Active study: Phrasal verbs. Choose the correct answer. In some cases, both are possible.
1. Jeff’s got my book. I hope he gives back my book/gives my book back soon. Do you think he will give back it/give it back?
2. Jackie gave her job up/gave up her job when she had her children.
3. I don’t understand the question. I can’t work out the answer/work the answer out. Can you work out it/work it out?
4. Alison asked Steve out/asked out Steve - I think it’s great!
5. Who usually looks after the children/looks the children after in your country? In the UK, the mother usually looks after them/looks them after.

1. Jeff’s got my book. I hope he gives my book back soon. Do you think he will give it back?
2. Jackie gave up her job when she had her children.
3. I don’t understand the question. I can’t work out the answer. Can you work it out?
4. Alison asked out Steve - I think it’s great!
5. Who usually looks after the children in your country? In the UK, the mother usually looks after them.

1. Jeff’s got my book. I hope he gives my book back soon. Do you think he will give it back?
2. Jackie gave her job up when she had her children.
3. I don’t understand the question. I can’t work out the answer. Can you work it out?
4. Alison asked Steve out - I think it’s great!
5. Who usually looks after the children in your country? In the UK, the mother usually looks after them.

Put the verbs in brackets into the infinite or the -ing form
1) Mr Stephens seems (be) very pleased with his students
2) Youssef is actually thinking of (move) to Paris
3) Veronica admitted (eat) the chocolate cake
4) I don’t know what (do) next.
5) Don’t forger (buy) some milk on your way home from work.
6) It’s no use (get) upset about it
7)(fish) here is not allowed at this time of the year
8) Please let me (go) to Betty’s party!
9) Aya isn’t old enough (drive) a car
10) My dentist advised me not (eat) a lot of sweets.

Mr Stephens seems to be very pleased with his students.
Youssef is actually thinking about moving to Paris.
Veronica admitted eating the chocolate cake.
I don’t know what to do next.
Don’t forget to buy some milk on your way home from work.
It’s no use getting upset about it.
Fishing here is not allowed at this time of the year.
Please, let me go to Betty’s party!
Aya isn’t old enough to drive a car.
My dentist advised me not to eat a lot of sweets.

Ребят, объясните, правило Phrasal verbs (come)!
Когда надо писать back, out, round и across?

Come back – возвращаться (к прежнему состоянию)
Is the singer expected to come back?
Ожидается ли возвращение певца на сцену?
come back – вспоминаться, приходить на память
Her name will come back (to me) soon.
Я скоро вспомню, как её зовут.
come back – снова входить в моду, становиться модным, популярным
Long skirts are expected to come back next year.
Ожидается, что в следующем году длинные юбки снова войдут в моду.
come back – (разг. ) отвечать тем же самым, отплатить той же монетой
She always comes back at anyone who tries to be polite to her.
Она всегда отвечает взаимностью тем, кто с ней вежливcome across – быть понятным, доходить (о словах, речи); быть воспринятым, понятым
Did his speech come across?
Его речь была понятна?
come out – приезжать (в отдалённые места, в другую страну)
I met them when they came out to Singapore at Christmas last year.
Я встретил их в прошлом году, на Рождество, когда они приехали в Сингапур.
come out – выезжать, бывать на людях; выезжать в свет; бывать при дворе
Would you like to come out to the theatre with me?
Ты не хочешь сходить со мной в театр?
come out – (брит. ) забастовать
The Post Office workers have come out in support of their pay claim.
Почтовые работники объявили забастовку, требуя повышения заработной платы.
come out – выпадать (о волосах, зубах)
My tooth has just come out.
У меня только что выпал зуб.
come out – распускаться (о листьях, цветах)
The flowers are coming out in everyone’s gardens.
В каждом саду распускаются цветы.
come out – выходить в свет (о книге)
When does Tom’s new book come out?
Когда выходит новая книга Тома?
come out – обнаруживаться, проявляться (об информации, фактах); становиться известным
The secret came out.
Секрет раскрылся.
come out – складываться, получаться (о сумме)
When doing the calculation by hand, the sum came out as a different figure.
При вычислении без помощи технических средств получился другой результат.
come out – справиться с (какой-л. Задачей); проявить себя
She came out well in the last game.
Она добилась хорошего результата в последнем гейме.
come out – выступать, делать заявление
He came out against the government.
Он выступил с критикой в адрес правительства.

