Task2. Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct form.
1. I (look for-искать) glasses. Where (they/be)?
2. Why (you/ sit) at my desk? Please, take your seat.
3. We (sometimes/ go) to the cinema.
4. I (usually/ drink) coffee in the morning, but now I (drink) tea.
5. How much (it/ cost) to fly to Paris?
6. Look, (it/ not rain)!
7. I (not speak) German.
8. She (not/ be) busy now, you may call her.
9. Listen, (she/ speak) Spanish or Italian?
10. Nick ( not/ smoke).
Task3. Mistakes hunting.
1. They are haeving an English lesson now.
2. Listen! He is speaking Spanish or Italian?
3. She is going to school every day.
4. We on Monday have 6 lessons.
5. Why does he wants to be a doctor?

Выполните task2 и task3

1 I am looking for glasses. Where are they?
2 Why are you sitting at my desk? Please, take your seat.
3 We sometimes go to the cinema.
4 I usually drink coffee in the morning, but now I am drinking tea.
5 How much does it cost to fly to Paris?
6 Look, it is not raining.
7 I don’t speak German.
8 She are not busy now, you may call her.
9 Listen! Is she speaking Spanish or Italian?
10 Nick don’t smoke.
1 They are HAVING an English lesson now.
2 Listen! IS HE SPEAKING Spanish or Italian?
3 She GOES to school every day.
4 We have 6 lessons ON MONDAY.
5 Why does he WANT to be a doctor?

Exercise 1: Put the verbs into the right tense so as to form the First Conditional.
1. If we ………………………………… (come) to the party, you ………………………………….(have) fun.
2. If the weather ………………………………………………(be) good, we ……………………………………………. (go) for a picnic.
3. If you ……………………………………………….(eat) a lot of sweets, you ………………………………………….…. (get) fat.
4. If she ………………………………………………. (call), I ……………………………………………(tell) her to come back earlier.
5. If Mary ……………………………………………………. (not/ study), she ……………………………………….(not pass) the exam.
6. If it ………………………………………………. (rain), we ………………………………………….(stay) at home.
7. If you …………………………………………… (do) your homework now, we …………………………………………….(go) to the park later.
8. If I ……………………………………….(buy) the book, I ……………………………………………….(lend) it to you.
9. If we …………………………………………….(not / leave) now, we …………………………………………………(miss) the bus.
10. If we …………………………………………….(miss) the bus, we …………………………………………(be) late.
Exercise 2: Put the verbs into the right tense so as to form the First Conditional.
1. Dad …………………………………………. (be) angry if we …………………………………………….(get) home late.
2. If you ………………………………………….(come), we ……………………………………………….(have) a good time.
3. I …………………………………………(punish) you if you …………………………………………(not/stop) fighting.
4. If …………………………………………. (break) anything, you ……………………………………………(have to) pay for it.
5. If I …………………………………………. (miss) the bus, I …………………………………………(take) a taxi.
6. You friend ……………………………………………(forgive) you if you ……………………………………….(apologize)
7. If you ………………………………………. (not/leave) now, we ……………………………………………………(call) the police.
8. If we ……………………………………….(go) shopping we …………………………………………(spend) a lot of money.

9. If they ……………………………………………. (not/invite) us we …………………………………………….(not/go)
10. If you ………………………………………………(be/ not) careful you ………………………………………(break) the vase.
Exercise 3: Put the verbs into the right tense so as to form the First Conditional. (can / may / must/ imperative)
1. If you ……………………………………….(go) without calling first he ……………………………………….(may/not/be) there.
2. If we ………………………………………… (move) to a bigger house we ……………………………………………(can / have) a pet.
3. If he ……………………………………………………(call) …………………………………………………… (tell) him to come.
4. If you …………………………………………(not / put on) your coat you ……………………………………….(may/catch) a cold.
5. If she ……………………………………………(not/feel) well, we ……………………………………………….(must/call) the doctor.
6. If you ………………………………………….(go) now …………………………………………….(I/can/come) with you?
7. If the baby ………………………………………….(wake up) …………………………………………….(give) me a call.
8. If you ………………………………………….(see) him ………………………………….(ask) him to tell you the truth.
9. You ………………………………………….(must /give) Tom his toy back if he …………………………………….(ask) for it.
10. If you really ………………………………………….(want) pass the exam you ………………………………………………(can/do) it.
Exercise 4: Write type 1 conditional sentences for the following situations.
example: Please have some more ice cream (get / sick)
If I have more ice cream, I will get sick.
1. You should eat your breakfast. (be late for school)
2. Why don’t you go out for a walk in the woods? (get lost)
3. Why don’t you sing with us? (everybody / leave the room)
4. Have some more wine. (get drunk)
5. We should go to Italy for holidays (it/cost/a lot of money)
6. Let’s stay a little bit longer (we /miss the bus)
7. Why don’t you ask her to marry you? (she/say no)
8. Let’s order dessert. (we/not have enough money to pay the bill)
9. Let’s take dad’s car to go to the beach (Dad /be angry)
10. Let’s prepare dinner (mum/be/happy)

