes of dificult problems in internet without disturbing their parents. Now chidren more independent and it is not bad.
4. Ask the guests how they want their food cooked. Use the polite form "How would you like."
Example: — How would you like your steak, rare or medium? — I’d like it medium, please.
1. egg (hard or soft boiled)
2. egg (turned over or sunny-side up)
3. salad (sour-cream or mayonnaise)
4. coffee (black or white)
5. potatoes (fried or mashed)
6. potatoes (with butter or sour-cream)
7. vegetables (steamed or stewed)
8. tea (strong or weak)
Every weekend we eat in arestaurant in thecity centre Therestaurant is within easy reach of an Underground station. So we can stay there till midnight. But there are many other restaurants in our city.
in arestaurant — в каком-нибудь ресторане
therestaurant is in the city centre — этот (определенный) ресто ран в центре возле метро other restaurants
1. How would you like your egg, hard or soft boiled? I’d like it soft boiled, please.
2. How would you like your egg, turned over or sunny-side up? I’d like it sunny-side up, please.
3. How would you like your salad, sour-cream or mayonnaise? I’d like it sour-cream, please.
4. How would you like your coffee, black or white? I’d like it black, please.
5. How would you like your potatoes, fried or mashed? I’d like them mashed, please.
6. How would you like your potatoes, with butter or sour-cream? I’d like them with sour-cream, please.
7. How would you like your vegetables, steamed or stewed? I’d like them steamed, please.
8. How would you like your tea, strong or weak? I’d like it weak, please.
Write two paragraphs about children today
Меня зовут Александр. Ну, мне 13 и я живу в счастливой семье, состоящей из моей мамы, папы и моего младшего брата Олега, которому восемь. Мой папа Владимир-электрик, и работает на заводе. Он устанавливает электродвигатели для фабрик. Работа в порядке, я думаю, но мой папа всегда говорит мне учиться лучше, так что, я могу получить другую работу, когда я больше. Моя мама, Натали, работает в супермаркете, что является полезной работой, потому что она получает скидки на еду и приносит домой вкусные сладости и шоколад, иногда новые компьютерные игры, которые мы с Олегом никогда не играли раньше.
Олег, мой брат, довольно весело иметь вокруг. Он очень умный и любит много рисовать, но в последнее время он был немного боли, желая играть в Мои игры на ноутбуке папы. Это иногда приводит к спорам, и мама продолжает говорить мне делиться больше с Олегом. Мне нравится встречаться с друзьями в парке после школы. Мы тренируемся с нашими скейтбордами, делая трюки. Тем не менее, каждый день я должен забрать моего брата и заботиться о нем, что означает, что я должен привести его со мной в парк. Это хорошо, но он хочет делать те же трюки, что и я, и мои друзья, но он слишком мал и иногда царапает колено или болит себя, и мама, конечно, наказывает меня, когда это происходит, и говорит, что я не должен позволять Олегу это делать. Но я горжусь тем, что он делает. Другие восемь лет в округе не могут ему соответствовать, я уверен!
Write a report about Emma and her character. Write 100-150 words. Include this information:
Who she is, where she lives, who her friends are.
What she like doing.
Possible negative things about her character and examples of these.
What you think about Emma and if you would like to be her friend.
Emma is a good, kind and sincere person. She lives in Moscow. Her friends are very nice people
They are intelligent educated and kind. She likes to sing, dance and help people. If something does not work out for her, then she aspires to this goal and does not stop until she reaches it. But also she has negative habits, she thinks too much about herself, is dependent on popularity, and sometimes she can be bold. I am very I want to become her friend. I would give her advice, with which she would become perfect.
Какие СМИ наиболее популярны в вашей семье?
The most popular mass media in our family is TV. Programs are provided by.(SunTV company). This company offers a lot of channels. My parents mostly watch talk shows and soap operas. I prefer programs about wildlife, animals and nature in general. We also watch news. Our TV company also offers a lot of channels with films. I can also watch English and American channels to improve my English. We often watch them, especially in the evening. Sometimes we listen to the radio, mostly in the car. They broadcast nice music, news and weather forecast every hour. The Internet is also very popular in our family. It is also provided by the same company. There I mostly play games and look for information for my lesson, In the Internet I also communicate with my friends.
Make ten sentenses e. g. i like green vegetables
Яблоки очень полезны детям и взрослым, потому что в них много витаминов.
Морковь содержит каротин, и поэтому она полезна для зрения.
В саду у моей бабушки распускаются вишни
Я очень люблю икру из кабачков и баклажанов.
У моей тети растут слакие сочные арбузы.
Мой дедушка занимается выращиванием винограда
Мы с мамой готовим утепленную грядку для посадки огурцов.
Сегодня папа накрывал теплицу пленкой, скоро мы посадим в ней рассаду помидоров.
Я очень люблю персиковый и абрикосовый компот.
Я отнесла в больницу подруге сладкие и сочные груши Почему медведь символ России. Желательно на английском 5 причин за ответ
For all, the Bear is a symbol of power. The bear is the largest and strongest beast in the north of Europe. This is the personification of a mighty force, power, vitality. It’s a beast who can stand up for himself!
The bear may seem awkward, good-natured and lazy. A sort of uvolnem. And his nickname in Russia is indulgent, affectionate - Mishka the callous. For people, Bear has always been a symbol of rebirth and a new life, because disappeared in winter, leaving for winter hibernation, and in spring appeared again alive, and the bear also left in the spring from the den with cubs! Bear - the oldest king of beasts and the Owner of the dense cold northern forests. In the northeast of Europe, Bear is respectfully called the Forest Master, Taiga Master or simply Boss!
перевод всего этого на русский
Для всех Медведь – это символ силы. Медведь – самый крупный и сильный зверь на севере Европы. Это олицетворение могучей силы, мощи, жизнестойкости. Это зверь, умеющий постоять за себя!
Медведь может показаться неуклюжим, добродушным и ленивым. Этаким увальнем. И прозвище у него в России снисходительно-ласковое – Мишка косолапый. Для людей Медведь всегда был символом возрождения и новой жизни, т. К. Исчезал зимой, уходя в зимнюю спячку, а весной появлялся вновь живым, а медведица еще и выходила весной из берлоги с медвежатами! Медведь – древнейший царь зверей и Хозяин дремучих холодных северных лесов. На северо-востоке Европы Медведя уважительно называют Хозяин леса, Хозяин тайги или просто Хозяин! Lmagine that you are a teacher, ask your class questions about London.
1) What is the largest city in the UK? (London). 2) Why is London one of the most important cities in the world? ( because London is the center of business and tourism). 3) How many people live and work in London?( 7 million). 4) what river is London? ( Thames). 5) How are called the inhabitants of London? ( Londoners). 6) What is the 135 meter landmark is a symbol of the city? ( the London eye). 7) by whom London was given its present name? ( Alfred the Great). 8) Which is the area most attractive to tourists? ( City). 9) Who built London? ( the Romans). 10) What is London? ( London is an international transport, with five international airports (Heathrow is the main) and a large port).