Come (came, come) - глагол, который входит в состав многих идиоматических выражений. Далее представлены некоторые из них: ~ it strong - преувеличивать; ~ and go - хождение туда-сюда; ~ what may - будь что будет; ~ a cropper - потерпеть крах; ~ unstuck - провалиться, попасть в беду; ~ to pass - произойти, случиться; ~ true - сбываться, становиться явью; ~ clean - признаться, расколоться; ~ rain or shine - при любых обстоятельствах, в любом случае. Основные значения и формы глагола come Основные варианты перевода: приходить, приезжать, прибывать, подходить. Пример: What would you do if he came? (Come - глагол, который, в отличие от слова go, подразумевает приближение в сторону говорящего, возвращение). Перевод: Чтобы бы ты делал, если бы он пришёл? Однако спектр значений этого слова гораздо шире. Для того чтобы понять смысл сказанного, следует переводить с учётом контекста. Вот неполный перечень возможных вариантов употребления: Come, tell them all you know about him. Ну, расскажи им всё, что ты знаешь о нём. Your book came in useful. Ваша книга пришлась как раз кстати. I want to come into play. Я хочу начать действовать. A fear came over him. Им овладел страх. Come to my place the day after tomorrow. Приходите ко мне послезавтра. Come (came, come) - глагол, который относится к неправильным, а значит, формы его употребления не подчиняются основному правилу, и их просто необходимо запомнить.  about случиться across встретить, неожиданно найти along поторопиться, сопровождать for зайти за (кем-то) from (of) принадлежать (к числу), происходить из into унаследовать, получить в наследство off отрываться (о пуговицах), выпадать (о волосах) on 1) Скорее! Идём! 2) Преуспевать, достигать успеха, расти. 3) Приближаться, начинаться, надвигаться. out 1) выходить; 2) выходить в печать, появляться в печати; 3) распускаться (о цветах), расцветать; 4) появляться, высыпать (о прыщах, сыпи); 5) заканчиваться. out with выступить (с заявлением) over 1) прийти, посетить; 2) овладевать, охватывать; 3) приходить в голову. to доходить до, стоить, составлять сумму up стать предметом обсуждения, возникнуть (о вопросе) upon прийти в голову Теперь выясним, как выглядит фразовый глагол come в сочетании с наречиями. come back 1) возвратиться; 2) вспомниться. by 1) пройти мимо; 2) получить, достать, добывать. down приезжать (из столицы в пригород, в провинцию) down on (upon) наброситься на, бранить round зайти, заглянуть - Лучший способ освоить новые слова - придумать с каждым из них несколько предложений и постараться ввести новую лексику в свою письменную и устную речь.  Далее представлены примеры употребления с некоторыми из вышеперечисленных фраз. How did it come about that she went to live in China? Как произошло, что она уехала жить в Китай? I came across some old books. Я случайно нашла несколько старых книг. Come along! They are waiting for us. Поторопись! Они нас ждут. She will come back tomorrow. Она вернётся завтра. I had no idea what to do. But suddenly it came over me that I had to go here. Я не знал, что делать. Но внезапно мне пришло в голову, что нужно пойти туда. I was surprised that such a question came up at the meeting. Я был удивлён, что такой вопрос стал предметом обсуждения на встрече. Please, come round and see me. Заходи повидаться со мной. I come for them at 12 o’clock. Я зайду за ними в 12 часов. Устойчивые словосочетания 
Используя подобные фразы в своей речи, помните, что в прошедшем времени употребляется came (come - глагол, относящийся к неправильным). Например: She wanted to pass an examination. Unfortunately, she came a cropper. "Она хотела сдать экзамен. К сожалению, она потерпела неудачу". 