Ex. 1. 
1. come, will have, 2. is, will go, 3. eat, will get, 4. calls, will tell, 5. doesn’t study, will not pass, 6. rains, will stay, 7. do, will go, 8. buy, will lend, 9. don’t leave, will miss, 10. miss, will be.
Ex. 2.
1. will be, get, 2. come, will have, 3. will punish, don’t stop. 4. you break, will have to, 5. miss, will take, 6. will forgive, apologize, 7. don’t leave, will call, 8. go, will spend, 9. don’t invite, won’t  go, 10. are not, will brake.
Ex. 3.
1. go, may not be, 2. move, can have, 3. calls, tell, 4. don’t put on, may catch. 5. doesn’t feel, must call, 6. go, can I come, 7. wakes up, give. 8. see, ask, 9. must give, asks. 10. want, can do.
Ex. 4.
1. If I eat my breakfast, I’ll be late for school. 2. If I go out for a walk in the wods I will get lost. 3. If I sing with you, everybody will leave the room. 4. If I have some more wine, I will get drunk. 5. If we go to Italy for holidays, it will cost a lot of money. 6. If we stay a little bit longer, we will miss the bus. 7. If I ask her to marry me, she will say no. 8. If we order dessert, we will not have enough money to pay the bill. 9. If we take his car, dad will be angry. 10. If we prepare dinner mum will be happy.

14. Open the brackets and use the adjective in the corresponding degree of comparison (small is lreland. 1. The (large) island is known as Great Britain, the 2. The (high) mountain in Scotland is Ben Nevis. the Thames is 3. The (long) river in Great Britain is the Severn, importan) (cold) climate. called the Surait of 4. The arctic zone has Channel is 5. The (narrow) part of the English Dover lakes (deep) is the Baikal. the verbs in 6. Among the Russian Britain using

Откройте скобки и используйте прилагательное в соответствующей степени сравнения (маленький - это равнинный. 1. Остров (большой) известен как Великобритания, 2. Гора (высокая) в Шотландии - это Бен-Невис, а Темза - 3. (Длинная) река в Великобритании - это Северн, импортный (холодный) климат. Называемый Суритом 4. Арктическая зона имеет канал 5. (узкая) часть английских Дуврских озер (глубокая) - это Байкал. Глаголы в 6. Среди русской

Now answer my questions.
1. What kinds of sports do you know?
2. What games do you like to play?
3. What are the most popular sports in Great Britain?
4. What are the most popular sports in Russia?
5. What are the most teenagers’ sports?
6. Can you swim run jump?
7. Where do you go to play tennis football to swim?
8. Do you go to the swimming pool? To the skating rink?
9. People go in for different sports. When we speak about sports what verbs do we use – do, play, go or ride?
Зоповни таблицю, використвуючи подану в таблиці лексику.
table tennis
weight lifting

1какие виды спорта вы знаете
2 в какие игры ты любишь играть
3 какие популярные игры в великобритании
4 какие популярные виды спорта в россии
5 как много подростков занимаются спортом
6 ты умеешь плавать бегать прыгать
7 ты ходишь на футболл тенис плавание

VI. Remember the translation of the verbs TO BE and TO HAVE: 1. The question is whether mechanical or physical separation methods have to be applied. 2. We know the classification of solids is of great importance in food industry. 3. We have considered the operation of mixing which may be used for a purpose or as an auxiliary operation. 4. To choose the equipment for a certain purpose all properties of the material to be processed are to be considered. 5. This mixer has vertical as well as horizontal material displacement. 6. In some cases the purpose of mixing is to obtain a good contact between the materials to be mixed.

VI. Помните перевод глаголов «БЫТЬ» И «Иметь»: 1. Вопрос заключается в том, должны ли применяться механические или физические методы разделения. 2. Мы знаем, что классификация твердых веществ имеет большое значение в пищевой промышленности. 3. Мы рассмотрели операцию смешивания, которая может использоваться для какой-либо цели или в качестве вспомогательной операции. 4. Чтобы выбрать оборудование для определенной цели, необходимо учитывать все свойства обрабатываемого материала. 5. Этот смеситель имеет вертикальное и горизонтальное перемещение материала. 6. В некоторых случаях целью смешивания является получение хорошего контакта между смешиваемыми материалами.  

Write the correct form of the verb in brackets.
e. g. If you get a pet, you WON’T BE (not be) lonely.
1. If you. (not study), you may fail the test.
2. I. (buy) you a present if I have enough money.
3. When you. (run) fast, you get tired.
4. If you go to the party, I’m sure you. ( have ) a good time.
5. If we buy a car, we. (not have to) travel by train.
6. If you. (cook) dinner, I’ll wash the dishes.
7. If I have a party, I.(invite) all my friends.
8. If it. (be) sunny tomorrow, we’ll go to the park.
9. Whenever it. (rain), I take my umbrella.
10. If you. (not sleep) enough, you get tired.