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of a verbal (gerund, participle or infinitive).
A. 1. (a) I heard the door behind me. (b) The gates were. only twice a day. (c) I waited for the door. (to open). 2. (a) She didn’t answer him, suddenly. of her brother’s warnings, (b) I don’t like. him of his duties, (to remind) 3. (a) The town has changed to a. degree. (b) The first moment he was so much. that he couldn’t speak, (to surprise). 4. (a) Nobody noticed the. look on her face. (b) I don’t want you. her by any word or action, (c) Her. remarks were not left unnoticed. (to hurt). 5. (a) Nobody would listen to the stories. by him so many times, (b) Michael was amusing Kate by. her little stories about some of the guests, (to tell). 6. (a) I don’t mind. I am hungry. (b) All the students. to the sports society were expected to take part in the competition, (c). his mistake he felt much easier, (to admit). 7. (a) She spoke in an. voice, (b) She definitely looked. (to annoy).
B. 1. I felt the weight. from my shoulders, (to lift). 2. It was not the sort of thing. over the telephone, (to say). 3. He watched passengers. and. the train, (to enter, to leave). 4. They watched the ship. (to load). 5. He didn’t give her time to answer questions. to her. (to put). 6. I won’t waste time in. to the point, (to come). 7. He looked around the room with a. eye. (to practise). 8. After. a few words with the stranger she understood that he was a foreigner, (to exchange). 9. He heard the sound of the dinner table. (to set). 10. I was not sorry. the interview with the visitor, (to spare). 11. She didn’t like. direct questions and on such occasions she usually lied. (to ask). 12. He moved steadily. neither left nor night, (to look). 13. His arms were beginning to feel the strain of. two heavy bags. (to carry). 14. He took the decision without, me. (to consult). 15. He showed no surprise as though he were used to. like that. (to treat). 16. "Can you remember. terribly happy?" (to be). 17. You have been really kind. It makes me. ashamed for what I said to you earlier this evening, (to feel). 18. He denied. in the matter, (to concern). 19. They were very angry at. to leave. (to tell). 20. He was keen on. the prize, (to win). 21. He is coming. There is no. trouble, (to avoid). 22. He avoids. money, (to borrow). 23. Would you mind. me a favour? (to do).

1. a) open, b) open, c) to open
2. a) being reminded, b) reminding
3. a) surprising, b) surprised
4. a) hurting/hurtful, b) to hurt, c) hurting/hurtful (hurtful больше подходит в обоих случаях, кажется)
5. a) told, b) telling
6. a) admitting, b) admitted, c) having admitted
7. a) annoying, b) annoyed
1. lifting
2. to say
3. enter and leave
4. loading/load
5. put
6. coming
7. practicing
8. exchanging/having exchanged
9. being set/setting
10. to spare
11. being asked
12. looking
13. carrying
14. consulting
15. being treated
16. being
17. feel
18. being concerned
19. being told
20. winning
21. way of avoiding the
22. borrowing
23. doing

Complete the story by supplying the correct forms of the verbs. Mr. Smith. 1) (to go) on a business trip to London and three of his friends asked him if he. 2) (not to mind). 3) (to buy) umbrellas for them. Mr. Smith. 4) (to check in) at the hotel, 5) (to leave) his luggage and. 6) (to decide) to go to the shop. For nearly a fortnight it. 7) (to pour) in London, and on that day the weather was nasty too: it. 8) (to rain) hard, a strong wind. 9) (to blow), and there was no hope that the sun ever. 10) (to appear). So Mr. Smith. 11) (to fetch) his umbrella and. 12) (to put on) his raincoat, because he was afraid he. 13) (to get) wet through. To Mr. Smith’s disappointment all the umbrellas. 14) (to be sold out) the day before, but the owner of the shop said they. 15) (to have) no supply for a long time and he. 16) (to be sure). 17) (to get) some umbrellas in the afternoon. At the time Mr. Smith. 18) (to leave) the shop it no longer. 19) (to rain), the sun already. 20) (to shine) brightly, and one could hardly believe that some ten minutes before it. 21) (to rain) cats and dogs. Mr. Smith. 22) (to leave) his umbrella behind, but the weather was so fine that he even. 23) (not to remember) about it. He got on the bus that. 24) (to be). 25) (to take) him to the hotel, but when he. 26) (to get off) the bus, by mistake he. 27) (to take) his neighbour’s umbrella and suddenly he heard the man. 28) (to say): "Sorry, sir, I. 29) (to believe) this is my umbrella." "I am sorry, sir," said Mr. Smith, he. 30) (to feel) ashamed - the people. 31) (may). 32) (to think) he was a thief - and he. 33) (to hurry) out of the bus. He. 34) (to come) to the hotel, 35) (to have) dinner, and in the evening he. 36) (to go) to the shop. 37) (to buy) umbrellas. He. 38) (to buy) three umbrellas and the owner. 39) (to return) him the umbrella he. 40) (to leave) behind, and when he. 41) (to return) with the four umbrellas in his hands, he. 42) (to meet) the man whose umbrella he. 43) (to take) by mistake when he. 44) (to leave) the bus. The man smiled at him and said: "You. 45) (to have) a lucky day, eh?"

1) (поехать) в командировку в Лондон, и трое его друзей спросили его, если он. 2) (не против). 3) (чтобы купить) зонтики для них. Г-н Смит. 4) (для регистрации) в отеле, 5) (оставить) его багаж и. 6) (решить), чтобы пойти в магазин. Почти две недели он. 7) (вылил) в Лондон, и в этот день тоже была противная погода: он. 8) (до дождя) крепкий, сильный ветер. 9) (взорвать ), и не было никакой надежды на то, что солнце когда-либо. 10) (чтобы появиться). Итак, мистер Смит. 11) (забрать) его зонтик и. 12) (надеть) свой плащ, потому что он боялся, что он. 13) (чтобы пропитаться). К разочарованию г-на Смита все зонтики. 14) (которые будут распроданы) накануне, но владелец магазина сказал, что они. 15) (чтобы иметь) нет предложения в течение длительного времени, и он. 16) (конечно). 17) (чтобы получить) некоторые зонтики днем. В то время мистер Смит. 18) (уйти) в магазин уже нет. 19) (до дождя), солнце уже. 20) (сиять) ярко, и вряд ли можно поверить, что за десять минут до этого. 21) (до дождя) кошек и собак. Г-н Смит. 22) (чтобы оставить) свой зонтик, но погода была настолько прекрасной, что он даже. 23) (не помню) об этом. Он сел на автобус, который. 24) (быть). 25) (взять его в отель, но когда он. 26) (чтобы выйти) автобус, по ошибке он. 27) (взять) зонтик своего соседа, и вдруг он услышал человека. 28) (сказать): «Извините, сэр, я. 29) (чтобы поверить) это мой зонт». «Мне очень жаль, сэр, сказал мистер Смит, он. 30) (чувствовать) стыдно - люди. 31) (может). 32) (подумать), что он был вором - и он. 33) (чтобы спешить) из автобуса. Он. 34) (приехать) в отель, 35) (чтобы) ужинать, а вечером он. 36) (пойти) в магазин. 37) (купить ) зонтики. Он. 38) (купить) три зонтика и хозяин. 39) (вернуть) ему зонт он. 40) (уйти) позади, а когда он. 41) (вернуть ) с четырьмя зонтами в руках, он. 42) (встретить) человека, чей зонт он. 43) (взять) по ошибке, когда он. 44) (уйти) на автобусе. Мужчина улыбнулся ему и сказал: «Ты. 45) (чтобы иметь) счастливый день, а?»