1. If you do not study, you may fail the test.
2. I will buy you a present if I have enough money.
3. When you run fast, you get tired.
4. If you go to the party, I’m sure you will have a good time.
5. If we buy a car, we will not have to travel by train.
6. If you cook dinner, I’ll wash the dishes.
7. If I have a party, I will invite all my friends.
8. If it is sunny tomorrow, we’ll go to the park.
9. Whenever it rains, I take my umbrella.
10. If you do not sleep enough, you get tired.

Open the brackets and put the verbs into the correct tense:
40. Once while I (walk) in a park of London, I (see) an old-looking man.
41. I (be) never to London.
42. He looked around and (see) a pack of wolves (come) up to them.
43. He (work) for Software Company in Spain in 1990.
44. I (call) you tomorrow.
45. She passed the test because she (study) hard for it.
Put the required modal verbs
46. I ____swim (physical ability).
47. Children _________(not) play with matches (strong prohibition).
48. You _____________see a doctor (advice).
49. _____I go out? (asking for a permission).
50. Yesterday she ________to go home early to get prepared for a test (did something because of the circumstances).

Откройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в правильное время: 40. Однажды, когда я (гуляю) в лондонском парке, я (смотрю) старик выглядящий. 41. Я никогда не буду в Лондоне. 42. Он огляделся и увидел (см. ) Пачку волков (пришел) к ним. 43. Он (работает) для Software Company в Испании в 1990 году. 44. Я (позвоните) завтра. 45. Она прошла тест, потому что ей (учебе) это трудно. Поместите необходимые модальные глаголы 46. I ____sim (физические способности). 47. Дети _________ (нет) играют со спичками (сильный запрет). 48. Вы _____________ назовите врача (совет). 49. _____ Я выхожу? (запрашивая разрешение). 50. Вчера она ________, чтобы вернуться домой рано, чтобы подготовиться к тесту (что-то сделало из-за обстоятельств).

Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
Niki 1). (work) busily in the kitchen at the moment. It 2). (be) her birthday today. She 3).(have) a party tonight. She 4).(go) to the supermarket yesterday and 5).(buy) lots of food. She 6).(already/decorate) her house. Niki hopes her party 7).(be) a great success.

Niki 1). (is working) busily in the kitchen at the moment. It 2). (is) her birthday today. She 3).(is having) a party tonight. She 4).(went) to the supermarket yesterday and 5).(bought) lots of food. She 6).(has already/decorated) her house. Niki hopes her party 7).(will be) a great success.

Niki  is working busily in the kitchen at the moment.
It is her birthday today.
She will have a party tonight.
She went to the supermarket yesterday and  bought lots of food.
She has already decorated her house.
Niki hopes her party will be a great success.

3. 1. Form PARTICIPLE I of the following verbs and translate them into
Russian. Образуйте от данных глаголов причастие настоящего времени.
to build, to produce, to become, to realize, to follow, think, to bring, to prevent,
to move, to have, to offer, to work, to assemble, to form, to consist, to enter,
to develop, to cut, to save.

Building,  producing, becoming,  realizing,  following, thinking, bringing,  preventing,  moving,  having,  offering,  working,  assembling,  forming,  consisting,  entering,  developing,  cutting, saving.
строящий, производящий, становящийся, осознающий, следующий, мыслящий, приводящий, предотвращающий, двигающий, имеющий, предлагающий, работающий, собирающий, формирующий, состоящий, входящий, развивающий, режущий, спасающий.

Open the brackets. Put the verbs into the Past Indefinite or Past Perfect.
1. Helen (not to want) to go to the cinema with us yesterday evening because she already (to see) this film.
2. When I (to arrive) at the party some of my friends already (to go) home.
3. When Jasper (to come) back home yesterday evening his parents (not to go) to bed yet.
4During his last holidays Fred (to visit) his native town where he (to live) in his childhood.
5. When Ann (to go) to bed yesterday evening she remembered that she (not to lock) the door yet.
6. Jenny (to go) home after lessons yesterday after she (to make) the classroom clean.
7. Mark (not to explain) the problem until I (not to explain) it to him.

1. Helen did (not  want) to go to the cinema with us yesterday evening because she had already ( seen) this film.
2. When I ( arrived) at the party some of my friends had already (gone) home.
3. When Jasper ( came) back home yesterday evening his parents ( had not gone) to bed yet.
4During his last holidays Fred (visited) his native town where he (lived / had lived) in his childhood.
5. When Ann (went) to bed yesterday evening she remembered that she ( had not  locked) the door yet.
6. Jenny (went) home after lessons yesterday after she ( had made) the classroom clean.
7. Mark (did not explain) the problem until I ( had not  explained) it to him.