Complete the text using the correct passive form of one of the verbs below in each space.
Did nothing always exist or ____________________
it ____________________
(INVENT)? ’Nothing’ is zero or nought. It is a very useful idea and it ____________________
(CALL) by many different names. In football, 0 ____________________
(REFER) to as ’nil’. So we say: "Liverpool ____________________
or ____________________
(BEAT) two-nil (2-0) at home by Manchester United." When you ____________________
(GIVE) marks in a test, you hope you will never get ’nought’ out of ten or twenty. When we talk about the temperature, ’zero’ ____________________
(USE). We say: "It is freezing today; the temperature has dropped to five below zero." The most unusual name for 0 must be that which ____________________
(USE) in tennis, ’love’ where the scoring goes 15-love, 30-love and so on. Not many people realize that 0 did not always exist but is something that had to ____________________
(INVENT). Until the sixteenth century, the number system used in Europe was the Roman system, which ____________________
(INVENT) about two thousand years ago. The Roman system is not simple, for example the mark ’X’ stands for ten and ’C’ refers to a hundred. A much better number system ____________________
(INVENT) by the Hindus much earlier. The Hindu system ____________________
(BRING) to Europe in AD 900 by the Arabs and ____________________
sometimes ____________________
(REFER) to as the ’Arabic system’. This system ____________________
(BUILD) on a base of ten and all numbers ____________________
(WRITE} with the digits; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0. So as all schoolchildren know, 10 means ’ten’ and 40 means ’four times ten’.

Did nothing always exist or was it invented? ’Nothing ’ is zero or nought. It is a very useful idea and it is called by different names. In football, 0 refers as ’nil’. So we say : "Liverpool" has been beaten or two -nil ( 2-0) at home by ’Manchester United ’.
When you are given marks in a test, you hope you will never get ’nought ’ out of ten or twenty. When we talk about the temperature ’zero ’ is used. We say: "It is freezing today, the temperature has dropped to five below zero ".
The most unusual name for 0 must be that which is used in tennis ’ love ’ where the scoring goes 15-love, 30- love and so on.
Not many people realize that 0 didn’t always exist, but was something that had to be invented.
Until the sixteenth century, the number system used in Europe was the Roman system which was invented about two thousand years ago. The Roman system is not simple, for example the mark ’X’ stands for ten, and ’C’ refers to a hundred.
A much better number system had been invented by the Hindus earlier. The Hindu system was brought to Europe in AD 900 by the Arabs and sometimes is referred to as the ’Arabic system.’ This system is built on a base of ten and all numbers are written with the digits; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 0. So as all schoolchildren know, 10 means ’ten’ and 40 means ’four times ten’.

Report the sentences using one of the verbs in the boxes

«I think it would be a very good idea for you to go to bed», the doctor said to Paul.
The doctor suggested that Paul went to bed.
a «Yes, okay. I’ll lend you my car but be careful with it!» Peter said to Ann. ____________________
b «Yes, it was me. I stole the money», said Bill. ____________________
c «But I didn’t hit the old lady», said Bill. ____________________
d «I can speak eleven languages, all perfectly», said the professor. ____________________
e «I’ll leave work early, honest I will», Angela said. ____________________
f «Ugh! My soup is cold!» said Henry. ____________________
g «I won’t help you with your homework. Never!» Jane said to me. ____________________
h «I’ll give you a lift to the station, if you like», Kate said to Megan. ____________________
i «What about if we meet on Thursday?» Mark said to James. «That’s fine», said James.____________________

5 - 9 классыАнглийский язык 13 + 7 б

Помогите, ОЧЕНЬ, буду очень благодарна !
Сообщайте предложения с помощью одного из глаголов в блоках

«Я думаю, было бы очень хорошо, если бы вы легли спать», сказал доктор Павлу.
Врач предположил, что Пол лег спать.
a «Да, ладно. Я одолжу тебе свою машину, но будьте осторожны! »- сказал Питер Энн. ____________________
b «Да, это был я. Я украл деньги », сказал Билл. ____________________
c «Но я не ударил старушку», сказал Билл. ____________________
«Я могу говорить одиннадцать языков, все отлично», сказал профессор. ____________________
e «Я оставлю работу рано, честно, я буду», сказала Анджела. ____________________
е «Тьфу! Мой суп холодный! »- сказал Генри. ____________________
g «Я не помогу вам с домашним заданием. Никогда! »Джейн сказала мне. ____________________
h «Я дам вам лифт на станцию, если хотите», сказала Кейт Меган. ____________________
«Как насчет встречи в четверг?» - сказал Марк Джеймсу. «Все в порядке», сказал Джеймс.

Put the verbs in brackets into the future tenses.
Kate must be hungry. I (cook) you something tasty.
I’m sure Wendy (pass) the test.
John (finish) the article by the time they get back.
I promise I (call) you later.
This time next weekend I (relax) on the beach.
She probably (be) late.
I (see) Harry later tonight.
Olga (write) her composition by 5 o’clock.
I’m afraid Tom (be) late tomorrow.
Our family (go) to London next week.
____(you, cook) the dinner tonight?
I believe Jim (pass) his test.
Mike (take) all his exams by the end of this year.
I think Julia (become) a great writer.
This time next month we (sunbath) in Anapa.
Fill in: will or be going to.
I’m thirsty. I think I (have) a glass of water.
I hope she (go) to the doctor.
What are your plans for the weekend? We (visit) my friends in New York.
I expect you (do) it tomorrow.
Look at the clouds. It (snow).
I’m having trouble translating the text. ___(you, help) me?
They (build) a new house here.
The office is really hot today. I (open) the window.

1. I’ll cook.
2. will pass the test
3. will finish
4. I shall call
5. I’ll be relaxing
6. will be
7. shall see
8. will have written
9. will be
10. will go
11. Will you cook dinner tonight?
12. will pass
13. will have taken
14. will become
15. we’ll be sunbathing
1. I’ll have a glass of water.
2. will go
3. We are going to visit our friends in New York
4. You’ll do it tomorrow.
5. It’s going to snow.
6. Will you help me?
7. They are going to build a new house here.
8. I’ll open the window.

6) Which of the words below are nouns? verbs?
employment, development, fault, extension, scan, seanner, beam, emlpoyer, fed, seek, seeker, employ, feed.

Nouns: employment, development, fault, extension, employer, seeker
verbs: scan, fed, seek, feed
Слово "beam" в зависимости от контекста и присутствия артикля a/the или частицы to (infinitive of the verb) может быть либо именем существительным - a beam, либо глаголом - to beam
Слова "seanner" в словаре не нашла, возможно вы имели ввиду scanner, тогда он относится к NOUNS

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Report what they says. Use the verbs tell, explain.
1) Frank says to Val: “I go jogging every morning.”
2) Mary says to Victor: “Don has caught a cold.”
3) David says to John: “I’m doing my best to learn it by heart.’
4) Robert says to Polly: “It was interesting.”
5) Alice says to Betty: “I have put on weight.”
6) Harry says to Lena: “We have bought a new disc.”
7) Lizzy says to Kevin: “I had a high temperature.”
8) Sarah says to Kevin: “I don’t know anything.”
9) Rose says to Brian: “We are keeping a healthy diet.”
10) Kate says to Ann: “I can keep your secret.”

1. Frank told Val that he went jogging every morning.
2. Mary told Victor not to have caught a cold.
3. David told John he was doing his best to learn it by heart.
4. Robert told Polly it had been interesting.
5. Alice told Betty she had put on weight.
6. Harry told Lena they had bought new disc.
7. Lizzy told Kevin she had a high temperature.
8. Sarah told Kevin she didn’t know something.
9. Rose told Brian they were keeping a healthy diet.
10. Kate told Ann she could keep her secret.